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Involuntary contractions or what was it?

The one drinking Tea
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During my latest session, with my Helix at some point, I began to feel something from the inside moving. Whenever I relaxed instead of voluntarily contracting my pc muscle or sphincter I felt like my prostate got its own heartbeat or something like that. Now I don't know what it was that happened there. Was it involuntary contractions or what was it that possibly felt during my session and most importantly did achieve a step forward in my journey towards prostate orgasm?


Also, today I ordered my own Helix Syn V so in the future I will post my experience with that promising massager.

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I've felt my heartbeat during a session before. It's pretty interesting, just relax and it will become somewhat prominent. Best of luck!

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Involuntaries. And yes,a step in the right direction! 🙂 Try not to analyse it too much,might not happen again for a while 😉

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Posted by: @waifusactor

I felt like my prostate got its own heartbeat or something like that. Now I don't know what it was that happened there. 

It's hard to say. I used to feel my blood pulse in my prostate and for a long time thought these were mild prostate contractions. It's my opinion now that they were not prostate contractions, and I was completely wasting my time and sabotaging myself paying attention to them at all. It caused me to expect a certain rhythm, as if everything would line up behind this heartbeat timing... but there are several different timings happening at once. Maybe it's just me and how my brain works, that I got caught in this hypnotic trap.

Posted by: @waifusactor

Was it involuntary contractions

That's a question only you can answer. My experience of involuntary contractions includes a sense of surprise and mild wonder. It's like when you're really tired and one of your eye-lids starts twitching on its own.. there's no doubt you're doing nothing to cause it. It has a weird external quality.

Posted by: @waifusactor

a step forward in my journey towards prostate orgasm?

I think being surprised by something new and weird is always a good sign. But the most important lesson is that new and weird things can happen... that's the part to hold on to.

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I can't say weather that was your prostate or not, but it might be good for you to subtly observe it next time, and follow that beating. Honestly I think you would know if it's your prostate or not. You may be overthinking it.

In my experience (which is so-so) I've felt the prostate buzz and radiate fast, like a humming bird, even spreading to my penis so completely. It brought great pleasure and I left that session feeling good. In my mind, I have no doubt that was my prostate, showing a new beginning.

So perhaps your vibe comes at a slower rate, or it was just the day you were having. Anyways, don't give it too much thought, just keep the experiments going.

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