Lonewolf8 Homework.
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Hey @lonewolf8 🙂 I’ve got some work for your ass :).

I want to share some A-Less training from my journey where i worked some pieces of the puzzle out. There’s no super-o guarantee,but even if we can knock you up some p-waves,it’ll be more than you’ve ever had so it’s worth it,and hopefully you’ll find the faith and motivation that are lacking to start climbing the ladder. This may not make sense to others,but it does to me,others might think of these things differently,good for them 🙂

1) The muscles.

Pc: Find the spot at the base of your dick where your ballsack starts. Press in and flex,pull in,pull down,whichever visualisation you need is fine,feel it? This is where you’ll zero in at gametime.

Sphincter: Flex it,though rather than just trying to flex the hole,think of pulling your cheeks together and having the contraction travel up your ass crack.

Anchored tension: Lift your pelvic floor a little,just a little,don’t be wrenching your guts out,think sucking it up into the body. This is where a chunk of focus goes,this has got to be switched on pretty much permanently while generating an orgasm,imo,no AT,and you’ve a mountain to climb unless your some type of zen master.

Body position and angle.

If you have a sofa,chairs and the like. Sit on one diagonally so you can put one calf on the arm,the other one on the end of the seat cushion,maybe even dangling over. Your elbows can be up to help support the body or tucked like someone lying down in a park but propped up on their elbows. If you’ve seen ppl on holiday in a pool in those inflatable rubber rings,their ass is lowest and in the water,legs and arms are out of the water. This is the kind of angle and position you want to be in. Legs and torso pivoting off the pelvis at about 30 degrees.


Visualisation: Putting these together is like placing a skateboard with no wheels on a ball,standing on it and trying to balance. Delicate movements and contractions is all that’s required to stay upright while maintaining pressure on the ball.


Session: erotic fantasy,watching porn etc Have you’re session doing whatever it is you do for arousal. Add the Tension,and focus holding it particularly at the pc spot I mentioned. Then get a little tension on the sphincter ,always trying to maintain your tension at both points,which is difficult at the start and requires training to do this controlling each zone separately. Add in small light contractions on top of the tension,the contractions feeling like your pulling both points together,or a rocking sensation in your PF. Pleasure will come in the spaces where they move independently of each other with tension keeping pressure on the muscles and prostate. The tension is how involuntaries are made,despite what ppl think,muscles don’t need to be exhausted to involuntarily contract. The tension will do this.


I don’t know how often and for how long you session. You could practice this every day for up to 30 mins one or even twice per day some days for 4 weeks. Sometimes a second session was even better than the first for me. Maybe you’ll feel nothing in the beginning,but keep doing it,small adjustments to the tension and contraction pressures at game time. No brute force necessary. Play with them,push,pull,lift and lower,small adjustments. Find a groove and stick with it,if good things happen,don’t change things,just do what you’ve been doing,no power or tempo increase is necessary,only rhythm,if things change without your command,let them,you just focus on rhythm. Thrust slightly if it helps get the movements in tune.You can also Reach under and pull an ass cheek to the side using the seat cushion to hold your cheeks open a bit,this helps with anal contractions.Try it for a month and report back any progress you make.Remember to try to get lost in your arousal and not look forwards to orgasm,live in the now. Good luck my friend.

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Great writeup ! I'm sure anyone should be able to get something from this. 

Folks, there is lot of great advice here, some of it smartly disguised in simplicity. It would be easy to expand on each paragraph and make things 5 times more complicated by explaining why and how each bit works. Yet this is so good because it sticks to basics ideas. 

Just this bit is golden :

Posted by: @helghast

Sphincter: Flex it,though rather than just trying to flex the hole,think of pulling your cheeks together and having the contraction travel up your ass crack.

But basically all this information fits very well together and everyone who's struggling should give it a shot. 

Posted by: @helghast

[...] if good things happen,don’t change things,just do what you’ve been doing,no power or tempo increase is necessary,only rhythm,if things change without your command,let them,you just focus on rhythm.

This is also key, and it puts in 2 lines what I would explain in two pages with added sketches.  Fantastic ! *Chef's kiss*


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Sometimes,keeping it simple is productive instead of trying to remember 20 different things at once. But that’s me 🙂 

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I've been doing this method recently and it does indeed work. It's so fleeting though! I find a point where I can generate some good feelings and either flex just a bit to hard or start holding my breath, both of which kill it. Great exercise though!

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Posted by: @reddog152

[...] either flex just a bit to hard or start holding my breath, both of which kill it.

That's why

Posted by: @helghast

[...] if good things happen,don’t change things

Hehe, simple does not mean easy, but learning not to interfere is one of the most important things. It's like doing nothing while doing something. You don't even want to try and nudge things along, until you know exactly what you're doing, which means being able to work with tiny, super subtle increments. It actually easier to just not touch anything. So you need to be able to breathe trough the invols and let them be.

I'll shut up now before contaminating the method. No overthinking allowed here 😉  


Pablito1963, Helghast, Reddog152 and 7 people reacted
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This is why the focus on rhythm:) Dropping the male genetic programming for competitiveness! “Feels good,if I go 5 times harder,it’ll should be 5 times better” haha NO! Ride the rhythm. Perhaps a little butt lift or drop to slightly alter the angles. It’s not that different to sex in the sense when she says “right there,right there” is instruction to stick to the same tempo and spot. We can ride the rhythm until prostate and pussy turn themselves into shooting stars 🙂

Reddog152, Reddog152, Reddog152 and 1 people reacted
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Exactly. No need to interfere until your belief is solid,at least then,if you try something,and it’s taking pleasure away,it doesn’t kill the session because you know you can change up again and get the pleasure back.


Pablito1963, Pablito1963, Pablito1963 and 1 people reacted
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Yes, if you mess up a bit, you just roll with it and go right back to what you were doing before screwing with it. Getting to the point where those little screw ups won't derail things completely needs practice. 

Pablito1963, Helghast, Pablito1963 and 4 people reacted
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Posted by: @zentai

Getting to the point where those little screw ups won't derail things completely needs practice.

There comes a point when the journey becomes a mental game more than a physical one.

Pablito1963, Pablito1963, Pablito1963 and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @helghast
Posted by: @zentai

Getting to the point where those little screw ups won't derail things completely needs practice.

There comes a point when the journey becomes a mental game more than a physical one.

That's an interesting answer thanks!

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@helghast I am pretty much there. Other than needing better separation in front vs back pelvic muscles. Any help for these?

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Do you ever get it where you're belly just contracts and crushes inwards? Kind of like your belly button is trying to squash your guts and reach your spine. I seem to be having that happen lately.

P.s. the spreading the cheeks idea is inspired, no clue why I've never done it before.

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@valdies24 I to have exp'd the  extreme stomach contractions, at first I thought it was  cramp, but it wasn't.

   Its been a long time since I did the old spread the cheeks thing, I used to sit on my feet and use my heels to spead my cheeks while I jacked. Felt like your asshole was blowing kisses when I came. Even put a mirror down to see what it looked like, yep little kisses Ha. 

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Just practice my friend.


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Ive used my abs to push and pull energy around for a long time. Not much in the way of involuntary except at orgasm. More deliberate to ramp up pleasure.

Cheek spread will help the accommodation of invol sphincter contractions. It also helps stretch the PF a bit so everything is a little tighter 🙂

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Posted by: @tbob

   Its been a long time since I did the old spread the cheeks thing,

Yea it’s not strictly necessary but it can help a lot whilst one is learning.

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Thanks for this! I haven't had much luck with my Aneros yet, but this felt amazing. It generated a ton of precum too.

Three questions for you:

1. I found that my whole body kept wanting to tense up. Should I try to keep the rest of my body relaxed (with the exception of the contractions you specifically describe)?

2. Should I just be breathing normally? I found this a bit hard to do because I was getting excited.

3. Just to confirm, I keep my pelvic floor engaged the whole time (anchor tension), and then am alternating between the PC and Sphincter contractions?

Thanks again. I can't wait to try this again.

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Posted by: @ndbeaux

1. I found that my whole body kept wanting to tense up. Should I try to keep the rest of my body relaxed (with the exception of the contractions you specifically describe)?

@Helghast may have a different take on this but IMHO, yes, you should try and relax your body as much as possible except for that baseline contraction level of tension

Posted by: @ndbeaux

2. Should I just be breathing normally? I found this a bit hard to do because I was getting excited.

Deep belly breathing (please see Breathing in the Aneros WIKI) will help your body to relax. You may still be getting increasingly aroused while doing this breathing but that is the point isn't it?

Posted by: @ndbeaux

3. Just to confirm, I keep my pelvic floor engaged the whole time (anchor tension), and then am alternating between the PC and Sphincter contractions?

That's a reasonable approach but don't become fixated on one particular style of performing contractions, if that's working well for you, then stick with it and see where it takes you. If that plateaus then perhaps try holding a constant PC or sphincter contraction until involuntary spasms occur or just try different rates (slow to fast, light to hard) of contractions with one set of muscles . There are many possible combinations you can try, experiment with them and have fun.

Good Vibes to You!


Helghast, Helghast, Helghast and 1 people reacted
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Posted by: @ndbeaux

this felt amazing.

Of course it did,I designed it.

Posted by: @ndbeaux

I found that my whole body kept wanting to tense up. Should I try to keep the rest of my body relaxed (with the exception of the contractions you specifically describe)?


For the most part yes,work on relaxing everything out side the pelvic floor.  Things that are of an involuntary nature are ok,there is a huge element of allowing your body to guide you. It’s likely your breathing that’s causing you to be tense.

Posted by: @ndbeaux

Should I just be breathing normally?

Long and deep breaths as well as meditation breathing works well. It can be hard to follow though,just try to make sure you breathe full stop. Holding one’s breath is often counter productive.

Posted by: @ndbeaux

Just to confirm, I keep my pelvic floor engaged the whole time (anchor tension), and then am alternating between the PC and Sphincter contractions?

Yes there should always be tension,think of sucking in and/or up slightly. It doesnt need to be a lot,and adjust the tension and find the groove that works for you. Same goes for contractions,deft,not hard,but you can play with the power to find a good Rhythm. When things get good,just level off,keep to what you’re doing or even try to ease off slightly,imo you want the pleasure to come by doing as little work as possible. 

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@helghast @rumel

Thank you so much for the feedback...I really appreciate it!

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@helghast @rumel


I'm wondering, when you do your "off hours" exercises (kegels, etc.), are you also separating your PC contractions and your sphincter contractions? Or do you just contract the whole pelvic floor?


I'm trying to figure out what I should be doing to strengthen my muscles down there when I'm not having an official session and have had trouble gaining clarity from my searching in the forum.


I would really value your thoughts/advice/direction!



Helghast reacted
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Posted by: @ndbeaux

I'm wondering, when you do your "off hours" exercises (kegels, etc.), are you also separating your PC contractions and your sphincter contractions?

I've tried to isolate the muscle groups as much as I can but I never really developed distinct ability to flex them separately and I don't think one should be overly concerned about perfect isolation.


Posted by: @ndbeaux

I'm trying to figure out what I should be doing to strengthen my muscles down there when I'm not having an official session and have had trouble gaining clarity from my searching in the forum.

I would really value your thoughts/advice/direction!

The PC muscle group is what you want to exercise via Kegel exercises. I'd like you to read through some older threads with good information regarding pelvic floor muscles. First this thread -> The importance of pelvic floor muscles and how to train, then Practicing Kegels, Kegel Workouts & Need for kegel exercise?. I'm sure there are numerous approaches to developing your own routine, just pick one and stick with it for awhile and see where it takes you.

Good Vibes to You!

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@rumel , thanks for those links! There is obviously a ton of information on the forum related to this topic, so I really appreciate you curating some of it for me. 🙂

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@ndbeaux  Not sure I've seen it here, but Mindgasm imo is one of the best resource for  understanding and gaining control of the your muscles.

helical reacted
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@Tbob , oh yeah, I've heard of that, but haven't checked it out yet. Thanks for the tip!

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Posted by: @analogprostate

@helghast I am pretty much there. Other than needing better separation in front vs back pelvic muscles. Any help for these?

@analogprostate, to your question: @tbob 's answer is made for you too, besides @ndbeaux -

Posted by: @tbob

@ndbeaux  Not sure I've seen it here, but Mindgasm imo is one of the best resource for  understanding and gaining control of the your muscles.

I'm a Mindgasm member, and I am pleased with what I have, and am, getting out of it.  The free lessons are useful too.  Aneros (really the device + forum), and Mindgasm approaches (also @Helghast 's approach) complement each other, if one has been at this game.  Though if one is new to this game, stick with one for a bit, glean a good amount from it.  This is so you don't vacillate, second-guess yourself, and frustrate yourself before your body and mind internalize what one of them offers.

Posted by: @zentai

Just this bit is golden :

Posted by: @helghast

Sphincter: Flex it,though rather than just trying to flex the hole,think of pulling your cheeks together and having the contraction travel up your ass crack.


Agreed, golden.  Increasing the resolving power of our visualizations, like @helghast renders, the better we can apprehend and more fully engage those muscles.  More pleasure results when I engage the hole plus the contraction "up" as as described above.  I take it, it's the rectum. Similarly golden, and I never would've thought to visualize it this way, is to pull the points together-

Posted by: @helghast

Add in small light contractions on top of the tension,the contractions feeling like your pulling both points together,or a rocking sensation in your PF. Pleasure will come in the spaces where they move independently of each other with tension keeping pressure on the muscles and prostate.

Great entry, @Helghast, which has been marinating in my head since you penned it.

Helghast reacted
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Posted by: @helghast

There comes a point when the journey becomes a mental game more than a physical one.

@analogprostate, you said to the above,

Posted by: @analogprostate

I am pretty much there.

And not to belabor the point, but yes

Posted by: @helghast

Just practice my friend.

will do it.  And so will Mindgasm help with the mental game.  Besides the @helghast mental game, there is the Aneros mental game, and the Mindgasm mental game.  They're complementary as indicated above.  Respectfully, for dear @analogprostate 's "I am pretty much there." , you may not know how much wide-open field you have to play in, in your mental gamesmanship, and that's not a knock, it's just my hand-waving that there are wonderful, new things we encounter as we progress.


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Just do 10 mins on non session days. Practice 1-2’s,sphincter holds,pc holds,and reverse kegels. Driving,watching a ball game etc anywhere really.

I found in the early days that giving flex’s commands and visualisations helped me zero in with more precision. If you picture a ‘picture’ of the pelvic floor,sphincter would be ‘up’ command. The visual would be squeezing my cheeks together so the energy would travel up my ass crack to bottom of my spine. Pc/bulbo flex would ‘down’. I’d visualise trying to suck air gently down through my urethra. Transverse muscles would be left and right,and I’d flex by visualising pulling the hip creases at the sides of my perineum together. The Ishiocave muscles I’d hit by flexing diagonally underneath the sides of my pubic pad. The levatator ani is the base for anchoring tension on which to build my orgasm from.

Obviously I trained to do these in the background whilst I let my mind focus on arousal. But yea,always visualise for the win! 🙂

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Posted by: @helical

Though if one is new to this game, stick with one for a bit, glean a good amount from it.  This is so you don't vacillate, second-guess yourself, and frustrate yourself before your body and mind internalize what one of them offers.

This is good advice. I don’t particularly recommend any style or method. I can only share things I learned and worked for me. I can only hope some piece of my data makes thing click for someone else. 

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To all:

I experimented and played with many different flexes,sequences and methods in my earlier training. I wrote this simple set up for lone wolf as he’s been at this for like 10years and has never felt so much as a pleasure wave. To me,it’s one of the easiest ways to generate a prostate orgasm. Not necessarily a super o as there are more components required to attain one. The idea was to get him to feel a few things,which in turn would give him something to build on,particularly some belief. Without belief,it’s dead in the water. I didn’t hear back so assume this too has failed for him. So I’ll have to whip up something else for him out of my playbook at some point. I was buoyed of course by the members who also played with it and generated pleasure from fleeting to amazing. As always,the mental side of the journey is required to ascend the super o stairwell. Since wolf has followed the wiki,the forum,MG and everything else,always remember,without believing in yourself that it can be down,it’s gonna be a long hard road. Try to have fun with it as you progress,and see the positive in any little progress steps you take.

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