I See Lights
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I See Lights

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After approximately 6 years of watching from the outside, reading and learning from you all I've finally plucked up the courage to participate in the forum. Please be kind to me!

Like many others on the forum I'm not to sure what constitutes a Super-O, I'm fairly certain I'm there or thereabouts but still not 100% sure.

The journey to this point has for me been life changing, enjoyable, exciting and at times mind blowing!

When I'm at my peak of arousal and in 'the zone' I see what I can only describe a a tunnel of light, a bit like looking into a swirling whirlpool, is this part of a Super-O or is it 'en-route'?


This topic was modified 5 years ago by Nice Sounding Guy

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Posted by: @nice-sounding-guy

After approximately 6 years of watching from the outside, reading and learning from you all I've finally plucked up the courage to participate in the forum. Please be kind to me!

Welcome, We're glad you have decided to come in out of the cold. If you've been following us for six years you know we will treat you kindly.

Like many others on the forum I'm not to sure what constitutes a Super-O, I'm fairly certain I'm there or thereabouts but still not 100% sure.

If you re-read the definition for a Super-O you will see that it really encompasses a wide range of experience. "Super-O's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are small, some are large, some are single, some are multiple, some are centered in one area while others are in another. Some are particularly intense, while others are more subdued." If you think you are having Super-O's then you probably are, it is important to remember that prostate based dry-O's are qualitatively different from traditional penile based orgasms so please don't conflate them (please see What's an Orgasm? & @Buster 's thread What exactly is a Super-O? to get a wider perspective.)

The journey to this point has for me been life changing, enjoyable, exciting and at times mind blowing!

Yes, as it has been for many of us!

When I'm at my peak of arousal and in 'the zone' I see what I can only describe a a tunnel of light, a bit like looking into a swirling whirlpool, is this part of a Super-O or is it 'en-route'?

Super-O's have induced men into altered states of consciousness wherein normal sensory perceptions can become exaggerated or distorted, this is not unusual or harmful. Some men have also reported synesthetic effects during their Super-O's. Please don't get too caught up in trying to label or categorize these experiences, that's just your egocentric mind trying to exert illusionary control over the extraordinary sensory experiences your body is providing you. You just might want to give yourself due credit for what you have already accomplished with your 'rewiring', let your doubts fade into dust as you enjoy all your orgasmic sensations regardless of how you label them.

Good Vibes to You!

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Thank you my friend!

I've just read the definition and it seem like I am indeed experiencing 'Super-O's'.

Good vibes to you too.




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Welcome to the forum and especially for taking part and sharing your experiences. Seeing lights of different colors and intensity has often been part of my most intense superOs but as mentioned by @rumel aren‘t a precondition. They are only an example for the realm of bliss waiting for you. A next SO without any lights might be even more intense. Await the unexpected.

Congrats! Mart

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Thanks Mart

Can't wait......... each session seems to evolve into new experiences.

Love nothing more than a good sesh with my Aneros's!


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Hi @nice-sounding-guy,

I can tell that to welcome my journey as a big discovery, like you do too, worked best for me.

But not overdoing it as well. Some days or once in a while even some weeks of rest fueled results my fantasy had been too limited to envision. 

Even if you think you can‘t wait, it might be better to try to wait. Until your first Aless experience hasn‘t crushed over you and didn‘t make you bite the cushion, you won‘t get the clue about my nickname. 😉

Meanwhile I learned the motto of my journey: the best is yet to come. 

Good luck! Mart

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