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Does anyone have experience of anorgasmia? (ie difficulty with orgasm).

I experience some sexual dysfunction as a result of medication for bipolar disorder. I generally need Viagra to maintain a good erection, and very rarely come during sex. (It's still enjoyable nonetheless - hell, you can't beat cunnilingus!). Orgasm through masturbation is possible - especially porn assisted - but tends to be more of a damp squib than it used to be.

I've been trying the Helix for a few weeks now. I've no problems with it as such - but nothing is really happening. Sure, I've had some great sensations from it, but no fireworks.

I'm wondering - could my anorgasmia apply equally to anal orgasm? Or do I just need to be more patient?

I'm still slightly sceptical about the Aneros, I have to say. Surely a sex aid shouldn't have to be quite such hard work? Plus, at the end of a session I've found myself turning in frustration to a dildo and have found that it gives equal - maybe more - pleasure.

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Hello Monkey,

And welcome to the Aneros forum. 🙂

Having done a two year stint of psychiatric medications a number of years ago, I understand what you are experiencing. From what I have read in the forums here, those medications will most definitely take away from intense feelings of pleasure/orgasm associated with Aneros use, let alone regular penile stimulation. You can read a number of opinions about this in the following link. You can also probably find other posts about this topic by searching in the forum for related topics such as "depression" and "medications".

I personally don't have much of an answer for you. As the answer for myself many years ago was to stop taking the medications I was on. But that may not be a valid or safe option for you. Always discuss these sort of things with your doctor first.

Anyone else have any thoughts or ideas?

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I took citalopram for one day and it killed my ability to orgasm for almost a month!!
The doc said he prescribed me something for anxiety but this was for depression It was AWEFUL.
I have heard others comment about the medications efecting their ability to orgasm as well.
If possible I would stay off the prescriptions and work at the problem on a more psychological level not to mention the very use of the aneros realy effects the way you think after a while in a very positive way.

Good Fortune !

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It looks like I'm stuck with it, then. Bummer. To coin a phrase.

Doing without meds is, I'm afraid, very very bad advice for bipolar disorder. Unmedicated it has a frighteningly high mortality rate. From my own experience, doing without meds leads pretty quickly to hospital.

Ah well - sex is still enjoyable, whether regular or anal...and I had a fun Aneros session this morning.

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Don't lose hope Monkey, nobody said that it cannot happen on the meds you are on. It might just take longer. Sounds like you are seeing some progress. Hang in there and keep going.

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Hi Monkey, (and Hi again Buster!)

>I experience some sexual dysfunction as a result of medication for bipolar disorder. I generally need Viagra to maintain a good erection, and very rarely come during sex. (It's still enjoyable nonetheless - hell, you can't beat cunnilingus!). Orgasm through masturbation is possible - especially porn assisted - but tends to be more of a damp squib than it used to be.<

I Used to have a similar problem with a greatly diminished libido, but in my case it was largely due to being a worn-out old git.

But having become proficient in the KSMO my libido has returned to a literally unprecedented degree and my Aneros experience has blossomed as well.

The KSMO is a powerful libido booster because it works on the mind, where it is most effective. I have found, and others have too, that practically any kind of sexual practice can be enhanced greatly by the acquisition of a basic skill in the KSMO, so whether or not you are committed to your medication long-term, I think you could expect to derive considerable benefit from maximising your orgasmic potential in this way.

Also, for what it's worth, I can tell you that even the good effects of Viagra are enhanced!

So that's my recommendation - give the KSMO a try.

Mog 🙂

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High-dose fish oil has been proven to help with bipolar disorder, and it's prosexual. I'm not saying go off your meds, but if you start taking fish oil it might help you reduce your meds under your doctor's supervision.

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