On July 21st, (scroll above) I wrote a post sharing my experience in moving energy and my opinion on how it related to Kundalini syndrome. This was my opinion but not everyone agreed with it so I won't speculate again on what exactly caused my seemingly unique experience. Is it KS or a case of neurological disorder?
I do, however want to give you an update on my current condition. After four months (of agony and misery), I'm still under the spell of whatever this is but I've definitely turned a corner since having hit bottom. Every day, I see improvements in how I feel mentally and physically
Since my nipple stimulation was at the very origin of my explosion (for lack of a better word), I'm purposely avoiding touching them for fear of a relapse but they are no longer sensitive to the touch. I'm also avoiding moving energy on a grand scale for the same reason.
When touching my skin, it no longer hurts like a sunburn but it feels prickly (slightly electrical) and it's mostly on the bottom half of my body, calves and feet.
I've regained my appetite and taste for food but I'm still a good 20 to 25 lbs below my normal weight of 168-170. Being 6’4” and so thin, I have a tendency of being cold and this doesn't help the shaking. It'll be a while before I completely loose the shakes.
My issue of frequent trips to the can went away just as fast as it appeared. In the worst moments, I had a pelvic ultrasound that revealed an inflamed prostate so the doctor gave me a prescription for Flomax. The pill bottle remains unopened in the medicine cabinet; I don't need it. Also, my PSA numbers were normal.
My energy is returning but with the weight loss went my muscle tone so everything I do requires more effort.
Finally, I was happy to reintroduce my Aneros massagers to my prostate on Friday and Saturday night. Nipple stimulation has always been essential to all my A and Aless sessions so with no stimulation, I'm starting again from ground zero. My two sessions were duds as I fully expected them to be but I'm ok with that.
I'm just happy to be back!
Finally, I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to all my friends and fellow members who messaged me their good wishes and suggestions! Know that it really helped me cope with this unusual situation.
Life goes on..
@ggringo good to hear you are slowly improving.
Here is my experiences and would love to hear if you are similar or others.
1. First used aneros. For the next week I thought I broke my body.. was in constant tingles everywhere. This went away after a week.
2. Have played around with erotic hypnosis / kundalini meditation / binaural meditation.
3. Outside of sessions. I always experience a energy in my groin area that I can turn off and on with 1 contraction. (a less as people call it). This has greatly helped my life as its pleasureable and it helped me kick a masturbation addiction. I will note however as soon as I masturbate I lose this feeling 100% and it takes 24 hours to get back. (Maybe this could help with your awakening? I felt being horny made the energy more intense)
4. During an aneros session or meditation the energy starts in my groin and having a low level orgasim the energy is suddenly thru my entire body at a very low level and very pleasurable.
5. During a session the energy can be very very very powerful in the groin area but I have definitely (and maybe this is stupid as maybe this is what you did??) Tried to move the energy up my spine but have never succeeded in doing this.
5a. The power of the energy in my groin sometimes is very very strong and is totally different energy to the super O / meditation energy that goes thru my entire body.
6. I actually don't use the aneros much anymore as I can have very deep meditation where it feels like a low level super O. Just thru using binaural meditation music. Floating thru space feeling / pure bliss.
Do any of these points relate to you?
The only contribution I can find to stop the tingling is to get rid of being horny with masturbation. But maybe we are totally different as I never managed to move up that energy.
It appears that you've shared a message or update from a forum post on the topic of "Avoiding Kundalini Syndrome" from the Aneros community website. The message discusses the author's personal experience and struggles related to energy movement and potential Kundalini syndrome. They describe their physical and mental condition, mentioning improvements in their overall well-being. The author discusses how they are avoiding certain triggers, such as nipple stimulation, in fear of a relapse. They also provide details about physical sensations, changes in appetite and weight, and other aspects of their recovery process. Towards the end, the author expresses their gratitude to the forum members who have supported them during their challenging experience. Please note that Kundalini syndrome and experiences related to it can vary greatly among individuals, and it's important for anyone experiencing such issues to seek advice and guidance from qualified healthcare professionals or experts in the field of Kundalini energy. mcdvoice
@ggringo good to hear you are slowly improving.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
3. Outside of sessions. I always experience a energy in my groin area that I can turn off and on with 1 contraction. (a less as people call it).
Same here, I've been doing this since January 2016 with good success but I lost it with my episode. Now I have to re-learn how to get back on my horse.
4. During an aneros session or meditation the energy starts in my groin and having a low level orgasim the energy is suddenly thru my entire body at a very low level and very pleasurable.
Same here but with no peaking orgasms, just steady high pleasure waves.
5. During a session the energy can be very very very powerful in the groin area but I have definitely (and maybe this is stupid as maybe this is what you did??) Tried to move the energy up my spine but have never succeeded in doing this.
Yes, for years I've been moving energy freely up my spine to my crown chakra and my mistake that night was to do so way too aggressively, That's when my trouble started.
The only contribution I can find to stop the tingling is to get rid of being horny with masturbation. But maybe we are totally different as I never managed to move up that energy.
I agree with you, we are all very different with very similar experiences!
Thanks for your post!
Please note that Kundalini syndrome and experiences related to it can vary greatly among individuals, and it's important for anyone experiencing such issues to seek advice and guidance from qualified healthcare professionals or experts in the field of Kundalini energy.
In my case, my healthcare professionals were baffled with no answers as to the cause of the condition. My personal situation doesn't allow me the possibility of seeking Kundalini Expert's assistance and I don't even know if there are any in my neck of the woods.
I'm blessed to be on the mend; it's not quite over yet but I feel it's been a long and very uncomfortable ride.
Good vibes to you
Please note that Kundalini syndrome and experiences related to it can vary greatly among individuals, and it's important for anyone experiencing such issues to seek advice and guidance from qualified healthcare professionals or experts in the field of Kundalini energy.
In my case, my healthcare professionals were baffled with no answers as to the cause of the condition. My personal situation doesn't allow me the possibility of seeking Kundalini Expert's assistance and I don't even know if there are any in my neck of the woods.
I'm blessed to be on the mend; it's not quite over yet but I feel it's been a long and very uncomfortable ride.
Good vibes to you
Ain't gonna lie. When I read this a few months back I tossed away all of my aneros models. how you been?
OMG @justcurious12431 I'm really sorry to hear that you discarded your massagers! I really don't believe my condition was caused by my prostate toys but rather by a case of nipple overstimulation combined with a very aggressive effort to pull up energy to my top chakra. At that moment, the pleasures experienced in my groin courtesy of my nipples was extremely pleasurable and I wanted to pull it up hoping to spread it throughout my whole body; bad decision…
Today, I feel much better and thank you for asking. Everything is almost back to normal except for my shaking; I still shake uncontrollably on occasion. I'm also slowly regaining my lost weight (went from my normal 170 lbs down to 144 lbs) and today, I'm scaling at 154. This one will take time.
I've resumed my prostate play but I'm cautious about energy transfer and limiting my nipple play but it's difficult to do so.
Life is wonderful!
@ggringo Hello, I hope you are doing well!
I have read your messages and my contribution to all that is that the way we work isn't so complicated as we may think(sometimes it's complicated lol) my point is, the physical feelings you had following all of this "Kundalini awakening" were psychosomatic, what it means is that it's a product of your brain (well obviously) but specifically your conscious/subsconcious mind to some extent.
Before going forward, let me introduce myself really quick and why I allow myself to be quite assertive about it.
I'm 23yo, at 22yo I had a panic attack induced by overdose of caffeine which led to numbness in my left arm for a good minute or two and left me with fairly severe health anxiety for months and going doctors to doctors because, and what I'm writing here is key, I "thought" I had health problems. I thought my life was in danger etc.
The anxiety resulted mostly in physical symptoms(psychosomatic) such as numbness in the face, on a finger, odd sensation here and there, struggle to breath, feelings of vertigo etc.
I am no doctor but with simple words, anxiety to me is basically a wrong interpretations of the physical world, it's like having a filter on top of the RAW data(raw as in what happens objectively in the real life here and now) you get from your senses, and it gets you a distorted view, making you feel things that aren't real in the real world, just for you, your interpretations.
In my case, I overcome my health anxiety after understanding from every physical exams I could do that, I was perfectly healthy and that everything I feel comes from my mind. Thanksfully even if I had severe anxiety, I still had small windows of time where I felt normal, that helped me to ground myself to "ok so that's what feeling normal is, if I feel normal now, there is no reason that I must fear the psychosomatic symptoms when they come, they are of no real danger".
Along the time I improved my interpretations about my feelings(in other words, I stopped putting a filter on the data) and the health anxiety reduced alot, today I'm 90% healed. The remaining 10% I'm excited about is that I came to realise it was due to imbalances in my dopaminergic system due to addictions (Porn addiction, that I'm now 12 days free, and already feeling improvements).
Getting back to this whole Kundalini thing etc, my input is that it is indeed psychosomatic and by accepting it, the acceptance is a key part, the feeling subsides along the time. It's a question of focus. If you place your focus on feeling pain or uncomfortable sensation on one a part of your body, chances are you will end up feeling the sensation for "real".
We are amazing, and we are capable of the best for us or the worst, let's allow ourselves to feel good, and it will happen.
Small note on "I still shake uncontrollably on occasion" I experienced that in the past there is 2 ways I used to get rid of it ( First, try to "fight" the symptom and do what comes to mind to try to shake it off, like contract your muscles, do jumps, breathings, saying orally something etc.. Another method would be to let it go, being absolutely okay with the shaking, calm yourself and you will find that it subsides).
I hope I could help, curious about opinions, take care 😀
Hello @elmaxx and thank you so much for your informative thread about my experience.
First, a little bit about myself. I'm the kind of person who is ALWAYS in a good mood, I always see the glass half full, I'm rarely ill and almost never catch a cold, a flu or whatever goes around these days. I'm now 70 years old, I keep myself in great physical shape, I stay away from any substances (liquid, solid or smoke), I almost don't know the feeling of being depressed or down the dumps. Sure sometimes I feel that things could be better as everyone does but I never dwell on any negative subject of the moment.
Having said all this, reflecting on my ‘unfortunate’ experience and taking in consideration everybody's opinion both from my friends on this forum and loved ones in my surroundings, I've come to the conclusion that what I’ve experienced is either connected to the ever mysterious Kundalini subject or it was an unexplainable severe neurological disorder that even the medical community couldn't comprehend. At the time, what made me lean toward the ‘K’ side is the fact that the sudden attack happened while I was aggressively pulling energy up my spine.
Was it, as you say, psychosomatic, perhaps something that could be overcomed by a logical approach? It may be possible but I have my doubts. I know first hand that not focusing on the pain didn't work for me especially when my skin constantly felt like a very severe sunburn or my severe shaking made me bring my lips to my coffee cup instead of bringing my coffee to my lips. How do I overcome not being able to taste any food, sweet, sour or anything in between? How do I stop severe body or limb twitching while sleeping, enough to prevent my wife from having a good night sleep?
Everyone is different and in my case, only time was the healer. Like you, while I still have remnants of my shaking, it’s something that IS manageable.
To be perfectly honest, I'm now at the stage where it is not important for me and my family to know exactly what caused the issue; we've turned the page and we're very grateful that the condition or more remnants of the condition are not permanent.
Again thank you for your input, I appreciate it.
BTW, congratulations on your 12 (now 13) days of no porn. That's a whole different topic that I know too well.
@ggringo Thank you for your input, I'm glad time was the healer! And yeah porn will never be a part of my life again, , I've been blinded for too long already, wasting energy on this thing instead of real life will not ever cross my mind again.
Wishing you the best!
Love life.