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Lost in his journey. Article

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Hey there, I want to bring up very interesting article where person describes his experience with full body orgasms.

After reading it I can draw similar lines between his experiences and Super Os, they are very similar, also he experience lots of aless sensations. He used breath/energy work to achieve such orgasmic states. Also he names this phenomena as Kundalini awakening.

Did SuperO brought to surface negative emotions he was trying to run away form when he mentioned that he was crying for a long time?

What are you thoughts on his journey, and why he is in such crisis?

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She has a range of greater experiences. Cites extreme experiences dealing with "...with daring re-enactments designed to explore personal and cultural histories of trauma and abuse". And he adds: "... a commitment to an extreme and exaggerated spiritual openness for a period of approximately two years, an experience of living without skin for an unnatural period of time".

Before the described full-body orgasm  seems to have achieved sensitization beyond the normal (with heavy themes, if I understand correctly) . To me it seems to be a set of factors that led him to the so-called "awakening kundalini", an association between suffering (abuse) and pleasure.

Had a sensitive experience and focused on Unusual and unknown experiences while having a full body orgasm (possible super O)

I'm also curious what the other members have to say

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That's extremely dark, but honestly, she was really playing with fire and took on Tantra with an attitude. Even decades of personal experience will mean little when confronted with practices that evolved over thousands of years.  

She writes : "Given that tantra is traditionally hostile toward S/M and other alternative sexual paths, perhaps the tantrikas have no way of knowing that many advanced S/M players are already well along the path that they are teaching."

Or maybe Tantrikas know that both don't mix ?

Anyway I mostly feel sorry for her because I recognize some of my experiences in that article, but they were so many red flags that only someone with a complete disregard for their own mental health would carry on until the bitter conclusion. It does not help that the Tantra teacher was somewhat incompetent and led students down dangerous paths. 

About this, she says : (My tantra instructor, who insisted that I rejoin the circle and continue with further exercises, was apparently unaware of these protocols. Given the long-term, possibly permanent changes that were wrought in my life during that minute and a half, I have not quite forgiven her.)

Again, I personally did some stuff even if the warnings were obvious, and I had to deal with the consequences. Sometimes you feel like you're living something truly unique and you want to know how things end. But this is next-level psychological self-harm, and to me this reads like a true-life horror story.  

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Interesting article,highlighting the darker side of the journey. A place where ppl wanna go,or THINK they do. Part of this is seen on the am I turning asexual post. Reminds me of the ppl in dirty robes and 1000 yard stares. To not want sex with other humans is very unhealthy imo.

Zentai,remember the guy a few months back who had the bad awakening? He said he’s considered checking out. The prizes are big in the games and the booby traps just as big. I think in most cases slow progress is more helpful to side stepping any landlines.

My own experience has,on the whole been pretty positive. I’m horny pretty much 24/7,the batteries always charged. Couple of ejacs a month suits us,neo’s the rest of the time. A lot of it my wife has made into games,challenges,doming,Chastity and the like. Some of it requires discipline because I know what she means when she says she can feel it wants to come up now. I’m always looking forward to the next O,and could quite easily slip into a session at a moment’s notice if i didn’t have other things in my life. Maybe it’s rooted in genetics,some weather it better than others,I don’t know,what you think? 

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Posted by: @helghast

A place where ppl wanna go,or THINK they do.

That's a great point. She went with the idea that "Tantra is BS, but I'll do it anyway, fake it until I make it, and try to yoink some ideas so I can come harder". Then without proper practice, she got this : "I couldn’t remember how to stop. I thought I might die.

These are cautionary tales. You read them, file them up for later, and if one day you start to feel like that S/M lady from the Internet, you fuckin' STOP ! That was a hard read for me, frankly...

Posted by: @helghast

Zentai,remember the guy a few months back who had the bad awakening? He said he’s considered checking out. The prizes are big in the games and the booby traps just as big. I think in most cases slow progress is more helpful to side stepping any landlines.

Yes, I remember, I lose sleep over that stuff. The fact is that we never hear back from these people afterwards, that's unsettling. I hope he got things in order and decided to stay away from further exploration. This is not about the journey being dangerous, I don't think it is. Peanuts or shrimps are not dangerous, either, but some people are allergic, I think being an hyper-responder is similar in a way.  

Posted by: @helghast

Some of it requires discipline because I know what she means when she says she can feel it wants to come up now. I’m always looking forward to the next O,and could quite easily slip into a session at a moment’s notice if i didn’t have other things in my life. Maybe it’s rooted in genetics,some weather it better than others,I don’t know,what you think? 

Yeah, it's partly genetics for sure, in the same way some people can't handle alcohol, or have addictive personalities. Being isolated with too much free time did it for me, and that's another thing the lady did : "As we neared the endpoint of the work, though, I was beginning to fall apart a little. My social life withered and died; I cried for any reason and for no reason." Without your wife, maybe you would have gone into the deep end, too. There's a bit of a perfect storm thing at play here. Maybe the book writing deadline pushed her further, in some kind of gonzo-journalism mindset that whatever happened would be fantastic material for the book. 



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It really is surprisingly scary to have orgasm-like feelings surface uninvited and completely out of context. I experienced this for a while years ago (before I started using aneros), when I was experimenting with trying to orgasm by thought alone.

After years of practice, and some success (including ejaculating hands-free, which was my holy grail for a long time), there were uninvited random side-effects. Sometimes I'd get a rushing warmth and buzzing that felt like the beginning of an orgasm, other times I'd get the sudden sensation of falling... this happened at random times, that were sometimes pretty inconvenient. I think my worst one was when I was riding a bus on my own, and felt an orgasmic rush that wouldn't quit. The scary part is not being able to shut it down, and not knowing how far it's going to take me. Like, if one out-of-control sensation is on the menu, maybe they all are.

Looking back on this time, I'm not sure what to call it. It sounds like it could have been some kind of kundalini event, but maybe I "got out" before it became anything nightmarish. The practice of "grounding" also feels familiar, since I did eventually learn to shut down these sensations... I have no words for how I was doing that shut-down. It seems like a whole weird territory where you can find yourself very alone.

I can't help but wonder how the unpleasant parts of that experience might be making me a control-freak when it comes to rising sensations these days. Maybe that's something else THC was sometimes bypassing. There were times when I was stoned, that I could hear myself (in a sense) saying, in some mischievous and delighted way, "Oh you're fucked now, I'm going to let you feel all of it".

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Nice to hear from you guys. Sorry I think it is her who experienced all of this :). Yes, this part of the journey is quite important, and we need to talk more about it. Maybe later in life I would write a book about full body orgasms, yoga, and how modern science ignores this important phenomena because I'm very fascinated.

Tantra, Kundalini, Chi, Chakras are very old traditions that are trying to explain this energy phenomena in our bodies. There are a lots of parallels between chakra and glandular systems which has lots of nerves. I think that we train arousal that originates in prostate to be converted into electrical impulses to raise up in nervous system.

This "rewiring" can put as in a higher states of pleasure or SuperO which is basically a mini seizure. Modern science fails to explain this because they don't consider this phenomena seriously. If you will go to the doctor he will tell you that you experience mania, psychosis or seizures. I wish I could be a scientist to research it more.

People reporting bad awakenings usually horny all day long and don't masturbate to enhance orgasmic feelings from prostate. And it goes for a very long time, even years! For me personally 10 years before I discovered aneros. And when they try aneros and have been rewired or make first progress happening this pleasurable sensations doesn't stop because they aroused all the time. This arousal goes straight into nervous system causing aless, etc. Until they learn to not to be horny most of the time or they never recover. And when it happens there is no hope from doctors you can try to find gurus or yogi, but I bet they never experienced such a thing. and we don't have an answer also.

They usually refer to Kundalini energy, but Kundalini energy feels different as far as I know. It can be described as a feeling of electricity in different parts of the body. And also cramps, and spasms.

I've been practicing Holotropic breathing and have had 3 sessions with yogi so far. And I can tell that it is totally how it feels. During this practice your blood becomes alkaline and provokes nerves to fire impulses. And you end up feeling static currents all over your body, almost like somebody is sending electricity throw you. And you can't move your hands legs, because of the tetany(mudras in yoga). And in kundalini they always say that your body produces different yoga, finger poses and this is exactly what happened to me. But luckily for breathwork this passes once you normalize your breathing to normal rate.

Here with prostate orgasms we experience different phenomena, at least for me I feel it like a bliss, never ending pleasure that can grow, etc.

Personally for me, I feel very anxious after reading such articles. There are lots of reports on reddit, and other forums as well. Once you awakened it will never stop. And we don't have any path or way on how to manipulate this energy if it persists and prevents you from normal functioning. In one book called multi orgasmic man they want you to do energy exercises to move this energy between hands or to the legs but I think it all works mentally like self hypnosis if you don't believe in it, it will not work for you.

I myself experienced unexpected pleasure waves when walking or extreme melting arousal in bed which led to panic attack. Since I've been rewired I can grow this pleasure from any moment I want (if I am horny enough) and after every aneros session I feel anxious in bed because I have a "mental fight" with my prostate not to contract, and even full relaxation amplifies aless sensations. I'm only at the begging of my path (never reached a super O) and already experience so much uncertainty which lead me to questing my aneros relationships. On the other hand this journey is healing to me, because it brought an insight for me that I can't run away from my daily pain into pleasure. It feels to me like playing with fire, or being on the edge of the blade. You can be lucky or you can fall of the edge.

I would like to hear your experiences!

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Posted by: @clenchy

Maybe that's something else THC was sometimes bypassing. There were times when I was stoned, that I could hear myself (in a sense) saying, in some mischievous and delighted way, "Oh you're fucked now, I'm going to let you feel all of it".

I'm almost 100% convinced now that this is what is happening, we are shedding layers of control or protection and opening up to... everything ? And some drugs or mental states can open us a bit too much, or maybe, before we are ready. 

The first time I got high and the pleasure started to rise, I had this incredibly strong  sense of having made a *spectacular* mistake. I guess I did. It's like I opened up completely to joy and it burned me up in some way. Without any previous Super-O experience as a reference, I don't know what would have happened, I strongly suspect it would have been very bad. Nightmarish is not a bad choice of word. 

I do think the takeaway is not that "Drugs are bad" or that S/M is bad or that Tantric practice is unsafe. It's more like getting out of your comfort zone should be a progressive thing, and not done while in an artificial state of vulnerability. 

Posted by: @clenchy

I can't help but wonder how the unpleasant parts of that experience might be making me a control-freak when it comes to rising sensations these days.

I feel like this is a likely explanation.

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Posted by: @astronaut

Tantra, Kundalini, Chi, Chakras are very old traditions that are trying to explain this energy phenomena in our bodies. There are a lots of parallels between chakra and glandular systems which has lots of nerves. I think that we train arousal that originates in prostate to be converted into electrical impulses to raise up in nervous system.

This "rewiring" can put as in a higher states of pleasure or SuperO which is basically a mini seizure. Modern science fails to explain this because they don't consider this phenomena seriously. If you will go to the doctor he will tell you that you experience mania, psychosis or seizures. I wish I could be a scientist to research it more

I think we train to use the nerve network as a highway system for pleasure to travel along so it isn’t contsrained to certain areas. 

Imo,a super o isn’t a seizure. I think we can train the journey like muscle fibres. Humans don’t use 100% of their muscle fibres. Average joe uses 40-50% athletes train up to around 70%. Extreme stress,fight or flight,life or death situations activate the rest. There’s been cases of small women lifting cars that have run over their child,that’s a good example of extreme stress. As we train and gain experienced,we use more and more of the nervous system  compared to average joe. At least that’s how I feel about it. However,I think the largest change comes in the mind,rather than the body.

Posted by: @astronaut

They usually refer to Kundalini energy, but Kundalini energy feels different as far as I know.

I feel like I run on batteries and they’re always charged up and brimming up with energy. Only a bi monthly ejaculation can put a dent in them. And I love it.

Posted by: @astronaut

Until they learn to not to be horny most of the time or they never recover.

Or get themselves to the gym and lift heavy shift. I find gym and exercise keep things on an even keel.

Posted by: @astronaut

Here with prostate orgasms we experience different phenomena, at least for me I feel it like a bliss, never ending pleasure that can grow, etc.

That’s the goal brother 🙂

Posted by: @astronaut

I myself experienced unexpected pleasure waves when walking or extreme melting arousal in bed which led to panic attack

You’re the type that should process with caution. Sounds like you already have some issues with anxiety etc.

Posted by: @astronaut

I'm only at the begging of my path (never reached a super O) and already experience so much uncertainty which lead me to questing my aneros relationships

Kundilini and not ever had a super o? Well you could knock me down with a feather!

Posted by: @astronaut

On the other hand this journey is healing to me, because it brought an insight for me that I can't run away from my daily pain into pleasure

True,sometimes,a man must choose fight over flight!

It helps to have other things in your life. Relationships,hobbies etc. Never is the journey more dangerous than when someone spends a lot of time on they’re own,without other things.








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Posted by: @astronaut

I myself experienced unexpected pleasure waves when walking or extreme melting arousal in bed which led to panic attack. Since I've been rewired I can grow this pleasure from any moment I want (if I am horny enough) and after every aneros session I feel anxious in bed because I have a "mental fight" with my prostate not to contract, and even full relaxation amplifies aless sensations. I'm only at the begging of my path (never reached a super O) and already experience so much uncertainty which lead me to questing my aneros relationships. On the other hand this journey is healing to me, because it brought an insight for me that I can't run away from my daily pain into pleasure. It feels to me like playing with fire, or being on the edge of the blade. You can be lucky or you can fall of the edge.

I would like to hear your experiences!

Like I said previously, there were many, many warnings that were shoved aside in the article you posted. If you went to the Kundalini subreddit to read the horror stories there, I understand that you can be anxious about what could happen. I also agree that modern science or the hot yoga teacher lady at the mall are unlikely to be very helpful if you run into issues. Just like the Tantra teacher in the article, I'm pretty sure that as you said, a majority of teachers don't have personal experience with this, because if they did, they would not be teaching classes with large groups of unprepared people. 

The anxiety you have will "protect" you from Super-Os, so as long as you don't force it, this natural barrier should be enough to keep you safe. You should be careful and go very slowly, and hopefully, bit by bit you will be able to tame the energy and the feelings. I don't believe there is a huge risk of being able to let go into it while you are afraid of the experience, both would be mutually exclusive. Listen to your body, do not force things, and don't put yourself in mentally vulnerable states. There is absolutely a healing component to this, and the rewards are huge, but easy does it. 

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I would like to hear from person who has been practicing it for 20+ years to hear they opinions and lessons.

Do you know folks maybe there is some thread or interesting post you can recommend?

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I find this quite interesting, and it also explains alot about my journey. My progress has been very gradual, its as if my body has incorperated its own safety system. I have had moments when I was overcome, and my body or mind just shut it right down. My electric shock incedent, although it felt good, I think it happened before its time. I use to suffer sleep paralysis, the feeling was the same, without the terror. Or the feeling of a presence lurking. I must admit that this exp. is one of the things that keeps me going. I'm ready to return there now, I think. 

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Posted by: @tbob

I find this quite interesting, and it also explains alot about my journey. My progress has been very gradual, its as if my body has incorperated its own safety system. I have had moments when I was overcome, and my body or mind just shut it right down. My electric shock incedent, although it felt good, I think it happened before its time. I use to suffer sleep paralysis, the feeling was the same, without the terror. Or the feeling of a presence lurking. I must admit that this exp. is one of the things that keeps me going. I'm ready to return there now, I think. 

I think anxiety will shut things down almost all the time, but it can be overpowered by arousal in some cases. The proverbial Gate is not an external obstacle, it's more as you said, a safety mechanism our Ego builds around itself. It will normally only go down when both you and your subconscious are comfortable or curious enough to go further. Or if you are really, really horny. Then that would be a little less safe. It's really quite a fascinating part of the process.      

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Posted by: @zentai
It's more like getting out of your comfort zone should be a progressive thing

I feel like that was the track I was on before I tried THC with my sessions. Very gradually getting more comfortable in higher pleasure zones. Knowing I can allow higher levels and still retain control, or at least return to a controlled state. I guess getting it so easily for free somehow screwed up the entire calibration I had around that.
When I was smoking, I thought maybe I was "learning the higher levels" and that it'd be easier to return to that comfort level even while sober, but it didn't really unlock any ability to get there sober. And that's why I consider THC a kind of cheat code, where I'm not actually getting any better at the game. Which isn't a moral judgement, it just feels like getting stuff for free that I couldn't do on my own.


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Posted by: @clenchy

When I was smoking, I thought maybe I was "learning the higher levels" and that it'd be easier to return to that comfort level even while sober, but it didn't really unlock any ability to get there sober. And that's why I consider THC a kind of cheat code, where I'm not actually getting any better at the game. Which isn't a moral judgement, it just feels like getting stuff for free that I couldn't do on my own.

That's spot on ! It was very similar for me, I felt super smart at navigating higher levels, but even when I managed to scribble down some notes, they always were very obvious stuff that I already knew about. THC never gave me special abilities or secret knowledge, which should be obvious but wasn't. I understand the cascade of events, but can't replicate it to the same level while sober :

Very high Arousal, strong enough that I can't Focus on anything else, then acceptance that "it" will happen and I cannot escape it, leading to the only smart thing to do : Relax into it and hope for the best. This is pretty much the rough seas recipe... I don't care much for rough seas anymore, to be honest. 

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Posted by: @zentai
I felt super smart at navigating higher levels, but even when I managed to scribble down some notes, they always were very obvious stuff that I already knew about.

I have a document where I kept all my notes and insights from stoned sessions. In my case they weren't obvious, but still not exactly useful for my sober sessions, because they were about manifestations I can't even begin to access sober. Like there was one entry where I was amazed by pleasure traveling upwards on the inside-face of my spine, rather than the outside path it normally takes. Which is wildly not relatable or useful to my sober sessions.

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No offence, I just don't get how dope makes that much difference for ya'll. Not to be little yous' in any way. I have to ask, are you not really horny before you ever have a toke? Thats what brings me to the table to begin with. I know I am seriously horny, some times i can't wait to have a toke or even insert a device, cause the aless is so intense. When I smoke dope before during or after it doesn't seem to change the course of things, as opposed to when I don't. Me thinks that maybe we give dope to much credit. Fuck you guys have me smokin like a chimney cause I beleive ya's, and nothings changing.LOL . I guess thats just me. But I do find with many things in life, when I look at it a different way it makes it easier. 

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For me it probably was more like a trigger, I used tiny doses that would hardly make a squirrel high... I don't start my sober sessions with a lot of arousal, I'm a low excitement guy in general. But at least when I was good at sobers Os, I would get excited about the session itself. That's one of the good feedback loops. Then I probably got excited at smoking weed, since I only used it for sessions. But the drug did remove an obstacle or two, and some defenses that *should* have been up. Now I think that I would have a lot of apprehension unless I smoke some strain that I know won't work. I pretty much locked myself out at this point. 

You would not want to be so high that the high itself is the real focus, you want to see what would make your session better, and then try to see what level of high would produce that effect. My tiny doses were not just producing a placebo effect, but most of the high was from Aless, or that's what I think. 

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Great thread.

If someone before my journey told me about Kundalini and energy in the body. I would have told them they are a fruit cake. But there is definitely something spiritual in the body.

I have played around with erotic hypnosis and guideded meditation and spiritual meditation with binaural beats (the stuff from this helped me well on the Aless journey as it brings up the same energy feelings).

The energy I feel in a session really does feel like electricity in my prostate and lower abdomen. Sometimes it almost gets too rough and violent and breathing will mellow it down. I can bring up this energy in meditation also (both with and without thc but with is much more).

I dont know what this energy is, but it does and can feel very powerful and tines. It never seems to leave the base of my spine / prostate... but seems like people have an awakening when this energy leaves that area and travels thru the body? 

I find the best sessions are when you can clam down the energy and turn it into blissful waves of pleasure over the body. But sometimes the energy buzzes so fast it almost becomes annoying.

Do other people have these feelings with this energy?

I am on a pretty big re-wiring atm. No longer masturebate (only intercourse every week). So my prostate and Aless is always going when ever I want. 

Interested to hear others thoughts on this area. As said before the journey I would have laughed, but after doing meditation etc there is something true with the energy in the body.

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Jiji2000 is sounds to me like you are aware of your so called "root chakra", or maybe you feel this tingeing because of the impaired nerve. I'm not a big believer in Hindu philosophy, but the way they view, describe this sensations is quite real. It is very hard to judge and you can look at it from different angles.

I myself haven't had any SuperOs yet, but I've experienced P waves, and insane amount of pleasure, I feel it like a sore muscle in my perineum.

Is this feeling around prostate or perineum or the base of the spine?

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This energy I am referring to feels like it starts at the prostate and works up. 

Good luck with you super O journey. It takes time but is well worth it.

To be honest my best ever super O is when I somehow felt like I was able to flick all this energy over my entire body. I've never come close to how good that super o was. 

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Posted by: @jiji2000

This energy I am referring to feels like it starts at the prostate and works up. 

Exactly right.  It works up and creates a bit of turbulence in the solar plexus.  Focus your attention on this turbulence and strengthen it.  Become intimately aware of it and it just might flow into your heart.  This part for me is challenging, but when you open a channel from your root to your heart there is no missing it.  It's wonderful.  In my experience, this is the hard part, and from here it seems easier to progress to the throat.


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