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Science Says: More orgasms makes for healthier males!

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Thanks to mog for posting this over at KSMO!

Here is the link to the scientific study in Britain showing a strong link between orgasm frequency and longevity in males!

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How grand to be living in the age when science, aesthetics and ecstasy are integrating (or re-integrating!) so beautifully!

all enjoy it all longer


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How grand to be living in the age when science, aesthetics and ecstasy are integrating (or re-integrating!) so beautifully!


At 63 years of age I have a very deep appreciation for the communication that the Internet has given us. I have learned more about sex in the last 2 or 3 years than I did in my entire life before that.

Unfortunately, my generation learned about sex from our (equally illiterate) friends and so much of what we DIDN'T learn is so important.

I somewhat envy those of you who are 30 or 40 years younger than me and learning what it has taken me this long to learn. I really believe it will lead to a much better quality of life for both you and your partners for many years.

My deep appreciation goes out to everyone who has shared on these forums!

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Yeah verily! Were we ever in the dark and I've got 12 years on

I initially wired in a rather non-standard way. Around age 12 I became attracted to the nerve endings around my pubic bone right at the base of my penis. I began masturbating that spot for orgasm and ejac. Became totally wired into the pubic-stim!! Even after I learned, "where all the parts went," I continued solely with pubic-stim until after I had sex at age 16. Only after finding pleasure from shaft-vagina and glans-cervix contact did I start to "rewire" into shaft-glans stim for masturbatory relief. It took several years to be 100% rewired--probably around age 19. The residual of that original wiring is still present over 60 years later with a strong affinity for Missionary.

There were no Fleshlights in the '40s and Playboy mag was a long way off. 🙁

While the orgasms help the brain (someone needs to do a broad based study on forms/frequency of dementia and orgasm) don't forget that T-ejac is also needed to keep prostate disease at bay. (IIRC, that study was done at Duke and set the hurdle point at 22 T-ejacs/month. Again, workin' on it! 😀

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Here is the link to the scientific study in Britain showing a strong link between orgasm frequency and longevity in males!

Well that's awesome to hear!

I somewhat envy those of you who are 30 or 40 years younger than me and learning what it has taken me this long to learn. I really believe it will lead to a much better quality of life for both you and your partners for many years.

I'm 24 years younger than you. And I don't feel like my generation got any better practical and emotional education on sex than you necessarily did. I suspect it has a lot to do with the upbringing from your parents and their beliefs about sex. And yes this forum has been invaluable in education for me and others here.


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I'm from the youngest generation on the site - more liberal attitudes certainly help. Hell, I think the fact that we're talking on this site in particular is testament in itself?

You say orgasms lead to longevity? Well, I've already intend to live forever, so good to know. 🙂

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Interesting study, but hard to draw any real and significant conclusions from it.

The part that irritates me most about it is that it only mentions orgasm, and not ejaculation.
Here on this forum we know that they are two different things, and they can have different effects on the body and mind.

It briefly discusses some of the myths and legends surrounding the relationship between sexual activity and health in various cultures, but again there isn't enough detail to really be of much use.

I remember having at times heard ideas that ejaculation is bad for you, especially from the point of view of tantra and other energy focused beliefs, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence both here on this forum and even in society in general, that ejaculation has something of a draining effect.
There are mixed opinions on whether it is a positive or negative effect.
Some say that ejaculation uses up precious energy that you have a limited supply of, and thus shortening your life-span, while others believe that it can be a good way of releasing excess energy that may be annoying or harmful, such as stress and anxiety, and in this way have a positive effect or even prolong your life.

I've heard of other scientific studies that have found that orgasm triggers the release of various chemicals in the brain, giving beneficial effects such as reduction of pain (Including headaches), and improved immune system.

From my own point of view, I can say that I find orgasm with ejaculation (I haven't had any dry orgasms yet) seems to help me get to sleep, helps to ease negative emotions such as anger and depression, and most importantly, feels really good. Those are enough reasons for me to continue having at least one a day. Some say "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", but I think I prefer "An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away."

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Interesting study, but hard to draw any real and significant conclusions from it.

The part that irritates me most about it is that it only mentions orgasm, and not ejaculation.
Here on this forum we know that they are two different things, and they can have different effects on the body and mind.

I agree. This is the earliest of days for the full scientific investigation of our practices and methods and the meaning mechanisms of the eastern traditions which have pursued similar aims for centuries. How can our community contribute to pushing that scientific inquiry now?

I remember having at times heard ideas that ejaculation is bad for you, especially from the point of view of tantra and other energy focused beliefs, and there is a lot of anecdotal evidence both here on this forum and even in society in general, that ejaculation has something of a draining effect.
There are mixed opinions on whether it is a positive or negative effect.
Some say that ejaculation uses up precious energy that you have a limited supply of, and thus shortening your life-span, while others believe that it can be a good way of releasing excess energy that may be annoying or harmful, such as stress and anxiety, and in this way have a positive effect or even prolong your life.

All topics to be investigated in the scientific explorations, indeed!

I've heard of other scientific studies that have found that orgasm triggers the release of various chemicals in the brain, giving beneficial effects such as reduction of pain (Including headaches), and improved immune system.

Yes, more grist for the scientific mills!

From my own point of view, I can say that I find orgasm with ejaculation (I haven't had any dry orgasms yet) seems to help me get to sleep, helps to ease negative emotions such as anger and depression, and most importantly, feels really good. Those are enough reasons for me to continue having at least one a day. Some say "An apple a day keeps the doctor away", but I think I prefer "An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away."

Wait 'til you get the dry multiples running regularly Fuzzy! 😆 You may well want to up your number significantly! 8)

all the best getting that orgasmic/ /ejaculatory split rewired in


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And use of the Aneros makes a healthier prostate and sex organs. I would say it even cures or at least soothes or minimizes the amount of cases of Proctalgia Fugax. Some have said it does good for hemmroids too.

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We need a thread on the cumulative health benefits of this practice.

I find that since my aneros practice began my IBS irritable bowel syndrome is less irritable and my gastro-intestinal tract, or as I think of it more fondly, my alimentary canal, is more relaxed and less easily stressed and agonized. Hallelujah! 😀

In addition, the early current study showing a 20% reduced incidence of prostate cancer in those practicing regular prostate massage is extremely important too, obviously.

smooth sailing in your canal all


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Using the Aneros surely must benefit health. Experiencing a lengthy MMO session just the physical motion and the heavy forced breathing massages you not only externally but also all your internal organs. Further you clear the airways, open your lungs and oxygenate your blood. I was surprised at the amount of mucus I coughed up although I had no sign of a cough or congestion. This alone is of benefit never mind the added chemical benefit of the many hormones one releases at the time of enjoyment.

Consider that the average length of partner intercourse is 3-4 minutes and sex therapists aim to increase this to 15 minutes before the penis sneezes and compare this to a 2 to 3 hour aneros session, enough said.

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