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High Pleasure From a Super-O Session -> Emotional Bounce-back for a few days after?

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Hello! I've been on the Aneros journey for a few months now, and thanks to help and advice from this board I've been very successful. What started as a few months of "nice" feelings has turned into constantly improving sessions of full-body super-Os on repeat.

However, over the past few weeks,  I started to find myself some days feeling incredible emotionally/energetically empty, in some cases intensely self-negative/sad for no apparent reason all day. There wasn't really any lifestyle changes or other life stressors really getting me down, so it was concerning for it to happen.

Earlier this week I had probably my best Aneros session yet, which went for 2+ hours with intense pleasures and soaking the sheets with sweat from the high intensities and length of the pleasures. The rest of the night felt peaceful and relaxing and it made me feel positive/lucky to have made it that far. The next morning however I found myself becoming down, with generally sad or negative thoughts, and for the last few days I felt like most of the day I would strangely feel like I was going to burst into tears even if everything seemed normal.

Thinking back to the last times this had happened, I realize it always occurred the next morning after a day with a really successful Aneros session, and never any other time. Bro-sciencing a bit, it felt like the stereotype of masturbating normally and then feeling down after as your brain balanced out the brain chemicals, except now more extreme because the Aneros was causing such stronger/longer pleasures, meaning the brain was almost having to deal with a longer withdrawal.

Has anyone else experienced this? It made me feel like the results from an Aneros was similar to a drug in terms of a dopamine addition/withdrawal scenario, and that the higher the highs I've been experiencing, it's now causing lows that last for a few days as my brain equalizes after a session. It's made me feel like I need to stop using the Aneros since I'm taking 3-4 days of happiness and concentrating it into one Aneros session, needing the following days to return back to normal balance.

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Posted by: @leaderdom

Has anyone else experienced this? It made me feel like the results from an Aneros was similar to a drug in terms of a dopamine addition/withdrawal scenario, and that the higher the highs I've been experiencing, it's now causing lows that last for a few days as my brain equalizes after a session. It's made me feel like I need to stop using the Aneros since I'm taking 3-4 days of happiness and concentrating it into one Aneros session, needing the following days to return back to normal balance.

This seems like a fair assessment. I went through a more extreme form of this, and it really feels like I was experiencing all my "allotted happiness" during sessions, then I didn't have anything left. Every time I felt a bit better I would go for another session. You might want to decrease frequency or length until you find the point where the "hangover" is more manageable.  

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Another possibility is that you have certain nutrient deficiencies.  So you use up some chemicals (serotonin and others) during the session, and it takes you days to bounce back because you are lacking a certain vitamin or mineral that's used to create these chemicals. 


I'm not a doctor or anything, but it's something to consider.  Most people are deficient in something because our diets aren't very healthy.   

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Hey, some more bro science here. Might be the dip in the dopamine baseline. Here the scientist explains it in details.

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It’s not necessarily abnormal to feel crap after frying your reward circuits. It’s a big hit in a short space of time. It may just be down to genetics.

Apart from getting the diet on point,exercising and checking your testosterone is good, especially your bio available test,or free test,there is little else to do apart from adjusting session frequency and session time.

My advice would be to streamline your sessions to an hour and see if that helps. My wife and I have really big sessions sometimes but mostly it’s 45-60 mins coz I got shit to do. If I’m on my own,I like to be in and out in 30 mins lol. I session pretty much daily,5-6 super o per week and I don’t get this. Between sessions,I’m buzzing like a happy bastard.

Also,try to rejoice in your new skills if you can,look back and marvel at your own brilliance in what you’ve learned to do and achieved in the session previous. Positivity goes a long way. 



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