Some have said they wish they could tell others about this product. Does anyone else know about your aneros use? If so, how many?
Do you guys count?
Just kidding. This has helped me in so many ways (sorry Hitachi) that I would love to spread the word. But alas, my upbringing. You just dont talk about this kind of stuff. My answer was nobody.
Good poll ohmy06.
I have a lady friend that I converse with online on a regular basis. We started out as cybersex partners but over the last few months we mostly chat about everyday things.
At one point I mentioned I had purchased an Aneros but her reaction wasn't what I expected. We plan to meet, and she feels a little insecure that I will prefer this to having sex with her. I tried to explain its purpose but she seems to have an aversion to "toys". I'm hoping she gets over it because I'd like to experience sex while using one.
I told my best friend back when I first got it, but I hadn't gotten very far at that point. She seemed intrigued by the whole idea, but we haven't spoken about it since. I'll probably tell her about my successes with it at some point. She's just a friend, not my girlfriend, but we're still pretty open with each other when it comes to discussing sex.
Wife. Use it with her.
Close friend, figured he'd want to know.
My brothers, and one of their partners.
Told my dad, since he has some prostate trouble, and next time I was on the phone with my mom, she brought it up and asked if I really thought it would help. I said I thought it would, and she should just let him use it during their lovemaking.
We have a pretty open family. 😆
I often wonder, how does one bridge the subject? I mean I have a friend that I think could benefit but there's always the thought that they'll think it's a bit odd. The health benefits have been great for me - but the fringe benefits have been even better!! 😀
I'd direct them to the High Island health site for Pro-State massagers. It's the exact sam product as the aneros, but is presented in a far more medical than sexual context. I think people are more likely to take the product seriously in that way.
ive accidently left both my mgx and helix sitting on the bathroom counter, post-session after cleaning it, definately seen by others. however, at the time i was living with females so hopefully, if indeed they did think it was a sex device, theyd assume it belonged to a female.
I have not yet bought anything, but my girlfriend and a couple of friends they know my intention to have one someday. I have asked them (the couple) to send me a CD with instructions about prostate massage i have found in a site in internet, as some sites with e-shops they don't deliver to Greece.
No One
I told my wife about the aneros and prostate concerns and when I received it, after trying it out alone, I showed her the tool and how it was used. She was interested but from a distance. 🙂
Yep, no one knows. I'd probably be embarrased to try and explain. I may try and break it to my wife someday. She probably wouldn't care or would be glad I am helping my prostate, but might not understand all the time I like to dedicate to it. I concentrate a lot when I am using the Aneros. Seems a partner would be very distracting unless she was doing something similar at the same time. That would make it more Tantric I suppose, but is an idea.
No one knows at this point. But the more success I begin to have with it, the more it is hard to contain my joy and confidence in who I am as a person. So perhaps someday I might talk to a friend about it.
Told my girlfriend.
She was completely supportive of using it as she encourages sexual exploration.
My wife knows and is very happy that i want to do more with my exploration. She has always had her toys and now i have mine.
Yes, my wife knows. With some minor prostate problems, I mentioned the device and its use to her; as a result, she encouraged me to get an Aneros.
The benefits are tangible, and my Urologist tells me that whatever I'm doing (he doesn't know) it's working!
Yes, my wife knows. With some minor prostate problems, I mentioned the device and its use to her; as a result, she encouraged me to get an Aneros.
The benefits are tangible, and my Urologist tells me that whatever I'm doing (he doesn't know) it's working!
So I'm curious, kagey, what prostate problems you think have been helped by the Aneros.
Yes, my wife knows. With some minor prostate problems, I mentioned the device and its use to her; as a result, she encouraged me to get an Aneros.
The benefits are tangible, and my Urologist tells me that whatever I'm doing (he doesn't know) it's working!So I'm curious, kagey, what prostate problems you think have been helped by the Aneros.
gm501, good question. Actually, I'm glad that you used the word "think" in your question. It made me re-consider my reasons for thinking about the Aneros role in this.
Some time ago, I was put on medication for a "mild" case of BPH. However, the medication did not do a full job and some swelling still was present. The next step was too be either increase the meds I was already on or additional meds. I did not like either option and the choice was to leave things as they were for another period of time and watch (wait and see)
There was the purchase of the Aneros in the meantime.
My last visit to the doctor indicated that there was no swelling involved this time around. I told him I had tried some prostate massage (I offered no other details) which, from what I've read, can help.
That is why I think that the difference is attributable to the Aneros.
Could other circumstances have caused this positive change? Yes indeed! The change could simply be spontaneous or the medication could be doing its job (although, I'm not convinced about the medication "suddenly" doing it's job and clearing the swelling completely)
While keeping the door open for any reasonable explanation, the only real change was use of the Aneros; therefore, that's why I think that it has been a benefit, as well as a pleasure, to use.
This my personal experience and, as with most things in life, Your Mileage May Vary.
But please, don't take this as medical advice ❗
OK, I'm the blabbermouth with 5 - 10 knowing, which I voted some time ago.
In addition to my dear wife, and my friend who was my male "gay explorer" in my youth, I am assisting a male to female transsexual through some medical bureaucracy and encouraged she and her male friend to take a look at the Aneros site and possibilities.
I also list Aneros/HIH as my current treatment for the BPH on my printed medical history and medications summary sheet that all my doctors and any new specialists get. My urologist hasn't seen it yet kagey01. I haven't needed to see him since I started using my Aneros for BPH therapy almost two years ago!!! 😆 My cardiologist is cool with the Aneros and also approved the use of e-stim, which I wanted from him before I tried our Slightest Touch (this is NOT medical advice to anyone here - consult your own physicians!). So maybe I'm helping to bring the medical community here on board the Aneros voyage!
Butt, Buster and I and others have had discussions in threads and chats here (and also at KSMO) about how to get this wonderful knowledge more widely accessible to males, and males' partners, out there in the media and interpersonal mainstream. Any ideas?
all the best to all
I haven't got any ideas for you at this point in time; however, should anything in the way of a good idea comes up, I'll pass it on.
The reason I have not passed on the info to my urologist is, and I'm not taking any kind of shot at him, is because he lives in a very narrow corridor of thought. If he didn't learn about it in med school then it's not part of the plan. Other than that, he's a good doctor; he's just too old and set in his ways to change now. That's the way things are with my urologist and I'm OK with that.
I think, as time passes, more and more men will hear from friends or find for themselves, through various ads, that there is a new world (of pleasure ...and possibly other benefits) to discover. With some, of course, it will take longer because they will have to get past the idea that it is somehow taboo.
I regard this as a quality and pleasurable time ...time for me ...alone.
In the encyclopedia, if there was a section on "Conservative Straight Guys" there would be a picture of me; therefore, regardless of a man's orientation, this is a not-to-be-missed opportunity to feel good.
Men should not let some unfounded thought or belief stop them from expanding the limits of their pleasure. Some men I have met think that everything that makes you feel good is inherently wrong; however ...feeling good is not a bad thing. (To those who disagree, go flog yourself and give up ice cream) There are enough things out there that can leave a man feeling emotionally and physically drained, here is a practice that can put some of the positive and the pleasure back into the mix.
You know what? I really think that if some guy from my outside world (brother, friend) was looking through a magazine or came across the Aneros somewhere and asked me about it, I am pretty darn sure that I would step right up to the plate. I just don't think that I would be the one to bring it up.
Things could change though.
Thanks kagey01!
Right on Buster! That's the least we each could do, and it could spread with increasing rapidity statistically speaking...
I haven't seen any magazines with Aneros ads yet. Who knows of any carrying such? Support, could you provide a list of any HIH or Aneros print advertising?
continued curiosity all
I was wearing it secretly. My wife found it in me. She knew about it before I knew she had known, and she didn't say anything. After I was confronted I explained how good it is. Now I use it at my discretion. She is a little grossed out, but she it getting used to it. I will not tell anyone else about it. It is my own little secret. I, at least, have mastered its use. My favorite way to get going is a nice bumpy car ride.
I had finished a session at my dad's house (home for a visit), and I had showered, and cleaned it, along with a Fleshlight I had. (My dad knows what a Fleshlight is, and has one too). But I forgot about the aneros prostate massager! I left it in the shower on a hook, and he came in the room holding it and asked what it was used for. I told him what it was used for, and wrote down the webite on a post-it. 🙂 It wasn't a big deal, and he seemed to have no opinion about it.
You know, this is an interesting topic to re-visit for me since I last posted. At this point my ex-girlfriend knows. As she participated with me using them. I guess I must have changed over time. Because I find myself more open to sharing that I use these Aneros prostrate massager's with trusted friends.
My wife knows even though i am trying to get used to it she thinks it is different for me to want to do this .
Wife knows, and enjoys putting it in. She likes to see it get sucked in. LOL
A mate who is gay suggested I try using an Aneros because of bouts of prostatitus.
And all I can say is I am glad he did because it works.
I lost a testicle to cancer about 15 years ago. About 3 or 4 years ago I had signs of BPH. My urologistsurgeon started massage. I found the Aneros as a result. He knows, my wife knows, and a good friend with BPH also knows. I told him as a friend hoping to help him out.
no one. I married the biggest prude on the face of the earth. If she found out she'd probably go verbaly abusive *sigh* We couldn't be a worse match sexually, always thought sex was suppose to get better not worse in a marriage. She pretty much ignores me sexually and complains that I masturbate, its a terrible situation really. M daughter is the most important person in the world to me though and I could never be a single parent, at least I don't think it would be good for her if I tried.