New sesnsations. Qu...
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New sesnsations. Question

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Hey there. I've been using Aneros for two years now, and recently my sessions have changed a bit. I had ups and downs but this is something new.

Sexual pleasure during my sessions has been centered more on the penis then prostate and it feels like I'm on the edge of regular orgasm, but it never happens, and at the same time I can suddenly (2 sec max) feel intense pressure in my belly. When it happens I felt like I'm not in control.

This pressure is pleasurable but very sudden and intense, and doesn't feel like a P-wave nor contraction or abs spasm.

To me it seems like that somehow I linked prostate with penis and my body can amplify penis sensations through prostate, and it leads to orgasm build up without actual release. It started happening when I switched to Helix Syn and it made me more comfortable to have erection wearing it.

* Am I on the right path or I should not feel sensation around regular orgasm?

I'm asking because at the beginning of my journey I experienced very strong P-wave that turned many things up side down (triggered anxiety because of my repressed trauma) and I've not been able to feel pleasure waves ever since.

And to me the sensations I'm feeling are not similar but stronger then regular orgasm

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There is a path to getting dry penis pumpings, which feel awesome. I'd say follow it, and see where it leads.

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