Nipples & Thumbs
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Nipples & Thumbs

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It is quite amazing how small details can really change the trajectory of your pleasure...

Throughout my journey, I have enjoyed playing with my nipples in my sessions. I have typically been using my middle fingers on each hand to make light circles around my nipples. I feel like I have good control with my middle fingers and it is a comfortable arrangement.

Recently, though, I tried rubbing my nipples lightly with my thumbs, both nipples at the same time. It is a little more clumsy because my thumbs don’t point the same way, but I am noticing increased pleasure by doing this. Maybe this is because your thumb has its own pulse and it changes the flow of energy...I am purely speculating here.

Then, I modified this further by simply holding one thumb stationary against one nipple and lightly rubbing the other one, then switching back and forth. This seems to make things even better and I believe I am starting to feel that heartbeat in my prostate!

It goes to show that experimentation is so important on this journey and that small changes can lead to big breakthroughs.

Fred27, Helghast, Zentai and 6 people reacted
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I found the trick with nipples is to change up the stimulation. This means thumb tips,sides of thumbs,curved fingers to use your nail surfaces,heel of hands,inside of wrists,pinches,twists,any thing you can use. A great one is to invert your arms in,so your middle and index fingers are standing at the top of your ribcage,your thumbs now point at your nipples,reach em down and circle your aerolas and brush them against the nipples.

To date,nothing beats my wifes mouth,tongue and suck reflex.

Fred27, Fred27 and Fred27 reacted
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