My Best Super-O and...
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[Sticky] My Best Super-O and How I Did It

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If a super-O is body convulsions, profuse sweating, and panting, then I had one last night. There was no erection and no ejaculation, just waves of uncontrollable body convulsions. I first bought the MGX model when I saw the video on the mastechniques blog. I had some mini-O's the third time I used it, but then could never achieve them again. I found the Helix at a local bookstore and bought it. I continued to have disappointing results until last night. Here was the difference. My wife has been helping me by stroking my chest and body, occassionally stroking my cock. Last night she gave my a prostate massage, a first for both of us. It did help me focus on my prostate and the feeling of stimulating the prostate. I put the Helix in and did everything I read. Anal contractions, tensing the legs. Then I realized there is a difference between PC contractions and anal contractions. When I contracted my PC muscles, my thighs, then legs would begin to shake, and eventually my whole body was convulsing like a grand mal seizure. Profuse sweating, heavy breathing, felt like I was going to ejaculate but never would, the wave would wash away and start again. I had maybe 7-8 in row with just enough time to catch my breath. My wife was amazed and turned on and when i would say I think I'm done, she would encourage to have one more. This went on for 2-3 hours until I had to go to bed so I could function the next day. Now I am convinced I can do it again and will try as often as I can to see how far I can take this new found male full body orgasm. I am amazed at what the body is capable of and want to tell all my male friends what they are missing out on. Don't give up, it takes time, but when you get it right, you will be forever changed.

From the wife's perspective: I can say that this was one of the hottest things I have witnessed my husband do. I do suggest for those of you with a partner willing to massage your prostate prior to the insertion of the aneros it seems to help with relaxation and focusing in on the feelings from your prostate. The other times my husband has used the aneros he did not have the reaction he did this time. Amazing!! We will be having A LOT of fun with this toy!!!

Had the same thing happen to me 2 nights ago with my PROGASM. It's amazing how you can get it again and again. I think if you can get to full body convulsions then you have reached a Super-O. I don't think anything less than this would be a Super-O. Yes, another thing you pointed out was no erection w/ no cum. I was very astonished of this observation too. Yet it feels like you're cumming in bucket loads. I had all the body convulsions, profuse sweating, rapid breathing (Panting). The best thing it wasn't over after the first time. It just gets better & stronger each time. (I think a new door has just been opened into being a multi-orgasmic man just like a woman can from g-spot stimulation.)

By having this important observation of not being erect/cumming is the key to opening the multi-orgasms I think. Because I have noticed for the people that say they have cummed after their super-O they are done. This is understandable is the ejaculation tires the body. Yet we are able to do this over and over again even after the convulsions come. We can keep getting convulsions upon convulsions.

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Well it happened yesterday...And it was awesome!!! 😀

I hadnt masturbated for a week and as soon as I got home I wanted to try a new combination that I just invented(?). I wrapped a rubber band around my testicles, and tied it to my Aneros euphos tab. Just so it slightly pulls my testicles backwards. Then I got to a position that girls do when they pee. After some small dry orgasms I started to push the Aneros out and pull it back in without hands of course. I got to a point where I felt like I was gointo ejaculate. By accident the adjustment tab of my aneros touched the floor and I was still doing my ins and outs. The movement of aneros stopped. And then it came! I was shaking and jizz just spurted out my cock! I tried it again now on purpouse and same thing happened! And third time too! Incredible! Then I finished my self off with my hand. 8)

Hope my description I precise enough and someone can use the same method to get to a point where I was totally incredible! 😯

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After a month of trying, finally some success with the Progasm. I started with a Helix and bought a Eupho & Progasm about a month ago. I had Super O's with the Eupho the very first time but could never get there with the Progasm, until last night. I finally had some "alone time" for the first time in about 2 weeks and decided to take advantage of it. I started my session with the usual cleanse and lube and my Helix. After about half an hour and several Super O's I switched to my Eupho and it went straight to "The Spot" and I had another awesome Super O. I figured this had already been a pretty good session so why not try the Progasm again and see what happens. After I inserted it I took a few moments to just relax again because the thing is soooo big. In just a few moments the involuntaries started and I just let it happen. OMG! The orgasms just kept coming and coming one after another. It was like the Progasm had a mind of its own. It did me hard, deep and sweet! I had another 3 incredible super O's over the next hour. I remember when I started my journey and finally got my first Super O I was thinking "Oh man, I had no idea". This was definitely one of those moments. This surpassed everything I have experienced since I started. Just when you think I can't get any better than this, it does. Sure looking forward to the next time!

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I just had my first Super O. I got some advice this morning from the newbie chat and also bought rumel's cd. I used a helix and was laying on my back with my knees in the air and feet flat on the bed. I was listening to the cd and about 45 min in I started to get a strange but great feeling. I think it was the start of a super o. It came out of nowhere and scared me a little bit. It kind of shook me out of the trance like state. After about another half hour it came again but this time I just laid back and enjoyed it. It was like a two or three minute full body orgasm but way better than any orgasm I have ever had. It was so amazing that I can hardly believe it was real. I can't wait to do it again.

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I should preface this, with a little bit of history. I got the helix about 8 months and while I had some strong intial success I felt as though I was forcing things a little and not reaching the true potential of the helix.

I had enjoyed some great mini-O's but I didn't enjoy the way I got to them. So I began experimenting and trying unsuccessfully to find a more enjoyable method. I tried a few sessions that didn't really go anywhere and I essentially gave up on it, although I continued to use it as a masturbatory aid. Hence, my lack of posting for awhile.

Well recently I decided to try again and tried putting more effort into it. Recently I have been practicing my kegels and carefully finding the optimal position (hands and knees) when using the helix. Needless to say I think I found a winning method, hence my posting, hehe.

Well, last night was the proof and the funny thing is I wasn't even sure I should try. I had a midterm the next day and wanted to get up early to study longer for it and it was already 10:30pm. My libido won out and I rationalized that I deserved it because I had studied a lot for this one and I hadn't j/o in 2 days (a rather long time for a 21 y/o).

So, I went to the bathroom for a quick BM, came back to my room and started to read some erotic stores to get me in the mood. Once I had gotten nice and worked up I lubed up the aneros and myself and put it in.

Instantly it felt very satisfying and felt a drop of pre forming at the end of dick. I got down on all fours and started with some deep breathing. I really notice when I take a deep breath down into my gut that my organs shift a little, along with the helix and giving some wonderful sensations. I relax a little and continue to enjoy pleasant signals from my prostate.

This continued for a few minutes before I decided to start some contracting. I contract to about 30% of my max and enjoy the feelings as my muscles struggle to hold the helix in the same position.

I look down and see long string of pre coming from my dick all the way to the bed and stretching until a new drop comes from the tip.

I start to feel my muscles in my abs contract and I feel as though I can only take shallow breaths. I slow down to ensure that get back some deep breaths since I feel contricted when this happens.

I repeat this with another few contractions before the real show starts.

I'm not even sure exaclty how it started but I think I released from a contraction and the helix didn't relax back out as it had before. It just stayed lodged in there with the p-tab firmly against the perineum and head snug against the prostate.

I let out a load groan, something I don't normally do, as the the helix seemed to be moving between pressing on the prostate and the perineum without sliding out at all. I starrted to shake all over and and I'm only able to take short, shallow breathes.

I then think I just went to an altered state of consciousness because I don't really remember thinking anything at all, just basking in the shaking, glorious pleasure, groaning loudly as it rolls through me over and over. My dick was throbbing and shaking as though it were ejaculating but there was no sensation of fluid release, just waves of pleasure. It just kept going like that over and over again, I think for around 5-8 minutes.

I think the only thing that brought me back was because I was losing my breath, I was huffing and puffing like I was running a marathon and I just couldn't sustain it any longer. As I started to come back I also noticed that my arms had the pins and needles sensation because I had my head draped over them and must have cut off some circulation.

I just groaned and moaned and laid down because I was so overwhelmed. I just laid there as the waves of pleasure receded slowly enjoying every moment as I was still taking in large breathes.

I turned over and noticed my dick had gone soft, which was a welcome result because I felt really satisfied and had not desire to do anything else but sleep.

So what do you think? Any tips on how to improve?

Does anyone else run out of breath like I did, and is there a means to counter or avoid it?

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After a short edit and spell/grammar check, I would like to post my long response to my most recent session that happened Tuesday. It's over 3,700 words long though. I fear it may be too much for the forum, but I was encouraged to post on the forum, on a blog, and also testimonials. 🙂 I will do so on all three levels. I wouldn't say that my session Tuesday was my "first" Super-O, but definitely my best and most undoubted Super-O. I do hope the information I post will be helpful and enlightening to some, but it is nothing that has not already been said. This will just be my telling and experience. 🙂 When I get finished with my document that is saved, I will edit this post and post it here.

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After a short edit and spell/grammar check, I would like to post my long response to my most recent session that happened Tuesday. It's over 3,700 words long though. I fear it may be too much for the forum, but I was encouraged to post on the forum, on a blog, and also testimonials. 🙂 I will do so on all three levels. I wouldn't say that my session Tuesday was my "first" Super-O, but definitely my best and most undoubted Super-O. I do hope the information I post will be helpful and enlightening to some, but it is nothing that has not already been said. This will just be my telling and experience. 🙂 When I get finished with my document that is saved, I will edit this post and post it here.

Yes you should post it here but also start a separate thread on the forum about your post. With 3,700 words I'm sure it is worthy of being in a more than few places on the forum. I'm anxious to read about your experience. Remember that even if your experience is similar to many others you should certainly post it regardless for it your own unique experience that should be shared.

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My best super O came with the progasm a few days ago. For the first time I opened my eyes and saw this amazing color to everything. Like LSD. I was listening to It's "awakening kundalini" guided meditation and I kid you not, I've never felt anything like it before. I mean I've had super O's, but this was a new level of super O.

My entire body was vibrating at a high, high speed. I felt like I was buzzing. Then I left my body and went into a spiraling, spinning, purple flower hallucination. I felt like I was being bathed in white light and my body felt pleasure, but I was almost afraid I was going to die so I still held back. The rest of the day, I was happier than I had ever been. I wanted to help people, and I felt connected to the universe.

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Below is the experience I said I would post about a month ago. Please forgive the long delay as school, work, and home life have kept me very, very busy. I've been rather lucky to get enough sleep. Ugh... But, I was able to spell check, grammar check, and give a small edit to make things as clear and coherent as possible. I hope this is enjoyable to those who read, and may lend some advice to those who need it. I doubt my pittance of information added will benefit anyone more than what has already been stated by the long time regulars. I do appreciate their help and advice deeply.

I just had the most wonderful experience. I finished about a two hour session just a few minutes ago. I'm still kind of out of it. It's almost as if I'm half here, the world in which I type and function in the ways that I am required to, and a world that I just discovered, where everyone seemed connected and focused on the same goals of harmony, pleasure, love, connection. To back track and start from the beginning, or behind as the session actually started (forgive the bum pun), I just wanted to take a nap with my Eupho inserted to get a general feeling of relaxing and letting my body naturally contract with the Eupho inside of itself. In this regard I feel it necessary to say "my body" because I have mentally been forcing contractions the first sessions. While great in and of themselves, it was not my bodies desire to move the Eupho in that sense, it was my own will. The point of my taking a nap was to put my will aside and let my body show me what I've been missing.

The results were astounding. I've incorporated the advice that I've learned here in setting up tonight's session, as it were. To be honest, I had just intended to get a little bit more comfortable with the Eupho and more relaxed, enjoying its subtle movements inside of me. The advice about lube came in handy. Last night I purchased a small jar of Vaseline and a new bottle of KY Silk. I coated my anus with a thin layer of Vaseline and then used the tip of my finger to coat the inside. I then did the same with the KY Silk. After that, I coated the Eupho with a thin layer of Vaseline and, after the initial coating of Vaseline was on the Eupho, I slicked it up with the KY Silk. After that, I let it find its own home inside of me, made sure the P-tab was hitting just the right spot, turned over to my side lying down, pulled the covers over me, and went to sleep.

It was a spotted sleep at best. Meaning, as soon as I really started to reach a deep sleep, a wave of pleasantness would wash over me and wake me up. Each time this jolt of pleasure pulled me from my harmonious dream world, I was tempted to squeeze down hard and bring the orgasm to me. Instead, I closed my eyes, told myself my body is just having its own experiment right now, turned off my mind, and went back to unconsciousness, which is really the only way to let the body wake up on its own, I think. After about an hour of this process, I came to once more. Only this time the grogginess that caused me to take a nap in the first place was gone. Now I was awake with excitement. What had my body learned in this last hour I wondered? I decided to try my best to relax my mind as if I were sleeping and treat it as if it were unconscious. I tried to be a fly on the wall spying like a voyeur on my body.

The results did not disappoint by any means. After a few moments of mentally staying away from myself, I decided to jump back in just a little bit. Sort of like putting my big toe into the ocean at the beach. The few days before, when I first got to the beach on my 7 day vacation, I jumped right in full body wanting to take in as much as possible as quickly as possible. That's how I would describe forcing my deep anal contractions the past few days. Pushing the Eupho out then pulling it back in with my anal contractions and muscles was like giving it to myself. I believe I did this mentally because it was familiar to me, from where I would do the same with my dildo. This time however, I knew I still had plenty of time left in my vacation and I just wanted to test the water. Maybe I didn't even want to go swimming in the ocean today. Maybe I just wanted to get a nice sense that I arrived and could soak in that peace and understanding, knowing that my time and ability to enjoy all that is out there has just begun. So, mentally, I just start to take the vaguest amount of control. Just enough to say, "Hey, body, I'm here with you now. I'm not fighting you or forcing you this time. What can you teach me this time? I'm here to listen to you. I don't think I ever have before. But, I'm willing to now, if you'll speak to me." And speak to me it did.

I used the lightest of contractions to whisper to my body that message. I physically felt the Eupho moving around inside of me. Being used to larger toys and sheer girth, this was a new sensation entirely! In fact, I have lately become so accustomed to spreading myself open that I was starting to become a size queen! This experience has opened me up more spiritually and mentally than I could have ever hoped for physically. What happened was that the most gentle of contractions started to turn into the muscle quivering around the Eupho. This in turn caused the Eupho to dance around inside of me. The only way I can describe it is this way. It's as if someone was able to put an orb of electricity to a very specific area and the currents pulsated inside of me stimulating me and teasing me, dancing around all of my spots, ones that I didn't even know could feel this engorged, stimulated, teased, electrified, and pulsating. Everything inside of my throbbed. And I learned a new definition of inside of me. Not just my body, but my essence. It's as if I were in scuba gear the whole time swimming in a cosmic pool of connectedness with everyone, but didn't know it because my suit was too tight to feel anything out side of it, my goggles too small to allow me any other viewpoint other than what was directly in front of me, and my breathing apparatus giving me too little oxygen to be free. Instead of being free, I was doing my best to stay confined in my cosmic scuba suit too scared to drown. Meaning, too scared to free my mind enough to trust my body and soul to be able to join the cosmic pool of connectedness and enjoy the rest of everything, the universe, humanity, anything and everything that is made of universal stuff and energy.

What happened physically is that my body began to take over the Eupho itself. It caressed me and told me to relax and sit back. It told me that for too long I had tried to find my own source of pleasure. I had tried to force orgasms when my body didn't really want them. Often times I masturbate when my body doesn't want to. I usually masturbate so frequently, at least twice a day, that my body is often drained and can no longer manage to naturally enjoy itself. I come up with mental scenarios to get me off. And that's exactly how I treated sex, as a way to get off. Even with my partners, I want the strongest, most powerful orgasm, that gets me and them off. I focused only on the physical aspect of pleasure. This time, my body showed me how to enjoy the universal pleasure of everyone. The more I relaxed, the more I remembered what others said. Don't force anything. If your body is wanting the nipples stimulated, stimulate them, but not too much. Just do whatever the body wants and asks for. I started to listen to my body. I rubbed my pelvic area, but not my penis, when I felt a need to. I rubbed my cheeks against my pillow when I felt the want to. My hips swayed and moved on their own, allowing my mind to wonder and drift. The pleasure I never trusted my body to feel when I would force orgasms was staring to come to me on its own. In fact, the pleasure my body was giving me greatly trumped any amount of mental imagery or scenario I could think of. The results of this total release was enriching on a whole new level. It's as if I learned more about me from this session. I learned how to just let go.

In letting go different images came to my mind. At first I was trying any image to keep me aroused and reach the level or orgasm I wanted to reach. Briefly I thought of my partner giving me a blowjob, or me inserting my partner, my partner inserting me, ect... Shortly though, my body told me to not think about that. Instead, I got different images. Not only different images came to mind, but different feelings as well. My body told me this, "You feel that energy that is swelling inside of you? You are letting if flow freely now. This is why your body moves the way it is right now. This is why this great pleasure fills you and cradles you. Your entire being is now being held up by this energy that you feel. It is surrounding you, comforting you, and keeping you. At the same time, everyone has this energy. We all share, every single living thing, this energy of sheer positive love and support. Right now, others in this world are sharing the same ograsmic feeling you are. Others are feeling sorrow, or hatred, but we are all part of the same universal energy. Every single one of us is reaching out in our own way to others. Right now, those on the sexual plateau are reaching out to you. For the first time, you can reach out to them now and give to them and take from them. It's a web of interconnectedness. In not taking selfishly, but sharing equally, the universal bond formed can comfort and support like no other bond imagined." What I did was imagine my energy surrounding me. The total feeling of all my experience, good, bad, negative, positive, bliss, sorrow, and it filled me. It filled me with such joy and pleasure. The feeling that became more and more predominant was love. Everyone reaching out to me was love. Hands caressed me. Plump, inviting breasts rubbed against me. Luscious, gorgeous cock teased me. I could feel myself reaching out to all of them as well. Everyone that came to me, I went to them also. My love went out to everyone that I know. Even those from my past that hurt me, I remembered that they hurt me so because I loved them dearly and deeply. I no longer felt the hurt from them, but only wanted to tell them that I did and do indeed love them. After this phase and love transpired, my energy and self went out further. It’s as if I had found all of those on the same sexual high that I was on. The few of us found each other. My jealousy of my partner wanting to share someone else left me. Instead, I felt that my partner was right all along. The person that was to be part of the activity was right all along. My jealously came from a need to posses. I had to have my partner solely to myself. My enlightenment was telling me that we are all meant to share and be with one another. Constrictions do not allow us to grow. We have to be completely free in order to grow. So, while my body squirmed and flowed in the most intense, and comforting sensation it has ever known, I allowed myself to envision partner swapping for the first time without a tinge of jealously or anger.

In doing so, I felt love again. I felt that my soul was connecting to my new partner. I desired deeply for my partner’s soul to connect to her new partner. I had a need to know my new partner on a spiritual level. I had a need for our souls to connect through the actions of our bodies. I had the need to understand my new partner. Instead of holding on to my old thoughts of being closed up and declaring without doubt that my way of thinking is right, I had a deep and urgent need to know what my new partner was thinking. What are her perspectives? As these thoughts swam about my head, my body shook and lost all control. Tidal waves of pleasure lifted me up and, rolled me over, and crashed me back down before the tide carried me back out to sea for another roller coaster ride of orgasmic ups and downs. Each Super-O triggered every nerve ending in my body more than the previous one. My hips bucked into the air. My head flailed back and forth. My toes curled. My hands grabbed the blankets I was lying in and squeezed them with every ounce of strength I had. I moaned, I screamed, I whimpered, all at the same time. While my body found news joys, my mind kept drifting further out into what I felt was the universal ocean of connectedness.

With each passing Super-O, and I can say with ease that they were Super-Os, my mind told me to let go even more. Instead of just focusing on the love of a single partner, experience the love of everyone at the same time. At first I thought of a big orgy, but quickly my mind and body told me that was wrong. Instead, the same aura of energy surrounded me again. This time, spiritual forms of energy enveloped me in my mind’s eye. I felt like I was hovering in a blue sky with the most fluffy white clouds painting in. The sun was shining, but nowhere to be seen, keeping sheer light in front of me and around me. While my mind grew used to this free floating state, those seeking me out found me. They hovered below me, above me, next to me, and even inside of me. The most connected feeling I could imagine was turning the image of my physical self into pure energy, like those around me, and letting them overlap with me. When this happened, everything I was lit up with sexual energy and orgasmic dominance. I no longer had control. The Eupho had control. Not only that, my body had control. I had an anal orgasm so strong it shot out the Eupho. I had to pause and put it back into me before I could continue. On the final leg of my journey, where a Super-O was so strong my hips bucked up so high I was in a bridge position with my head looking back at the wall behind me, my mind filled with the most curious, but delightful of images.

Now, this next part may seem bizarre, but it was perhaps the most wonderful idea I could think of, and I didn’t even think of it. All of the energy that had overlapped me, and I knew this energy to be other souls traveling this same high road that I had managed to find, began to take form. Once again flesh developed from these energies. I thought that connecting on a sheer energy level was the greatest pleasure. Until one final push and concept came to mind. My body told me that I had tasted the energy of all, that everything shares this energy, but that I am unique, as are others, in that while we can feel and share this cosmic energy, we are also flesh, and our flesh can feel at the same time our souls and energies can feel. This is why the energized souls began to reform into perfect bodies holding me, touching me, kissing me, and licking me. While I was looking forward to a nice orgy fuck, again things changed on me. The image of a man became somewhat different. He was leaning on top of me. I thought he would penetrate me. I was looking forward to the feeling of pressure and stiffness. Instead, something else happened. In a mental connection, I had the urge to go inside him, to penetrate him, but it wasn’t my penis penetrating his anus. Instead, the tip of my penis rested at the base of his scrotum. What happened next I couldn’t have imagined. His scrotum opened up and allowed my penis to enter his penis as if it were a vagina. I could feel his orgasm washing over my penis, and his ejaculation coating me. My penis became part of his and our pleasure doubled as I slid up and down, in and out of him. While this was going on, a woman placed her hips at my anus. Her vagina slid inside of me and I felt her juices rubbing the inside of me. I felt like I was her vagina being penetrated. I felt stuffed and teased at the same time. I felt like her clit rubbing my prostate was my clit being rubbed. I could envision her vaginal opening contracting. She was in the same state of orgasmic bliss that I was in. While the two sensations were on a whole other level by themselves, I wasn’t quite done fulfilling this last Super-O of flesh and soul connection. One more person was hovering around. This last person to form into solid, as solid as we were anyway, matter was a man. His pelvic region hovered over my mouth. Instead of naturally wanting to lick his scrotum, and eventually his shaft, like I do in real life, I had another idea and desire. I put my face inside of his rectum and began to lick his prostate. It was in the same manner that the woman was able to insert her vagina into me and the same way I could put my penis inside another man’s penis. It was the same energy overlapping that occurred moments ago in a pure state. This time, slight forms of physicality added to the sheer energy state. In this manner, there was no disgusting thought of the nasty rectal feces or another other unpleasantness that occurs in real life. It was the final stage of my mind opening up. It was an announcement. See what can happen when limitations are removed? Anything can happen. Anything that can bring pleasure will bring pleasure. My desire in licking a man’s prostate was to share total joy and selflessness with that person. I only wanted to give them the same most wonderful feeling that I had at that moment. Knowing that my source of pleasure at the time came from my prostate, I had a sense that this person had never know that pleasure. Thus, why I wanted to give it to them. It was my way of opening them up to an idea they had never tried before. The impression that I got initially was that this person wanted a blowjob. I wanted, no needed, to give them more. I needed to shatter their little world like mine was just shattered. I needed to let them know that they don’t have to go back to their confinement of reality, but can choose to expand to the endless possibilities of the universe. And in the instant that they released and felt orgasmic pleasure, the rest of us did as well. For a short time, we were all one. Our bodies, half formed in flesh, half in universal energy, shared each and every part of ourselves with each other. At this time I masturbated my penis to bring have a Super-T the likes of which I never thought possible. This was my body giving me that final feeling of flesh and energy combined. After I ejaculated, I crashed and couldn’t move a single muscle for a few minutes. It wasn’t exhaustion. It was lack of needing to move.

The residual of my Super-Os and final Super-T reminded me of the connection I just made with the universe. It reminded me that I need to let go in life more in general. My life is not the confinement I make it or the confinement others want me to believe in. If I have enough faith and trust, my soul and life can connect to those around me who have found the same path of enlightenment that I just found. My partner is one of those people. She had this enlightenment long before I did. For the longest time I confined her. I didn’t think that what she said or believed was possible. She was too much of a free spirit. She would never get ahead in life and get a good job or anything. She just didn’t care enough. The truth is, she just knew what her mind and body wanted. She had a sense of connection that she just knew, and I had to search for. Her mind is connected to her body. Her emotions are letting her feel that. I am in awe of her presence of understanding.
What I’ve learned from this session is not that the Eupho can give me literally mind blowing orgasms, but that I should endeavor to connect to those around me. The love that I felt is real. So is the energy that everyone possesses. When I have sex with my partner, it will no longer be me trying to manipulate pleasure with vibrators or other devices. Sex will no longer be about me quickly pounding my partner to bring us both to mutual orgasms in a near instant. For the longest time, I thought that if I had a quick orgasm, I could have another one sooner, and thus try to stay in that orgasmic frame. I learned today that the opposite is true. Letting go, enjoying the ride, and not caring about the orgasm brings about the greatest orgasm and feelings of them all.

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It is so important to just relax and breathe, slow down the contractions.

Don't look at porn during your session, ignore the boner and just breathe. Don't expect anything.

SSSLLLLOOOWWW contractions are the key. They will build in intensity and frequency all by themselves; allow this to happen, and try not to freak out when your quadriceps start to quake and your gut muscles flex.

If you stray from the focus at this point, the feelings will subside, and you will have to start all over again. You can always get off after the tide goes back out, right?

IF you can hold your focus, your breathing will become fast and shallow, and your senses will become unreliable.

What comes next is difficult to describe because of sensory distortion. I wish you all luck.

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I have always been anally erotic, so it was on the third session that I started to get Super Os, or so I thought. By the 6th session, they were stronger and longer, but today makes me wonder if they were quite the real thing. I had a small warm water enema to clean up and warm up the prostate. I find an enema helps in relaxing the rectum and in keeping things clean. I also always warm the Helix. After about 15 minutes, the KY had forced be to stop for a bathroom break. I love its viscosity but glycerine sometimes does its thing.
By then I was totally relaxed. About 10 minutes after inserting the Aneros again, the first involuntaries hit. The P waves were a bit strong, but nothing unusual. What did become strange, in the good sense, was the way they seemed to get so much stronger so much faster. They also seemed to last longer. I was just getting used to the pleasant tingles as the first shock wave hit. A day previously, I had shown my wife a Super O (we usually get as far as P waves before intercourse), but this was nothing like that smaller Super. It kept coming, and coming in waves, and ended in an explosion.
So what was the trick? That feeling is one I'd love to be able to conjure up in a flash. The easy thing to figure is my level of relaxation and breathing. The only word that describes the sensation between waves is exquisite. It's not the contraction in but the space between that makes the ride great, and the trick for that is relaxation. Hopefully again soon.

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I've enjoyed reading many of the stories here and now I'd like to share mine. I'm not sure exactly what I experienced, if it was truly a "super-o" or not. I'm not sure my body could take anything more intense. I started the evening very relaxed. I had nothing going on so I decided to treat myself. I started with some porn and my bong. Once sufficiently high I picked up my progasim, covered it in lube and worked it into my ass. Usually it takes a little work to get in, but this time my ass seemed to suck it up. I sat back in my chair with the toy in me. I continued surfing porn videos for about 15 minutes, the pressure and sensations building inside me.

All of a sudden out of nowhere my whole body starts to shake in intense pleasure. I did nothing usual to start this, it just happened in the middle of a pretty boring porn. I closed my eyes, leaned back in my chair and just "took it" for what felt like at least 5 minutes. It was awesome, but not exactly orgasmic. This was not my first time using the progasim and I had felt similar sensations before, just not this intense and long lasting. Eventually the waves of pleasure subsided. I was bit disorientated. I closed my laptop, and crawled into my bed, toy still in place.

For the next 10-15 minutes or so I worked on a series of muscle contractions and positions. All of them felt awesome and a little different. I tried to listen to what my body was telling me. I lay on my stomach for a few minutes, pulling the toy into my ass using my PC muscle. Then I rolled on my side, curled my legs up. This felt amazing. Then I rolled all the way over on my back. I brought my legs close to my body, heals touching. I started slowly grinding my pelvis into the bed slowly. The feelings started to become extremely intense by this point. I would start shaking in pleasure then the feeling would subside so I'd continue pushing my ass down into the bed while slightly lifting my knees up, heals still touching. This continued for a good 10 minutes I think, but by this point time really didn't exist to me.

Suddenly I became much more aware of the toy in me. I could literally feel it wrapping around my prostate. The feeling was incredible. I was lightly stroking my rock hard penis, but it almost felt numb compared to the feeling in the rest of my body. It felt like streams of energy were radiating from deep within me. My mind was everywhere and no where all at once. Without warning a stream of "cum" poured out of my penis. It was the strangest feeling. It felt like I was peeing cum. I had no idea what was going on. I tried to stop for a moment to get my bearings and catch my breath. I felt the cum dripping down my stomach onto my sheets. My hand brushed the tip of my penis and I noticed that It didn't have the super sensitive feeling it gets after an orgasm. So I started stroking a little. My body seemed to remember the toy and this point and the involuntary contractions started again.

I scooped up a handful of cum and used it as lube and started to jerk off. This was the slipperiest, smoothest, most plentiful cum i've ever produced. I wish I could bottle it. It was perfect for jerking off with. I worked my cock for about 2 minutes, my ass gripping the program and still spamming. I came again. A fountain of cum everywhere. My pelvis bouncing up in down in pleasure.

Covered in cum I lay in my bed, disorientated, euphoric, and exhausted. After a few minutes I gathered the strength to get up. I removed the toy and went to the bathroom to clean up a little and get some water. I got back into bed and just looked at the ceiling, my mind still spinning, trying to figure out what had happened. Then I started to feel a pulsing inside me. My prostate felt like it was almost dancing. Another wave of pleasure too over my body. I started to feel weightless. At this point the toy isn't in me. This is my body doing this on it's own. I found that small muscle contractions would intensify the pleasure. I lay in my bed for what felt like an hour playing with this newfound ability. It was crazy. It almost reminded me of the first time I pleasured myself to orgasm in my youth. I had that same "this is awesome, my life is never going to be the same now that I know how to do this" feeling. I didn't orgasm again during this third session. I just rode it out for a while before dozing off to sleep.

A few hours later I woke up still high (both from the pot and from the experience) I went into the kitchen and ate a half a bag of shredded cheese and I couldn't stop smiling. I feel back asleep and when I woke up the next morning I jumped out of bed feeling well rested and full of a new energy.

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I know I had a premature-postualtion, but I now can say I did have a super-o. I was going thru the forums again for more tips that I might have forgotten. One stuck out, forget who posted, they said to have sessions often and close together. So session 1 was Saturday afternoon, 2 saturday night, and the 3 and best sunday afternoon when it all happened. Another thing that helped, I wasn't getting much response all this time, started back in dec 2009, I figured that I must be overshooting my spot, so I just inserted halfway to where it would stay in. Also someone posted about a base coast of vaseline then ky on aneros, that made a big differance in the feeling too. I am bit leery of that with some of the comments in the lube health posts.
any way, my perenium always twitches while laying down or sitting in a hard chair, so I insert the helix half-way in and it starts rocking immediately. I notice a BIG differance right from the start. the helix seems to lay on the spot and just gently press into it giving very small feelings like the beginnings of trad orgasm, but it feels differant. I give a small contraction, dont want to overpower the new and exciting feelings. the spot really gave off nice feelings then. I kept contracting and releasing for about 45 mins with almost continuous nipple stimulation, then everything seemed to get still, but something was happening. first my buttocks both seized up, followed by my legs then arms. my arms tightened so fast they hit the head board. I couldnt breath for about 5 seconds, dont know what I was thinking, except this was a wild and exciting ride. soon everything released and felt really nice. I thought was that really the big O?

the boards say you can go multiple times, so to prove the experiment I repeated everything again. Sure enough a while later it happened again, this time not as strong a body contraction but a nicer feeling. I got up thinking I had better take a break and could barely walk.

Later Sunday night I had to try again, thankfully I got it to go again, so I am sure that I had a super-o this time. After I got cleaned up and tried to go to bed, my groin was still pulsating. I had enough toy time so I just worked my nips and small contractions. I almost had a trad orgasm without touching my cock. very interesting.

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Well, finally, I have to add to this thread. Perhaps, though, not to tell you how I did it, but to shine some light on the Super O experience.

Let me say that I am fortunate enough to achieve this much sought after goal often. Often. Almost every session. But I have also come to realize that Super O is a different experience, not only different for everyone, but different to everyone. Just because you've seen videos or read accounts of full body orgasm or spasm-ing legs DOES NOT mean that your experience of extreme pleasure with Aneros is not a Super O.

I have come to realize that, for me, Super O is more a combination of mind and body. I believe I have grown beyond the point of herky-jerky active-body Super O's and on to a more surreal version. While difficult to describe, I think the term "bliss cocoon" is more in keeping with what I'm trying to achieve when I do an Aneros (or even a non-aneros, for that matter) session.

My "best" sessions are those in which I can achieve this bliss state. A continuous pleasure zone that waxes and wanes, that intensifies and degrades and then builds again. Eupho is my weapon of choice for this excersize, and while in the "bliss cocoon" even the smallest of motions, the slightest of nipple stim, is able to magnify the intensity of my bliss.

So what I try to achieve is this sense of total immersion into my prostatic delirium. Now, unlike and active, legs-a-shakin' Super O, which, for me lasts only 10 to 15 minutes at best, my "bliss cocoon" immersion goes on for up to an hour and more. Seriously.

My point in all of this is to encourage you all to seek the level of pleasure or bliss or whatever, for yourself. Don't let others' idea of Super Orgasm be your totem. Find your own level...develop your own style both of getting there, and more importantly, sustaining the bliss.

On sustaining. Remember always, that initially, feedback from the prostate may be only a whisper of may be fleeting at first as well. Be "listening" for the first feedback, and don't expect the mountains to move. It'll likely be just a light tickle in your groin...or back, or feet...but be aware of where that feedback hits you. It may be different during different sessions...just be aware of what and how it effects you personally and then try to sustain whatever it is you're feeling. You may be able to do this by "freezing" your current body your ass up off the bed, are you tightening your thighs on one side or the other or both? Are you using nipple stimulation, if so, which nipple and what stroke, brush or pinch is working for you. (BTW, if you're not encouraging your body to respond to nipple stim, you may be missing the key to Super O, IMHO)

Breathing is also important. Are your lungs full or empty as you start to get it good if you breathe in and hold, or is it better with your lungs empty...All of this matters. What is important is that you continue to encourage, sustain, whatever is making you feel good. Try to make it last as long as possible, because if you'll do this, you'll find that the stimulation will grow stronger, and you'll get better at what makes you feel good.

Eventually, sustaining will lead to the non-stop, continuous pleasure that is a precursor to Super O, however you experience it.

Don't be discouraged...this takes time, this rewiring process. Just remember to focus on the things that work and ignore the things that don't.

Good luck brothers, and success on YOUR journey.


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Well I am now able to add myself to the list REACHING MY BEST SUPER "O" . Let me explain.

I have been abstaining from using my aneros toys for a while to assist in a stronger response when I did have my next session.....and it proved to be the best decision I could of made.

I started out with the normal preparation, however this time I took it slower so I could really be relaxed and ready for what I hoped would be a good time. I lubed up more than I have in the past and inserted my Maximus. After ten minutes I began to feel the flutters, very slowly but deliberately, and lasting a minute at most. I could feel each wave slowly move throughout my body. After a dozen or so I began to feel the intensity build and was enjoying each wave, hopeful that my aneros would bring me more and more on this day. I was beginning to really get moving and enjoying my last wave as it intensified and lasted longer.
I then decided to be a daredevil and lubed up my newer addition, the Progasm. I inserted it slowly and man it wasn't easy. I anticipated it to slide ride in feeling the way I was but that was not the case. After a few minutes of working it, rotating it then in and out gentle movements it finally was sucked in.

What happened next was awesome, a quick brute wave caught me by surprise lasting a short while but definitely increasing my hopes that I was in for a treat. I could feel the incredible feeling of my prostate awakening. I spun from my side to my back as I slowed my breathing and relaxed deeper. Again, bam without warning another bolt of electricity shot through my body! Man I felt like I could barely hang on, yet loved every minute of it! Precum oozing which I very rarely produce. Over and over the next pulsing wave was more and more intense with me screaming out and rolling all over the bed in any position that my body wanted to put me in. I found myself on my stomach coming down off of the most incredible energy ride of my life. I lifted my chest up off my elbows, tightened and straightened my legs and could feel what felt like a wave go from the bottom of my balls up to the base of my penis and out of the tip. Moments later, bam the strongest and most incredible orgasm I have ever had. I felt my thighs spread slightly and drive into the bed, my ass up high, back arched and my face and chest buried into the pillow as I screamed out! The most intense feelings- the energy was wild, I could also feel the rim of my anus pulsing as the glowing most satisfying feelings shot out from my prostate and encompassed my body. After I came down off of this totally satisfying ride I was treated to several more brief calm points before the next wave shot through my body without warning and each time it hit with a strong force. Damn! Unbelievable! After what felt like an hour or so I was so completely satisfied and yet exhausted.
So I can't wait to try this again. Did I mention I love my Maximus and Progasm - thanks Aneros!

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I finally experienced what can only be the most unbeleivable orgasm of my life. I spend most of the nite without sleep off and on having p waves and uncontrolable shaking. I slept for maybe 2 hours and yet i was not tired. After breakfast i went back at it again and this time i only had a milder experience. Then after lunch i was feeling horny after watching some porn so i lube the Aneros and went for it. I started on my side then went on my back and placed a pillow just below the ass. I started rotating a bit and then the most uncontrolable shaking started. Off and on and i didnt want it to stop. After a 1 or 2 minute pause, i started rocking back and forth and that sent me thru the roof. The waves were so intense i didnt know if i could take it much longer but i didnt want it to stop either. I screamed and wimpered. My body went so tense and my head was rotating left, right and every which way. WOW....after 20 minutes of this i was exhausted. I wanted to keep going but i thought i better stop or i may just faint. No wonder people love this thing! Looking forward to many more sessions in the future. Thanks to everyone for their advice and sharing their experiences. Keep them comming.

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I've been using a classic now for about a year and have mostly had great experiences, but last nite was the ultimate. I usually smoke a little weed prior to using my aneros. it tends to loosen up my mind and body. wife was downstairs, she still hasn't warmed to the whole concept yet -- but i will keep trying.

got into bed, on my side and started fantasizing about whatever it is that turns me on (usually wife with a strapon). after about five minutes, starting really feeling it and decided to move onto my stomach. what happened next was truly euphoria. over the next 30-45 minutes i had incredible orgams, with small ejaculations of fluid, but without an erection. My breath seemed to be key to this, as when i held it, the orgasms grew and when i let out, they settled a little, but overall, my mind and body were in an extreme state of pleasure, like nothing i have ever experienced. throughout, all i craved was my wife's strapon cock in my ass, deeper and deeper. It actually felt like she was fucking me deep, hard but sensually.

I'll be back at it soon. hope you are all enjoying this as much as i am.

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i just want to say i have been WAITING for the day when im actually able to reply to this page. i have been reading about everyones experences and just urning for it.
im going to be completly honest with everyone here because for once i feel safe and comfortable enough talking about my life with strangers being were all in this togather, ive never met a community more close in my life and i seem to just fit in, its really someting unique and i treasure it. oh and PS if anyone knows how to change my forum name i would greatly like to know how to.
okay anyways, a little about me. i useto think i was cursed, see i happen to be one of those guys that doesnt get "off" easly ive lost many relationships due to embarresment, being i could go with out coming if you know what i mean. its been a struggle my entire life. theres nothing wrong with me i just have higher standeds, it doesnt just "happen" i haveto make it "happen" and i always do. but from a 3rd party its dam near impossible. the people i do tell this about are shocked and jelous. for me im not i hate it but i could be the exact opposite and have no control so i guess i better off.
now with this being said masturbation was always tedious and exausting, the end result didnt way enough for the time spent yet i had to do it because im young and duh.
one day i just snappd and said there HAD To be more than this. or elts thre was no reason to live a life not sexually satisfied, i mean whats the point of going threw the crap we deal with every single day to have no happy time.
the i came across prostate massage and i was instantly drawn to it. i mean instantly i had NEVER heard of something like this i mean this isnt the stuff dudes talk about or teachers teach.
so one day i got the MGX, it was increadable i mean changed my LIFE, i didnt get the infamous super o. but i was hooked no doubt about that. after a month or so i wanted more because it wasnt hitting the right fill spots. s i got the PROGASM ICE. which was jaw dropping beautifal and most impressive in size i gotta say i felt like a chick and it made me giggle. the PROGASM was great hit the spotsmde me all bubbly but i was to scared to let loose being of its size and knock knock knock "crack steel" nature. then one day i dropped it and fate took over and it hit perfectly from my chair to the carpet. it poped the P tab off and i danm near cried. but i was on the aneros forum and there was the VICE and i said "fudge it" and got it. once again i was taken away by this absolutly perfect nice and filling super soft so you can just go to town ith it. PLUS it vibrates and there awsome. now the thing about me and the VICE i cant have a normal session with it i HAVTO have a SUPER T moment and mygoodness i do. first time i did i milked my self like a cow screamingMOOOO was truly unique and epic.
but this is all i culd have hand i had all but givin up on finding my "SUPER O" and once again ANEROS called to me and they released the TEMPO. and my god this thing was crafted by the GODS themselfs i got it and a tear rolled down my cheak and just BRAVO. now im not one of thos guys that just putit in and it was perfect. anything but. i mean when i put it in it did just dance and was really great. but id always go back to my vice and rub a sup T out and just be satisfied. then one day that day being LAST NIGHT.

so for my real story ill put this so even the newest people can understand and put it in EXACT detail. now that you know my story

FRIDAY afternoon. i had a "T" time u know just to clear the pipes and relax for a little bit.
FRIDAY NIGHT. i was feeling not ancy just relaxed. i had read some of B's and ROOKS reports on the TEMPO
now have done this for a few months i tought i knew what i needed to know..WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG.....wait for it....>WRONG

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Tried an anerosless session last night - lying in bed, same position, same thoughts but without the device

The sensations you begin to feel are stunning...

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Thank you for your post. I wanted to express my appreciation for your explanation. After I read your comments, last night I tried this with just a music background. The sensations seemed around 50% to 60% of those with the device. It was amazing. Again, a real thank you.

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No problem Boot, please please please everyone must try an anerosless session

You will be amazed

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Almost two months later, this morning, 7/20/13, AND, now I know what Twlltin was talking about when he said "...don't expect the next session to follow the same path"...I am here to tell everyone just got BETTER!

I recently bought a Eupho Classic, which arrived on Tuesday, 7/16/13! The Eupho is definitely different in how it teases my prostate. It hits specific spots and I think because its the harder plastic, it hits my prostate stronger than my Helix Syn!

My session started at about 5:30am. I inserted Eupho and laid down on the bed. I enjoyed all kinds of sensations until about 8:45am, when I felt a HUGE wave rush over me from head to toe...and it was a deep, deep sensation. As I relaxed into it, I felt my breathing go real shallow and my body barely moved...but, my ass was twitching on its own!!! It kept going, and going, and I got even more smaller waves that moved over me. As I felt myself tightening up, I relaxed again, and the waves got stronger, and i soon realized this was more than a Dry O!!!!! Thinking it would end, I just kept relaxing, but it was NOT going to stop on its own, so I went with it, and it kept going, 30 minutes, 45, and finally I hit 60 minutes, when I felt I needed to pee real bad! Guys, I'll say it again...keep at it! These orgasms are very very REAL! This is going to be a VERY good day! Time for a shower!

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Ok, here it goes! On July 28, 2013, I experienced my second full-body orgasm!!! It started on a Sunday afternoon, while taking a "nap"! After my first Super O, on May 17, 2013, which was also a full-body orgasm, I said to myself "more would be nice"! Of course, patience was needed, since I had a calm seas orgasm on July 20, 2013, and was wondering what was next!?! Well, today I got my answer! By the time it was done, I had experienced a full-body orgasm that lasted about 60 minutes! WOW!

It started in my shoulders, involuntary contractions, up, down, up, down...and then proceeded to move ALL around my body. My legs, my pelvis, torso, feet, all shaking, contracting and moving in a rythym all their own, and then it continued to make the rounds for at least a full hour! And, since I knew where things were headed, I was able to relax into it much more than my first super o! What an amazing experience! And, it wouldn't stop! As long as I did nothing but relax, it kept going...amazing! I also felt like I was able to push it around my body at one point using very slight muscle nudges, and my body took the hint and away it went!! Very cool! My breathing would go light and shallow, and then go strong and deep! All the while, p-wave after p-wave crashing and flowing throughout my mind and body!

The sheets and pillow were drenched by the time I started to bring myself back to earth! The room fan was needed to dry things out so as not to raise any questions!

All in all...INCREDIBLE! Just incredible! Our bodies and minds are capable of more than we ever imagined, and this experience is, I feel, a small glimpse of how, despite our traditional conditioning, we are capable of such experiences! I may be going overboard to some of you, but how could such feelings and experiences be against any reasoning! The entire event was completely caused by a combination of self-awareness and non-chemically (non-artificial) induced stimulation! This is an amazing example of what wonderful creatures we are! Ok, I'll calm down! Thanks to Chuck, BigO, Rumel, Brine, Twlltin, and to the Academy...wait, not the Academy...but to all you trailblazers who have gone before me, thank you a thousand times over! "Don't stop ...Believing"

On a side note, I was considering using marijuana for the FIRST time ever this last weekend as a way to nudge things along...NOT NOW! Don't need to! It happened without it! Not even an after-thought now! Makes me even happier!

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HELLO!!!!!!!!!!! Excuse me for the shouting but I'm happy right now. I have one thing to say. I LOVE THE PROGASM!!!!!!! Sorry but i do. I love that thing. I got it for a birthday gift from my dad for helping him with his journey. But the rules were I could not ride it til my actual birthday which is today. Lets just say I'm a new man. I thought the Helix Syn was something. Let me get to the chase here. I'm only gonna give a short synopsis cause I will give the full lengthy version in the blog section tomorrow hopefully.

I cleaned out and lubed up. I was getting a lot of needed help form my brothers here. I got a pillow and layed it up under my butt so I can be lifted. I stuck it in and fire works began instantly. My legs were up in the air dangling and I was moaning and dry heaving like crazy. I got this full feeling in my penis I thought oh lord to soon for this. But it was just a huge mini o but it made me so erect and made the pre cum splash on my belly. I kept with it but this time i grabbed my ankles and pulled my legs back further making the progasm hit my prostate so hard and deep. I shattered. I screamed so loud but I didn't care. I wasn't in pain it was pure bliss. So much bliss i was forgetting to breathe. I can't account for about 4 minutes. But I'm back so thats a good thing. But it would have been a great way to go. lol The best orgasm ever. I still haven't cum yet. Its been a week and some days.

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this was my 3rd super O and by far the best, hence me posting this here. I had my woman playing with my nipples which was driving me wild, i was actually moaning a little and panting heavily, she was astounded by my reaction, though she doesnt know of my aneros use, so I can see why. i didnt have anything inserted and i NEVER moan or pant. A sick kid ruined the sex so left me feeling extremely edged. Sex for us is very far and few between. After wards i could tell that something felt very different with prostate, even the nipple play earlier was different from when i do it to myself, much different and different feeling. I new with the way my prostate was feeling i had to have a session later and to add to the excitement i had just received my first jar of unrefined shea butter. I had read about melting the shea butter and inserting it via syringe so thats what i did. I inserted my MGX and layed in my recliner. It felt almost stuck like not enough lube so i pulled it out slightly and it shot back in with the most slippery sexy feeling. I was loving the shea butter from that second. Almost immediately i could tell i was in for a ride which is rare for me. my involuntaries were feeling strong, the device pumping more forcefully and then it began. It was getting sucked in and in almost unbelievably too far and the pleasure was astounding more then i could almost fathom. It was like it was touching me in my most deepest darkest area of my being! I think i had 3 O's before the sensations started to die down. So in reflection i have no idea what caused the sudden improvement as its been along time since i had any O's. The nipple stim? the shea butter? Who knows. I think the important thing is that this journey always keeps getting better and better, especially when you least expect it! 😉

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Ok so I think over a year and a half I have had super Os on and off but here is a extract of a message I wrote to my dear Aneros friend that I needed to share with all.

In referance to below the new lover coming in the post is a Aneros pro jr. (No we ware not human trafficking )

  • oh my! every now and then once in a blue moon i have a new type of session.
  • This one is the best i have had for a long time.
    This one is really special and has come about by the fact i am excited to be having a new lover coming in the post so i guess i am sexually excited and the fact that i am not stressed and am calm. I feel connected to my lower half yet disconnected at the same time.
    I can feel every pulse of pleasure but my groin is doing its own thing completely.
    Maximus is not working as unusual, its doing this tiny little micro movement things and my groin and anus area are doing this throbbing pulsing action at the same time but its all so slow and gentle and relaxed feeling.
    I wish i could plug in the feelings so you could feel it too its wonderful.
    Its more relaxing than exciting its sort of like if you lay on your wife while in her and just be one with her and fuck just by the movement of your breathing. Its deep and penetrating while being gentle and slow.
    It started out with the ptab hurting which it never does. I can not understand it. wow

  • braveneworld 9:09AM
  • Wow my toes and feet just curled up ward and I dry cummed for about half a minute! My body was pumping like it was cuming hard for at least 30 seconds followed by me having a full body stretch. Fucking wonderful. Its died down back to what i was explaining before now slow and relaxing. That must of been a larger super o then i have ever had. The ejaculation phase although dry was intense and there was three distinctive muscle movements moving the aneros.

    Super o is a real bad name for it coz in blokes we imagined thrashing hard penetrating type feelings like when we fuck hard to a orgasm. Its not like that at all!
    Its warm its deep inside, yes it is a crashing wave but a gentle one.
    I really hope you get there some day soon. I want you to feel it too its amazing

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Wow! A textbook session. I usually spend a long time getting into it, it's somehow uncomfortable, or I get distracted internally or externally. But today was different. I was free, i was ready, and i could not believe that i managed to get P-waves, 3 dry orgasms, and a super O at the end in 30min (i am still riding as we speak, but it has calmed down). Plus, an added bonus, i never have pre-cum as much as other guys do, but at the very end of this 30min after the super-o, i could feel pre-cum shooting out of my penis. I was lying on my front so i could not see until i looked and could see how much was there.


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I believe I had my best Super-O to date yesterday. I had taken a few weeks away from my Helix Syn and finally had some downtime. I find it best when I covering my eyes or if its dark out as I can close my eyes and just really relax. My best position is on my back, knees bent and feet just a little over shoulder's length apart flat on the floor. I'm a believer in the " do nothing" method and just letting things happen. I do some minor breathing and concentrate on feelings the helix gives. One side note, I do use a c-ring which helps the "twins" be slightly lifted away from the perenium area. I find this helps with sensitivity, at least for me.

I let the feelings just go where they want for about 20 to 30 minutes and then I can tell things are starting happen. Any thoughts I have at this point are about concentrating on the feelings and sensations the helix and my prostate are sending me. I can feel the sensations all over the torso, pelvis area and my legs are slightly twitching. I can feel the subtle movements of the helix and feel it massaging and rubbing my prostate. Things really to start to feel awesome at this point and the p-waves are really building. I usually have a surge for good few minutes and it subsides but only have stronger surges as time goes on. Another side note, I used to get about this far or only get this much enjoyment and I would wind up trying to "rush or search for it". This caused the sensations to eventually subside and die out. For me, when I'm at this point where waves are arriving then leaving, kind of going up and "dropping back down", I usually try to relax even further, (I mean almost trance like, just slightly breath, relax EVERY muscle and let the helix really take over. This can sometimes take few minutes or sometimes 10 or 15 minutes. I get comfortable with my positioning and really just focus on the slight movements and sensations of the experience. The next few p-waves I start to feel really good, warming sensations, pleasure heightening to where I think I've hit a new level. I slightly breath rhythmically only to just enough to keep the "flow" going and I make sure I'm not straining anything. Usually at this point my prostate is really "warmed up" and ready to go. I add an ever so slight holding contracting, very minor for about a minute or so and this seems to help kick off some strong involuntaries and the real ride begins. The peaks become so high I almost can't believe it, the helix is working on its own and is really causing strong contractions. I do my best to completely relax and let the my body just react. I'm complete bliss and at one with the entire experience. My prostate is sending huge amounts of signals all over my body and I'm almost in tears because of the pleasure. Just when I think the peak is over another wave hits even harder. I've found then when its been a few waves I can sometimes slightly contract in between them and kick the helix into overdrive when I release the contraction. After several more peaks and valleys my body lets me know if its done. This whole trip can last an hour or 2 or even 3 hours for me.

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I just had the most intense, incredible super O of my life. Here's how I did it:

Where it all began:I had a particularly open roommate who taught me the finer points of sounding. For pleasure, this amounts to inserting a thin metal rod with a slight bend at the end and a ball on the tip into your urethra. The ball touches your prostate from the inside. It's as dangerous as it sounds, unless done in a sterile environment and very mindful of any pain that might occur. Anyways, with some practice I started having regular (dry) orgasms that seemed to last for hours - I was hooked, but the method for getting there was just too dangerous to continue on a regular basis.

Enter the aneros:
After doing some research on my own, I found out about the aneros. I was skeptical - it didn't seem by the diagrams that it touches the prostate nearly as much as sounding does, but I sure was wrong ;). I ordered the default model at the time and went to work practicing. It took many weeks of practice before my muscles were built up well enough and I started to really feel the pleasure instead of mild discomfort. From there, it wasn't long before I had my first super-O with the aneros - and it was even more intense than sounding!

Practice makes perfect:
I was hooked - a safe way to have super-O's! I started ordering many different models to try them out, finally landing on the Helix SYN as the piece that gets me off without fail. Just lay down on my side, relax a little, start breathing regularly, and then start those muscle contractions. Before long, I'm writhing around, uncontrollably lost in utter bliss.

Adding to the mix:
It was a couple years before I made things a LOT more interesting. I decided to wait a week without getting off at all and see if it made the experience any more intense. Turns out, it does - MUCH more intense than before. It was as if all the week's orgasms got lumped into one orgasm 7 times stronger than before.

The Best? Super-O
To finally arrive at my (current) peak, I went two full weeks like this, but rather than just sitting idle during that time, I had an aneros session every night during that period, edging to the very brink of bliss and then pulling back - for an hour or two every night. It took mind blowing self control to pull back from a Super-O every night, let me tell you. Finally, when it came to do the real session, I set up a camera (I wanted to see just how my body would react) and layed down on my side. Inserted the Helix SYN and started my normal routine. The whole session only lasted 15 minutes, but it felt like hours. Within the first 5 minutes, I had already entered into my first wave of orgasms. I had two full on super-O's (what I previously thought was the limit) but they were dry! As I pushed onward, it finally built into the most intense, incredible, vibrant experience of my life - total euphoria, total bliss. I lost track of time, feeling like I'd entered another state of consciousness altogether. It was the most insane thing... completely indescribable. Later, I watched the video back and noted that I was spasming and writhing and auto-humping totally out of control. My face was red and I could see my expression fluttering between pure ecstasy and fear (like, how far does this even GO?!). Afterwards, I just lay there for several minutes soaking in the waves of orgasmic bliss that continued washing over me long into the evening.

Today (couple days after) I feel like I'm recovering from a car wreck. Every muscle in my body is incredibly sore and aching, because they were all tensed so violently beyond my control. I guess when it gets THIS good, there are a few consequences 😉 At least it's a good workout!

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I've had some good results with a helix classic (body spasms, waves, small dry os and general feelings of physical pleasure) but I'd never experienced anything quite so mind altering as when I very recently used a Progasm Jnr. On the first session I had all the usual symptoms but everything seemed more intense (perhaps because I'd abstained for a week?). Anyhow after the usual beautiful mind bending craziness had died down I became very still for around 10 minutes and assumed that nothing else was going to happen. However something very strange started. I felt bodily heavy like my head was stuck in wet cement. I could tell from the building light in the retina of my closed eyes that something was building - a white light started to increase in brightness. I could sense a delicious loose probing in my anus which I relaxed into and I was overcome by a gentle body wave of calm warming please. It gave me a slight erection (which I had to fight to stay down) and when it had subsided it was quickly followed by two smaller waves. For a few minutes after I felt totally mentally alert - never felt more lucid and I could tell that my prostate was fully engorged and engaged. I'm not sure if this was Super O or not - we all seem to have our very own definitions which is perhaps the way it should be. I love everything about the experience, the wild spasms, crashing waves, clutching the headboard, moaning "oh god, oh god" over and over, my electricity generating nipples as well as the more recently discovered calmer beauty.

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