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New position for me with HSV

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Just a few days ago I discovered a new position using my HSV which has been extremely pleasurable. While on my back with feel flat on the floor and knees bent, I started HSV in pattern 1 and just inserted the tip inside me. Within minutes I was experiencing pure pleasure in my anus AND prostate which leads me to think I was perhaps inserting too deep. Contractions began soon after as HSV went into auto mode while gently massaging my prostate! Orgasms soon followed with a full body experience! Anyone else had this experience?

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What device is this with? and what is pattern 1?

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@theeagleandwolf Aneros HSV which is HelixSynVibration can be used with/without vibration so a good choice. #1 is low vibration intensity

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@fred27 Not sure what you mean by "going into auto mode" but I will try this for sure.When or did you get the urge to put it way in?

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Auto mode is when the prostate takes control and contractions move the Aneros back and forth! An awesome experience! Aneros gets pulled in by the contractions on its own and finds the sweet spot 

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AHHH yes!

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Posted by: @fred27

Auto mode is when the prostate takes control and contractions move the Aneros back and forth! An awesome experience! Aneros gets pulled in by the contractions on its own and finds the sweet spot 

Yes the classic "auto contractions" or "autofucking" of Aneros fame!! When it moves against your will, that's when its self-generating orgasm time 🙂

And I find #1 on the HSV to be one my favorites!! What I REALLY love about this setting is the change in intensity as my anus contracts and pulls the toy into me deeper, it doesn't get stronger, but I can feel it more intensely because its inside and right on my prostate. I LOVE that so much!!

And, yes, on the back feet planted knees bent is how every session is for me. I can't have sessions or reliable Os unless I'm in this position. On my side leg pulled into my chest, never did a thing for me. On my stomach, never, I crush my penis or it has to be between my legs and then I can't experience or see all the lovely juice that comes out of it, which helps me know things are really working!! I need to see the milk!! Although, I do like grinding and thrusting my pelvis against the floor, its a sexy feeling as my glutes flex and tighten. I can have Aless Os like that, a few sometimes. 

So glad this is working out so well for you man!


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