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Modifying the aneros

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As a new user I bought a Helix Trident (white), and after some weeks of much patience with only the faintest of tingles, I figured I’m just not getting contact — maybe it’s physiological thing about angles, maybe I have an under active prostate (it doesn’t seem to bulge) — but in any case I decided to increase the angle of attack. By applying heat at the skinny part of the shaft (about 1.5 inches “in”) I bent the tip about 1/4” closer to the front. With the increased contact I was getting some interesting waves of sensation (and some stupendous masturbatory orgasms after I’d give up on clenching my ass), but again after several weeks of no more real prostate progress, I repeated the adjustment— bent the shaft again to move the tip so it’s now 1/2” closer to my prostate than ‘normal’. Two days ago I had my first serious twitching. Yesterday I went over the top. And as I type this now the surges are starting to roll up and down my pelvis and I’m twitching enough that it’s getting hard to type. 

It’s working for me.  Has anyone else tried altering the aneros in this way?

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There was several posts about modifications in the old forum. If memory serves it was hit or miss on whether the change was for the better. Seems like in your case it was for the better.


I will say this, since you found the current spot is working so good don't make any more changes as you may push past the good and never get it back as happened to one member. I seem to recall he ended up getting a new one and left it alone.

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Um no.. I’m quite delighted with what’s happening (holy shit!) and I’ll not make further changes. Heating the thing with a candle til it melts is chancy enough as it is. 

I should make perfectly clear that this is the standard (hard white plastic) Helix. I’m not sure you could do the same with a Syn model. 

I’d read about users adjusting the perinium pressure knob, but not about changing the shaft angle. 


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I don't know, I used to think about modifying the P-tab arm but never got around to it and I'm glad I didn't. In my case it was a matter of not clenching my muscles, not ejaculating, not getting frustrated at the end of an underwhelming session.  One of the milestones that always hung me up was the one that said "No longer believing that 'This model doesn't fit me.'"  I've finally got to that place and hope that you do too. 

Are you saying you modified the part of the toy that goes inside you???  Modifying the main body of the toy seems overkill and possibly harmful, as they have been put through a lot of testing.  I think I would trust your modified Aneros about as much as a Chinese knockoff, and I don't say that to disparage you, but merely to caution you that such major modifications could have serious repercussions at some point in the future. 

It took me six months, not weeks, before I had any real progress (and that was a year ago), so my encouragement is that you take time to read a lot of the helpful posts from the Newbie's Notebook and the Aneros Wiki, and concentrate on achieving total relaxation.  That and check out the Hypnaerosession download.  I guess I'm pretty uptight because once I finally could fully relax all my pelvic floor muscles my HST would move all on its own.  I'm not saying that this exact formula is the one easy key to getting you a super-O in 15min, but with perseverance that path will yield more results than modifying your Aneros so drastically. 

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Thanks for answering, and I do appreciate your concern 🙂  I'm doing a lot of reading on the subject, and I'll look for the hypnaerosession thing you mentioned.  Yes, the part of the Helix  inside my body (my temple) now has more curve than yours does.  I won't defend this except to note that I didn't do so lightly, I made the change in stages with considerable time between adjustments, and it is absolutely and completely comfortable in place.  I don't see (or feel) a danger. But thanks. Its my ass on the line, after all 🙂 
Consider, please, that the various models have different degrees of bulk and profile: some have a different angle to the T base, some have more internal curve, some have more bulk - any of which variations can alter its contact with the prostate and/or with the P- and K-spots. Aneros doesn't pretend that the design is so scientifically fixed that there's no variation, or that every model will work for every person. They do advise patience and more patience, but also suggest trying something else if one doesn't work for you.  Rather than buy something else, I chose to give the model I have (Helix Trident) a different internal curve. Its possible to modify the Helix in this way, where that would be impossible for other models that don't have such a narrow shaft. 
I concede that more time and more patience may have paid off. I can't debate that. I can suggest why I think the Helix wasn't working for me, and that leads to the root of why I'm exploring these devices. I've become concerned in my advancing age (60's) that while my libido has not decreased, my semen volume has dropped considerably. I've also noted my prostate is not prominent - at all - which pleases my doctor in annual exams but in conjunction with reduced semen volume makes me think it may not be very active.  Are they connected? Inconclusive.  Will prostate stimulation help? Perhaps. Let's find out -- and have some fun besides.
Physiologies differ, so what's a normal prostate, anyways? I'm told it's that walnut-sized bump in the front wall of the rectum. In my case, that front wall is a perfectly smooth surface, with no bump, though fingertip pressure gives me a jolt that says, yes, here's the prostate. If the aneros device is intended to give light pressure against a bump, but there's no bump, perhaps we can move it closer.
Let's consider how.  Changing the angle of the T arms or the position of the P/K tabs won't change prostate pressure -- this will change how much pressure the P and K points receive, but the active position and angle of the internal bulb is determined by the clenched anal passage.  To alter this, you can use a model with more girth or more curve.  The latter is easily achieved with the Helix, which has a narrow shaft through the anal canal and then enlarges into the pressure bulb. By softening the material in the narrow throat just below the bulb (~1.5" inside) I could carefully bend the bulb forward. This gives the internals more of a curve -- the shaft angle is unchanged, but the bulb is curved forwards. For some users, this might cause excessive pressure on the prostate. In my case, kegel or anal tension now moves it into contact with the prostate. 
This is not a cure-all or a solution for 15-minute orgasms. The O-process still takes patience and relaxation and time. And patience. And time .. 40 minutes to an hour and a half, by recent experience, and that's not a guarantee.    
Warning: Modifying a [hard white] aneros involves dangerously high and closely focused heat, with accompanying fire hazard, severe burn hazard and potential destruction of your toy.  The material has a very fine line between "flexible", "melted", and "on fire".  You can light it on fire, and it burns with a nearly invisible blue flame. 

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@canonprf great thoughtful response.  If it's working for you then I can't dispute that, thanks for not overreacting to my warnings.  In my case, it actually took me leaving out the Aneros for months, then trying it again one day on a whim for me to finally get any results.  Also for me to 'get' what the wiki, etc. was saying, but that's the path of 'I must change myself' instead of 'I must change the Aneros to fit me.'  I'm not saying the two paths are mutually exclusive and rereading your initial post I think that possibly your progress over time must partially be because you're getting more used to the Helix and relaxing more. 

It took nearly a year with the Helix Syn Trident (and buying the MGX for comparison) before it really started working for me.  You'll get there.  If you're interested in the Hypnnaerosession, you can buy it here.  It used to be available right on but it's listed as out of stock, strangely.  Here's a thread with more musical suggestions:


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@faith-manages:  I must say I admire your success at personal change--that's always a hard nut for me to crack--but I think you're certainly correct that at least some of my progress must be due to some learning curve, even if that's simply a matter of getting used to the Helix and learning to relax. 
And indeed I'm becoming much more aware of musculature and sensation, in holding a tiny bit of tension rolling between one or two muscles deep in my pelvis while letting everything else relax. I suspect the alteration I made to the Helix served to kick me over the edge (from a few interesting twinges to being able to maintain a relaxed state of continuous full-body convulsions) and with my body now having learned how to let that happen [rewired?] the original model/shape might do me quite well. Or maybe I need more practice. Yeah, I’m going for more practice :). 
The music suggestions look useful- I've tagged that list. As for hypnaerosession .. I listened to some clips, and I think.. not. I've learned that I'm better at self-meditation than guided meditation, and voices that try oh-so-hard to be calming and seductive tend to push me towards irritation. Pass. 
In any case, I'm gonna keep riding this pony I have for now, learning what makes this body tick. I appreciate your remarks. 

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I have mixed feelings about modifications to the Aneros devices.  I was having some major breakthroughs five months ago after 12 years of on and off aneros play. Things were starting to make sense(!) and I was reading all i could get my eyes on. Many of the resources were available when i started my journey, but i don't remember seeing anything about mods back then, even though the tail always bothered me, which I think is why I bought the Progasm.

The Helix was my favorite, so I decided to mod my MGX as an experiment by hacking off the tail, sanding and buffing the tool marks round. I figured i had nothing to lose.

Well, I may have been on a path anyway, but when I used the modded MGX the first time, I got some crazy feelings. Almost like cresting the first hill on a roller coaster. The second time I used! Fireworks. Undoubtedly the most mind blowing experience of my life, the Super-O visited me that night. I felt like a million dollars the next day. I Thought I had reached the mountain top, and was looking forward to visiting there often. It wasn't to be. Not then anyway. 

I had one more event that was similar, but I didn't just lose control have the devise spontaneously begin to vibrate and dance in total extacy. I think in part due to the more tapered design of the MGX, in conjunction with my mod, and strengthening pelvic floor muscles, that thing just wanted to draw in TIGHT and stay that way. It literally rubbed a blister with the p-tab and broke skin. Then, everything left. It's like I overdid it and forgot everything I had learned. I couldn't make my muscles work seperatly or even find the pleasing sensations I had felt. Pretty much all precum stopped, and I had previously been a water works down there. It was like it had all been taken away. 

After taking a break and reading advice here, I have only just now, five months later been able to get back many of the milestones. Seems like the standard helix doesn't nail the spot for me(though it has been pretty sweet) the modded MGX is almost pushing me over the curve again. Maybe due to its natural shape and/or my hack mod, the struggle for me is forcing my muscles to relax back to barely tensioned at all so I can gently feel the pleasure and just barely "kiss" it back and forth with the other muscle groups. 

This may just be a typical struggle in the Aneros journey, but I feel like the mod made it hit deeper and harder and overloaded the process. I am looking forward to the next leg of the journey.

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@regal13  I can't offer anything up except, "wow, that's interesting". May your journey continue, and may you climb higher mountains. 🙂

Your remarks about 'disarming' an aneros come at the right time, as I have just (inadvertently) done the same... to the opposite end. A couple days ago I dropped my Helix Trident on a hardwood floor, and the P-tab broke off leaving a 1" stub. Well damn, I thought, but.. Not to worry, it was irritating me anyways. I smoothed out the broken end and heated the arm to recurve it downwards so the end wouldn't spike me in the P-spot, and tried it out.  It sits a bit deeper without the restraint of the P-tab, and hits the mark rather well. The stub end gives me a handle to twiddle with a fingertip if I want to manually jiggle it sideways across the prostate contact point.  AND its more comfortable to sit on, so I can sit and work and enjoy some interesting sensations. I daresay I haven't yet experienced the wild willies of a Super-O, but the rides keep getting better and I can see explosions just over the hill.



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@canonprf Completely off-topic but I saw your tag and wondered if you'd seen this?  A Canon for an Aneros user! 



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@faith-manages:  Oh my, that IS a beauty!! Just the thing to evoke lust in my heart! Thank you 🙂


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@canonprf I am surprised it broke like that as I thought they were a pretty tough material. I guess anything is possible, but I could see the Super-O more difficult to achieve without that tab. I've never done anything the "normal" way my whole life...the first time I went, I went A-less. It was nothing like with the MGX, but it was an awesome experience I wish I could recreate. Now, I wish I had hung around that stage for a while longer, but I was so excited about the breakthroughs and when I first truly believed the Super-O was not just a myth. 

Why am I going through this? Because the first things I noticed when I started having intense hands free pleasure was when I got in the car for a 90 min drive after breathing and practicing "kegals," I noticed I felt like I was sitting on a bump in the seat. Strange and nice feeling. I assume it was something like a Charlie horse in the muscle there, but it felt like an erection in my perineum. After about ten minutes driving, I almost had to stop the car and let this thing that now seemed on autopilot run its course. It lasted a minute or so and left me laughing like crazy. Not unlike a woman laughing during and after orgasm. 

My body and mind hasn't found that combination again, but when it did, and I inserted the Aneros, the p-tab hit that "hard" perineum spot just right to send pleasure all through me. I feel like I need to start a thread just on this and seek advice, but I've only scratched the surface reading what has already been discussed here.

And while I agree with others that this journey is unique to the individual, I used to try to wiggle it with the handle to try to manipulate some pleasure out of it, but I never got much from it, and I bet you would get more from relaxing your hand and arm and just focus on the feeling that is there. Good luck!


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