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question about the perineum location

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so for a while since my last visit here lve been continuing my journey, lve definitely hit some milestones and changed some of my perspectives though lve not exactly reached super-o yet, l think lve been close one time but l think l messed it up by chasing the feeling rather than letting it happen it definitelt felt like something "interesting and pleasureable building" but not been able to replicate since.

one thing l can say about the session was l changed p-tab placement, rather than worry about where it looks like it was placed on various videos lve seen l just let the aneros pop in and let it sit where it wanted, this was after coming across something while researching about p-tab placment elsewhere. basically the blog mentioned the p-tab should be placed between where you can feel the shaft start (the bulb of the penis) and the anus, lm wondering if this is an accurate piece of advice though l cannot exactly remember the blog l read it on, clarification would be somewhat useful.

l should also mention that the model l was using was the Helix Trident when l achieved what l felt was my closest session to super-o or something at least highly pleasureable, so lm wondering if its also worth trying the Classic version as well as lm unsure if the k-tab wasnt helping the situation any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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Early on in my aneros use, I found that it helped for the P-tab to be centered on my perineum and not to the left or right (it's sort of a ridge so it can slip). I think keeping the perineum dry from lube is pretty important because that allows it to stick to the skin, creating a fulcrum and thus allowing the toy to bounce back and forth in rhythm inside the body in a consistent way.   Keeping it dry for me requires injecting lube using an appropriate soft-tipped plastic syringe, putting minimal lube on the toy itself, and ensuring none gets on the P-tab. This is because excess lube will be pushed to the base of the toy upon insertion, and thus get all over the perineum. Sometimes I can't be bothered to use the syringe though, and my perineum gets is slippery and it still works great, but I am much further down the road now and just about everything brings me to orgasm. 

The pressure on the perineum can also be a pleasureful factor, but in my experience, that pleasure grew with all around body pleasure that I experienced through rewiring (nipples butt legs arms neck skin muscles everything).  I do sometimes massage my perineum around the P-tab while the toy is in (taking care not to touch the toy too much) and that is incredibly pleasureful.

I find the plastic toy I have (Eupho Trident) actually hurts my perineum after a while (1 hour), because the tab is so rigid.  

That is all I have to say on perineums, I hope that helps you out!

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All interesting information, but I'm more curious as to where the best placement between balls and anus, whether the tab should generally be placed on where you feel the penis shaft start externally or if it is generally more accepted to have it between where the shaft starts and the anus.

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The perenium is the area of skin between the scrotum(ball sack) and the anus. The prostate can be stimulated externally by applying pressure in this area  - you can feel the prostate by moving your fingers across the area. The p tab can also apply pressure when Aneros is inserted all the way - the k tab can also apply pressure to the area around the tailbone. Between the two you will experience pleasure beyond description as they all work in harmony!

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So if you can feel the prostate externally that would suggest the p-tab goes in between where the shaft starts and the anus (which is sort of what I wanted clarification on).

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Do you mean where to place it in terms of modifying the p-tab, using a heat gun or other method? Because otherwise you can't really change where the p-tab falls while the toy is in you. It just lands where it naturally would with the toy fully inserted. Read about the sweet spot (which is what I believe you are looking for) here:

And if you haven't already, read the entire !!

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Good place to start before you attempt to alter the position of the p tab! You should be able to feel the prostate as a small lump between the cock root and the anus!

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Posted by: @fred27


Good place to start before you attempt to alter the position of the p tab! You should be able to feel the prostate as a small lump between the cock root and the anus!

Not exactly looking to alter anything but I am guessing my assumption was correct. Truth be told up till recently I was placing the tab more toward my balls but I came across information that suggested otherwise hence the curiosity.

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Posted by: @divine_o

Do you mean where to place it in terms of modifying the p-tab, using a heat gun or other method? Because otherwise you can't really change where the p-tab falls while the toy is in you. It just lands where it naturally would with the toy fully inserted. Read about the sweet spot (which is what I believe you are looking for) here:

And if you haven't already, read the entire !!

I tried to find the spot, I did not get any tingles or whatsoever.... any suggestions? What does it mean to rock the finger? Pushing it in and out or just flicking it back and forth like stimulating a nipple? Tried both, nothing so far....

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dumb question, maybe I found it once but it didn't feel pleasurable, nor any of the sudden "special" feeling after touching it from the inside, why?

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Here are my two cents. It may not fit the general opinion though.

Generally speaking, the exact location matters less than you would think. That holds true for most hotspots on our bodies, like the female g-spot for example.

The key skill you are learning is not to find the spot and be done, but to wake up the spot. A hotspot which was woken up properly,  starts to spread and the sensible area grows in size notably. At this point, it doesn't matter anymore if you hit it right in the center, because it's big enough anyway. So imho, you should worry less about exact location of the p-tab, but about feeling into the sensation you get in the broad area around the p-tab.

Regarding the "exact" location, everybody will tell you something slightly different. Not because our bodies are so different, but because we re-wire differently! It's your brain, that has to get the hang of it and the moment it literally "clicks" decides the variant in which a hotspot will work for you.

For me personally, the p-tab could be a bit shorter and tickle the area where the bulge/hidden penis/perineum ends and only half an inch of smooth skin is left before the area of the anal sphincter begins. In this area, a few perineal muscles meet in sort of a knot and like a square knot, they leave a littel spot open in the middle, with not muscle tissue between the outer skin and the prostate. You can see it pretty well in the picture. It's marked "perineal body".


Cheers, Unfug

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@Timelesspa, If you have already read @B Mayfield 's post regarding the 'Sweet Spot' and the Aneros' WIKI entry regarding the 'Sweet spot', then you should also be aware that not all men will find their Sweet Spots but this is not something you should become obsessed about.

Similar questions have been raised on the Forum before (see Having trouble finding my sweet spot, I can’t find my sweet spot!! , Aneros too deep to hit prostrate sweet spot?, How important is the "sweet spot" really? & Help a newbie find his sweet spot ) just to name a few. The whole perineum area is sensitive with a concentration of nerves about the genitals, so in that respect, yes every man has a 'sweet spot' area but it may not be so specific that you can precisely locate it.

Good Vibes to You !

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As you can see here, there is a whole area but not one single special little spot to hit where pressure will have impact on your gland. Only touching this area without any pressure or meanwhile even mental focus can do it for me.

(The little orange-yellow area below the bladder is  your gland.)

Cheers, Mart

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I think I was focusing on areas further towards the balls when placing the p-tab which generally caused soreness while I was having a session but as of late been just letting it just guide itself, either way I have more clarification which is appreciated.

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what I don't really get: people say you can stimulate the prostate through the perineum... so they don't have direct stimulation (like the Aneros does) in mind but rather that nerves (that probably go to the prostate)? 

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Anyone ever achieved orgasm through external massaging?

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@Rubberdiver, our gland is extremely sensitive and the whole area is crossed by nerves. The Aneros neither stimulates our gland directly, there is also at least the intestinal wall between them. It might be the pressure, it might be the focus, it might be the neuroplexus, I don't bother with that, I only enjoy the effects. 😉

Btw, your second brain neurons keep your colon moving.

And our Organs Have Their Own Consciousness And We Can Talk to Them.

It's amazing! Your body is amazing. You are amazing. 🙂 Enjoy yourself!

Cheers, Mart

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Posted by: @ggringo

Anyone ever achieved orgasm through external massaging?

Even by envisioning external massaging. 🙂

I love to imagine a finger at my perineum drawing circles to start some buzzing and phew!

Cheers, Mart

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Posted by: @ggringo

Anyone ever achieved orgasm through external massaging?

Plenty. It's a learned skill on it's own though.

As @sowithoutaneros said, you can push this very far. So much so, that you'll be able to meditate youself to orgasm w/o any touch involved eventually.


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@ggringo, I have, quite often by wearing a jock and cup in bed at night and diddling my nipples!


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@sowithoutaneros, I find this diagram massaging and stimulating the prostate both instructive and downright erotic. In fact, it makes me horny just by looking at it!


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@ggringo Definitely. But also through my fingers, through my kneecaps, through my lips, and through many other obscure body parts, so in the end it seems like the perineum would be one of the more obvious places for the stimulation-to-orgasm process to occur. Whether that stimulation is imagined (imagining the stimulation), active (touching with fingers or someone else), or passive (through muscle movement), or a combination of the three, is arbitrary). It goes to show how malleable our brains are!

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Wow, thanks everyone!   I guess I have more work to do on concentrating sensations to a satisfactory pleasurable result.  The journey there has been nothing short of fantastic!  I'm enjoying every minute.

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@bigglansdc, please look at it for a longer while, let it even mesmerize you, then envision the Helix in your anal canal doing the same to you, phew! Right? :-9

I so agree with @divine_o 's last post.

@Ggringo If you like, lube your hands and turn palm to palm, then strum your palms with the fingers of the opposite hand. Do it nice and slow and feel the energy spreading throughout your whole body like feet of little ants everywhere. While you do this, open your mouth and touch your palate with the tip of your tongue right behind your incisors and tickle that spot, sway your body back and forth, do miracles and enjoy! Let it happen, if you start panting go with it, if you start to wriggle and squirm as well. Tell your gland to take over and make you happy. Thus I just created a little chairgasm here. 🙂

Life is so full of cute little wonders!



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Posted by: @sowithoutaneros

@bigglansdc, please look at it for a longer while, let it even mesmerize you, then envision the Helix in your anal canal doing the same to you, phew! Right? :-9


@sowithoutaneros, I have. Even looking at it causes my prostate twitch with pleasure. It gets me really horny!!!



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