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Simple explanation of super O

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Hello there,

first time poster long time lurker.

Now I have had an Aneros for God knows how long and still have yet to Super O. Ive always wondered why some people have and some people haven’t and I think I’ve figured it out.

We know some people can super O faster than others and I think it has to do with kink. I’ve noticed the more I’ve submitted to pleasure the closer I’ve gotten to a super O. It’s a little hard to explain so bare with me.

let me start with the male orgasm. Usually when guys masturbate or have sex specifically with their penis, they have control over their orgasm. Think about the last time you’ve jerked it to porn. When you orgasmed was it because you chose to or because you couldn’t take it? I would take a guess that most of you that haven’t had a super o would say, I chose to orgasm. That right there is why your not getting the super o.

When we get impatient during a session, we usually will just masturbate normally instead of waiting for orgasm. When you rewire your brain, you relinquish control and let your body chose when you have an orgasm. Is the kink part starting to make sense? Some dudes get off to letting someone else take control. That kink fuels the arousal and causes orgasm.

What does this mean? Does this mean guys who like to control their orgasm won’t be able to super o? Of course not. As any skill, it can be learned and I think I’ve cracked the code more or less.

To start we need to stop thinking that this is masturbation. Masturbation is when we are emptying our load. When using an Aneros we are having sex with our toy, and we are the bottom in the relationship. When you have meaningful sex, you are looking to please your partner. You are looking for what feels good as you pleasure your partner. The same applies here. When the Aneros is inside you, sometimes it hits the spot just right and you will feel good. The hard part is staying good.

Sometimes you will peak and won’t feel any better for some reason, that’s ok. Instead of trying to keep that momentum going and getting impatient/frustrated, let yourself calm down. Like your lover has been giving your Body a lot of attention and letting you cool down. Just breath and let yourself relax further. This is going to help the next “pleasure wave” get stronger. Again I can’t stress enough that you need to treat your toy as a partner you are having sex with and that you are not in control. 100% straight dudes, I know this is gonna be tough for ya, but ya gotta get over it if you want that big O.

Another big misconception I see is to squeeze or not to squeeze. I would say it doesn’t matter. If you are having sex with your partner, of course your gonna get into it and want to move your body in some way that feels good, that gets you into the mood further. This is good. Sometimes it feels kinkier to not do anything and let your partner fuck you gently, again this works. The only thing I would recommend is for beginners to not squeezer their sphincter, but to rather move their body. Like someone is inside you and your trying to move your body to help him hit the right spot. 

Finally The big question, how long is this gonna take? The answer is who the fuck knows. That’s why you need to treat this as sex. If your fucking someone you have no idea how long your both gonna wanna keep going. You could have it in ya for 20 min if you wanna be teased for a bit and get the hormones flowing. You could go full out and have it in you for hours, letting your partner ravage you. The idea is to let time go and just live in the moment as your being fucked senseless by your own body. It goes beyond masturbation, it’s full on intercouse with yourself. And it’s beautiful.

Thanks to everyone who read this post, I hope I helped someone. Let me know your EXP and if this has helped you.

Ghusa, Axii007, Pablito1963 and 21 people reacted
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Hmm, if I have to decide between Meh and Wow, I'd say... Meow ?

Of course each man has to build his own understanding of what he's experiencing. You make some good points, but until you reach Super-Os, you won't know if your theory is right for you or not. In general, I'd say you did not produce the Universal Explanation of Os, but I don't think it's possible, so don't beat yourself up, hehe. If kink = something that brings arousal, then yes, once the session fuels itself, then you're golden.  

Posted by: @dragonkisser

I would take a guess that most of you that haven’t had a super o would say, I chose to orgasm. That right there is why your not getting the super o.

There's a lot of "never masturbate for fewer than 15 minutes" kind of advice floating around, and for a lot of men it's always about trying to prevent ejaculation/orgasm and "last longer", so if you bring the same reflex to Super-O sessions, then you will tend to pull back when things get pleasurable. 


Posted by: @dragonkisser

When using an Aneros we are having sex with our toy, and we are the bottom in the relationship.

That will depend a lot on if you think you are manipulating the toy until you get invols, of if the toy is doing it. Personally, I think I'm doing most of the work, but both interpretations can bring S-Os. 


Posted by: @dragonkisser

Again I can’t stress enough that you need to treat your toy as a partner you are having sex with and that you are not in control.

Again, depending on what relationship you have with the experience, it's either the toy or your subconscious doing the work, or you are consciously priming some mechanism. You do have to let go of control at some point, what brings you to that point is not the most important part, the important part is surrendering. 


Posted by: @dragonkisser

Another big misconception I see is to squeeze or not to squeeze. I would say it doesn’t matter.

It does not matter which one works best; I agree. But it's probably going to be one or the other. You most likely will be either an active or passive Aneros user, you have to try both in a variety of positions and not be afraid to switch thing up. 

Posted by: @dragonkisser

It goes beyond masturbation, it’s full on intercouse with yourself. And it’s beautiful.

For sure ! Very well said. 


I give you 7 Meows out of 10, keep at it and don't be afraid to challenge some of own ideas and preconceptions until things fall into place. Good luck ! 


Ghusa, Pablito1963, Helghast and 9 people reacted
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  I'm sure this will help alot of people

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Posted by: @dragonkisser

Ive always wondered why some people have and some people haven’t and I think I’ve figured it out.

Can’t wait to read on 🙂

Posted by: @dragonkisser

have sex specifically with their penis, they have control over their orgasm.

I think more than a few woman would disagree lol 2 pumps and a squirt and 2 mins sayings didn’t just fall out of the sky! 😉

Posted by: @dragonkisser

That right there is why your not getting the super o.

There’s a lot more to why guys are failing than choosing to spunk watching porn.

Posted by: @dragonkisser

When we get impatient during a session, we usually will just masturbate normally instead of waiting for orgasm

Don’t forget expectation,terror at the gates,poor health,extra weight,porn,mental health and a host of other issues.

Posted by: @dragonkisser

Some dudes get off to letting someone else take control.

So the take charge alpha types will struggle? I think they’re the type to get there faster.

Posted by: @dragonkisser

Does this mean guys who like to control their orgasm won’t be able to super o?

I myself haven’t had issues with sexual stamina,I didn’t have too much trouble finding success on the journey.

Posted by: @dragonkisser

Sometimes you will peak and won’t feel any better for some reason, that’s ok. Instead of trying to keep that momentum going and getting impatient/frustrated, let yourself calm down. Like your lover has been giving your Body a lot of attention and letting you cool down. Just breath and let yourself relax further.

This is solid advice. I’ll add that a major issue is guys thinking they need to do more,or go harder when simple rhythm is all that’s required.

Posted by: @dragonkisser

To start we need to stop thinking that this is masturbation. Masturbation is when we are emptying our load.

It is kind of a form of maturation. Except we want to leave the ejaculation out of it.

Posted by: @dragonkisser

Another big misconception I see is to squeeze or not to squeeze. I would say it doesn’t matter. If you are having sex with your partner, of course your gonna get into it and want to move your body in some way that feels good, that gets you into the mood further. This is good. Sometimes it feels kinkier to not do anything and let your partner fuck you gently, again this works. The only thing I would recommend is for beginners to not squeezer their sphincter, but to rather move their body. Like someone is inside you and your trying to move your body to help him hit the right spot. 

Success,I believe is rooted in anchoring tension within the pelvic floor. This is more important than any contraction imo of course!.

Posted by: @dragonkisser

Finally The big question, how long is this gonna take? The answer is who the fuck knows.

If guys can figure out the basics,and start with a sound mental foundation withstanding major issues,zero to super-0 should take 6 mths at the max. It isn’t a terribly complicated thing,it’s issues and blocks that slow progression.

In any case,this is a great post. Great ideas. Thinking a little closed off in places,but you’re on the right track. Keep thinking,making notes and learning. I’m not sure the journey has an actual finish line,once I think I’ve seen it all,something new pops up! 🙂






Reddog152, Pablito1963, Reddog152 and 3 people reacted
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Posted by: @helghast

Success,I believe is rooted in anchoring tension within the pelvic floor. This is more important than any contraction imo of course!.

 This is good advice, how ever, didn't work for me in the end. I find as soon as I engage anything it short circuits what my body is trying to do. For me the only thing that helps once things start going is to gently push as if to poop with my inner sphincter, which seems to open things up so that when the outer sphincter contractions are going the tip of the aneros kind of knocks on my prostate. If that makes any sense. Other than that I am a do nothing person.

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Posted by: @tbob

I find as soon as I engage anything it short circuits what my body is trying to do.

Well it’s only a little tension,and training to have it run in the background like muscle memory of second nature is a smart play.

Posted by: @tbob

For me the only thing that helps once things start going is to gently push as if to poop with my inner sphincter,

There’s your tension right there. The are many ways and perspectives to the same destinations. I can only put out my moves and hope it clicks for someone. For example,you don’t see it working but the guy above does. Same as do nothing,it works for you,not for me,I hate it with a passion.

Posted by: @tbob

If that makes any sense.

It does. Tension a mild rocking of the pelvis does the same thing,all roads lead to the promised land!! 🙂

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Nice first post 🙂

i brought up the necessity of submitting to oneself à while back and learned that a lot of people disagreed. What I learned was that, as zentai suggests, it works to described my (and your) vision of pleasure, but we are all different. When I am in the throes of pleasure I very much feel submissive. often the more I feel submissive—with or without someone in the room with me—the higher I can get, so to speak. 

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If we keep at it and enough people contribute, we may very well find out that a certain portion of people are doing nothing, another group are making love and submitting to themselves, others are using an active approach, and who knows what else can work. I guess you could find five or six major paths then a bunch of more unusual ones.  

At that point it will only be a question of figuring what "school" you belong to, and things will be much simpler. Then we get sub-forums and off we go! 

Reddog152, Pablito1963, Reddog152 and 3 people reacted
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