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Hello and a question (or two... or three...)

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Hello everybody!

I just signed up here after being a regular visitor for the last 12 months, basically since entering the world of Aneros.

First of all, I want to say a big thank you to all the fantastic people here giving so much support and help. It certainly helped me a great deal to stick to the journey and have some successes. It is so overwhelming what I have learned about myself and my body in this time, and it feels like I am a bit of a different person today, then I was before this journey.

I stumbled across Aneros about a year ago, when I browsed website about prostate play. I think it was at reddit, but I am not 100% sure anymore. However, what I was reading, was so exciting that I just ordered one and gave it a try.

And what can I say... I remember my first session since it was yesterday. It as the most intense feeling I ever had. I had a very short (some seconds) but incredible intense experience (though I get a heart attack). From what I know today, I think it was a super intense p-wave, but I am still not sure. It was a feeling that started in my groin, grew through my belly and continued to my chest. It felt like a hot, intense, overwhelming surge. It was so intense, that my body was bending backwards uncontrollably. 

I still remember that after this I was totally blown, not sure what just happened.

After that, I never had the same experience again. I had a lot of other VERY pleasurable experiences, not sure about the right terminology to refer to them, but in the end, I do not care. I just really enjoy those feelings. Most of the time I enjoy these feelings during 1-2 hour sessions. It is so hard to put it in words, but it feels like absolute bliss radiating through my body, most of the times in a very gentle way, on few occasions so intense that I can barley breath.

The thing that makes me wondering: I love this feelings, but they do not feel at all like a penile orgasm. When people here write about dry orgasms, they very often refer to them as being very close to what a "traditional" orgasm feels. I never had that, so I wonder if that is something that is till waiting for me? If so, I am really not sure if I can actually handle the intensity of it.

Another thing where I am really unsure is this: Most of my experiences come from mostly lying on my back enjoying the feelings and sensations. Whenever I try any contractions however slight or strong, they are pleasurable but do not lead me anywhere. Is this something that develops over time or is it just not "my thing"?

Thanks again for all the great guidance that I already received here!



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Hi @northernlight and welcome to the Aneros forum. Though you seem to be fairly well experienced, I invite you to read my Introductory Message to New Members for some information you may not have come across just yet.

Posted by: @northernlight

The thing that makes me wondering: I love this feelings, but they do not feel at all like a penile orgasm. When people here write about dry orgasms, they very often refer to them as being very close to what a "traditional" orgasm feels. I never had that, so I wonder if that is something that is till waiting for me? If so, I am really not sure if I can actually handle the intensity of it.

While dry-O's from prostate stimulation may emulate the contractions of penile based orgasms, it does not mean that they should be expected to be this way. Prostate based orgasms are qualitatively different from penile based orgasms and each individual reacts differently to prostate stimulation. You may or may not ever experience prostate based dry-O's identical to penile based stimulation, this is just part of the mystery of your personal Aneros journey.

As far as handling the intensity of these orgasms, you need not fear anything. IMHO, your body will never generate sensations sufficient to cause you harm in any way. It is possible that you might fall out of bed in the throes of orgasm and injure yourself or that you might injure yourself from unsafe manipulation of your massager but your body won't self generate injuries.

Posted by: @northernlight

Another thing where I am really unsure is this: Most of my experiences come from mostly lying on my back enjoying the feelings and sensations. Whenever I try any contractions however slight or strong, they are pleasurable but do not lead me anywhere. Is this something that develops over time or is it just not "my thing"?

It's probably just 'your thing', the "Do Nothing"... method works well for a many Aneros users. Likewise, various other protocols have also been found to be effective at generating orgasms, you may find the tips in the Aneros WIKI Advanced Skills section helpful in exploring other possibilities for yourself.

Good Vibes to You!

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Posted by: @northernlight

I am really not sure if I can actually handle the intensity of it.

Hello @northernlight and welcome to the Aneros forum. Congrats to your quick success! Don't be afraid of some plateaus, they come and go. Here is one reason why:

Posted by: @rumel

your body will never generate sensations sufficient to cause you harm in any way.

But your subconsciousness might still be too cautious to allow you to really let go. As long as you fear you might do yourself any harm, this fear might keep representing an obstacle.

Owing to given circumstances my first experiences gladly happened on a mattress that lay right on the floor, why I could not "fall out of bed in the throes of orgasm". Nevertheless I further needed to soothe my subconsciousness by repeating my mantra "I will do myself no harm" continuously until my subconsciousness finally gave in to really really let go and thus made undreamed of realms of bliss happen at last.

Keep noisy and playful and the best is yet to come. Our journeys should have no determined aim. The journey itself should be our aim.

Enjoy! Keep full of antici-PATION! Welcome the unexpected and let the bliss find you, don't chase it. 😉

Only my 2 cts here, take care and keep in mind, everybody's journey is absolute unique as well as you are absolute unique. Celebrate that. You must NOT chase what others even failed to describe.



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Hey Guys!


Thanks for the kind welcome, and as always thanks for your guiding words. It is true... whenever I had some kind of success in this journey, it was never because I "worked" for it, but always, because I decided not to care.

ride on!



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Welcome! I don't know what the deal is about the first mind-blowing experience, but it happened to me after 10 years, then nothing. Totally gone for a while. That was 6 months ago. I took some advice here and have had pleasure and even 2 or 3 orgasms since, but never have made it back to what happened the day my world changed with this crazy practice.  It will happen again.

Good luck.


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@regal13, I hear you! On the one hand, without this initial experience, I am not sure if I would have sticked to the journey, on the other hand it was a huuuge frustration factor for me during the first months, as I tried to technically reconstruct all the factors from the first session, without any success. It feels a bit, like you get a glimpse of the holy land, before you get sent through the dessert to get there, lol.

At some point I just accepted the fact, that I might never be there again, and was open again to whatever lays ahead. This mind shift was extremely helpful for me and I am able to enjoy my sessions since then to a way higher degree. It also made me more open to all the other sensations that are different from what I had in my first session, that I basically ignored in the beginning, because I thought they lead to nowhere. Boy was I wrong...

Now, I am 100% sure, that when my body, mind and soul are ready to do the next step, it will happen. I am just a passenger on that trip.





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