Butt Buzz - how doe...
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Butt Buzz - how does it feel to you?

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I will start my question with the glossary from the WIKI:

"butt buzz is persistent, even insistent, energy in your anus, rectum, prostate, perineum, scrotum/testicles area, sometimes experienced spontaneously apart from an Aneros session. Faint to mild muscle spasms leading up to an orgasm may also occur."

I wanted to ask you all what does it feel like. It's a very strange term to use "buzz" to describe muscle spasms for me, and I am wondering if maybe I haven't gotten there yet (which is ofc okay!). When you have butt buzz, is the toy moving around a lot (in/out of you) or is it relatively stationary and acting like a vibrator inside? What kinds of sensations do you feel?

Thanks in advance 🙂 


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I consider "butt buzz" to be an increased awareness and activation of my prostate. As though some part of my lower abdomen is saying "Remember the sensations we had that time?". It's a kind of horniness that is specific to my prostate sessions, that raises a sense of hunger, anticipation, longing and arousal for prostate massage. I feel glimpses of past pleasures, and it creates a thirst in me. I don't take "buzz" in the literal buzzing sense. But that's just my interpretation, I can't tell you what was originally meant.

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Literally happening to me today. Not a muscle spasm but an actual high frequency buzzing sensation. No toy involved.

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@clenchy Very interesting take! I've felt that before, and that totally makes sense - I guess a good refinement of the question is if it's more a physical sensation or mental sensation 😀

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