I have been an Aneros user for over ten years, and have experienced some pretty fantastic sessions utilizing any number of devices. My got-to device at present is the Eupho Sin. I've learned that size is not near as important as technique, and the Eupho hits all the right spots. My only real problem is after countless attempts, I am yet to experience a true full body orgasm. I can come very close, with the waves of pleasure sweeping over my pelvic region, but no orgasmic release. This can be frustrating, as my body is accustomed to penile orgasm, and can't seem to find release. On the other hand, the waves of pleasure from my prostate are unlike any other, so I am left feeling very satisfied, in spite of the lack of a Super O. Would love to hear from others on this issue.
One of the only insights I think I can (fairly) take back with me from my weed-smoking days, is that sometimes the release path is already in the room with you, you're just not looking at it. Possibly because you're still peering off into the distance, waiting for it to arrive. Maybe it crept up behind you, and it's waiting for you to make the leap. You're busy waiting for it to jump on you and force you into relief, but all the while it's waiting for you to jump on it and decide to experience it.
I had for a long time, even under the influence of THC, only experienced pleasure. Granted that pleasure was intense, but there was no relief component to it. And I hadn't realized relief was so sorely missing until I did experience it. There was only "heat" in the pleasure, but the relief was more like a coolness. Feeling the tension, need, and desire palpably flowing out of me, and being replaced by a sense of all being right with the world, and waves of wonderful relaxation, like I had finally arrived.
These two different phases seemed familiar and obvious after the fact. That of course there are two quite different kinds of pleasure on either side of the orgasmic precipice... just as there is with traditional masturbation. First the delicious tingling build-up right when you're on the edge and crossing over, and then the relief you're still feeling as the first rope of semen is landing on your belly, waiting for the second squirt. These moments are so short and condensed, and one leading so inevitably into the other, that it's hard to even notice they're distinct. I think with aneros sessions, we're used to feeling this first "heat" phase being drawn-out and extended, and we either get locked into thinking that's all there is to it... or expect it to work the same way as traditional masturbation, where a high wave will eventually arrive that knocks us off the surf-board and takes us under. (the "edge" we cross for free with penis masturbation)
Which is all very useless and abstract, and I don't exactly know what to do with it either. But in my brain at the time, I was in space, standing on an old vinyl record, and I noticed another one floating in space beside me, which I jumped over to. That wasn't a full-on hallucination, but symbolically that's how my brain was processing the decision (in the wordless haze of it all), along with surprise that this was an option, and surprise again that the jump even worked. Which again, is not a practical thing to tell somebody... but there may be a usable metaphor or visualization in it. (I have had some success in the past with a hot-air balloon visualization someone posted here years ago - so maybe it's not completely useless)
Which isn't to say I endorse THC use. I quit smoking it because it was amplifying the most negative parts of my disposition, which took me a long time to notice. It's not for everyone, and the return to sober sessions can be a long and bumpy landing.
@clenchy Wow! “and then the relief you're still feeling as the first rope of semen is landing on your belly, waiting for the second squirt.” Your reply is both poetic and scintillating mixed in with informative to say the least. I appreciate the thoughts. I’ve not done marijuana for quite a few years for the same reason as yourself, and prefer pursuing my orgasmic bliss without the aid of drugs, though a little alcohol can put me in the right mood. I really don’t know, I’ve heard others say it’s right there staring at you in the face, or stop trying so hard, which I don’t really. I’ve come to accept that all there may be and enjoy it fully nonetheless. Anyway, I appreciate your thoughts.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. I'm sort of in the position of having to explain it to myself at the same time, because the sessions I had back then seem weird to me now... I'm still trying to make sense of that ~4 years, and in a way, how much of it was real or applicable to my sessions now. The overwhelming sense I had at the time, was that the release was available to be had, but I had been stubbornly committed to a penis-based expectation, in ways I didn't realize. Even when I was that deep in a mindless, wordless, thoughtless fog, where no guilt or shame or fear could reach me... I was still waiting for something to arrive that had been there all along. Which I know sounds cheesy on the level of a fairy-tale, but those are the strange pieces I'm left to pick up and make sense of, since I've been back to sober sessions.
I can maybe explain it, in so far as I had become reliant on the physical buildup arriving in its own aggressive way and forcing me over the edge... perhaps even against my will. But this was a voluntary choice, maybe even for the first time... which is why it was so surprising that it was ever an option. Maybe that kind of relief-acceptance is normal for some people, but not for others, for what ever reason.
Though there was an interesting parallel with that, now that I think of it. The double orgasm I had with the eupho before I ever started smoking weed... it was like my whole consciousness and everything I considered my waking "me", had to exit my head completely to make room for the orgasm. It was scary, and felt like I might die... but on the other side of that fear was an abdomen-crunching level of orgasm I had forgotten even existed. I genuinely forgot that I could be physically folded in half by an orgasm because it was hitting my abdominal muscles so much. Maybe that's what relief-acceptance looks like to me when I'm not high... which is why it seemed easier when I was stoned. As I said, I'm still trying to make sense of it, and writing is some of the only time I give myself to do that... so forgive the stream of consciousness. Just putting it out there, maybe someone can relate.
I am yet to experience a true full body orgasm. I can come very close, with the waves of pleasure sweeping over my pelvic region, but no orgasmic release. This can be frustrating, as my body is accustomed to penile orgasm, and can't seem to find release.
I think you may be holding on to the idea that prostate based orgasms should be equivalent to penile based ejaculatory orgasms. They are not, they are qualitatively different and the main difference is the hormonal cascade that ejaculatory orgasms elicit. The primary culprit here is the hormone prolactin whiuch initiates the refractory period and that feeling of satiation (release) you feel. Prostate based orgasms don't seem to initiate that same hormonal response and thus may make multiple orgasms possible in the same session. However, this also means that you may not get the same sense of release that you get from penile ejaculatory orgasms.
As to expereincing a "...true full body orgasm.", you may be holding some false expectations about that, "Just Let Go !" and please read @Buster 's thread What exactly is a Super-O? to get a wider perspective of what a Super-O is in reality.
Good Vibes to You!
Hmm. Like Rumel said there is a difference between prostate and penile orgasms but I think it is more involved than that. I have been exploring many different ways to have both types of orgasms . For me the biggest difference is prostate is like riding cloud nine. Penile is like riding the rapids. With penile more intense if you do it right but way shorter. Then you have ejaculator orgasms as well which for me only happen through stroking the head of the penis. I have both a vibrator and Arcwave Ion which stimulate the penis in a different manner for me at least not causing a ejaculator orgasm unless accompanied by stroking.(The Ion makes this easy as it is open ended and if I do it right I can compound the orgasms which are wow!)
This leads me back on topic. If I stimulate myself in the same manner every time I notice I get bored causing diminished returns. I usually have to match my turn on with the way I want to be stimulated. Do I want it hard and fast I will go with a larger toy(Lovesense Edge2 or the like). Do I want something odd(Lelo Loki Wave). Do I want my hands involved I go with njoy pure wand. Do I want to enjoy all the sensations I go with Aneros.
My final point is the Eupho is level 10/10 for difficulty but provides level 10/10 orgasms for the prostate. I would say the Helix is 7/10 and the Helix Syn V is 5/10 if using vibes for difficulty. Both providing 7/10 orgasms(Higher level is possible depending on how turned on you are). So I tailor my Aneros session to how hard I want to work for it.
In closing, it sounds like your in a rut and just need to switch it up. Try something kinky, try turning your self on in a different way, or try a different way to achieve a prostate O.
@clenchy I think you're really onto something here, Clenchy, though I'm not sure exactly where or how to jump in on a practical level, which may be the governing idea here. It "feels" as if your experiences are triggered somewhere between a conscious and unconscious level, and where those two intersect, your body orgasms in reply.
@poptrek I think you have some good suggestions, I love your analogy, "Prostate is like riding cloud nine. Penile is like riding the rapids." I'm also curious about the Arcwave Ion you mentioned. I'm amazed at the technology behind new sex toys.
@rumel Thanks for those differences between prostate and penile orgasms. It reminds me of the great pleasure we can receive from both when we can appreciate the differences.
though I'm not sure exactly where or how to jump in on a practical level
Well I should probably be careful with how I'm thinking about this... the visualization I had at the time was of jumping, but I'm not sure about that as a metaphor for the whole thing. Jumping suggests putting in a burst of effort, but it was almost the opposite. It was like I had already done enough work, and just had to change my train of thought. Which is maybe where the vinyl records come in... rather than changing tracks on the same record, I had to change the whole record.
Which makes sense, since I am prone to tunnel-vision. And rather than focusing on one kind of sensation, and variations of it, I had to open myself to some completely different process. That it was already there, and all I had to do was feel it.
I remember too, right after that thought, recalling what the relief component of an orgasm actually feels like. And if I could feel it right now, what would I be feeling? I stayed with that thought all the way through, and I think it helped open me up to it.
And maybe this is the more important part. I believed it was possible, that I was ready, and I stopped trying to morph the "heat" sensations into something they weren't. Instead I started a new body scan from scratch. What does relief right after the peak of orgasm feel like? Well, it feels satisfying and relieving, lower tension, joyful, low gravity, like I don't have to try anymore and the job is done. And as I recalled those things, the sense memory of them, I opened into this new zone, where these things actually played out.
So I think there "where or how" to this, is when you reach the pinnacle of your session (and maybe you've been there for a while), consider that maybe you've done enough work, and another kind of sensation is ready. That maybe there's something new that can happen, and that we're ready for it. It can't force us to feel it, it needs to be welcomed and embraced, but we do need to let go of those other sensations. Not clutching on to them, afraid we might lose them. Not feeling like we still need those other sensations to push us where we're going. If you want to feel the relief, put your mind into a place where the relief is, and see what happens. Imagine what ever you were waiting for to happen, already has. You're already there. What might that look like?
I think I agree more now with what people have always said about there being "no edge". But I think there are self-imposed things, like fear, doubt, tunnel-vision, fixations, expectations, that function as an edge. That when you slip past them, and the sensations change, can feel like crossing some kind of threshold.
Obviously these are just ramblings from my own experience, and there's a chance it addresses mental blockages that only I have. So it's not hard advice or anything.
@clenchy What you're saying is making more and more sense. I too, am prone to tunnel-vision and "self-imposed things" which probably do function as an edge. I like the idea of visualizing what that peak of relief after an orgasm feels like: "satisfying and relieving, lower tension." I'm going to spend some time with that, without building up other self-defeating expectations. Thank you. I do appreciate those thoughts.
I couldn't agree more with @clenchy I think it all boils down to our brains being trained from a very early age that ejaculation is the end of sex. And from a biology point of view it also reinforces that belief. In my post about having non ejaculation penis orgasms. I suggested if I should start retraining my mind as being satisfied from orgasm instead of ejaculation as being the end of sex. I had 3 full body penis orgasms today with in 30 mins of each other. The final I did feel pelvic contractions(I was twisting the vibrator) but I still wanted a ejaculation and lasted another 15 difficult mins for my forth orgasm. I do wonder if it from being set free with prostate orgasms that has allowed me to separate non stroking orgasms from stroking.
Off Topic: The Arcwave Ion is great though steep in price. I think you paying for a nice case/charger stand in addition to it.(For its price it should have bluetooth for interactive videos or partner play) It pulses air on your frenulum. I find it gives the feeling of being on the edge constantly with out losing control until that point. Compared to a vibrator which comes in waves. For me if I am not full staff or turned on, I have to avoid the very tip of the frenulum(aka slightly uncomfortable) which is difficult (7 something cm to be past the part that pulses air).It is open ended which solves my problem that stroking is the only thing that gets and keeps me hard(I am uncut so I think that is where this comes from). The downside is to that is remembering to put a towel on top(Hard to remember when your about to pop especially with this)
It defiantly stays in my rotation but isn't my go to(I am going to start exploring VR so handfree strokers are my goto atm. You really should try an Edge two with stroking if there is a script. WOW). It comes out when I want a mind bending end to my session but not for exploration. It is harder to know when the end is coming and it is on the loud side