Aneros reddit back ...
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Aneros reddit back up!

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For those that like to spend time on it the Aneros reddit is now back up. Seems like some different people on there that probably aren't on here. I like helping them out when I can. 

lanoix and Ggringo reacted
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Thanks for updating - we are happy to hear it's back up.  The more healthy discussion about Aneros, the better, wherever it's happening!

Reddog152 reacted
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Thanks @reddog152 for the update and for engendering the admirable community ethos to help.  And I agree, @anerosit, on the observation the Reddit can be another vehicle to spread the healthy word, and spreading it is indeed a good thing to do.

But don't overlook, a big strength of the Aneros site is it's a repository of a wealth of information.  Its constancy is something on which people can count on over years, such that both regulars and newbies can be confident will not suddenly disappear.  Friendly relationships can grow in such an environment.  On one extreme, think of how much you'd be willing to commit to a classroom chalkboard, knowing it could soon be erased?  On the other end exists the bedrock of, which underlies member willingness to invest in mentoring relationships and commit extended thoughts to it, perhaps serving individuals also as a personal record of where they've been in their journeys.  Members you've seen will come return time and time again.

One motivator to write this was, it's a disappointment when knowledge and relationships get cut off when an online platform dies out or is retired.  Here's looking at you, Yahoo Groups: Find Aneros Friends - Mentors World Wide

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Reddog152 reacted
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@helical, definitely on point there! I was lost the few weeks this site was down for updates.

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