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my question

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Hello all. I have been a "lurker" for sometime now. I have an aneros for about a year or so now and have used it about a dozen times or so. Some sessions are better then others. I don't think I have had the "Super O" yet, but I think the p-waves are happening.
But I have some concerns/worries. For instance.
The last time - a few days ago, I had it in for about 1 hr or so. I got hard then soft a few times. and all the while there was some pre cum flowing, along with a little milking (just a few drops or so). I changed positions a few times. From on my back knees up to face down and to my side. I even had my knees over the side of the bathtub for a bit. even tried standing up. I think I got real close to a hands free orgasm. I felt it building up then dropping off. Prob about 4 times or so. Then I could no longer take it. I removed it and had a traditional finish session.
But what concerns me is this. When I took it out, my anus seemed to have what I call a death grip on it. I really had to relax for a minute. But it was ok. But for a few hours after, I found myself very tender in the area up inside for about 5-6 hours after. I am concerned about long term use. and well.. any damage or injury to my insides.
But today am better with no signs of anything.
I have had my prostrate massaged once and it was incredible.
The other topic of pegging that is on here is very interesting. I have thought of that as well but am kinda afraid of the whole thing (no pun intended). That string has me looking here almost everyday.
So basically in a nutshell how concerned should I be about the uncomfortable feeling that I have after, and what should I do?

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Welcome to the Aneros Forums,

IMHO, you have nothing to worry about, this apparent "...death grip...", as you call it, has happened frequently to me over the years with no ill after effects. The first time it happened, I too, was concerned that something was wrong and that I may have injured myself somehow, despite following the manufacturers instructions for usage.

I think the reason this occurs is two fold. First, the massage action of the Aneros affects not only the prostate but the anus and rectum as well. Your muscles are acting like pumps to bring more blood into the area, thus enervating and engorging the tissues. The engorgement of the tissues causes them to swell and displace/fill any void space immediately surrounding your massager. Secondly, the lube you use helps to create an air-tight vacuum seal between the massager and the rectal wall. When you then try to pull your massager out you are in effect also trying to pull the lining of the rectum with it, hence the discomfort from this gripping effect. This is following the laws of physics and is a perfectly natural situation. The solution is really simple as well, all you need to do is allow your rectal muscles to relax without performing any contractions for a few minutes, then s-l-o-w-l-y remove your Aneros massager. This gives your body a chance to break the suction bond between the massager and the rectum lining as the lube does it job of allowing the Aneros to slide free. Once you've tried this trick, the next time it occurs you won't feel nearly as uncomfortable, just relax and take it out slowly.

The feeling of tenderness inside for a number of hours afterwards is equally quite natural. With all the blood you've massaged into the area you've given all the nerves in there a fresh shot of oxygen rich energy. Those nerves are now fully enervated, awake and firing off their impulses at maximum efficiency. Nothing to worry about there either.
Good Vibes to You !

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I wonder what type of lube you were using and how much. Your problem sounds to me as if there was insufficient lube or that it was able to dry out during your session. Water based lubricants apparently tend to dry out if used on their own.

I was also interested to see that, at one point you "even had my knees over the side of the bathtub for a bit". I'm not sure whether the bathroom is the best place to learn Aneros experiences! IMHO, the bed is better.

I understand that your circumstances may not permit this but, might I also suggest some more frequent exposure to this environment to allow your body to overcome the strangeness of the sensation. I think most Aneros users would allow themselves at least one or perhaps two sessions each week for the first few weeks.

Good Luck!

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@pommie & @rumel. Thank you for your responses. I feel a little more comfortable now about all this.

I did not realize that there would be some kind of suction made inside there so I will be very careful.

When I was in the bathroom, i was on the floor on my back just resting my knees over the side of the tub. It gave a little bit different sensation then on the bed. Just something I'd thought I'd try.
Also after I posted the 1st time, a short time after, I was looking at some erotic pics and a strange sensation started up inside I think where mt prostate is. I felt 2-3 twitches and I was flexing my muscles inside. Almost felt like some kind of orgasm (?) was very different.
As for the amount that I can use the Aneros, will vary from not at all for along time (month) to 1 per week.
I take advantage when I can.
For the record, I am married and my wife does not know about it. I would like to tell her and I will at some point soon.
thank you again for your responses. Since I have now posted a few times I may go a little further with my questions.

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Maybe now is the time to bight the bullet and fess up to the misses!

I'm 74 and mine is a couple of years senior to me. After about six months into my Aneros journey, I told her about it (sighting prostate health issues ad haemorrhoid control as my reasons). I even let her watch me insert my Eupho on one occasion and she seemed distinctly unimpressed, so I haven't brought it up since.

At least I don't now feel that I am hiding anything and she wouldn't be surprised if she ever comes across evidence of my Aneros activity.

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