I've been wondering if it's worth me trying an experiment to help my mind Let Go. To relax in these stressful times?
Smells are proven to bring back strong memories, so what if that could be taken advantage of?
The plan is to pick a pleasant smell (one which is not common). Then take a big whiff of it during the, currently rare, occasion that I get deep into the right mental space to enjoy an Aneros or A-less session.
After a month or two of doing this, then hopefully my brain has linked these two events.
Hopefully meaning that if I breathe deeply of the chosen scent at the START of a session, it will help to... well, at least set the mood.
(It's worth noting that I have mental health problems which induce stress and currently have more responsibility than ever in my work/personal life. That's why the idea for this workaround, rather than simply focussing on "letting go" in a more general, self-care, kind of way.)
Any thoughts or suggestions are most welcome.
This will absolutely work to some degree. Do not hesitate to try it. I'll try to come back with a more detailed answer but working with various triggers is a great tool. IMO these can weight you down later but you shouldn't care about that for now.
The hypnotist Shibby has a file about increasing pleasure and linking with inhaling something. I never listened to it but her stuff is pretty good normally. Just listen before a session to see if it's in your comfort zone.
I'll just add that some of your natural smells can be really exciting in the right circumstances, I believe it's hardwired in us so I bet you'll get some results quick if you go that route.
Also Vanilla but it's everywhere.
@Zentai Thanks for the reply, I will try it out.
This is hopefully a short-ish term solution, for science, not looking to become reliant upon it. So hopefully it indeed won't weigh down my progress later.
Shibby? "Clench!"
Heheh, used to adore that.
Now I just need to pick a scent.
This is hopefully a short-ish term solution, for science, not looking to become reliant upon it. So hopefully it indeed won't weigh down my progress later.
This is the thing, I'm pretty sure it's ok to be reliant on things. I'm quite addicted to air, food and water myself.
For your sessions it would only become a problem if you have so many things you need to do that you can never check all the boxes and you start getting duds. Planification, semen retention, cleaning, setting the stage, smoking this stuff, drinking this other stuff, watching this clip, listening to this other clip, smelling this scent, 23 half strokes and hold the 24th... at some point you may have too much tools in the toolbox and want to clean things up.
Not laughing at anyone's rituals here, more talking from experience. I actually made "arousal vs. nicotine intake" graphs at some point, trying to get a small edge. It was ridiculous. You can't believe how far from "no expectations" I was...
IMO If the ritual is too complex, you'll just get tired of it. You'd be better off having 2-3 very good tools and maybe your scent idea is one of them will carry your sessions for years. Do it for science !
I've been wondering if it's worth me trying an experiment to help my mind Let Go. To relax in these stressful times?
Smells are proven to bring back strong memories, so what if that could be taken advantage of?
Absolutely it is worth trying, aromatherapy has been used for millennia as a relaxing and healing modality. Your Aneros journey toward pleasure is one which embraces all your sensory faculties, including your olfactory receptors.
The plan is to pick a pleasant smell (one which is not common). Then take a big whiff of it during the, currently rare, occasion that I get deep into the right mental space to enjoy an Aneros or A-less session.
That's a good idea, although I would advise against using certain inhalants such as poppers. Essential oils used in aromatherapy are your safest substances, if you use any synthetic derived compounds please do your research to verify their safety.
After a month or two of doing this, then hopefully my brain has linked these two events.
Hopefully meaning that if I breathe deeply of the chosen scent at the START of a session, it will help to... well, at least set the mood.
Essentially, by doing this you are reprogramming your brain in a manner similar to the 'rewiring' so often referred to here on the Forum. You are taking advantage of your brain's own neuroplasticity to alter your consciousness and thereby your body's reaction to stimuli.
It's worth noting that I have mental health problems which induce stress and currently have more responsibility than ever in my work/personal life....
Any thoughts or suggestions are most welcome.
This quote ->
e.) Smell - The olfactory sense is unique in that information delivered from these nerve sensors go directly to the brain and into one's subconscious before being processed by our conscious mind for interpretation. Aromatherapy has been used for centuries for relaxation and healing purposes, Lavender, Jasmine, Chamomile and Peppermint are used for anti-stress, anti-anxiety and as an anti-depressants. The use of various incense scents can help create the illusion/mood of an exotic/erotic locale. Women have long used perfumes (acting similar to potent pheromones) to help them attract potential mates. If you are single, you may be interested in acquiring an extra "special scent" to provide a boost into erotica.
is from the thread Identifying Facilitators to Progress, which you might find helpful as well.
Good Vibes to You!
@Zentai It's funny you should mention overelaborate preparation rituals/sessions.
I actually made "arousal vs. nicotine intake" graphs at some point, trying to get a small edge. It was ridiculous. You can't believe how far from "no expectations" I was...
Hahaa. I see far too much of myself in this.
I'm currently writing out all the lessons I learned (or unlearned) while rewiring the first time.
First and foremost was not to be beholden to the internal rules you make for yourself. Like that you have to have your eyes closed to truly relax, or you have to have a soothing bath beforehand.
All the little things that helped in one or two sessions, you try to fit them all together like a puzzle and end up juggling rather than just letting go.
Maybe I should post it when I'm done.
2-3 very great tools sound like a good 'soft limit' to stop getting carried away.
Thank you for the endorsement, it gives me confidence.
That bit about poppers made me laugh out loud though. Heheh.
I'm going to try Jasmine, any pleasant smell would serve the purpose, but the aromatherapy certainly can't hurt! Plus it's uncommon enough that I won't run into it on a daily basis, dirtying the waters as it were. Reading up on Jasmine, it seems to fit the bill to a tee.
I havn't read that fantasic thread of yours in years, time to brush up on the 'basics' again
Yeah you can really nudge things in the right direction with some good preparation. That is, right to the point where you screw everything up and it stops working.
I'm not a cigarette smoker but I was noodling along with nicotine lozenges for the dopaminergic effects. I even tried making nasal snuff from old strong pipe tobacco, seriously don't do this. Black XX rope. Don't inhale that stuff.
I got nicotine to work two or three times in a row, and I was thinking that I was beating the system with a 12$ box of generic gum. Then I used too much and I spent 4 hours shaking and sweating, hoping I would just pass out and wake up later. Well I didn't pass out and felt miserable the whole time.
Then I did it again. To double check. These were NOT productive sessions...
@Zentai Those are some extreme measures! Hope you don't mind that I was heaving with laughter reading it.
This from a guy that has a special vape mix for aneros sessions though, and also wasn't a smoker when starting the vape. Pot, Kettle, Black.
I'm quitting tomorrow, which should be... a 'passionate' few weeks.
Trading nicotine for Jasmine it seems.
(EDIT: It worked!)
I guessed you would be the kind of guy to enjoy this little story, glad you liked it. I was on a mission to try every over-the-counter supplement or product that I believed could have a positive effect. It's clearly written on the box not to use if you're not a heavy smoker, so I went very gradually over several days, but when victory was close, I got carried away. Just ruined it for me.
Still have about 5 of those delicious, cool mint flavored, 2mg lozenges of doom tucked away for a possible emergency.
Jasmine is probably a lot safer.
I haven't burned Boswellia resin before. It's anxiety alleviating effects sound like they could be useful. Helping to relax the mind both at the start of a session and when approaching new heights of sensation (which can be worrisome at times).
What you're implying about 'olfactory adaptation' isn't something I'd considered before. Though it makes perfect sense. Simply having a new smell present should awaken that sense. Invite it to be part of the experience.
If my sessions were currently more consistent, I'd be more inclined to try something less... targeted?
My aim is to create links between a scent (Jasmine) and memories of the specific Aneros/A-less sessions where I really managed to let go of my daily worries, my ego.
Next time I buy incense for purely relaxation-based meditation, I'll be sure to keep an eye out.
I've meditated, on and off, all of my adult life. Having preconceptions about what relaxation/meditation is, or should be, was one of my personal hurdles in orgasmic progression.
I've found that closing my eyes, holding deep breaths, staying very still, and generally slowing my thinking helps with more traditional meditation. However, those specific things only hinder me when trying to welcome and grow new physical sensations within myself.
Essentially, I was ignoring what my body was telling me. Already sure my techniques were correct without ever having questioned them.
The plan is going ahead. Got hold of some therapeutic grade Jasmine oil.
I've only had one session since then that I thought merited a whiff (A-less coincidentally).
In that relaxed yet alert, clear, aroused and awaiting, state of mind, I hadn't anticipated that it would be perfectly open to suggestions from scents. Jasmine, it seems, I associate with perfume and the women I've known who had it as part of their fragrance. Fragments and flashes of memories playing across my mind before sliding away.
In conclusion, I'm very optimistic that I can eventually get this trigger to powerfully take root. It might take longer than estimated as there are already ideas tied to the smell.
I'll try my best to keep this new learning stage up until Christmas.
Reap the rewards in the new year.
Had an afternoon session with Maximus that was good enough to remind me why I do this.
The scent now enhances my breathing visualizations, energy entering on inhale, relaxed submission on exhale.
There is no trigger established yet (obviously) but just having a delectable smell present in those moments of intense arousal and vulnerability adds a new level to play which I never knew I was missing.
No dry/mini-O or building P-waves. Even so, my anal sensitivity was the highest it's been all year.