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Hey, I'm new, and these are my stories!

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Hey guys!

After years of admiring the whole prostate massaging and MMO-thing I finally grew some balls and got myself some anal toys, the Helix Syn and the Progasm. With little to no previous experience of anal stimulation, other than an occasional finger up the butt while “shining the pole”, I had no idea what to expect. But after two weeks of playing with these tools, I must admit that it is one of my best decisions I have ever made to this date. Here are some of the experiences I’ve had so far.

The Helix Syn was the first toy I bought, and I was thrilled when it finally came in the mail. I couldn’t wait to try it out! So, I lubed myself and the Helix up real good, made myself horny, and inserted it. The insertion was surprisingly easy, and having the toy inside me was comfortable. I tried to lay still in bed, relax and do some contractions. It felt comfortable, but I didn’t feel any pleasure, or any sensations at all. What a letdown! I knew that it takes time to learn how to use and get pleasure from the toy, but I did expect to at least feel something. I didn’t get any involuntary contractions either, so after an hour or so I gave up and went to sleep. The same happened for the next couple of sessions as well; comfortable, but no pleasure and no involuntary contractions. So frustrating!

I started to wonder if the Helix didn’t fit me, that it was too small. So, I gave in and bought the biggest of them all, the Progasm, one week later. Super excited I tried it as soon as I had the opportunity. It was surprisingly easy to insert as well, and comfortable to have inside, but it definitely “filled me up”. But, I could feel for the first time that It hit something. A feeling that I’ve never felt before. Unfortunately, that was it. The next following sessions I switched between using the Helix and the Progasm, and I eventually for the first time experienced some involuntarily contractions, but no pleasurable sensations yet.

My first breakthrough with the toys came 3 days ago. Unfortunately, I don’t remember much of the sessions as I was so “into the moment”, but I’ll try to tell what I remember.

3 days ago:
In this session I was starting off with the Progasm, laying flat on my back in bed, totally relaxed and into the moment. Some sporadic involuntarily contractions, but I didn’t manage to get a rhythmic movement of the toy because I kept killing it with my breath/heartbeat/mind. But at least it started to feel a little pleasurable. But I got bored, so after some time I decided to switch over to the Helix. Same thing here; some sporadic involuntary contractions, but nothing rhythmic. But for the first time I could feel that I was going somewhere. Then suddenly, a small wave of pleasure filled my body following one of the involuntarily contractions. It wasn’t strong, but I could feel it, and it felt good! This feeling went on and on, and every contraction after this created a pleasure wave that propagated thru my body, on top off the feeling from the first contraction. Some strong, some weaker, but it felt amazing! About 15-20 of these pleasure waves spread thru my body in a 10 mins-ish period. Then everything subsided, and I went to bed.

2 days ago:
Trying to recreate the feelings from the session from the previous day, I started off with the Helix. Unfortunately, I think my expectations were too high, and I didn’t get any sensations from it at all. So, I switched over to the Progasm. After some time with sporadic involuntary contractions, I could feel one involuntarily contractions getting stronger and stronger, until it finally reached maximum. Together with the contraction came an intense feeling of pleasure that filled my whole body. I chose to hold this contraction manually at maximum strength for as long as I could, just to see what happened. And, oh boy! The intensity of the pleasure just increased and increased and increased. I started to moan, with a deep voice at first, which gradually increased to a high-pitched sound. I’m a relatively masculine guy, and I’ve never intentionally made those unmanly sounds, ever! I eventually also caught myself laughing and “crying” in between the moaning. It felt so good! When I finally couldn’t hold the contraction any more, I let go, and BOOM, the sensations peaked and I just laid there blissfully for god knows how long, filled with pleasure and joy.

I chose to try my luck with the Helix again. After a good amount of time with just relaxing, the involuntarily contractions started. I felt that I had more control over the contractions this time, and I managed to sync them with my breathing, causing them to be more rhythmic. Eventually, I could feel the aneros being drawn more and more into my body, and the contractions stopped. I tried to relax the muscle that was drawing the aneros up inside me, but it was not possible. Then suddenly, one single involuntarily contraction came, followed by an intense pleasure wave throughout my body. And another one, and another one… It felt much like the sensations described “3 days ago”, but this time I didn’t have the “base-line-pleasure”. Instead, the pleasure waves came much more frequently, and in much higher intensity, and some of them also felt like they were overlapping. My penis went from soft to hard to soft to hard repeatedly, and during some really intense pleasure waves it really felt like I was ejaculating. I was laying under cover, so I wasn’t sure. Turns out that I didn’t. I have no idea how many of these waves I experienced, but it went on for quite some time, maybe 20-30 min-ish.

So, this is what I have experienced these last couple of days. I’m almost in shock, and mad at myself for not doing this earlier.

I have a question though. I don’t know how to categorize the things I have felt (not that I care, as long as what I feel it is pleasurable…). But I’m just curious to know how to distinguish an orgasm. I didn’t get that release of sexual tension one gets after ejaculating during any of these experiences. Is this common? I’m currently trying to hold back on ejaculation, but this is just giving me some crazy blue balls.

Anyhow, thank you for reading!

Ps. As you probably observe English is not my mother tongue, but I hope that I made myself understandable.

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I don’t know how to categorize the things I have felt (not that I care, as long as what I feel it is pleasurable…). But I’m just curious to know how to distinguish an orgasm.

Congratulations, from your descriptions it is pretty obvious to me you have experienced some Super-O's. I would advise you to avoid getting too hung up trying to categorize these types of orgasms, you might want to take a look at the thread What's an Orgasm?. An ejaculation is a fairly well defined event but orgasms come in a wide variety so just enjoy them when they occur.

I didn’t get that release of sexual tension one gets after ejaculating during any of these experiences. Is this common?

YES, this is quite common for dry-orgasms especially prostate based orgasms. For reasons not yet understood, the ejaculatory reflex seems to be a trigger mechanism for the release of prolactin, which neutralizes the feel good hormone dopamine. This is the release effect, which also marks the onset of the male refractory period.

I’m currently trying to hold back on ejaculation, but this is just giving me some crazy blue balls.

As you learn to selectively relax your pelvic floor muscles (and keep them relaxed) the tendency toward inducing the ejaculatory reflex should decrease. Over time, by limiting your ejaculations, you should notice an overall higher state of bodily arousal but the immediate urgency for ejaculatory relief will diminish as you move off the traditional penile induced ejaculatory orgasm roller coaster.
Good Vibes to You !
