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P-waves strongest at start of session

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Hey all - Hope you are all doing well.

A bit about me and where i'm at:

I have continued in my Aneros training, once per week regularly now.

I found the info on mindgasm very useful and helpful, and kind of a different type of session I have from time to time (listening to it and following guidance).

I like to watch porn before the session and during to keep my arousal high. It's weird, at times the porn seems just like nothing, then suddenly I get super aroused and everything makes me super horny. I think this is normal for other who don't use porn, there are these "arousal waves" as well as p-waves.

I've been going strong for a few months now with the Aneros.

Details on my sessions and p-waves

At the start of my sessions, I am very excited almost electric. I get very turned on and I get some of the strongest p-waves then. As the session proceeds, I may get a few more p-wave intervals with increase arousal waves that are about 2 mins ish. They then kind of fade away.

Focusing on my muscles I try to get it started again with various strategies, but they kind of just don't come back that frequently (maybe every 10 minutes). 

My questions to you

I am curious - maybe is the porn during the session distracting? I've posted on this before, but I really love watching it and getting so turned on. 

For those who have obtained very high levels of pleasure, how do you mentally approach your sessions after you get your first strong P-waves? How do you keep the p-waves coming?

Also - as you approach a super-O, do your p-waves interval and magnitude increase, like a rising wave? Or just magnitude?

Curious what you have to say and love you all, thanks for your time!

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I don’t have any useful answers to most of your questions, except the one on pornography. I Absolutely think that pornography is a major distraction. Even though it does turn you on it is most likely hindering your mind from focusing more subtle sensations in your body. Perhaps you can try different ways of incorporating pornography. For example you can watch it while edging earlier in the day but don’t watch it during your session. Or you could find videos with excellent sound that you really like and have just the sound on.  I think that the visual cues of pornography are so interlinked with our penile sexuality, that the moment you are focused on an image, you immediately fall into a penis oriented and dominating mindset. This mindset is contradictory to the vulnerable mindset necessary for prostate orgasms.  

So try several sessions in the dark with just your imagination and focus on the sensations, and see if it takes you to higher places...

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Posted by: @mountain-below-the-sea

Focusing on my muscles I try to get it started again with various strategies, but they kind of just don't come back that frequently (maybe every 10 minutes).

Yes, this happens for me as well, not in every Anerosession but often enough that I am aware of the cyclical nature of the ebb and floe of arousal/pleasure waves. The time periods of the cycles vary from session to session and I have not found any particular reason for this phenomenon either. It seems to be just one of those mysteries of the journey.

Posted by: @mountain-below-the-sea

I am curious - maybe is the porn during the session distracting?

I agree with @divine_o about this, I have found trying to watch porn during a session distracting as well. Aneros users are pretty evenly split on this issue (please see the user poll Are you aroused by Porn?). While most agree that porn is an arousal generator it may have cons when it comes to actual Anerosessions (please see Are you "aroused"? & Aneros, Arousal & Abstinence/Semen Retention).

Posted by: @mountain-below-the-sea

For those who have obtained very high levels of pleasure, how do you mentally approach your sessions after you get your first strong P-waves?

I most frequently employ a 'Do Nothing' approach (please see the thread "Do Nothing" What does that mean?).

Posted by: @mountain-below-the-sea

How do you keep the p-waves coming?

I don't !, I know I can't force, coerce or make P-waves continue, my body generates these sensations as a result of subconscious impulses not from ego consciousness control. My most successful technique is to consciously try to re-start involuntary contractions with a few voluntary contractions, sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. Once my body decides a session is over it doesn't matter what my ego wants to happen, it's over and trying to force the situation is never successful.

Posted by: @mountain-below-the-sea

Also - as you approach a super-O, do your p-waves interval and magnitude increase, like a rising wave? Or just magnitude?

That is difficult to answer because every Anerosession is different for me. Most sessions, while pleasant, do not result in prostate orgasms and only a small percentage (5-10%?) result in Super-O's.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @mountain-below-the-sea

How do you keep the p-waves coming?

„By letting go expectations“, I nearly started to answer, but even that would imply at least to await p-waves coming. Instead I can only recommend a mindset of open arms inviting warmly whatever might happen next.

Only to give you an example, which is as unique as my personal journey: Given some p-waves having occurred and subsided nothing else might happen for a while. Instead of waiting for another p-wave and pre-estimating its presumable level, I only try to raise my awareness like I would feel out new surroundings in sudden darkness. But instead of moving myself I‘d only stay and collect any impressions.

Sometimes a wave of bliss might suddenly crush over me and - figuratively speaking - be pulling the sand out from under my feet, sometimes I may find myself hovering in a calm sea of bliss, sometimes I could catch the fin of a dolphin giving me a ride or I myself may be surfing a wave of bliss for a few seconds, a while or an estimated eternity. Sometimes nothing happens and I call it a session. Sometimes I only fall asleep.

Still the best is yet to come - but only if I can really let go my expectations, because my limited fantasy is my hurdle to the unthinkable bliss I‘d like to experience. And it‘s the reason why this bliss can’t be chased or even found but instead has to find me. After all letting go and gathering impressions is how I keep the best coming.

Only my 2cts again! Best vibes! Mart

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I would urge you to try 2-3 sessions per week for 2 weeks without watching any porn,I’d be willing to bet that your aneros pleasure increases. Maybe some people can use porn,but for the vast majority,the mind is distracted with the bulk of its focus on the porn and not on the prostate and pelvic muscles.  In my opinion,your mind needs to be focus on the task at hand,manipulation of your pelvis muscles,looking and listening for pleasure. When p waves are flowing,just keep your contractions soft,no need to go in heavy.

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I just wanted to write back here to thank you for these responses. I read all of your responses deeply, and I took the feedback directly.

I am writing an update post I plan to post, but after reading your feedback combined with another change, I definitely had some breakthrough sessions FOR SURE. Not "super-O" or whatever, but game changing nonetheless

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