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Aquapal and s-os.
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Aquapal and s-os.

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Unbelievable how easily the Mgx moved in my butt and especially it immediately started rubbing my prostate strongly. My session was the best so far; I cried and yawned several times and so did my brain which was also gasping for oxygen, I guess, strong vagus nerve waves whistled from under my chin to my body; my penis was all the time in a strong erection; however, I did not ejaculate as I have not until now, but I was swimming in incredible pleasures. The next aless sessions seem to remember that relaxation and strong prostate massage. What if you bought Aquapal for yourself.

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Posted by: @buttin

Unbelievable how easily the Mgx moved in my butt and especially it immediately started rubbing my prostate strongly. My session was the best so far; I cried and yawned several times and so did my brain which was also gasping for oxygen, I guess, strong vagus nerve waves whistled from under my chin to my body; my penis was all the time in a strong erection; however, I did not ejaculate as I have not until now, but I was swimming in incredible pleasures. The next aless sessions seem to remember that relaxation and strong prostate massage. What if you bought Aquapal for yourself.

What is aquapal?


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Its a

swimming ring for young children

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Sorry, for some reason (=I) the first part of the story had dropped out. Here is the whole story:
This may sound funny, but I bought a cheap kid's swim ring (Aquapal swim tube 3-6 age and 132 lbs, 29" diameter) and tried it to relax the muscles in my rear. I put the ring on my bed and climbed on it rear first; didn't crack; Mgx Trident was ready inside me
Unbelievable how easily the Mgx moved in my butt and especially it immediately started rubbing my prostate strongly. My session was the best so far; I cried and yawned several times and so did my brain which was also gasping for oxygen, I guess, strong vagus nerve waves whistled from under my chin to my body; my penis was all the time in a strong erection; however, I did not ejaculate as I have not until now, but I was swimming in incredible pleasures. The next aless sessions seem to remember that relaxation and strong prostate massage. What if you bought Aquapal for yourself.

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