Plusone Arc and exe...
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Plusone Arc and exercise ball

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Had a great session today and part of it included the Plusone Arc dual vibrating massager and a exercise ball. I inserted the big end of the massager and activated the vibration on the small end. I then put my legs over an exercise ball so that the small end of the massager contacted the ball. The massager nestled between the ball and my balls and perineum and sent very pleasurable Vibes through my thighs, echoing through the exercise ball. Diffuse vibration was on my prostate as well. All this pushed me into a fantastic Super-O!

Pablito1963, Zentai, Pablito1963 and 3 people reacted
Famed Member Customer
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1493

Exercise balls are a fantastic addition to the Super-O arsenal. They make lots of new positions possible, plus playing with the amount of inflation gives almost unlimited variation.

Aneros should sell some red and black ones with their logos on it, I'm sure they would be popular if more people knew about how well they work. 

Pablito1963, Reddog152, Pablito1963 and 3 people reacted
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