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Colonoscopy results and thoughts on lube and Aneros use

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I had my first colonoscopy at the end of August and according to my doctor over the procedure, I have a "perfect colon" to which my nurses were quite shocked and said "never hear that!" I'm proud!! Never thought I'd say that, what a weird thing to know and think about lol

Anyway, I had been wondering what almost 20 years of water-based lube in my ass, specifically and nearly religiously Astroglide gel, could do to my anus, rectum, prostate and colon. Apparently, it doesn't do anything!! I had zero polyps or anything at all that the doctor was concerned or interested in. I go back in 10 years, I think the norm is every 5 years.

Also, recent blood work during a physical in July revealed near perfect BPH levels. Again, I wondered if my lube use for so many years had any effect on my tissues and glands down there.

This is not a license to use whatever lube you might be wondering or worried about!! I know that there is a quite large contingency of "lube purists" here on Aneros forum and out there in the wide world today. When you look at the lube industry over the last 20 years, ingredients have changed quite a lot: what is "safe", what is "organic" or "natural", "harmful", etc..

I use Astroglide gel because its so reliable, its always been exactly the same formula, and it lasts forever in my ass. I use so little during sessions and it makes toys move extremely well. Although I had said "well, my orgasms and overall well being is worth the risk" now I'm not concerned at all, and I was a bit worried going into my procedure and what my BPH levels were.

I am wondering if anyone here over 45 or 50 could share aspects of their lube use and any issues they've had with similar tests like colonoscopies and prostate issues? Curious to know more about all of this!

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I had my first colonoscopy a little over two years ago, just a few weeks before I discovered Aneros... So I can't say anything specific about it.
My two doctor's checkups in 2019 and 2020, after my discovery of prostate massage, showed completely normal results for PSA levels.

I use Shea butter as lube.

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We just dip the toys in Vaseline aloe Vera and top off with ky jelly.

My psa IS normal but higher than ‘perfect’ most likely due to heavy training etc.

@techpump That aside,I just want to say,i enjoyed our report and the fact that your ass is in great shape makes me happy! ;):)

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I'm not over 45 yet, but I had some bladder issues some years ago (which turned out to be stress related, go figure...) So I had 2 prostate checks, PSA bloodwork + abdominal echography, and everything was A-OK. Like you, close to 20 years of lube use at that point, Vaseline at first with KY Jelly and after that, Astroglide Gel which is my favorite from the store brands. I used coconut oil mixes for a while but the Astroglide is just so much easier to clean that I tend to always go back to it. Used maybe the equivalent of 2-3 bottles of silicon lube over the years, but it's just too thin and gets everywhere.

During both prostate checks the doctors used KY and I almost commented that they should switch to something better, but abstained. 

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Posted by: @techpump

I am wondering if anyone here over 45 or 50 could share aspects of their lube use and any issues they've had with similar tests like colonoscopies and prostate issues?

I'm 74, have had 2 colonoscopies in the 14 years of my Aneros use, had 2 benign polyps removed each time. I've used a variety of lubes during that period, early on developed an aversion to glycerin containing lubes (caused the dreaded 'urge to purge' syndrome), soon switched to the 'Natural Jelly' formulation for several years but now use mainly coconut oil as my lube. I don't have any problems/issues with my G.I. tract, bowel movements are regular as long as I maintain adequate fiber intake. I am a prostate cancer survivor (exterior beam radiation treatment), 12 years out.

Good Vibes to You!


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Posted by: @rumel

14 years of my Aneros use,

Posted by: @rumel

I am a prostate cancer survivor (exterior beam radiation treatment), 12 years out.

Rumel,first of all,I’m glad you beat prostate cancer. I wanted to ask if I may,since your treatment was 2 years into your journey,did you already have prostate issue prior? Is that why you began prostate massage?


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Posted by: @helghast

...did you already have prostate issue prior? Is that why you began prostate massage?

I became concerned about prostate cancer issues due to my father and uncle both having been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had begun researching ways to help protect my prostate via massage therapy when my PSA levels started rising. I began prostate massage for both its therapeutic effect and the possible pleasure benefits. I think the prostate cancer was due to my genetics and not by my Aneros use. Early detection/treatment is key to prostate cancer survival.

Good Vibes to You!

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With dad and uncle afflicted,pretty strong indicator of genetic link. Most things are rooted in genetics. 


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Am 76 and have had three colonoscopies in the past 20 years - last one was normal. have only been an Aneros user for 6 years and use mainly Astroglide or water based gel - sometimes aloe vera gel. PSA levels have always been extremely low below the threshold.

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I'm happy all you old geezers are in excellent health, looks like the prostate massage regimen is working.  Keep it up! 🙂

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Thanks to all for adding in here! I really like these little discussions 🙂 I appreciate the input everyone!

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