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Difference between the Aneros models?

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Excluding the prograsm, do the different aneros models produce different feelings or reactions from one another as they look to be very similar with slightly different modifications. I currently have a SGX and have been making progress with it and have had many pleasureable rides with it, but have not reached that super orgasm that everyone talks about here. When I first started, I was getting continuous dry orgasms that were really good. Then as time went on, the intensity seemed to tapper off and wasn't getting much from my sessions until today, when I really concentrated on the anal contractions, it really made my body jerk back and forth in incredible and intense pleasure for almost 5 minutes. It felt like the dry mini orgasms, but much more intensified and longer. I still don't beleive this is the super orgasm as it wasn't earth shattering and out-of-body, just very long with intense orgasmic contractions. So that is why I'm inquiring about the other models, do they cause different types of feeling or orgasms and which one is the best of all of them, if there is one?

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The various models do not provide different feelings - they all lead to the same mini and super o's by massaging the prostate. Obviously, not all men are the same height and therefore one device will not rub against the prostate the same way for everyone, thus the need for more models. The SGX was created for men who are shorter and is popular in the Asian market. Many users have more than one model in order to add variety and vary the type and intensity of the massage.

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Goodness Sir, you’ve described an experience which I would certainly classify as a Super-O. If you look up the definition in the WIKI, see “Definition” - http://wiki.malegspot.com/index.php?title=The_Super-O it says : “Super-O is an … overwhelmingly strong non-ejaculatory orgasmic event that may involve: durations of minutes at a time (start to finish); full-body orgasmic waves of pleasure;…” and you said “…it really made my body jerk back and forth in incredible and intense pleasure for almost 5 minutes. It felt like the dry mini orgasms, but much more intensified and longer.” Your description coincides awfully close to the definition! By any other measure when have you ever had a traditional orgasm that lasted 5 minutes? Super-O’s can come in many flavors, colors and intensities, if you have illusions of more grandiose experiences you may not fully enjoy the wonderful gift that has already visited you.
I have four different Aneros models, and yes , each does impart slightly different sensations, but they are not orders of magnitude different only degrees of preferences apart.
I don’t believe there is one that is “best”, just one that is preferred at the moment of choice, they are all good in their own ways.
I have yet to experience the physicality of an orgasm as you described, I hope you do not dismiss it as something less because of some hypothetical notion of a Super-O, which may never exist, except in your mind.

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