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On the right track?

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Relatively new user with the progasim.

I lay on my side and relax with the do nothing method and after awhile I feel as in my prostate is throbbing and dancing around which causes my penis to also throb and move around. This goes on for awhile and then it will stop for a few minutes and start again. My penis gradually leaks a very thick precum like liquid. I feel as if the aneros contracts on its own but the main feeling is as if the prostate has a heart beat of its own. Just wondering if this is the correct process and just be patient and keep going from here. 

Always read about the super O but feels like every session is just this and then get tired after 90min.


Many thanks


This topic was modified 4 years ago by Jiji2000

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Posted by: @jiji2000

Just wondering if this is the correct process and just be patient and keep going from here. 

It sounds like you are doing just fine. IMHO, paying attention to what your body is giving you rather than trying to make something happen is the correct approach. Patience is necessary for your body/mind connections to solidify, this is the essence of the rewiring process. Allow each Anerosession to be a lesson in learning but when the session becomes boring or tiring then that is your body telling you it is done teaching you for the day. Be the objective observer, not the subjective analyst during your session. Analysis can take place after your session has ended.

There will come a day when the pieces of the puzzle really come together and a Super-O will pounce upon you and you will wonder where it came from. It all comes from within you, relax and be patient, keep in mind The Tao of Aneros.

Good Vibes to You!

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Yes, you're doing good!

I think there's no harm in trying the tug-o-war method also during alternate sessions, or in the same session after the do-nothing approach has you good and relaxed. In my opinion this will help with the mind-body connection and also give you different sensations to play with, it could also transition to involuntaries. You can always go back to do-nothing if you find that it gives you better results. I'll add that using tug-of-war is not necessarily about making something happen, but more about "observing what happens" when you try some contractions, and in this way it is not incompatible with @rumel's advice as long as you go at it with no expectations and don't try to force things with heavier contractions. 

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Posted by: @jiji2000

I feel as if the aneros contracts on its own but the main feeling is as if the prostate has a heart beat of its own. Just wondering if this is the correct process and just be patient

This is the time to just try to relax into,like a whatever will be will be attitude,just let the gland play it’s own tune,don’t try to help. It needs no help. 

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Wow wow wow

Finally had my first one after about 1 month. Had been making steady progress with the prostate feeling like it is beating like a crazy heart beat and alot of precum... but I think I used to contract too hard once it got going.


This time I laid on the side and tried not to force any contraction or prostate flutter, paid attention to any small movement and stayed patient. Once it going going everytime I contracted i made sure to try release back to the original starting point... after while it felt like the aneros was funking me and every time I felt a contraction, I released back to the start... after 10 min it was going crazy and I could slowly feel this wave coming over me... just remained relaxed and breathed... next thing wow... it felt like my body was floating and I was in super slow motion. Everytime I tried to move the aneros it felt like it was gliding on water and going so slow. It felt so good it was actually scary will it get too strong! Just laid there feeling like you are Cumming from your entire body but in slow motion.


I think the key is not to rush it and force it and just be patient with all the tiny movements.

This progasim literally felt like it was pounding away while I was just laying there.


Thanks guys

SOwithoutAneros, techpump, Helghast and 12 people reacted
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That's fantastic, great job! 


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Posted by: @jiji2000

Wow wow wow
Finally had my first one after about 1 month.

Congratulations ! I believed you were on the right track and you just proved it to yourself.

Good Vibes to You!

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@jiji2000 Congratulations!!! 

Posted by: @jiji2000

It felt so good it was actually scary will it get too strong!

Sometimes things happen in super o that are scary the first time. We have a tv advert here about the signs of stroke. They say it’s like a fire that spreads through the brain. On one super o I felt an intense heat spread through my head. The tv advert popped into my thoughts.  I thought yikes! I hope I’m not having a stroke!! Hahaha I survived by the way,just in case anyone’s worried..


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Yay! This is really awesome, I love stories like these, makes me feel good all over and confident that these devices really are special and bring us special feelings 🙂

I must ask @jiji2000 if you are using the brand new redesigned Progasm or the original Progasm model? Curious to know because the new Progasm is really a major improvement on the old original design. Thanks for sharing your experiences and information!

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The original 


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So when you guys get into the "floating on air" stage... where it feels like your groin area is in space and the penis and prostate are floating i would describe it as.

Do you continue to just do nothing and ride it? Or do you hold a firm contraction, or try and start an auto fuck mode with the aneros...


I feel like getting to this stage is that the aneros is in auto fuck mode and goes so fast that it just turns into bliss.... and this seems to happen over and over again. 

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Experiment with both and see where they take you! There is no set path. 🙂


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Posted by: @jiji2000

Do you

I embrace the feeling, stop thinking and   e n j o y   ! 😉

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