Had a lot of dud sessions lately. Is it possible to slide all the way back to square one?
Ok well:
1. What were your non dud sessions like?
2. How often are you sessions?
3. Have you had a super o or dry, mini o yet?
4. How many sessions are dud?
One thing; As far as I am aware dud sessinkns happen to us all, even those that are fully rewired and have super o's.
Perhaps you are having too many sessions. Perhaps you should give your body a respite from the Aneros. The body can only take so much pleasure. Do you not think that too much pleasure will overload the body? IMO this is one of the causes of stagnation and/or dud sessions. I've never had a dud session, nor do I suffer from stagnation.
I don't think rewiring can be reversed. One get what one gets, in regard to rewiring. Be it good or bad. One should not start Aneros use, unless one is at a good place in one's life. Meaning if one is not in the proper spiritual place (not refering to organized religion), the proper mental state, the proper physical condition, and has a HIGH degree of discipline, the experience will not be fluid.
Maybe you are having duds because you are not having your OWN experience. Most don't want their own unique journey. This is evident by over questioning everything, over analyzing everything, and seeking advice from those that should not be volunteering advice. You perhaps have inadvertently grafted another's experience. The graft brings the one the SAME results as the others' experiences; i.e. duds, stagnation, frustration, etc.
@theplaything ? What your asking is the same as asking "Is it possible to unlearn how to ride a bike"Rewiring refers to learning how to have multiple orgasms.
Your not always going to get it right until that one time when it just clicks and you can then do it with ease.
People can go through dull patches where they have bad sessions. This is normal.
Its part of the journey.
You will need to just stick with it. Ride it out so to speak! 🙂
@theplaything. That's good advice from @braveneworld in my opinion.
There will be duds (despite what some others may claim). Just like you have an ordinary day or some average sex with somebody you love. It can go in cycles, sometimes good, sometimes bad, don't sweat it. Having dud sessions implies that you've had some good ones, which should be taken as a positive. Stick with it mate.
Dud sessions implie that one does what everyone else does. Not to be blasphemous, but maybe the Wiki is party responsible for dud sessions . Limited sessions= limited duds.
I agree with Pspotsquirter that too much pleasure can plateau your sessions. Arousal isn't limitless.While I agree that you can't quite unwire yourself, you can still step backwards if you focus a lot on the penis (even just mentally, no touching) — which has happened to me. Penis and anal play are two different mindsets, and it is possible to have both; it's during the journey that one direction can be more prominent than the other.
The last two sentences of your post are extremely profound! A balance between the penis and the prostate must be established and maintained. If not, a severe state of unbalance will occur. This is another cause of dud sessions, amongst other things . Many speak of abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation. None speak of abstinence from the Aneros. Is this not advocating and/or promoting imbalance?
The ejaculation should be cherished, revered, and held in as much esteem as the prostate O, the Super O,etc.
Most feel ejaculation is the worse thing in the world. Yet they feel the Super O is the best. They trade one extreme (rampant masturbation -pre Aneros), for another (rampant Aneros use), which causes imbalance,
in the form of dud sessions and stagnation. This will also cause energy blockages . @DarkEngine, you definitely hit the nail on the head! =D>
@DarkEngine; @Pspotsquirter...HIGHLY ENLIGHTENING THOUGHTS ABOUT FREQUENCY, BALANCE and pursuing one's OWN UNIQUE journey and avoiding replicating the experiences of others!
The very idea of "reverse rewiring" proves the concept of "rewiring" isn't always exactly enlightening and can even be very misleading.
Still it is an accurate description of some of what is happening in the brain... But not all... And it is not a description of what you feel.
Don't confuse your hormone levels and your progress.
You'd better stop overthinking.
My dud sessions tend to either be ones where I get totally bored or I get so relaxed that I start to fall asleep. During both types I get very minor P-waves. I use my aneros (MXG or helix) once a week on a friday morning. I avoid ejaculation for four days before hand. I have had mini Os and about 3 years ago I had one amazingly powerful Dry O that I felt throughout my whole body but mostly in my grown. The last 6 were dud sessions and I haven't used either of my aneroses in about 3 weeks.
oddly enough nothing feels as good as that dry O I had. Maybe I'm too desperate to get that feeling back. Trying to replicate how I got there, even having what I had for breakfast, doesn't work at all.
The "My first super orgasm" and "My Best Super-O and How I Did It" threads are hard to avoid. I've only read them a few times but they don't half fill you up with expectation.
You'd better stop overthinking.
That is more than likely my problem
No disrespect to you, but you are behaving no differently than a junkie chasing his first high! You will NEVER be able to replicate that which you are chasing. No matter how hard you try, you will never achieve it. You should eliminate your sense of desparation, for it will not serve you well, and only cause you ill. How can one have a best Super O? Most are too anal retentive (no pun intended ) about rating every O, the nomenclature of every O, and over analysis of every O. Free your mind and your ass will follow.
I am an orgasm chaser.
Maybe I need to take a break and enjoy a little abstinence.
One cannot chase the Super O. Chasing only leads to stagnation and dud sessions.
@Pspotsquirter, @theplaything ---
Over analysis does kill any session, and as Pspotsquirter so aptly reminds us, the ejaculatory orgasm is not the enemy of a Super O or any level of a Prostate orgasm, but IMHO it's an enhancer!
Neither should be sacrificed for the other, except to increase overall levels of arrousal! The balance should include an occasional ejaculation, because I know my Prostate isn't going back asleep anytime soon, and is only a mild contraction away from getting into an A-Less session again!
Seek balance, worry less, analyze less, and trust your body and mind to show you the pleasure!
Arousal does not need to be increased. It ebbs and flows like the tide. Balance also entails not inducing voluntary A-less. Many abuse voluntary A-less to the point of unbalance. One should let the A-less occur of its own volition. Cannot one be addicted to voluntary A-less, like one can be addicted to the Aneros ?
Thanks everyone for the help and advice.
Agreeing with everything said above by Pspotsquirter, braveneworld, Canacan, Themegasm, Bunk and darkengine. How's that possible? Each is looking at an element in the aneros experience. The overanalysis of your "problem" is in itself a problem, as Pspot so rightly pointed out. Stop doing it. I would like to add that by Anerosing too frequently (something I may be guilty of when I am away on business) you have to be using the device under less than optimal conditions: too tired, too worked up, too whatever, and you cannot expect your body to properly respond under those conditions. The pursuit of the Aneros pleasure pinnacle is counterproductive as was said so well above. Perhaps the most telling word you have used is "desperate" [for the dry O]. That is a recipe for duds and disappointment.
@Armonneat Wise man !
Everyone likes to get paid, do they not? Payment for the T.O. is harmony betwixt the penis and the prostate. More people should try to get paid! :-B
Had a better session yesterday. Tried not to get ahead of myself and just concentrated on being in the moment and on how my prostate felt. That's the only thing I did differently. The "itch that you can not scratch" feeling got very intense and after about 45mins I felt like I'd had enough for that session.
Groping my cock really took my awareness away from what was going on up my bum. It's cliche for a reason I guess.