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I'm also a highly sensitive person. I think that if you are such a person you might respond differently to Aneros play than others and I think it is good that you are careful with it and ask these questions.

At the beginning of my journey, I never thought about any of this. I was at an unstable place mentally but unlike you, I had not read anything. One day I had an Orgasm that was so big that it freaked me out. I was sure that I had fucked myself crazy and could feel this energy radiating that I could not get rid of. So obviously I went to the internet for advice and got stuff like the 'kundalini syndrome' religious being a prophet crap, the dangers of awakening something sacred that I was not ready for. All this reading made shit worse and made me feel afraid.

I don't believe in the syndrome or this being dangerous but I do feel that it helps to be somewhat prepared for it. I think it is good if you already know yourself somewhat. Judging from your post you already do. You acknowledge that you are not in a stable place at this moment and you also know that you are highly sensitive.

So your question: do I even want to be ( prostate awoken)? I think that you do but that it might not be what you think it is, or even want at this moment maybe. This Aneros play requires a certain amount of vulnerability and surrendering. When you let go of your ego stuff can come out. This feeling of sadness afterwards you mention is such stuff. It is not created by Aneros play, it was already there but things like that can come up to the surface.

I know that when it comes to sensitivity and a heightened way of feeling that it works for me to embrace it. Feel the emotions, good and bad, whatever it is that comes up and try not to get freaked out.
If you look at it like this Aneros play can be an outlet, a healing experience. A way to get in touch with your subconscious.

As for the buzzing and Aless. If you are sensitive than yes, this can get annoying and intense. But you will learn to deal with it and become better/ good at it. At least I have, It never comes up when I don't want it too. I have to actually summon it for it to happen.

Dealing with this high form of energy can make you a bit unbalanced though. In the same way as taking drugs or alcohol can. I don't think it's similar because it is a natural type of energy that is already within you but for the sake of finding an explanation, they are similar in the way that they can make your brain unstable.
Normally not much of a problem, but if you already feel shitty it might be better not to or to at least listen to your body and be respectful of when it has enough. I hope I did not scare you, because it is quite wonderful and the feeling of tranquillity, love and oneness it can bring can be helpful especially if you don't feel on top of the world and this is something that rarely gets mentioned but important. And the fact that it's not all happy vibes and rainbows all the time might come as a surprise but it shouldn't because such is life.

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Like was said to me the other day,this is the internet,it’s possible things you read could be troll posts. My prostate giving me unwanted orgasms at any and all minutes of the day,hasn’t been my experience,orgasms are always in session. That’s not to say it’s not impossible.

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All this is anecdotal and subjective. For instance..Prostate awakening?..Maybe..Or maybe my prostate has always been awake,maybe it was the rest of me that was asleep. After all,it’s been working all my sexual life,it made sure my kids survived in my wife’s body long enough to hijack some eggs,so he was definitely fulfilling his end of the contract. Perhaps it’s simpler,I learned I could feel pleasure stimulating my gland. Try not to over think,over analyse things to deeply,you’ll just take your self down a winding little road in your mind.

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Try not to over think,over analyse things to deeply,you’ll just take your self down a winding little road in your mind.

While good advice. Please acknowledge that people can experience things that you can't and that it can seem insensitive to just dismiss things you don't know or find weird.

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With regards to aless and buzzing, I was afraid of that too, as I give lessons to children and it would be catastrophic, if not a jail-sentence, to break into orgasms in mid-lesson. However, with any buzzing or mounting sexual feelings that I have encountered outside of aneros session-- and I encounter them almost every day-- I get the choice: do I concentrate on the sensations and build them into an Aless orgasm or other lovely sensations (choice I go with alone at my apartment, while walking or in public transport, and of course during sexual encounters-- play partners love it when they give me body shaking orgasms while just caressing me!); or do I just ignore the feeling and let it fizzle away. In non-sexual company I do the latter, and it is no problem at all. When my body gives me the choice between an aless orgasm and not, the easiest path to choose is to ignore it, and it disappears.

I have had several individual days over the last few months where my prostate was buzzing like a waspnest, due to prolongated semen retention through multiple sexual encounters, and through other psycho-physiological factors that are beyond me. My various solutions are: to deal with it (akin to being on some sort of drug); to go home and put a toy in (best sessions ever); or to masturbate in the traditional way (which calms me down significantly as it ends my semen retention). Personally I love these buzzy days, and even if I hated them, no way would I give up the bliss of prostate orgasms because of them, as they are rare.

I would like to hear if anyone actually regrets their re-wiring, outside of possible career/family/life-hindering addiction problems. @rumel : you have been here for a long time and have read thousands of posts... have you encountered posts of users who actually regret their re-wiring?

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@Mitaru I’ve not dismissed it all,I just think ppl can become caught in mental traps,like if he believes his journey will impact him in a negative way,then that’s what may well happen,or pressing forward with a positive attitude may well create a positive journey experience. Sorry if you don’t like this,but it’s my opinion and I am entitled to it.

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@Tommygunn It's cool. I took it personally and overreacted there. My initial post was a bit of a trainwreck and I like to use the 'Ambien' excuse that is so popular nowadays.

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@Obsessive, First, I'd like to acknowledge @Mitaru 's wonderful response to your concerns, I think his sincere thoughtfulness was right on the mark and I hope you take his thoughts to heart. I'll just add some snippets of my own to hopefully reassure you.

(...I'm not actually one hundred per cent sure if it was a good experience. I had some very sad and weird mental feelings afterwards, but I'm not sure what was the cause of them. My life is in shambles for many a reason anyway, so it might have been a coincidence, or at least a product of many factors.)

I don't think it was a coincidence. The G-Spot or Sacred Spot of a man is his prostate gland. Tantric philosophy considers the G-Spot a man's emotional sex center. Massaging the man's prostate releases tremendous amounts of emotional and physical stress.

It's this whole "aless" thing that makes my skin crawl. I do not like the idea of being distracted with sensual or sexual feelings in my prostate when I want to do other things.

I think you may be over inflating the significance of spontaneous feelings occurring as a result of one's Aneros journey. Yes, spontaneous feelings will arise from your subconscious just as they do for any number of ideas/concepts/emotions that are already a part of your life. The extent to which you choose to indulge in those feelings is still your choice, it is not something totally beyond your control.

I'm also not keen on the prospect of having random orgasms while just chilling out by myself on my spare time... while orgasms are fun, for me control is paramount.

The likelihood of this occurring is extremely remote as it usually requires conscious intent to initiate an Anerosless session and even then it is difficult to instigate full blown Super-O's. I've been on this journey for 11+ years and have never experienced a spontaneous Aless Super-O.

... telling me to try to concentrate on other things is like telling the sun to try spiralling on the sky. It is not in my nature to be able to choose what I concentrate on. As such, I am already a slave to the whims and quirks of my physical form, and would not want yet another unstoppable force dictating my life.

If you truly believe this then you are not ready to begin an Aneros journey and you will only suffer frustration in your attempts to progress.

"you cannot unring the bell of an awakened prostate". The question is, then, should I ring the bell at all?

It depends upon how curious, adventurous and fearless you are. The Aneros journey will expose you to new and strange sensations as you gain increasing knowledge of your own body's workings. This adventure is full of unknowns, how desirous are you to explore this realm of your own being.

It is likely that this latter bell will ultimately find another things to Obsess about and its echoes of my brief Aneros adventure might die out, but if I do happen ring that other bell, what will become of me? Any thoughts on this? Am I worried for nothing?

It is impossible for any one of us to know or say what the future holds for our lives. In this respect we are all equals in our ignorance and possession of fears. Speculating about what will happen in the future, while intriguing, is a fruitless, energy robbing exercise in futility as you worry about things which, in all probability, will never happen. This is not to say we shouldn't have contingency plans for likely scenarios but rather to say being flexible in the face of life's changing circumstances may be the best route forward.

What really are the possible long-term effects of the prostate awakening? Is "butt buzz" something that you have to deal with all day, every day?

In my experience and from anecdotal reporting the 'butt buzz' phenomenon is usually a temporary phase new users incur for a short period after their initial prostate awakening. It is not a 24/7 situation lasting indefinitely, it may re-occur from time to time following significant multi-orgasmic Anerosessions but is certainly nothing to be fearful of, in fact most users find it a rather pleasant background sensation when it does occur.

... considering what I have written above, what would you suggest to me? Should I do my best to move on with my life to other endeavours and try to forget the potential of the prostate, or should I plunge head first into the Aneros adventure and to hell with the world?

The choice is obviously totally up to you but given what you've said, I would suggest you proceed slowly. There is no need to "...plunge... into anything or abandon you curiosity. Why not take a measured approach and initially just dip your toes into the orgasmic pool of prostate stimulation? You can always back out if the feeling is not to your liking.
Good Vibes to You !

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@rumel : you have been here for a long time and have read thousands of posts... have you encountered posts of users who actually regret their re-wiring?

There have been a rare few men who have experienced their prostate awakening and the emotional release was more than they felt they could handle. They subsequently decided to abandon their Aneros journey and discontinued participation in the Forum, I don't know how their lives have progressed thereafter. There have also been a few men who have experienced mild to moderate Kundalini awakenings as a result of their Aneros use. A few of them have taken a temporary hiatus from their Aneros practice to resolve the abundant energy flow and re-establish balance in their lives. I can't recall any of these men stating they regretted their prostate awakening or the rewiring they had gone through.

It should be noted that of the thousands of listed members the vast majority of them never post anything so we don't know to what extent or how many actually abandon their Aneros journey or have any regrets about their experiences. The participants on this forum, while certainly a diverse group of individuals, are nonetheless a very niche segment of the male population, as such our reactions to these massagers may not be representative of the male population as a whole. It should also be noted that I am as subject to selective memory bias as any other individual. Good Vibes to You !

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Thank you, everyone, for your kind replies. Your feedback has certainly helped a bit with my anxiety about my various concerns. And while I would like to respond to you all individually, I feel it will be better (and considerably more readable) to give a general reply for the most part.

As for the spiritual side of things (kundalini etc.), I'm not a believer of the various oriental faiths and as such do not give much weight to such things. Yet at the same time, I must acknowledge the fact that the beliefs are, on some level and to some degree, based on observations of the real world and even if they sound like gobbledygook to me, they can still be genuine attempts to explain real world phenomena in the frame of reference of the corresponding faith system.

I think the main difficulty in these issues lies in understanding the actual underlying issue beyond all the esoterica, and to differentiate the actual phenomena the beliefs are trying to explain from the "gobbledygook" (my apologies to any actual believers, I know I sound like an uppity infidel, but I don't really mean to) that is religious dogma and conjecture, and as I am unable to do that, I too tend to think such highly spiritual explanations might sometimes be more harmful than useful for the uninitiated.

And even though I don't consider myself a particularly spiritual person, one of the episodes of sadness that came several hours after one of my Aneros sessions had a very weird spiritual tone to it. As I was crying by myself for no apparent reason at all (which is not to say I do not have a lot of reasons to cry in general, as I do), I asked myself, "What am I crying for?" After a moment, somehow, an answer came to my mind, so strangely clear that it almost seemed to have come from somewhere beyond my conscious mind, "I cry for myself." Tentatively, I posed myself another question, "Why am I crying for myself?" Again, the answer came almost as if from somewhere else, "Because nobody else will."

After these two questions and the semi-mystical answers I found myself thinking to them, a strange calmness and rightness came upon me. This calmness did not remove my sadness, but they somehow coexisted in harmony, and I let myself experience this great sadness, remembering that crying is a form of purification, and as I have suffered much in the few past years without having much luck in expressing my sadness at my suffering, this purification was not only beneficial, but necessary.

Was this some sort of spiritual experience? Or was it just my subconscious mind helping me through the sadness? Or was it yet another electric disturbance in my temporal lobes? Or even just a new trick my dissociative disorder was playing on me? Who knows. Maybe all of these things, maybe none. In any case, it helped me get through my moment of sadness.

And as far as a feeling of vulnerability and surrender goes, I might point out that I often fantasize about being submissive and surrendering to being controlled — at a time and place of my choosing, mind you. I have at times even indulged in various femdom hypnosis audio files, and while I don't think I've actually "gone under" the hypnosis, I am highly aroused by such files and the concept of being dominated. One Aneros-related fantasy I have toyed with in my mind is based on thinking the Aneros is actually being controlled by a mischievous feminine spirit that wants to have her way with me while I'm just her toy. How's that for a reversal?

But I digress. My point is that I am not really all that worried about the spiritual side of things, or the sadness, nor do I have a great fear of giving up control temporarily, but it is rather the physical side and the sexual feelings and sensations outside of actual sessions that worry me.

Maybe I do worry too much about this. I do tend to do that. I should probably learn to stop worrying and love the bomb. Maybe, instead of my morbid seriousness, I should try to approach this whole thing with playfulness. I mean, it's all just for fun, isn't it? Is it? It almost feels like my mind is split in two. On some days I keep thinking to myself, "just go for it, it's just fun, it can't do any harm to you and it might feel awesome!", but then on other days I keep thinking "once you cross the line, you can never go back, you'll be sorry, so don't do it!"

And all for the want of a bit of fun.

On the other hand, in retrospect, I could also say that I already have distracting sexual thoughts, feelings and sensations throughout the day, at times considerably so, while at other times, not so much. It is what one would call libido. It is part of being human. I would imagine pretty much all men have such thoughts and feelings. So it might well be that my worries about any possible unwanted arousal due to a possible prostate awakening are really not about the prostate at all, but at my anxiety of feeling sexual feelings in excess to begin with, and my inability to express these feelings. From this point of view, the Aneros, while it might increase the range of such physical sensations, or the strength thereof, it might also help me express these feelings in a new way and thus reduce the resulting anxiety. Or perhaps not. After all, I can't tell beforehand.

But I'm starting to ramble again. I need to ponder upon the thoughts invoked by your kind replies now. Thank you once more for replying.

[...] given what you've said, I would suggest you proceed slowly. [...] Why not take a measured approach and initially just dip your toes into the orgasmic pool of prostate stimulation? You can always back out if the feeling is not to your liking.

This is more or less what I would like to do. Put like this, it seems very simple and clear. But is it? You yourself have used at times the idiom "cannot unring the bell" for the effects of the prostate awakening. To me this sounds rather final and does not necessarily give the choice of backing out. If there really is a possibility to back out at any moment, my concerns become moot. I can survive temporary discomfort. It is the long term effects I fear. If I don't like it, can I really go back to what I was before? Is there a point of no return?

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Any experience changes a man so no, you cannot return or unknow it but it's not like waking up from the matrix or anything. There is no red or blue pill. Even if there was, wouldn't you rather find out the truth than wonder what it could be like?
Fear is often an emotion that comes up when something new presents itself. Once it is not new any more fear will subside and questions will be answered. There will be new questions though but that's for later.

Could I go back and stop using the Aneros? Sure, why not? I broke mine without having money for a new one for a while, I hardly gave a crap. But now that I know it's pleasure I feel like I would be missing out if I could never do it again. If you have an addictive personality it might be wise to pace yourself but this is true for many things.

As long as you take it slow and treat it with respect you should be fine.

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You yourself have used at times the idiom "cannot unring the bell" for the effects of the prostate awakening. To me this sounds rather final and does not necessarily give the choice of backing out. If there really is a possibility to back out at any moment, my concerns become moot. I can survive temporary discomfort. It is the long term effects I fear. If I don't like it, can I really go back to what I was before? Is there a point of no return?

Essentially, NO, you can never go back to what you were before, none of us has a time machine to allow that to happen, this is just a fact of life all of us mortals need to accept as a condition to continue living. I concur with @Mitaru 's response above. I think it is wise to ask yourself these types of questions, as you stated and found out earlier, you have the answers within you, so keep asking the questions. What are the long term effects you fear? Are they real or manufactured by your imagination? What is the probability you could or would ever experience them? You are the creator of your own reality, everyday you make decisions from which there is no turning back, no way to unring the bells of your everyday life and yet you still move on through your life.
Yes, the bell can not be un-rung but like the sound that radiates from that source, the intensity of the reaction diminishes over time to undetectable levels. The sound is only refreshed by repeated strokes to the source object. Just as once your virginity is surrendered you can not retrieve it, once your prostate is awakened you can not unknow it, but you can ignore it if you so choose and allow it to go silent over time.
Good Vibes to You !

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It has been clear from the start that one cannot truly unexperience any experience and the memories of an experience, whether good or bad, will remain with oneself in one way or another. But that is all on the cognitive level and I don't see why I could not deal with that. Even then, my expectations, as minor as I try to keep them, are still based on the (reasonable) assumption that whatever I would experience with the Aneros would be fun and pleasant and not traumatic at all.

My question of going back was more or less related only to the physiological and neurological side and concept of "aless" and similar out-of-session issues, i.e. will there be actual physiological reactions or actual physical cravings (not just mental ones) out-of-session that I have never had before the Aneros, and once I cross the point of no return, I would need to deal with for the rest of my life, whether I like it or not, without the actual Aneros device within me. If no, then I could go back in the sense that I could just ignore the memories and continue with my pre-Aneros life, perhaps trying out a session whenever feeling adventurous. That would be optimal.

But if the answer (to the question of permanent physiological reactions) is yes, then I could not go back in the sense I mean. It is these reactions I fear and from this uncertainty my concerns stem from.

From your answers, I gather that while it is impossible to know this beforehand, it is unlikely that I would somehow harm let alone ruin the rest of my life with any experiences from the Aneros or that it would somehow begin to dominate the way I experience the world. In a forum like this, especially for an Obsessive monomaniac like me, it is sometimes easy to forget that people have lives beyond what they discuss in the forums, and one man's joyous hyperbole can sometimes become the dreadful nightmare of another.

I also want you to know that your kind and understanding replies have already made me feel better in my recent suffering. My original conundrum is still somewhat unresolved in my mind, but my anxiety regarding the matter has diminished greatly. It may be that in the near future (once I get further away from this weird place of confusion and hurt in my mind) I shall get myself something more appropriate for a beginner (e.g. the Helix Trident) and give prostate stimulation another shot, slowly and carefully, and most importantly with a playful and fun attitude rather than the sombre tone I tend to reverberate in my writing, but that is something only time will tell. Perhaps I shall return and tell the tale.

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From your answers, I gather that while it is impossible to know this beforehand, it is unlikely that I would somehow harm let alone ruin the rest of my life with any experiences from the Aneros or that it would somehow begin to dominate the way I experience the world.

Exactly! @Obsession , for what it's worth, I'd like to direct you to the thread For those suffering from depression: for some related thoughts. Good Vibes to You !

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Again, my apologies for my ramblings, and if you read all of it, thank you. I think writing this has given me a peace of mind for at least a few hours. After all, this is not an issue I could really converse anywhere else or with anyone else. I doubt I would be in any way comfortable discussing it even with my therapist.

Hi @Obsessive, the last sentence of your original post is why I hold back with any answers but one.
Aneros use and prostate awareness (had) have a much too great impact on my life, that I could only consider to recommend that you keep such an important decision from your therapist. The less comfortable you feel with it, the more substantial and necessary it might be to discuss it with your therapist first.
Best regards, Mart

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The less comfortable you feel with it, the more substantial and necessary it might be to discuss it with your therapist first.

The unsoundness of withholding any information from one's therapist is, of course, a valid point and as such avoiding such a discussion with my therapist might be unwise from this point of view.

Then there is the other angle: while my therapist is likely to have some insight to the human psyche in general, I would find it very unlikely, a priori, that he would have specific insight about the possible long-term physiological or neurological effects related to prostate simulation in specific. And while discussing the issue with my therapist would not have the same risk of social stigma as discussing it with friends or relatives, it could still result in a lot of time used in discussions about affiliated subjects such as my sexual orientation (which is hardly the issue here) or various Freudian interpretations of why I would want to stick plastic objects into my rear to begin with, et cetera, and while I wouldn't necessarily shun such discussions, time with my therapist is rather limited and life is short, and most of my major problems lie in other issues entirely.

Of course, in a perfect world, you would be absolutely right and I should definitely discuss the issue with my therapist (well, in a perfect world people would not need the help of therapists in the first place, but I digress). However, the world is not perfect and both I and my therapist are imperfect mortals. As such, I feel I should prioritize my various other issues in my therapy.

Meanwhile, as I have understood from some of your various postings I have read, not to mention your user name, that the goal of your journey is to master the art of prostate pleasures without the use of Aneros products, to me it feels that our goals are in some sense polar opposites: I would gladly settle for some added prostate thrills in my plain, old-school penile edging, or possibly during sexual encounters of the traditional kind, without any conscious semen retention or other such practices, and that's it. Perhaps 'tis a bit pedestrian of me, but that's what appeals to me. With that in mind, I would welcome any acumen of yours on the issue at hand. Would you, from your perspective, consider the experiences of "aless" or "butt buzz", in the long term, to be something that would distract you from other things or come up suddenly and unexpected? Or is it something that would require a focused concentration to happen in the first place?

Perhaps the very nature of "aless" should be a discussion (and a wiki entry) on its own: what exactly is "aless" for different people, and how does it correlate with factors such as the frequency of Aneros sessions, or other practices such as semen retention, or even meditation? And is it something you have to actively develop and really want to achieve in order for it to develop in the first place, or does it come from Aneros usage regardless of your goals? Is it something that dies out if you stop the use of Aneros for long periods of time? Is it something that develops even if you use the Aneros to simply intensify traditional penile sexual practices? I am not posing these questions here to get all the answers right here, right now (that would be presumptuous), but I think these are questions that new and potential users of Aneros products would like some answers for, and while ultimately we are all unique and have our unique response to the Aneros, this uniqueness does not mean it would be useless to study the possible correlations. Have there been such discussions? I don't think I would have the patience read through the whole forum, and the query for "aless" is too general.

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the goal of your journey is to master the art of prostate pleasures without the use of Aneros products

It's never been my goal and will not be, it just happened. And I'm fine with having prostate joy at hand without any preparations.

Would you, from your perspective, consider the experiences of "aless" or "butt buzz", in the long term, to be something that would distract you from other things or come up suddenly and unexpected? Or is it something that would require a focused concentration to happen in the first place?

Yes, as the case may be.

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It might seem odd that pretty much all posts here are about heightening sensations and making everything bigger. It's rare to read something on making it smaller or to go away entirely. I'm not an expert on the forum so I don't know every post that has ever been but I don't think you are unique in wondering these questions.

From my personal experience, I would like so say that your concerns are valid and it could be annoying for you at the beginning. For me, my body was not used to this new energy and it took me a while to be able to manipulate it. It did come up when I did not want it too. I had trouble sleeping and could also sometimes feel it coming up during the day. This was never more than just an annoyance though.
I can compare it to hitting puberty and your body not knowing what to do with all the hormones and new found sexual powers. It responds by giving you boners and surges of lust at random moments that can be inconvenient. Feeling a surge of A-less I think is similar to getting a hard-on(?). If you focus on it and fantasise you can stay within or amplify this feeling. You can also ignore it and it will go away. As an adult, you can still get horny but because of experience, this is much milder. Going to the pool with an extra set of underwear on because of not knowing what my penis will do, those days are over.

For me, Aless is hardly a factor anymore after me getting used to Aneros play. I share your opinion of having no need for something like that coming up at random. I think that if you don't look for it, or don't specifically train or engage in it that it doesn't really develop. When I do feel it, it is mild and happens only when I am aroused. I find it easy to make it go away.
My take and experience with it is that anything uncomfortable, uncontrolled or scary has to do with the newness. Do not underestimate what it can do but also don't take your worries too far in this. In the end, you have to trust that this is a natural thing to do and that anything your body, ego or mind can resist is fixable and most of it will just go away with time.

These things might not be for your therapist unless you think something has come up that is worth discussing.
The Aneros is an amplifier of emotion though, not just sexual. If things feel overwhelming in a mental way, where you feel that it is amplifying something that is not helpful, that is something that should not be hidden out of shame. What you discuss and what you don't is up to you obviously.

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Stuff it,I’ll probably get smashed to pieces for this,but that’s life. Wouldn’t it just be simpler to say your prostate journey becomes part of your sex drive,and you’ll get some urges to play with your prostate the same way you get urges for sex?

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Stuff it ... ?

Probably for the most of us, this could work. And depending on how you can deal with urges you will cope with them or you might fail. Stuffed ... in a nutshell.

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@SOwithoutAneros :cool:. Seems it’s all getting somewhat sensationalised (no pun intended). Ride Aneros,explore yourself,have some fun and orgasms along the way. Nice and simple. Positive attitude.
They guy hasn’t even begun,and the journey is super dark and psychological already. I thought it supposed to be fun.

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I don’t post very often anymore but thought I’d speak up in this discussion. I’m encouraged by the honesty and openness of the OP and by the kind support of others. I, too, was spooked by what could happen with kundalini. I’m not very religious, but I don’t discount anyone’s faith. Surely this idea came from something and isn’t totally random. I’m fairly stable and score low on interpersonal sensitivity tests, but there is something to be said for the fear of the unknown. Kundalini, rewiring, normal sexual performance, uncontrollable aless, and even changes to sexuality are all part of the fear of the unknown consequences of “prostate awakening”. As @rumel mentioned, I had a brief period early on that I had almost a constant buzzing. But this subsided after a while. Now when I get a buzzing, it’s no different than seeing an attractive woman and the reaction that goes with it. The whole experience is dynamic and changes over time. I’ve had some powerful experiences, but I’ve never been moved to tears or laughter as a result. For me, protate stimulation has simply become one of many ways to relax and feel good and I do it about once a month. Nothing more, nothing (a)less. I hope you will find peace and enjoyment with it. If not, it probably isn’t worth doing.

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