Orgasm Story Plot
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Orgasm Story Plot

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I feel like an average session for most users entails

1. Prep/Warm-up

2. The Beginning of Journey/Ride

3. The Build-Up (this is probably the longest part of the session, this is you just enjoying any feelings/sensation)

4.Climax (doesn’t necessarily mean an orgasm/ejaculation) 

5. End of Session


Just like any good story plot, you need opposite forces with conflicts, and a climax and a conclusion.

I believe in the story of Orgasm (or we can call it “A Man’s Journey to Super O”) Mr. O is the protagonist, and we (ourselves) are the antagonists resisting/fighting against our main hero. Every Man and every journey will have varying numbers and intensity of conflicts but every journey has the same goal (not to “reach” the state of SuperO but rather be in a state of zen to allow/welcome the Orgasm into our body and our mind)

Just like any conflicts, sometimes we come out as a winner (but not truly) because when we let our mind win, and we are resisting against Mr. O.

Other times we are able let go and lose (letting Mr. O win and take over your body)

It’s a constant battle and you wont be able to win them all. We have to learn to let go and embrace whatever comes our way and make sure to win the war

Ghusa reacted
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