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Hands free ejaculation

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Hey everyone,

It's actually been a very long time since my last post to the forum.  To be honest, I've spent many years trying to get somewhere with my Aneros but with no luck until recently.

For the longest time my Aneros sessions always ended with nothing happening, it starts out with some feelings but that dies fast, ironically, I've had better results getting comfy on the sofa without an Aneros and seeing where it took me.  Recently something strange has happened during my sofa session, no Aneros in as always but on 2 occasions I've had some intense feelings centered around the perineum and penis which eventually lead to a hands free ejaculation.

After such a long time working towards getting something out of my sessions, it's great that something is finally happening but it now makes me wonder if this is a normal part of the path to the super O or is this unusual?  I'm hoping this is not the end of my journey.





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I have no idea what normal is after hanging around this gang here in Aneros land, but it happened to me in a similar way. I made more progress aless for a while leading up to the super o, which did happen eventually with my old mgx.

I was learning breathing and contractions while lying on my back in bed. Ended up with a super hard erection and felt it pulsating and extreme pleasure upon release of each breath. Then I was soaking wet. It was wonderful.

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