Non-Aneros orgasms,...
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Non-Aneros orgasms, and aneros trouble

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Earlier today I was to start an Aneros sessions, but for some reason my body rejected the aneros.

No luck at all. This is the second time in a row...

Still, I managed to achive mini-os, the wavelike feelings and super-o without the aneros inserted, by lying on my stomach and back and relaxing. 😯

My question is, is this normal or did I do something wrong (prolapse??! ) 😥 in my earlier sessions?

I am kinda worried right now... note: I have a helix

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So how exactly did your body reject the Aneros?

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try a thicker lube or bigger model or hold the sqeeze or build up your anal muscles

also try your nipples takes your mind off the anus

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Hi bokazoe!

Your body isn't rejecting the Aneros, it just isn't familiar enough
with it yet. (some would say the Aneros and your body must
become "ONE", as with a familiar lover with a longer period of
dating each other!) LOL!

Also, I know the feeling quite well: "Did I loose the amazing ability
to have Super-O's??? Oh No!!!

Relax, you WILL have "dry spells" from time to time and the ability
to have them will come back! (sometimes better than before!)

Some believe that these dry spells are a break that our bodies take,
to assimilate and absorb ALL the new and wonderful feelings and
information that were Alien to them not too long ago! (body, mind and
spirit playing catch-up!)

Hope this helps!

Later, Hlaser99

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Thanks for the feedback.

What you are saying makes sense 8)

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