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Ideas for Spreading the Word...

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Hi guys.

I was looking at the user Polls Do others know? & Who knows about your Aneros? and saw that most of us have divulged our Aneros usage to no one or only one other person. How do we get the word out about this marvelous little invention by Mr. T.?
Surely the creative minds on the Aneros Forum could come up with some ad ideas that are much better than the silly Flomax TV spots. Aneros use for treating BPH is probably just as effective and a whole lot more fun than the pharmaceutical approach. So guys, can we do a better job of telling the world about this fun alternative therapy or not?
Clever slogans for spot ads in magazines?
Short, funny viral videos?
Script for a TV commercial?
Anything you can think up has the possibility to accelerate the spread of this experience. So how about some of those thoughts outside the carton?
Got Aneros?

Good Vibes to You!

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How about some type of honest straight forward tutorial on youtube? Touching on the health aspects as well as the more pleasurable ones. Word of mouth seems to be a little difficult as would be for me. There are a few people that know I have one.

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Great to open this up like this rumel!

As the "3%" blabbermouth in that Poll, I too think there is a real need to communicate this story widely in society. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry will not be happy and may run interference... or, not?

In an earlier thread on this, I suggested exhibits at science centres, perhaps in the form of an educationTV spot as well. There is a great deal of media, particularly edTV, interest in all the research and books on neuroplasticity and the fact that our brains (and wider nervous systems) remain capable of growth, healing, development and rewiring. We are not the only ones enthusiastically embracing our rewiring potential, albeit with other areas of focus. We are a key part of this much larger neuroplasticity revolution!

This is a key area of general interest in healthcare, science, the aging Boomer population, and everyone who grew up with the stereotype that our brains are fixed in form in our youth and brain cells just die off gradually as we age. By reducing the volume of pharmaceutical spillage into the environment, we are also part of the going green revolution.

Green your Uro-genital System! Go Green Up Your Butt! LOL! Actually that could be taken as an anti-green statement in the vernacular, butt it would get attention! 😆

Humour will be an important part of overcoming this social discussion taboo.

We Shall OverCum! 😯

onward and upward to ecstaties all ...(Oh! Oh! There goes The Night Before Christmas!) 😀


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I agree with tdt422, as far as focusing mainly on the health benefits of using this product if you want to appeal to the average male, especially if its some sort of infomercial on tv. I would much rather see infomercials on prostate massagers than those bullshit Extenze commercials, cause the Aneros actually works!!! But I don't know if mainstream tv is ready to televise a product like this yet, even if it is aired at 2 in the morning. I believe that if a man is truly interested in this type of product, he'll find out about it on his own. It'd be a tough sell toward the majority, I would never be able to recommend it to any guy I know. It would be considered gay to them. But who knows, I could be wrong about that, I just think our society is homophobic toward guys that are into anal play. still too taboo and unacceptable, which is what we're trying to break here. What first introduced me to the idea of prostate play, was the movie Road Trip, where a nurse collects a sperm sample from that Stiffler guy by milking his prostate. I had no idea that the prostate was capable of producing that kind of pleasure. Plus I had always been interested in anal play and toys, and seeked them out on the internet, finding out about Aneros in the process. I also watched a show, "Talking Sex," with Sue Johanson on the Oxygen network, where she highly recommended this product for men, and that was what finally sold me on the product. If you want to discuss the sexual benefits of this product, I see no reason why they couldn't put advertisements in pornographic magazines such as Hustler or Club, as these magazines are full of these kind of ads. Maybe even Playboy, as it is read by more men. They don't have to be anything too creative, maybe just show some testimonials from people like us who have used the product, and some sort of referral to these forums. If a guys is interested, he'll check it out. Besides the internet, that would be the best way to get the word out I think and the most appropriate vein. If these ads are successful in those magazines, Men's Health would be the ultimate, but I believe this product would benefit greatly from porn mag exposure.

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tdt422, Yeah, I could see Dr. Drew doing a voiceover infomercial with ‘ArticWolves’, ‘eroticuspeterzil’, ‘redbeard2000’ & ‘darwin’ demonstrating use and effects of the Aneros massagers. artform, While plastic products aren’t really “green”, they are recyclable, so maybe a Green Progasm is in order. Humor can indeed be a valuable tool in disarming skeptics.

Providing alternate wording from well known stories, poems, songs and myths has long been an approach used by advertising to make a connection with the public. Your example allusion is apt, “…while visions of Super-O’s danced in their heads…”

@wildturkey, The movie “Road Trip” has had an amazing effect on making people aware of and generating interest in prostate massage. Being a comedy, they were very effective in showing this as a pleasurable and fun experience while depicting it in a heterosexual setting. You are right about spot ads in men’s magazines being a good venue, but I don’t purchase those types of magazines so it would never reach me. I think a made for cable TV ad shown in connection with a sex education, talk show or related topic programs might be effective.

Here’s an idea for a short script for a TV ad that could even be aired on the national broadcast channels. A Full Moon is seen in a star filled sky, crickets chirping in background, a lone wolf howls, the camera pans down from an aerial view, zooms in on a man in a sleeping bag, arms and hands outside the bag, writhing in ecstasy with a smile on his face. He howls again. ‘Alana’ does a voiceover, “For a howling good time, get an Aneros!” Then in print on the screen just say Prostate Massager.

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😆 😮 😀 🙂 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 😳 Leave it to rumel guys. He's onto something!! 😛

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Yeah I agree with you that advertising in those magazines would only reach a select group of people- I still think it would be a great place for it. You're right about a tv ad, that would be the ultimate way to get word out to the masses. I'm not big into porn magazines, but where I work in construction, during our breaks and free time, pornography is all over the place. I know that it would become a big topic of discussion if they seen it. I guess I've always wondered why I've never seen an ad for Aneros in those mags. Probably because I've never seen a male pornstar using an aneros, that would make it easier to advertise.
Rumel, you need to get into advertising man, I love your idea for that commercial, it would be appropriate for television without being too explicit- I can already see it on the air. It would definitely get guys scratching their heads, wondering what in the fuck that guy is experiencing in his sleeping bag. Great idea, bow down to the master, you're definitely on to something!!!!!!! Dr. Drew, lol, I forgot all about that guy, I used to love Loveline. They need to bring out another show like that.

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"While plastic products aren’t really “green”, they are recyclable, so maybe a Green Progasm is in order. "-

Why anyone would WANT to throw away somthing as life changing is beyond me 😯 , but i see your point 😀

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I agree with Wildturkey. A discreet commercial that piques the curiosity by merely mentioning the enjoyment factor and leaving the rest for the viewer to research would definitely be the way to go. Sort of similar to the pharmaceutical commercials that always end with "Ask your doctor if this medicine may be right for you" They never come right out and say what the medication is supposed to treat...

As for telling other people: My co-worker who is 32 is going in for his first complete physical. I jokingly asked him if he'd never had the gloved finger before. This lead to a discussion on what to expect, postures he may be asked to assume, the two anal sphincters and how to press outward so the doctor can easily get his finger in there. Although I didn't mention the Aneros due to my elementary experience to-date, I thought this could have been the perfect moment to introduce the subject. So, if we look for opportunities to bring up the Aneros, rather than just popping it out of the blue, we'd be more comfortable exposing our experiences and inviting others to come learn of the bliss provided by these toys.


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Agree JohnT! and thanks for your comments rumel!

My point on "greening" was not about the aneros as an object itself, butt the reduction in the pollution of the environment by our excretion of pharmaceuticals and their metabolic by-products as we digest them and then send that through the sewers and septic tanks and ultimately back into the earth, ground water, and the hydrological cycle. Ironically, we are already attacking the biology (and size) of male genitalia with the drugs and hormone residue already excreted into the environment.

The more Aneros and its HIH siblings can replace drugs in the treatment of prostatitis and BPH, one of the most pervasive male ailments, the better for the environment and future generations. That was my point on "going green". Pharmaceutical residues going into the environment is a far greater problem than the mainstream media coverage (or rather lack thereof) would suggest. Why would that be? How much of the advertising revenue of major media comes from pharmaceutical and related industries?

And then there are the recent scientific study results showing that those males who have regularly had prostate massage, along with regular frequent masturbators in youth, have significantly lower rates of prostate cancer. If prostate massage was a drug there would now be massive advertising campaigns to get males massaging as a healthy disease prevention strategy.

Breaking down this ridiculous social taboo is essential in saving thousands of men's lives. Not overcoming the taboo now should embarrass everyone! (em' bare ass now)...perhaps another theme if turned to humour around your story-line SB...

Rumel, your outline for the TV ad is brilliant and elegantly simple and atmospheric! It should be produced immediately as a sketch version first in the way Charles and Ray Eames did with their epochal film "Powers of Ten". Get it onto YouTube asap as viral video and see what happens! Then the polished version can be funded and go universal mainstream...

The health and science side of this two sided coin, Aneros/HIH, will likely gain prostate massage the respect and conversational ease necessary sooner than pleasure and the pursuit of happiness, and yet... try it all now! :mrgreen:

The companion ad to yours is three guys out camping in sleeping bags with time-lapse of two having to get up at different times during the night to go off and take a leak. The third is sleeping soundly with the same smile on his face. Alana voice over "For the joy and good health of a sound sleep, get an Aneros (or HIH name)!" then screen text Prostate Massager as with yours. The two running in the same campaign could get both sides of the story embedded in minds together, and probably gain more interest in the subject and brand more rapidly.

BTW, I'm working on a full treatment of The Night Before Christmas... 😉

great to see the responses to your initiative


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Excellent idea, artform!

I think ArcticWolves should be the guy in the first commercial with his feet sticking out of the sleeping bag -- complete with those 'two socks'! 😆


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The toxic buildup of residual chemicals polluting our earth’s environment must stop eventually or we will go extinct, at which point it does stop. Hopefully, we will change our practices before such dire consequences occur.

I think your companion ad idea is a good one.

Here’s another ad idea.

Attractive female teacher in classroom full of men of various ages sitting at school desks. Blackboard reads “Prostate Education 101”
Teacher asks class – “How many of you would like a healthier prostate?” All men, save one, raise their hands. She next asks – “How many of you would like longer lasting orgasms?” All men, save one, raise their hands. Next question – “How many of you would like more intense orgasms?” Again same response from all the men, except one. The teacher then asks – “Mr. Johnson, I am curious, you are smiling, yet you didn’t raise your hand in response to any of my questions, may I ask why?” Mr. Johnson calmly responds “Oh, I already have an Aneros.” 😆

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Attractive female teacher in classroom full of men of various ages sitting at school desks. Blackboard reads “Prostate Education 101”
Teacher asks class – “How many of you would like a healthier prostate?” All men, save one, raise their hands. She next asks – “How many of you would like longer lasting orgasms?” All men, save one, raise their hands. Next question – “How many of you would like more intense orgasms?” Again same response from all the men, except one. The teacher then asks – “Mr. Johnson, I am curious, you are smiling, yet you didn’t raise your hand in response to any of my questions, may I ask why?” Mr. Johnson calmly responds “Oh, I already have an Aneros.” 😆

I like this idea. I would also like the commercial to play off of the fact that the United States is so conservative in regard to sexuality. A more open society would be teaching this in school. Maybe something like...."they are trying to keep you in the dark, we are going to blow you away.

I am amazed at how backwards we are sometimes compared to other nations.

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here comes the COLD WATER.

i agree --kind of-- with the sentiment of this thread.

however, unlike the vast majority of guys on this forum, i have not been shy about discussing the aneros.

i have discussed it with friends, relatives, colleagues and strangers.

with the exception of one guy, NONE of them had the slightest interest, even after i described my experiences. to that one guy i gave a spare peridise. never heard back from him on how he and/or his girlfriend liked it.

it takes a particular "predilection" to want to insert something up your butt in pursuit of multiple orgasms.

perhaps those with it will eventually surf their way to this site.


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You said “I am amazed at how backwards we are sometimes compared to other nations.” I am in complete agreement with you there. Our nightly TV shows regularly show scenes of graphic violence, bodily harm, pain and suffering but scenes of couples performing loving acts of kindness, gentleness and pleasure giving are barred from our public airways. That seems pretty distorted to me.


Is it "COLD WATER" or are you pointing out the realities of communication? You are absolutely correct that a man must have an open mind about developing this part of his sexuality. Whether it is sticking “…something up your butt…”, playing with your nipples or whatever; I am not trying to push anybody into trying an activity they are inherently opposed to experiencing.
I also dismissed what I had heard/read about prostate massage many years ago. It was only after my own tentative exploration/experimentation and further investigation as a result of health issues that I began to get a fuller understanding of the potential within us for generating such pleasure.
I believe there are a great many men in the world who are completely unaware of the potential that lies within their own bodies. IMHO, they have a right to know.
My intent for starting this thread was to seek ideas for ways in which we could foster interest and spread knowledge about prostate massage to those men who might not otherwise ever be exposed to this information. I have hopes of sparking the imagination of this readership to further that intent.
If for no other reason, this can be a fun exercise in and of itself. Who knows, we just might give the Aneros company a brilliant ad campaign that sparks a modern day Tantric Revelation/Revolution.

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Here are a few slogans for the advertising department to consider.

"Do you have the ball's to Aneros"

"Aneros. Not so much in your face, more like in your ass."

Aneros. For where the sun does not shine."

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Maybe HIH could do a contest for the best commercial on youtube?
The winner gets the whole Aneros collection.

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Actually, they are using fairly effective marketing right engine optimization along with personal testimonies on the Forum. They could probably do a better job in leveraging press coverage and free PR, as the topic of anal play is becoming more and more mainstream. Just pick up a Cosmo magazine in the least four times a year they feature a sex survey indicating close to 60% of men enjoy backdoor stimulation from their partner. Men don't talk about these things with friends or relatives. It's just not something most guys are comfortable discussing.

The other thing they could do would be serve up contextual advertising via Google. Being involved in digital marketing myself, I happen to know that sexual health information is one of the MOST searched for topics. Because of the sensitive nature of this topic and the inability of many males to be comfortable openly discuss sexual issues with other men in a open and informative way (instead of making crude jokes), the anonymity offered by the internet is ideal.

The company apparently already employs the strategic use of keywords via Google's AdWords...male orgasm, male sexual pleasure, male masturbation.

Traditional advertising is loosing it's power to persuade with normal brands. Digital is where it's at. A funny, viral video would be great...maybe featuring the Stiffler actor Shawn whatever his name is.

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Great points there newguy8762. You should be on their marketing team! 8)

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Great conversation and more great responses!

darwin, I think your experience points out just how deeply ingrained, effective and pervasive is the childhood conditioning, the school-yard bullying, and the one-dimensional cartoon macho male imagery in much of the media! Anthropology, psychology and other sciences have demonstrated how socially constructed our male identities are, rather than full developments of the natural male. Of course the same is true of female identities. Yet there have always been explorers and rebels!

However, what if the health and science were appreciated and adopted in a matter-of-fact way over the next generation? The social acceptance and one-generation adoption of health, safety and some environmental improvements – recycling, stopping smoking, using seatbelts and the like – have been hallmarks of this remarkable "hinge of history" through which we are living and acting.

Given the prostate health studies I referred to above, the Cosmo number of 60% of males already (thanks newguy8762!), and a much earlier study the I have seen that says that 98% of males have fantasies about penetration ranging from desire to fear, surely good information and humour could also alter how young couples view these things, how the next generation of males is raised through childhood, school-yard expectations changes, and even rising adult males' comfort discussing these things openly.

AW, you are an artist and an inspiration. Both on the bed and in the hot bath sessions I like the feeling and sometimes energy looping of having the soles of my bare feet flat together! Your body pushed you there several times briefly! Gotta luv the Eupho!!! Thank you again!!!

Perhaps its time to revive the Aneros Ecstatic Male Chorus! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 😀 😯 😮 :mrgreen: 😆

We need an English language version or our own equivalent of the Enemagra Bible. I'm ordering Aneros T-shirts and working on some related T-shirt ideas...

all the best to all


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😳 🙄 😉

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This forum is the reason I bought one. Testimonials outweigh other forms of media tenfold. But how to get Joe The Plummer to try it is something entirely different. I've been wanting to share this by enlightening some friends, but of course I'm worried about their reactions. I considered the angle of, "Hey my wife was giving me a BJ and she started playing with my asshole. I shot a huge load man! So I started researching ass play a little bit and stumbled upon something called the "Super-O". Check out this site and tell me what you think... If you get one, I'll get one...

But I think that approach could easily backfire to remarks of, Dude- you're gay!

So I think the best approach is sending them a link to one of ArcticWolves videos!!!
You could be like, "Check out this guy, man! That shit is CRAZY!!!" Because then, like all of us here, he would say, "I want that to happen to me!"

Your buddy would buy one and become a 'member' of our secret little society. But he would still say, "Dude, you're gay!"

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Hey Gang!

I seem to have developed a serious case of anerosproselytizitis and keep veering into proposals in other threads...

with appropriate apologia, here is such a fragment from my recent post in the Swimming thread:

Say rumel, the gang in this thread could be doing video viral ads for Aneros aimed at environmentalists. If this generation's John Muir were to go hiking and swimming with an Aneros in and report these kinds of results, the environmentalists would be adopting Aneros practice like a tsunami of orgasmic enthusiasm.

What say? What sing? Hear them up there in the hills?

I love to go a-wandering,
climb, grunt and growl and push.
And as I go, I love to sing;
"Aneros up my tush!"

Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Climbing free! O-Zone Hah!
Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!
Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Aneros up my tush!

I love to go a-wandering,
through sun and mountain's mist.
And as I go, I love to sing
"Aneros prostate kiss'd!"

Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Climbing free! O-Zone Hah!
Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!
Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Aneros prostate kiss'd!

(feel free to contribute more verses...)

Now all we need is the Aneros Ecstatic Male Chorus to record a version and...

I'll just excuse myself now... 8)


B Mayfield
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Hey Gang!

I seem to have developed a serious case of anerosproselytizitis and keep veering into proposals in other threads...

with appropriate apologia, here is such a fragment from my recent post in the Swimming thread:

Say rumel, the gang in this thread could be doing video viral ads for Aneros aimed at environmentalists. If this generation's John Muir were to go hiking and swimming with an Aneros in and report these kinds of results, the environmentalists would be adopting Aneros practice like a tsunami of orgasmic enthusiasm.

What say? What sing? Hear them up there in the hills?

I love to go a-wandering,
climb, grunt and growl and push.
And as I go, I love to sing;
"Aneros up my tush!"

Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Climbing free! O-Zone Hah!
Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!
Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Aneros up my tush!

I love to go a-wandering,
through sun and mountain's mist.
And as I go, I love to sing
"Aneros prostate kiss'd!"

Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Climbing free! O-Zone Hah!
Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah! Hah!
Ecstasy! Eupho Rah!
Aneros prostate kiss'd!

(feel free to contribute more verses...)

Now all we need is the Aneros Ecstatic Male Chorus to record a version and...

I'll just excuse myself now...


Billiant, BRILLIANT!!!! Hysterical!!!! 😆

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I remember writing years ago in my original testimonial that I hoped that the Aneros would soon be made available in drugstores. While that is still some ways away, Male G-spot stimulation is quickly becoming a worldwide phenomenon, one that was started and is now dominated by the Aneros. There’s no doubt about it, prostate “toys” (plugs, dils and stimulators) are the hottest thing in the erotic toy industry. Seriously, only a few short years ago there were very few hits that one could find on erotic prostate massage and most of them led back to the Aneros site. Since then, there have been a profusion of sites that have dedicated space to it and there has been far more discussion of it in men’s and women’s magazines. It’s delightful for me to see the term Super O used off-site, in far-flung places. I take this as positive confirmation that our message is getting out there.

While there remains a powerful stigma associated with anal play and prostate stimulation in general, there is no question in my mind that attitudes are changing. If not…. who in the heck is buying all of these massagers? Surely they’re not all gay users, the numbers don’t support that. As many of you already know the market for the Aneros is currently running around 70% heterosexual. That said, we still have some ways to go before this topic can be discussed as openly as say…. fellatio. But the point is that this information is being shared. As newguy8762 pointed out, the Internet is terrific in this regard in that it allows individuals to learn about this topic in the privacy of their own homes, without fear of judgement. I like to think that there may come a time when there will be an almost tacit public acceptance of this kind of experience, simply because so many people have come to know of it in a private setting.

But there is no question that the discussion needs to be brought out into the open also. I applaud the efforts of people like Darwin who have put themselves on the line by speaking out to others. Even though he found little receptiveness, it is significant in and of the fact that the exchange gets people thinking. It gives them a familiarity with the subject. This familiarity has a tendency to make the concept less “strange” over time, particularly as the subject comes up again and again. Eventually the conversation will be repeated between people who share some mutual respect for one another…. and when this happens the potential for real change is there.

Four years ago the company initiated a program of attending trade shows and conventions in the U.S. and internationally. As a result the product has gained a tremendous amount of exposure as has the concept of Male G-spot stimulation and the MMO.

For example, last November in London there were many hundreds of people that stepped up and purchased the Aneros. The demeanor of these folks was very interesting to me. Some were very upfront about it; some were anally curious and needed to learn more before buying, while others sent a friend back to make the purchase for them. We literally spoke to thousands of people over the three days that we were there. Trust me, the message IS getting out there.

Late last year, the Super O took to the airwaves with a 45 -minute segment on Playboy radio dedicated to the Aneros. It was a great experience for all involved that gave even more exposure to the topic of Male G-spot stimulation. On AM radio there are countless shows on health and human sexuality across the country. I’ve been encouraging the company to do more of these shows in the major markets. TV would be great also, but at this time there are far less programs out there that would be amenable to this kind of discussion. Radio is ideal, because like the Internet it still allows for a certain amount of anonymity, an essential factor when you consider this topic and the need for audience participation. The radio listening experience is often a more private one as well, either alone in a car or nowadays by podcast.

I agree with Newguy8792 that a refinement of the company’s digital marketing strategy will play into this in a major way too. On the viral vid, it’s something that’s already been discussed. It's interesting to note that of the handful of "promotional" videos that exist on line about the Aneros, none of them have been produced by HIH/Aneros. It might be said, that they haven't had to....there is enough interest in the product that people are doing it on their own.

When all is said and done however, word-of-mouth may indeed be the most powerful form of communication available. While it may not always be possible to share this with friends and loved ones, it’s certainly possible for one to share this in other stops out there on line. For instance, there are numerous sites with discussions on health and human sexuality. (We see a fair amount of them referenced here in the forum in user posts). Join some of these forums, open up a discussion and see what happens. I’ve done some of this myself in the past and it’s been quite interesting.

Just to be clear, the concept is NOT to spam somebody else’s forum with Aneros links, but to broach the topic of the MMO with groups of people that may not be aware of it. This can be done from the perspective of Tantra or Tao or very informally, as in….hey, you’ll never guess what happened to me last night! The way that I framed this was to discuss it from the perspective of a regular (straight) guy who had a tremendous curiosity about the range of human sexuality, who read and explored the teachings of Tantra and Tao, and who ultimately found a short cut with the Aneros (a Tantric Training Wheel). I was myself.

If you should want to give this a go, there’s one tip that I’d like to pass along. When addressing the uninitiated try to avoid things that can be mistaken for hyperbole. This is not necessarily a simple task when writing about a Super O. But when you’re communicating with someone who is unfamiliar with it, it’s like you don’t want to throw your whole tackle box into the water. Cast something out there, wait for a bite and engage in a conversation.... as opposed to a monologue. Needless to say, when one has a receptive audience, it’s possible to take a much different tack.

It seems like I became an evangelist for the Super O from the moment that I first experienced it. It just had that effect on me. My posts, the threads, the Wiki, the conventions, the Handbook (still in progress) have all been about one thing for me…. getting this information out there. This thread makes it pretty clear that most of you feel the same way. Good on all of you for that!

Now share it.

BF Mayfield

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OK, here’s an ad appealing to the outdoor/environmentalists :
Scene – a man and a woman, with glowing smiles, seated on air cushions, in the lotus position facing each other atop a mountain peak, silhouetted against a multi-hued, gorgeous sunset with the sun centered between them. ‘Alana’ voiceover with accompanying printed text says “Everyone deserves a little Peridise, find yours…” then screen shows “Visit WWW.ANEROS.COM for more information.”

'B Mayfield',

I think we all can thank you for being partially responsible/credited with the growing knowledge and de-mystification of prostate massage and the pleasure possibilities inherent therein. I completely agree that word of mouth (credible testimonial) is the most effective form of communicating the genuine nature of the information, it is also the slowest, when we find ourselves hesitant to discuss this.
This is where viral video ads could prove to be very effective, by piquing the viewer’s curiosity and getting them to talk with others about the information that we are making readily available here and elsewhere on the internet.
As you said in a prior thread this will have to take place “…one bedroom at a time…” but the information can be pouring into millions of bedrooms simultanoeusly, rather than just by word of mouth.

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I completely agree that word of mouth (credible testimonial) is the most effective form of communicating the genuine nature of the information, it is also the slowest, when we find ourselves hesitant to discuss this.
This is where viral video ads could prove to be very effective, by piquing the viewer’s curiosity and getting them to talk with others about the information that we are making readily available here and elsewhere on the internet.
As you said in a prior thread this will have to take place “…one bedroom at a time…” but the information can be pouring into millions of bedrooms simultanoeusly, rather than just by word of mouth.

I did not mean to imply that word of mouth should be considered as the sole means of sharing this information. As I touched on above, there must be many different facets to this. Virals should certainly be a part of it as they're a powerful way to pique interest. But like other types of "commercial advertisement" their credibility is often an issue. Can they drive traffic to a website? Unquestionably. But they're not really able to close the deal. They won't be able to mitigate the stigma that accompanies this subject matter by themselves. Again, it will take other measures to do that. Measures that allow for some explanation. Virals are a hook that directs attention elsewhere. A viral will often have people talking about the viral itself, but not much more. Would they as you say, have people talking about what's presented on this site. Yes, but again that might not have the intended result. One can easily imagine someone ad but it directed me to a website that was into gay stuff, like anal's that for bait and switch? . Although there is information within the depths of this site that refutes that kind of prejudice, there's nothing that one would find particularly disarming right off the bat.

That is where radio, printed media (reviews and articles), promotional events (Expos and conventions) and word of mouth will all come in. Such sources have the potential to explain and disarm, so that the curious will indeed probe deeper into the site.

BF Mayfield

p.s. Your viral ad sounds great!

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BF Mayfield,

Yes, I agree on all counts, that is a partial reason for starting this thread to begin with. I am hoping the collective creative minds of all our members will be employed to make sure “…the truth is out there” and we are the ones who can most effectively do that!

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I’ve been away for awhile while this thread developed – a couple of chat events ago I started a discussion about opening a Brick and Mortar Aneros Super (O) Store in a location such as a Las Vegas Casino Shopping Mall. Las Vegas is an area that has a dual edge Aneros built in customer base since it is home to an immense Senior Citizen retiree segment as well as being one of the most erotically charged adult atmospheres in the US with an incredible amount of ever changing foot traffic – every week, the same space is occupied by a different set of shoppers (maybe Bourbon St. in New Orleans?).

What about preparing a dual themed store? One side of the shop could be set up like HIH – geared toward seniors and health benefits. The other side could be set up more like an Aenors show booth. ANEROS – THE NEW FRONTIER IN MALE PROSTATE HEALTH and ANEROS – THE NEW FRONTIER IN MALE SEXUALITY.

The store would need to be a one stop shop with all models, lube, lube applicators, hygiene, HypnAerossion CD’s, Super O Society T-Shirts, Full Moon Club T-Shirts, a selection of books, fish oil and maybe some Aneros travel kit bags (I could use one of these at the house to hold all the gear I currently have stored in a shoe box). There’s got to be more items that could be sold without the store getting too XXX’y.

What about the day when Aneros models can be bought with Medicare/Medicaid money after FDA approval for prostate treatment? If Flowmax and Male Erectile Dysfunction products can be advertised during every NFL football game, why not Aneros? You guys already have great ideas for that one special Aneros Super Bowl commercial spot (move over Go-Daddy).

During that particular chat session we were firing off all sorts of ideas like Aneros key chains. The T-shirt slogans were all over the place such as “Got Milk?” on one side and “Get Milked” on the other (or something like that). I see the Aneros T-Shirts for sale on the website (have they always been there?) – and I’m not even going to mention the idea of buying advertising space on the side of Fleshlights.

I know Aneros is widely available in adult stores but the publicity of opening up a store in a place like Vegas could be immense. Retail space has got to be cheap right now. Heck, I’m ready to write up a business plan and look for financial backing! We’d just need a few knowledgeable people to work the store …

Back in the day, around the office, we would just call this ‘possibility thinking’…


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Welcome back J4! ...and great idea!

J4, certainly the Apple Stores have been a great success in expanding Apple into the mainstream, with iPods carrying Macs along initially as they regain their own momentum and now iPhone spreads even faster...

Your description, with the crucial balance of the Health side and the Sexuality or Orgasmic side, sounds to me like the Apple Store designs; open, light, crisp, clean, helpful young and older experts in signature clothing, with advice and educational services openly available right there. No competing paraphernalia, but books, CDs, videos and other materials introducing selected complementary, accessory practices (Tantra et al). This is Aneros Stores as the antithesis of the visually crowded "noisy" circus of many sex shops with too much of everything, but never exactly what you want!

These stores, building on the release of two or three good books and book-flog interviews, a TV documentary and/or investigative journalism pieces, and the whole thing could take off like a moon-shot!

...that takes me back to my early (decades before Aneros!) Atlas and other model rockets... 😀 ...butt that's another story...

Thanks again J4! Let's see that business plan! I think you are right about the financing being available...

Thanks again R for getting us all thinking again on the topic! What about a Forum Members-based co-operative in partnership with HIH/Aneros? The shop where mrs. a and I buy in the Big City is a women's co-op with educational seminars and the like and has been succeeding for years.

all the best to all as "the way" is inspired collectively


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