Is a prostate orgas...
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Is a prostate orgasm a different flavour to a penile one?

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I've read a lot about prostate orgasms.

There is a lot of mention of how they are longer, felt all over the body,  can be multiple etc but not much on the flavour.

I just wondered if the flavour of the orgasm is the same as a penile one but just intensified?

It would be useful to know what to watch out for and latch on to. I'm fact on fhe assumption it's the same, and it turns out it isn't then this could be a block.

I only really know 2 flavours as I am. The regular 99% arousal and regular orgasm.

There is the rare occasion where I have likely abstained and I have come across something particular arousing and kinky.

...that will give me a different sort of arousal and release....and it's very delicious.

Tell me about the prostate orgasm in this respect.....

This topic was modified 1 year ago by Pervert

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Posted by: @pervert
I just wondered if the flavour of the orgasm is the same as a penile one but just intensified?

IMHO, NO a prostate based orgasm is not the same as a penile based orgasm. While both orgasm types can be extremely pleasurable, they are qualitatively different. While there can be similarities as there are blended prostate/penile orgasms any man who has experienced a prostate only based orgasm with a flaccid penis will tell you it is categorically different.

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Does the lead up feel similar? The same sort of build up tension....just before you get to the point of no return? This is where I am at, but I wonder if I'm barking up the wrong tree.

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The two are quite different in my experience. The prostate variety is vaguer perhaps, less predictable, and infinitely more repeatable in a short time. I like to think of it as an orgasmic state punctuated with climactic moments rather than a single event. I don't feel an urgent build up in the same way, nor a point of no return as I can control the onset of a prostate orgasm until I'm right in the middle of it. For me it has to be coaxed into being, rather than following an automatic path. The release afterwards is also quite minor compared with the finality of a penis orgasm with ejaculation. As a complete erotic experience the prostate variety satisfies me more, and the length of the orgasmic state can be minutes or indeed hours if stamina allows!

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That makes it sound like it's not an event as such and so may even be hard to say of you have had on not. No clear start or finish. I guess it might be different from one person to the next

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Men have different forms of orgasms. The biggest difference between prostate orgasm or p-spot versus the traditional is the the p-spot does not trigger the semen and typical ejaculation process rubbing your shaft gives. The P-spot also can give mutiple orgasms with wave after wave. Also there is a third type imo which is rubbing only the tip where the opening is that can give amazing please and in my experience mutiple squirting orgasms. 

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Posted by: @pervert
Does the lead up feel similar? The same sort of build up tension....just before you get to the point of no return?

The pleasure arousal can be similar to a penile masturbatory experience but is generally slower in my expereience, think more in terms of the female arousal period. There may not be any Point of No Return as the transition into the orgasmic state (please read What's an Orgasm?) is more a matter of mental interpretation than a physical triggering, you need to "Just Let Go !", drop expectations. Please see Super-O Myths & Illusions regarding 'the Edge' and a couple of other myths as well as @Zentai's thread Navigating "Almost-Almosts" : So you're almost there ?. .

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@pervert Except for the rare few who get so excited while experiencing the collection of phenomena known as super O that they have an ejaculatory orgasm with a refractory period, people will usually not feel the buildup to the ejaculatory PONR while experiencing the bliss and feelings of super O.

The super O follows more of an altered state or progressive relaxation model than the ejaculatory orgasm model, which builds to a pseudo-deterministic climax followed by a large deviation in sexual arousal. I'd argue that super O does not even need to be sexual and depend on sexual arousal, just like meditation, kink play, and massage.

The ejaculatory orgasm trajectory is like riding a roller coaster up and down a hill and then waiting in line again. I liken the super O trajectory to several things: the floating/bliss/surrender of subspace, getting a massage, and meditating. 

The super O is not necessarily better/stronger/more satisfying/etc than multiple penile orgasms and vice-versa. They might not even be everyone's cup of tea like ejaculatory orgasms. They are also not mutually exclusive. One can be dinner, and one can be dessert, or you can have both simultaneously.

Interestingly, Super O does not even follow the same mechanistic rules as the penile orgasm trajectory. For example, some people (myself included) can experience super O during a refractory period.

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ok, thanks

so it seems is houldnt be expecting a build up to anything, i just gotta treat it like a massage or something

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Where you look for sensation should not be narrow, like a flashlight beam- it may not be in the same spot nor feel like you’re used to.  It’s more, maintain a relaxed, general awareness for whatever you may feel.  You may need to discover what there is to feel, before it will appear, and subsequently strengthen.  You will make new sensations your own.

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They are both different, but I have had several dry O's that felt exactly like a traditional penile O.

Felt great and I have not been able to recreate the experience at will.

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Posted by: @pervert
I just wondered if the flavour of the orgasm is the same as a penile one but just intensified?

It can be the same flavor but more intense. I've experienced that first-hand. But there are many others.
The thing is, even for that same flavor, the buildup was nothing like what you'd expect. Welcome to weird upside-down world, where relaxing harder brings you to an orgasm that you used to tense harder to reach.
Throw away everything you know, and allow it to be new... that's all I can really recommend.


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In my somewhat limited experience, there is a slow build-up with a prostate orgasm, and as others have said, it's not necessarily a straight line. That said, what I experienced the other day was that I reached a point where I knew I was going to orgasm, but I could have backed off if I wanted. You can feel it building deep inside, but once it starts, it results in waves of pleasure much similar to what I think my wife experiences when she has a multiple orgasm. In my case I did ejaculate (a lot), but unlike a penis-induced orgasm, it just flowed from my body as my prostate went into heavy contractions. Personally, I find that the prostate orgasm is infinitely more satisfying compared to one produced by penis stimulation. 

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Thanks everyone.

All very useful .

So seems like relaxation and patience are key.

Tbh, I'm finding the sensations relaxing and pleasant. I'm sure this is the right state of mind. 

Doesn't even really feel sexual a lot of the time. It's a bit like having your head scratched, feels great and sometimes you get tingles down your back almost like something more is going to happen. 

Maybe neurologically it is something similar.

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I'm very confused still as to if I'm there.

I'm getting intense pleasure. I am tensing up and feel like I'm at the cliff edge. I'm addicted to the feeling as the feeling is intense, trembling,  rolling. But it doesn't feel like a release. It feels like a delicious build up but not dropping over. I can repeat it many times. It's a very powerful feeling. Is this it? Am I getting what I am looking for? Or am I just very nearly there?

Does it actually tip over to a point where whatever you do it just happens? Where there no longer needs to be intense physical and mental focus for events to unfold?

I'm very much enjoying what I'm feeling but wonder if there is more. Or have I reached the final point already and I'm looking/hoping for something that doesn't exist beyond what I'm getting.


This post was modified 1 year ago by Pervert

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Posted by: @pervert
I'm very confused still as to if I'm there. I'm getting intense pleasure. I am tensing up and feel like I'm at the cliff edge. I'm addicted to the feeling as the feeling is intense, trembling,  rolling. But it doesn't feel like a release. It feels like a delicious build up but not dropping over. I can repeat it many times. It's a very powerful feeling. Is this it? Am I getting what I am looking for? Or am I just very nearly there?

I think you ARE there, but you need to drop expectations about your own Super-O. Please read @Buster 's thread What exactly is a Super-O? to get a wider perspective of what a Super-O is in reality.

Posted by: @pervert
Does it actually tip over to a point where whatever you do it just happens? Where there no longer needs to be intense physical and mental focus for events to unfold?

Because prostate based orgasms are qualitatively different from penile based orgasms there is not the same release of hormones as occurs during ejaculatory orgasms so don't expect there to be the same sense of 'release' as you get from an ejaculatory orgasm, Please see Super-O Myths & Illusions regarding 'the Edge' and a couple of other myths. Also please read @Neros thread The Myth of Super Orgasm. With regard to 'the Edge' please see @Zentai's thread Navigating "Almost-Almosts" : So you're almost there ?.

Posted by: @pervert
I'm very much enjoying what I'm feeling but wonder if there is more. Or have I reached the final point already and I'm looking/hoping for something that doesn't exist beyond what I'm getting.

Is there more? Yes I believe you have yet to experience the Calm Seas of Orgasm wherein the shaking, trembling and spasms subside and you find yourself floating in an altered state of consciousness bathed in what can only be described as sheer bliss. If there is something beyond that I don't know what it is or how you would even describe it..

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @pervert
Does it actually tip over to a point where whatever you do it just happens? Where there no longer needs to be intense physical and mental focus for events to unfold

As expert-level penis-masturbators, we're used to intensifying things until we're forced over the edge. This pattern might not work for you. I believe there are a plethora of ways we can get in our own way, and prevent ourselves from being pushed. Or maybe it's more accurate to say, we can't rely on that push ever happening.

The extent to which a man needs to be pushed over the edge might differ between men. If you need a big push, and you've grown used to that (as I have)... you might find a push of that magnitude never comes with prostate play. Instead you might find you need to meet the orgasm in a more voluntary way. Opening up in a way that might feel frightening or forbidden.

I've had experiences that surprised me a lot. Sometimes the orgasm is right there for the taking, if only you stopped waiting for the push to happen, and just allowed yourself to experience the orgasm without it. Expecting a push, and delaying acceptance of the orgasm until that push has taken place, might leave you waiting forever... needlessly.
I believe accepting the orgasm voluntarily is a necessary step with prostate stimulation, that wasn't necessary when we learned to masturbate with our penises, and some of us never learned the requisite level of acceptance.

Of course it's easier said than done, and relies on believing in what seems impossible, and overcoming years of learned certainty.

Posted by: @pervert
I'm very much enjoying what I'm feeling but wonder if there is more. Or have I reached the final point already and I'm looking/hoping for something that doesn't exist beyond what I'm getting.

There is more. It exists.


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