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Secrets to my success…. (long post)

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I had posted this on a Prostate Play Reddit sub and was asked to post it here too.  It’s my first post as I wasn’t registered on his forum, but am now!

I began my journey about 16 months ago and more or less stumbled into it while looking for ways to relieve BPH symptoms.  Over the course of my journey, I’ve completely revolutionized how I think about sexual pleasure which has in turn revolutionized sexual pleasure for my wife too and our sex life has skyrocketed as a result. If someone told me 2 years ago that this is where we’d be as far as pleasure potential, I’d actually have thought they were taking crazy pills and that it was not possible. The truth is that we humans are able to reach ridiculously high levels of pleasure that are otherworldly, transcending, spiritual and blissful. 

I’m a huge believer that the human brain is capable of so much more than we give it credit for. For example, we’ve witnessed Savants (for lack of a better word) do extraordinary things with their minds that seem impossible to the rest of us. What if these select individuals are just born with an ability to access a portion of our human brain that’s just typically “off-limits” for the rest us due to perhaps our social norms and societal pressures.

With that notion, it’s not a stretch to assume that we might be able to find ways to access some of these “off-limits” areas of our brain that are cordoned off by nothing more than velvet ropes dangling between stanchions. Maybe it’s just a matter of having the gall to step over the ropes or unclip them and taking action is all we need to do? We obey the the cues and signage and say, “Oh, we’re not allowed in that section…”, but it is OUR brains after all so we certainly should be allowed to explore these areas! Food for thought….

I started out with Mindgasm techniques and got to a point where I was producing pleasurable results but nothing earth shattering. For those learning Mindgasm techniques now, I think the goal there should be about using those techniques to simply “create a fire” in your pelvis. If you can feel that happening at some degree, perhaps producing precum while doing it AND creating something you perceive as pleasure (even if the pleasure is subtle), you’re well on your way.

With a good Mindgasm base, I then got to work on REDEFINING PLEASURE and stepping over those velvet ropes into the once forbidden part of my brain. I began by learning how to be more mindful. Some basic mindful meditation sessions that taught me how to go about clearing my mind and just focussing on breath and being present in the moment. I believe this is a significant part. Don’t overlook it or downplay it.

I also began learning various breathing practices that help relax and build sexual energy.

Then I began playing with techniques on how to MOVE that sexual energy. I am no expert here. Still very much working on this aspect.

Note: Barbara Carellas’ Urban Tantra book has lots of great info!

Putting mindfulness, relaxation, deep breathing, moving sexual energy techniques together alongside Mindgasm techniques, I began to feel my body come alive where so many new sensations and stimuli became the fuel to create more sexual energy and pleasure. This is where it all started coming together. When I truly let my guard down and let my mind be 100% open and on the lookout for pleasure, that’s when the magic began to happen for me. Those blissful otherworldly states I described in the second paragraph.

So in summary, re-train your brain into NOT heading down those old pleasure pathways that lead to ejaculatory orgasms and trust that there is something that FAR exceeds that type of orgasm. It just happens to be your only point of reference so it’s hard to give it up as that’s what we know and tend to cling to. Then get to work learning to relax and feel pleasure in any shape/form it comes in. Be sensual, use soft touches to caress your body, softly massage your chest, touch your nipples and relish in any and all pleasure that comes from it. It’s all just a matter of re-training your brain. It’s a journey and takes time, practice and experimentation, but is accomplished by learning to let yourself relax so deeply, be 100% present in the moment and ultimately find, accept and embrace any and all pleasure that comes from touch and stimulation pretty much done anywhere on your body. Often, it’s not even touch… it’s just the feeling (tingling, buzzing, aching etc) you may feel in specific areas of your body or throughout your whole body. Let you mind cling to that and amplify your pleasure. Being tuned in to feel even those small and perhaps fleeting moments is key. When you begin to expand your pleasure pathways, everything you do will become the fuel you need to build a bonfire of sexual energy and ultimately a positive feedback loop that will make you even more aroused and amplify your pleasure endlessly. Creating that positive feedback loop is what it’s all about.

This topic was modified 1 year ago by Quest4bliss

Axii007, Fred27, Faith-Manages and 3 people reacted
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Great great post

Being present / breathing is 2 of the super key things. But also maybe 2 of the hardest.

With most of the population having a phone addiction nowadays. Myself included. It is very very very hard to be able to turn off the brain and just meditate to get to the point you describe.

I have had sessions where I am very deep after 20 minutes then my mind just almost turns off everything as I want to see what is on social media. Or have some thought that drops me right out of it. 

It is an ongoing battle to beat and I am sure many are in the same camp.

Aswell as changing the mind to not be looking forward to jumping to a tradition orgasim.

Great post and well done on your journey.

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Great overview, I really like the way you describe things.  I'm glad I seem to be moving in the right direction as I'm familiar with everything you suggest...whether I can do it that well is a matter of perspective it would seem!  One thing I do wonder about, is if BPH makes it easier to reach the Super-O merely because the prostate is that much bigger?  It has me looking forward to getting older 😉

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It's so great that some men are finding their way to greater pleasure, but it seems to take a lot of effort.

I firmly believe that when boys accidentally discover dry orgasms in that brief window before their body can ejaculate, and thus trigger the resolution phase that inhibits multiple sequential orgasms, it creates a memory of the experience that can be used as a target to better reach during adulthood: it's much harder to attain something that you have never experienced than it is to retrieve a long forgotten skill.

Perhaps there is a shortcut if men can recall such an experience in their youth and build on that foundation instead of starting from scratch.

This post was modified 1 year ago by darian

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