My First MGX Triden...
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My First MGX Trident sessions

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As I mentioned in my introductory post I have been multi-orgasmic for about six months, and learned this skill without the use of an aneros product. This forum and the orgasmic descriptions, so eloquently detailed by so many users, have prompted me to buy an MGX Trident. Here is what has transpired so far.

Before I begin I wanted to recount my purchasing experience. I didn’t buy the MGX online, I live on a farm and the delivery of my purchases always end in a marathon of frantic phone calls, bellowed directions and me kicking rocks on the side of the road while some hapless soul winds his uncertain way up to the farm entrance. No anonymous, private delivery for me, I had to buy the thing in person, which turned out a great deal better than anticipated. The woman serving me was very friendly, entirely without embarrassment and put me at ease. She was more than happy to open every box and discuss each model, interspersed with suggestions of other enhancing products. There was warming this and tickling that and prostate kickstart gel, a Fleshlight and……. I stopped her at Fleshlight and informed her that if the MGX so much as offers, to me, just a few more degrees of pleasure than I am currently experiencing, then I may very well expire. I have made my peace with being found dead with a twirly piece of plastic in my arse, but a limp dick in a fake vagina is a step too far!

Anyway, I was not expecting my first aneros session to be anything mind blowing. I was not at home in my familiar place, I had been running about all day, and my prep was the bare minimum. From the moment I popped it in I could feel I was tense despite the weed. I did some slow, deep breathing and spent a little time consciously relaxing before I paid attention to what I was feeling. My alternate route to multiple orgasms meant I learned pleasure from the inaccurate attentions of a dildo, very subtle attentions. This MGX does what it says on the box, it hits my prostate with precision and a force previously unknown. The toy felt like it was giving my prostate a big, enveloping and firm hug, and my prostate is not quite sure how it feels about that. It is enormously pleasurable, intensely so. A little too intense perhaps. My tension didn’t help, and I did manage to relax enough to move the MGX around with my PCs. What followed was some very intense orgasms interspersed with some quick panting until the next one hit me. After an hour I was exhausted and just had to sleep. I took it out and didn’t think about it too much. It was my first time and evaluating it in detail would not be helpful.

My next session was very different, I was now at home in my familiar space, had prepped well and was relaxed. I was well high and began my session A-lessly and gently drifted towards the p-waves with which I am so familiar. I had a good few orgasms before I inserted the MGX. Again that gigantic hug straight off the bat. Wow, that is some hug. I was on my back and relaxed, and moved around a bit until I felt most comfortable. I began working the toy gently with my PCs, trying for a rhythmic movement which lasted a few seconds before the orgasms began. I had I don’t know how many orgasms before I came back to earth. The pressure on my prostate was too much at this point so I tried turning the MGX around 180 degrees so the toy was pointing at my back. An entirely different feeling and it wasn’t more than a few squeezes before more waves of intense pleasure hit me. It was incredible. When I came down from those orgasms I turned the MGX back around and went off again. I kept thinking this is too much, its too much. I would peak, stay up there for a while and slowly start to come down but would be caught by the next one on its way up. I don’t know how long this went on for but my orgasms got more and more intense until I had an ejaculatory orgasm of particular note. There was no stopping it. When I feel ejaculation building A-lessly (or with my dildo) I can walk around it and carry on, most of the time, without missing a beat. Occasionally when I am deep into a session I have to back off for a bit or I will cum, but I can generally quiet down and carry on. Not with this orgasm, it hit me and I was powerless to do anything but cum hard. Holy shit was about as eloquent as I could get at that moment.

Having had time to sit quietly and contemplate my experience, I have made a few observations and have had many thoughts. Most of the them were as most thoughts are - unwanted and unhelpful, just silly noise born of a paranoid and narcissistic, egoist mind. Things like “this is never going to work - I cannot handle that amount of pressure constantly on my prostate”. “It doesn’t feel like my dildo”. I am sure everyone’s experienced this silly noise. My more sensible observations revealed that my orgasms were very localised to my prostate area. I say area because it felt like every part of my canal that was in contact with the MGX orgasmed in turn, they sort of ran up and down the length of the shaft - utterly delightful. I also noticed I had very little control, I could not move my orgasms around as I normally do - it felt like I was preoccupied with my prostate area, which is of little surprise. This was only my second session so I am mostly pleased with my experience.

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I never had the idea to turn my Aneros 180 degrees.

I will definitely try it one day!

it seems you’ll have even more wonderful sessions soon.

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Sounds like your out the gates running strong, though as you said, you have been doing this for a long time, just not with hands free prostate stimulators.  I think you have no reason to listen to negative thoughts, as it seems you have had an overall positive experience.  Know that there isn't any one experience that you will have over and over, but that this will be a constantly evolving adventure.  What you perceive as too much direct pressure on your prostate one day might be just right another day, often depending on myriad unknowable factors.  Also you can vary positions and toys, to see what is right for you.  Perhaps in the end you will prefer your dildo or aless.  Or perhaps you will fall in love with aneros products...

Posted by: @rickr

I have made my peace with being found dead with a twirly piece of plastic in my arse, but a limp dick in a fake vagina is a step too far!

If you are found dead with a prostate toy in your butt, that will only mean you died a happy man.

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My third session

This session was unplanned and entirely as a result of me waking up at 4am and not being able to get back to sleep. I got up, made some coffee and settled in at my desk to read more on this site. I had not been at my desk for more than a couple of minutes before I started to feel some involuntary contractions. I didn’t really want to smoke weed so early but I got excited by the thought of another round with the aneros, so I had a couple of drags. It wasn’t long before the welcome and familiar sensations in my pelvic region began. Everything was supper sensitive, my taint, testicles, penis, sphincter, anal canal and prostate, and they all started to dance together (best description I can come up with). This is all normal and how my good sessions start, I really don’t have to do a thing. I let it build and relax into it. I have this feeling of relief, that I can relax into my pleasure and don’t have to chase anything. I feel like I am an entity that is witnessing pleasure unfold, but I am also the experiencer of the pleasure - I don’t know how else to describe it. When I find this place in myself I know I am headed for something special, and I don’t have to hurry there, it is going to happen and I simply float to the edge of the waterfall. If I do actually do anything, I paddle around close to the edge of the waterfall but hold off actually drifting over the edge. This paddling is the exploration of sensations around my pelvic region. I might feel a tingling around my taint and which grows with my attention of it and is amplified tenfold if I diddle my nipples. I will ride that for a bit and then somewhere else starts experiencing something - a pulse in my prostate perhaps, and I will play with that. I did all of this this morning, paddled and splashed around in these awesome sensations until I dropped over the edge. As I plummet down into a Super O my nipples get hard, blood flows to my penis and my pelvis explodes into a compendium of sensations. I twitched and shook, arched and writhed, panted and moaned as bolts of pleasure fired through my body. I have done this so often and am still amazed at the capacity this body has for pleasure. After the first wave passed I felt a yearning at my butt entrance for some stimulation. I took the MGX and tucked it between my cheeks so the end of the toy was against my sphincter (I was still in my chair) and one of the tabs resting on the chair. This applied the gentlest of pressure against my sphincter and taint and very soon had me lost in yet another mind bending orgasm that emanated from said region. It was insane. The slightest movement of my butt sent orgasmic waves shooting up my body and a warmth drifted to my extremities. When I eventually came down from that (or up from it) I knew I wanted the toy in me.

I lubed up and got on the floor (I have a thick, comfy rug in my office that is lovely to lie on). I also have a footstool that stands about two feet tall which I rest my feet and calf muscles on. It pretty much looks like I have toppled over in a chair backwards, my thighs are at right angles to my torso and my lower legs at right angles to my thighs. I often lie like this to relieve lower back tension and have found it a great position for anal play. Having got comfortable I slipped in the MGX. I just love that feeling when whatever is going into my butt punches through the second sphincter and everything just relaxes around the toy. The MGX felt great. I was so relaxed that none of the intense pressure I had previously felt was present, just this wonderful gentle caress of my very turned on innards. I didn’t do anything conscious to move the aneros around, I let my body decide and boy did it find a way to send me into orbit. I got a sense right then what this toy is all about. Just thinking about it now in an effort to articulate the feelings is sending waves through my body. Every movement, no matter how subtle, had my prostate and anal canal fluttering in pleasure. I had orgasms that shook me, which shook the toy, which raised the pleasure and so on, in a feedback loop that had me convulsing uncontrollably. I could feel an ejaculatory orgasm lurking but I was able to look at it, let it build and then redirect that energy into another dry Super O. While the first couple of sessions left me feeling a little helpless, I now felt free to explore dimensions previously unknown to me. I lifted my butt off the floor and the orgasm literally pulsed through my body. I could feel it deep in the bones of my legs and arms, jangling in my fingers and tightening my scalp. When it finally abated I was left with after shocks and fluttering that very slowly lowered me to earth. I lay there and slowed my breathing back to normal and rested, sated.
I then twisted the MGX around 18 degrees and let it manipulate different parts of my canal. More orgasms ensued, massive earth moving affairs that I desired to ride forever but wanted to end before the intensity killed me. My final orgasm culminated in the kind of spasms that I experience when I ejaculate, but was dry. I had the wonderful post orgasmic buzz that says “I am done for now” but I still felt alive and very sexual. That feeling is still with me.

While I was basking in the afterglow of my morning session I knew that I was going to become very good friends with this toy. I will gain experience and learn to manoeuvre it to best effect, just like I did with my dildo, but the MGX suggests I will have far greater control of its movements and that those movements will be precisely accurate for maximum pleasure. A very good buy me thinks.

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Posted by: @divine_o

Or perhaps you will fall in love with aneros products...

I refer you to my third session. I think I am going to fall hard.

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First, I'd like to welcome you to our little community of intrepid prostate pleasure explorers and express thanks for your beautifully written experience descriptions. I note that you expressed, what I feel, are some essential elements for achieving orgasmic success with these little prostate massagers. The fact that you have already done much training in achieving necessary body awareness has made your transition to Aneros use an easy one.

Posted by: @rickr

I didn’t really want to smoke weed so early but I got excited by the thought of another round with the aneros, so I had a couple of drags.

I think the salient point here is that the mere thought of Aneros pleasure can in and of itself heighten arousal. The use of cannabis just makes it easier to get into the altered state of consciousness suitable to encourage the arousal process to fuel your Anerosession.

Posted by: @rickr

It wasn’t long before the welcome and familiar sensations in my pelvic region began. ...I can relax into my pleasure and don’t have to chase anything. I feel like I am an entity that is witnessing pleasure unfold, but I am also the experiencer of the pleasure - I don’t know how else to describe it.

I think you described it quite well. This is the 'objective observer' viewpoint, non-analytical and non-judgmental. It is being in the moment yet knowing there is more to experience in the following moments.

Posted by: @rickr

When I find this place in myself I know I am headed for something special, and I don’t have to hurry there, it is going to happen and I simply float to the edge of the waterfall. If I do actually do anything, I paddle around close to the edge of the waterfall but hold off actually drifting over the edge. This paddling is the exploration of sensations ... paddled and splashed around in these awesome sensations until I dropped over the edge. As I plummet down into a Super O my nipples get hard, blood flows to my penis and my pelvis explodes into a compendium of sensations.

I think this is a beautiful metaphor for an Anerosession, paddling in the stream of pleasure, playing within your own sensual waters without allowing extraneous mind noise to intrude on your self created inner world as orgasms flow through you. You are using the power of your imagination/fantasy to maintain what I have called "zoneros", an essential mind state for these orgasms to occur.

Posted by: @rickr

I didn’t do anything conscious to move the aneros around, I let my body decide and boy did it find a way to send me into orbit.

A nice example of letting your body lead your Anerosession. It can take a long time for many users, especially newbies, to reach this level of understanding and awareness.

Posted by: @rickr

I could feel an ejaculatory orgasm lurking but I was able to look at it, let it build and then redirect that energy into another dry Super O. While the first couple of sessions left me feeling a little helpless, I now felt free to explore dimensions previously unknown to me.

This is a level of mastery only a few men ever achieve so congratulations, I'm a bit envious, despite my years of experience, I haven't achieved that level of ability to redirect that energy.

Posted by: @rickr

My final orgasm culminated in the kind of spasms that I experience when I ejaculate, but was dry. I had the wonderful post orgasmic buzz that says “I am done for now” but I still felt alive and very sexual. That feeling is still with me.

While not all Super-O's end in ejaculatory-like spasms, your report of a "...wonderful post orgasmic buzz..." is quite common.

Good Vibes to You!


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Posted by: @rickr

The toy felt like it was giving my prostate a big, enveloping and firm hug, and my prostate is not quite sure how it feels about that. It is enormously pleasurable, intensely so. A little too intense perhaps.

In my newness I paw the air for the words to understand myself.  "Hug"- wow, apt!  I've experienced a Helix Syn Trident, took a brief detour to plastic Helix Trident as troubleshooting, before now back to my HST and Helix Syn V.  I mention this because you, like I, may perceive a Syn variant inside you as "softer"- perhaps less-intense too?  That is, if Syn is available where you shop.  Thanks for the beautiful metaphors.

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Posted by: @rumel

This is a level of mastery only a few men ever achieve so congratulations, I'm a bit envious, despite my years of experience, I haven't achieved that level of ability to redirect that energy.

First up, thanks for all the kind words and the warm welcome I have received. This forum is truly is a very special place.

I can only do this if there is no stimulation to my penis. I guess over-riding a penile induced ejaculation means relearning millennia of conditioning. On the plus side I am having so much fun I have hardly made a concerted effort.

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Fourth Session.

I started my Saturday morning with a 2 - 2.5hr session. It began Alessly and once I had experienced a few Super-Os my body was asking for the MGX. This would be the fourth time using it and already there is a feeling of familiarity and the promise of pleasure the moment I insert it. I could easily go on and on about the indescribable pleasure, excuse the oxymoron, this new toy gives me but I don’t have anything new to add to the previous descriptions. I am playing with the aneros, learning, and absolutely know I have yet to experience all this has to offer. What came later was different though….

Later Saturday evening I had some weed and settled in to listen to some music. As I relaxed into myself my thoughts drifted to my earlier session and that got me all fired up. How could I possibly be this sensitive still, after my morning bout? I was soon writhing about in my chair. Some orgasms later I came down for a rest and just basked in the post orgasmic warmth I love so much. I really did slip into myself.
My hands were on my thighs and I gently massaged them. Pleasurable waves trundled up and down my legs and got my prostate pulsating. Each movement of my hands triggered a pleasure point somewhere in my pelvic area. I moved my hands from my thighs and imagined I was holding my prostate like a basket ball. If I rolled it about in my hands I could literally feel that movement in my prostate. I could feel my hands sliding down towards the bottom my gland and caress its underbelly - an entirely new sensation that rocked me to my core.I moved my hands back and drummed on the gland wall. Every finger touch electrified my prostate and I felt like parts of me would fly off from the forces that shook me. I then turned my hands with palms facing upwards and imagined I was balancing orgasmic energy on my finger tips. My finger tips tingled and twitched in delight, my entire body was orgasming and I was playing it like an instrument. Nothing had ever felt like this. I have had moments in sessions when I think, “this is the biggest I have had”, and then a few days later would have another moment where I think, “no, this is the big one”. The point is they are all monsters of equal size but slightly different in presentation. Not this - I was well beyond anywhere I have been before. I have never felt so in control of my experience and yet had parts of me that are so immersed in rapture as be entirely out of reach. I turned my hands and flicked energy down my thighs and then summoned it back to my genitals. They exploded in sensation, it was excruciating, savagely intense and unrelenting. I moved the sensations up my torso before an ejaculation could get a foothold and let it dawdle at my chest. My nipples felt red hot and alive and my entire chest tingled. How far could I go? I turned my hands towards my head and directed the orgasmic energy to caress my brain. Writing this makes me feel like I have lost my mind, drifted into never - neverland, yet that is what I felt. I honestly experienced orgasmic energy scampering over my brain. How is this possible? How could I possibly have a brain orgasm? On the face of it, it just sounds like bullshit but that is what I felt. I got a little afraid and moved it back to more familiar territory where it seeped into every part of my torso where everything orgasmed at once. It felt like a good ten minutes before I felt I could stand and move without falling over.

I have questions. Has anyone else felt anything like this? Is it just garbage, an overactive imagination? If that is the case - it is a pretty great delusion. This morning while I was drinking coffee on my veranda, I had this feeling of disbelief accompanied with a knowing. It all definitely happened. Please someone tell me I am not mad.

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Posted by: @rickr

Please someone tell me I am not mad

No can do, man. 

That is, you might have dismembered bodies buried all over your farm...  I can’t guaruntee the sanity of anyone but myself, and even that is shaky.

However... everything you describe here is perfectly plausible, and I can relate to it all, having had plenty of similar experiences: orgasmic energy that I move around the body, orgasms located in my physical head, orgasms triggered by thought alone, orgasms that have no accompanying physical sensation but just seem to be based on thoughts.

You seem to have a very strong imagination. I recommend trying amygdala clicking, which for me seems to be a path towards learning or building on intense imagination. When I get into it, I can create sensations all over my body through imagining them. A thousand tongues licking me from head to toe? Check. A knife blade caressing my back? Done. Being whipped by flaming ropes?  Alrighty then.  It has allowed me to experience sensations that I will never experience in real life—and especially to react to them— without the physical consequences or the hassle of going to kink parties.  

Lovely descriptions you wrote, as always!

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As @divine_o says, you have quite an imagination. Weed probably has something to do with it. I vaporize weed before every session, so I know something about it.
But the sensations are real. The pleasure felt is there.

Posted by: @rickr

I have had moments in sessions when I think, “this is the biggest I have had”, and then a few days later would have another moment where I think, “no, this is the big one”. The point is they are all monsters of equal size but slightly different in presentation.

I still haven't managed to find out if the pleasure felt is really more intense or better or if it's just an impression.
But when a session is ideal, when it works really well, I can have the best orgasm of my life and a few minutes later an even better orgasm and so on until the end of the session.
And the next week it's even better!
For now, I think there is no limit.

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@divine_o, @morexp

Thanks for the replies and reassurance that I am not head case (yet). Fantastic to know there are others out there, doing and experiencing what I am. Man, these bodies of ours - a master stroke of design. Wish everyone could feel this.



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@rickr @morexp

Perhaps weed is part of it...

I rarely smoke, because I fall in the category of people who get paranoid and who get brain fog when I overdo it.  When I do smoke (or take LSD), my experience is definitely strange and my imagination strong, but not necessarily more so than when I am sober.  For me, these bizarre states of mind are perhaps more quickly attained under the influence of drugs.  However once I am in a state of erotic rapture, my mind plays all sorts of interesting tricks on me, sober or not.  Some of my most vivid orgasmic-state hallucinations have happened when I was sober, some directly controlled by my imagination, some appearing out of nowhere.

I have tried in vain to convince my drug-loving acquaintances that there is a legal drug that combines the flowing love and erotic sensations of MDMA with the mysticism, hallucinations and out-of-body experiences of DMT, all with no side-effects and lots of orgasms... they still aren't convinced... they are fools!

Have you tried these orgasms without pot? If so how does it differ?


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Posted by: @divine_o

Have you tried these orgasms without pot? If so how does it differ?

I have, it has become part of my training. I want to get to the point where I don't rely on anything outside of myself for my orgasmic pleasure. My orgasms are getting stronger and stronger, though they do take longer to start, but I have noticed that once (I assume) I have an endorphin release things get measurably better. The whole session builds on itself.

The weed seems to hot wire me to relaxation and quieten mental noise. Prior to my weed consumption, meditation was never really satisfying for me, I did it because I was after some benefit (though never quite sure what that benefit was). The weed has taught me what a quietened mind feels like and it is a state I can replicate sober. I have found I meditate now because it feels good and not for some mythical outcome. Getting to that quiet and peaceful place before I start a sober session really helps and again is just a matter of training. Weed does not add anything physical to our brains, or change anything, it merely reveals something that already exists in us. I am slowly learning to find that without the chemical help.

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Posted by: @rickr

I have, it has become part of my training. I want to get to the point where I don't rely on anything outside of myself for my orgasmic pleasure.

Sounds like a good goal. Time to shed those Mary Jane headspace training wheels (only 4.99, comes with a kaleidoscope to peer into your soul).

yes sessions seem to build exponentially for me too, but mainly when I use a toy. For some reason, however aless often starts off immediately strong for me, as do other things such as caressing or focusing on specific parts of my body, or mental imagery...


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Posted by: @divine_o

Have you tried these orgasms without pot? If so how does it differ?

I have rarely done a session without the help of pot. Unless I'm mistaken, I did 5 sessions out of 216 (approximately :-)) without weed.
They did not give anything fantastic, but it must be said that it was at the beginning of my journey when a lot of sessions were failed.
Now that I rarely have failed sessions, I think I'll try it without the magic help of THC to see what happens. I think I'll need several sessions to get an idea, so I'll wait until I don't have any weed in my house to try it. Otherwise the temptation to vape some to avoid having a mediocre session will be too strong.

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One of the things that helped me get going with my weedless sessions were the meditations on the website. They just gave me a good starting point - something I don't have to worry about when I am high.


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Thanks. I will try it if my own personal meditation technique fail.


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@rickr @Morexp

Mastering the craft without external stimuli is a great goal. Be beneficial if you find yourselves in a session and those stimuli aren’t present. I myself trained to have sessions without nipple stim. It is very doable and worth the work. Now that’s done I don’t need to worry about over stim anymore,I can just go on. 

My own A-Less has gotten to the point where it can be conjured out of pretty much nothing. I could,for example, finish cleaning the bathroom,go jump on the bed and get going after a dozen contractions. It is possible to be rid of any kind of set up or starting points. Just believe it in your head. 🙂


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Posted by: @helghast

I myself trained to have sessions without nipple stim. It is very doable and worth the work. Now that’s done I don’t need to worry about over stim anymore,I can just go on. 


Easier said than done for me!   It's hard to generate descent sensations without nipple action.

It's just that my nipples get me to the stars almost instantly and keeps me there until I stop diddling. 

I should maybe work harder at it.

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I just wanted to not be too reliant on them,many a session got ruined due to over stimulated nipples switching off.


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This is where I want to get to. I don't want to rely on weed or the massager. I don't know why, maybe it is fear that I will want a session and don't have access to my "aids".


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Posted by: @helghast


I just wanted to not be too reliant on them,many a session got ruined due to over stimulated nipples switching off.


I want to reclaim that independence.  At one point, I was able, for example, to sit in my hair dresser's chair and engage in a great Aless while she was snipping away.  I could do the same while driving to town.

As a tradeoff, today, I can  just reach for my nipples and I'm instantly catapulted to prostate pleasure land.  There is a balance in everything and I need to work on that.


Thanks for the inspiration.

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Ah see that’s what I’m talking about my man! Clandestine sessions in a hair dressers chair where we can’t use any external stimuli!!

Thats a great example of why I think it’s advantageous to have that little weapon in our arsenals!

I had some sessions while waiting in the car when I’ve dropped the wife off somewhere go shop or get her nails done etc!! 


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Posted by: @helghast


Easier said than done for me!   It's hard to generate descent sensations without nipple action.

It's just that my nipples get me to the stars almost instantly and keeps me there until I stop diddling. 

For me too, nipple stimulation allows me to trigger and make orgasms last almost as long as I want.

However, I have noticed that I should not start playing with my nipples too early in the session.
I have to wait until I've had two or three Mini-O's before I start caressing myself.

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