Peridise Low Plasti...
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Peridise Low Plastic Quality?

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I've had a Progasm for awhile and just bought the Peridise 2-pack.  The Progasm is a uniform, solid white.  Both Peridises aren't a solid color.  They're a mixture of white, off-white, and smoother areas around the beads.  Basically it looks like the plastic wasn't mixed properly and that it had issues solidifying or perhaps the mold release powder became embedded in the item.  Is that normal for the Peridise or should they be as uniform and as solid as the Prograsm?  All the pictures I've found online are too low quality to figure out if it should be a uniform color or not.  The pictures all look like Peridise might have some text on its handle too.  Mine don't have any text.

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Mine are uniform and smooth, there's PERISTAL on one side of the handle and PATENTED on the other. But they're very old, so things might have changed, like Peristal is the original name from HIH, the Aneros sister company. I don't know if the tooling is different today. A photo could help, but if you think you received a defective unit, I think the best thing to do would be contacting customer support.  

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Sadly my camera skills are too poor to capture the off-white on white coloration. Support said there isn't any lettering. I'll be sending it back. Thanks for helping.


As a follow up, I used the warranty to return the Peridise.  They sent me another set with the same quality issues, so I wasted the cost of return shipping and some time for nothing .  This has really lowered Aneros' reputation in my eyes.  The support rep I talked to said they should be a uniform color and texture/sheen.  They sent me 4 toys which weren't.
