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Aneros Chat Event 12/6 Transcript

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[17:59:43]"> hi Buster!
[17:59:58] Buster: Hi Support!
[18:00:12] Buster: Doing good today?
[18:00:24]"> doing great, yourself?
[18:00:31] Buster: Beautiful
[18:00:52]"> hello PhilS, welcome to the chat event
[18:00:57] PhilS: Hi guys
[18:01:01] Buster: Do we have an agenda for today? I forgot.
[18:01:07] Buster: Gi Phil
[18:01:11] Buster: Hi
[18:01:30]"> we have a loose agenda today. looking at the rsvp list we have several new folks joining
[18:01:44]"> so there will be more time devoted to Q&A
[18:01:51] Buster: Cool. Talking to the new guys is what it is all about.
[18:02:07] PhilS: I am one newbie
[18:02:12]"> definitely
[18:02:28] Buster: Great Phil. What's on your mind?
[18:02:38] Buster: Everything probably
[18:02:55] PhilS: Wanting to check out an observation
[18:02:59]"> well, let's get started with some introductions then as we normally do
[18:03:18] Buster: Hey Laser
[18:03:31] hlaser99: Hey Buster!
[18:04:12]"> Hi Hlaser, just getting started here
[18:04:24]"> let's start with Buster for an intro
[18:04:24] hlaser99: I see . . .
[18:04:27] PhilS: There seems to be conflicting data about how to use the Aneros. Seems to me that I do best expecting nothing and enjoying it
[18:04:33]"> hi Rumel!
[18:04:45] PhilS: Is that enough?
[18:04:47] hlaser99: Hi Rumel!
[18:04:50] rumel: Good morning all
[18:05:20] Buster: Great. I am Buster. I am 48 and have been an Aneros user for 3+ years now.
[18:05:30] Buster: Hi Rumel
[18:05:34]"> hi plforino
[18:05:50] rumel: Hi Buster
[18:06:33]"> okay Phils
[18:06:46]"> a short intro please
[18:07:11] PhilS: I am 69 and bought my first toy in Oct.
[18:07:24]"> great Phils, which model do you have?
[18:07:11] PhilS: I am 69 and bought my first toy in Oct.
[18:07:24]"> great Phils, which model do you have?
[18:07:35] PhilS: Helix
[18:07:52]"> excellent
[18:08:03]"> okay Hlaser, you're up
[18:08:10] hlaser99: Hi! I'm Hlaser99 and been a fixture at the Forum since 2005 . . . from Central Florida. (Have a full stable!)
[18:08:53] Buster: Nice weather today Laser? It is snowing up a storm up here!
[18:09:01]"> okay plforino, please give us a short intro - location, age, how long you've been using the Aneros
[18:09:12] hlaser99: Very nice!
[18:10:08] plforino: Location - Denver Co area, lenght of use - a week
[18:10:20] plforino: age - 63
[18:10:27]"> which model do you have?
[18:10:56] plforino: Model is MGX
[18:11:21] Buster: All hail the MGX!
[18:11:25]"> super, welcome to community
[18:11:25] PhilS: Hi plforino. At least we are nearly the same age! Elder delight!
[18:11:28]"> Rumel?
[18:11:35] rumel: I'm Rumel, 61, user for 20 mos., live in Sac. CA., I own and use most models (not all yet)
[18:12:06] rumel: Thanks for making "HypnAerosession" available for download!
[18:12:22] plforino: I keep getting logged off when I try to close the private window. Could I ask some questions? The technology seems great>
[18:12:22]"> our pleasure Rumel
[18:12:55] plforino: How do I close the private window without getting logged off?
[18:12:57]"> hi plforino, the software still has some bugs, try not using the private window at all
[18:13:13]"> if you bring up the chat window, the private window should be closed
[18:13:54]"> okay, we have a loose agenda for today's event
[18:14:10]"> Phils and plforino are new users
[18:14:23]"> so we can just start straight into the some questinos and answers
[18:14:34] Buster: Cool.
[18:14:55] hlaser99: Fire away!
[18:14:56]"> so, Phils and plforinio, we have 3 of the foremost expert users here today, so ask away 😉
[18:15:00] rumel: I'm onboard for that.
[18:15:22] Buster: Lay it on us P's.
[18:15:38] PhilS: With conflicting suggestions about what to do, does it work to go with flow?
[18:15:55] rumel: Just don't pee on us! :laugh:
[18:16:05] PhilS: lol
[18:16:07] Buster: Hey Support, you might want to suggest to plforino to use Firefox.
[18:16:07] hlaser99: LOL!
[18:16:31]"> yes, that is true, firefox works the best
[18:17:30]"> so the question from Phils is what about conflicting suggestions
[18:17:36]"> can you guys comment about that?
[18:18:09] hlaser99: I always "go with the flow", but I also believe in using anything that you can think of too!
[18:18:17] Buster: I really think that as a newbie, I got caught up with all of the different suggestions and I had the biggest breakthrough..
[18:18:18] rumel: Phils - There is more than one way to advance your learning journey, you just need to experiment to find what works for you.
[18:18:22] Buster: when I did nothing.
[18:18:58] hlaser99: Exactly!
[18:19:08] Buster: If you are worried too much about the technique, you are taking your head out of the game.
[18:19:18] rumel: The "Do Nothing" approach has worked for some.
[18:19:41] PhilS: I have tried different positions, movement, etc. They are good & not much different
[18:20:19] Buster: Darwin described a position the other day in a post that I tried. That one worked pretty good for me.
[18:20:38] rumel: All of these sensations in the beginning are very subtle and only slightly different,
[18:20:42] PhilS: Legs crossed, balls between them?
[18:20:54] Buster: That's the one!
[18:21:08] PhilS: It is cool.
[18:21:09] hlaser99: Beginning, I usually just breathed in even breaths and maybe added a slight contraqction to get things going . . .
[18:21:14] Buster: I would consider that one a more advanced technique.
[18:21:20] rumel: but they will grow in intensity as you stay focused upon them.
[18:22:02] PhilS: Ok. I probably just need more practice sessions.
[18:22:28] hlaser99: Indeed!
[18:22:32] Buster: Let your mind wander. Fantacizing helps.
[18:22:39] rumel: patience + practice
[18:23:21] PhilS: About fantacy: I notice that if I fall asleep with it, I dream sexy dreams. No complaints!
[18:23:23] hlaser99: take notice of any small good feeling and observe it!
[18:23:29]"> hi plforino, try using firefox
[18:23:32]"> if you can
[18:23:34] plforino: I have been trying to add comments. Logged out and will try again.
[18:23:35] rumel: It is very important to drop all expectations of achieving any outcome.
[18:23:57] hlaser99: Try to grow it...
[18:25:10] PhilS: I think I have dropped the expectation thing
[18:25:14] plforino: Thanks for now IE is working. Quesiton - is there a difference between contracting the sphencture muscle and the PC muscle?
[18:25:44] hlaser99: Same...
[18:25:59] rumel: Good analogy Hlaser, like any living thing you can't force its growth, only nurture it.
[18:26:38] rumel: Yes the two muscles are different.
[18:27:14] hlaser99: Really?
[18:27:16] plforino: It seems they both contract at the same time
[18:27:18] rumel: though they are often contracted in tandem.
[18:27:42] hlaser99: Live andlearn . . .
[18:28:15] plforino: The wiki says to use them differently. How do I contract one and not the other?
[18:28:22] rumel: During orgasm they usually contract together.
[18:28:49] PhilS: Good question, plforino
[18:29:09] plforino: That sounds wonderful. But to get there, what do I need to do to control them seperately?
[18:29:15] rumel: focused training to use them separately.
[18:29:35] Buster: One is used to stop urine flow and the other is the one that you use when you poo.
[18:30:00] Buster: They are definitely seperate.
[18:30:13] PhilS: Helpful answer, Buster
[18:30:15] plforino: Great terminology. So one is squeeze of the pee and the other is push out the poop?
[18:30:22] rumel: When you have a bowel movement the anal sphincter is primarily in use,
[18:30:49] Buster: Spend some getting to know both of those VERY familiar muscles.
[18:31:00] rumel: during urination to stop flow you use the PC muscle to finish and end the stream.
[18:31:17] Buster: You will be able to differentiate between the two soon enough.
[18:31:58] rumel: pilforino - No the rectal muscles push out the feces.
[18:32:31] rumel: the sphincter muscle controls the anal opening.
[18:32:35] Buster: And stops it when you don't want it to come out.
[18:33:07] plforino: Wow another muscle - rectal, PC, sphincter. So the rectal is higher up
[18:33:21] rumel: Yes
[18:33:57] rumel: rectal muscles are subject to peristalsis.
[18:34:23] rumel: as well as some voluntary control
[18:35:23] hlaser99: Rumel tell the truth . . . you're a Proctologist, right??? LOL!
[18:35:48] plforino: Summary - Rectal - push never sqeeze, PC - alway sqeeze cut off stream, sphincture - sqeeze or open the anus. Correct?
[18:35:56] Buster: ....just bend over this table.
[18:36:10] rumel: Well, I have been called an "A" hole a time or two! :wub:
[18:36:22] Buster: Not by me.
[18:36:22] hlaser99: LOL!!!
[18:37:55] Buster: plforino......" Rectal - push never sqeeze" I am not sure I know what you mean.
[18:38:13] hlaser99: plforino, you just passed Anus 101!
[18:38:42] rumel: plforino - I wouldn't use the extreme forms of those muscle actions just gentle combinations that produce the pleasingsensati
[18:38:45] plforino: Anus 101, hope that does not mean I am an A-hole
[18:38:55] rumel: pleasing sensations.
[18:39:09] hlaser99: I have been called anal retensive tho!
[18:39:44] rumel: H - I like to keep my Aneros in place too!
[18:40:22] plforino: Another question - This newbee felt pleasure and the Aneros seem to get very noticable and hard. Is this the right path?
[18:40:34] hlaser99: Your body will choose the right combination, when it orgasms...
[18:41:07] hlaser99: of muscles...
[18:41:11] Buster: hard?
[18:41:41] rumel: To quote Joseph Campbell "Follow your bliss."
[18:41:44] Buster: What is hard?
[18:41:58] PhilS: Erection!
[18:42:00] plforino: To Buster - Yes, the Aneros seemed to be noticable and poking me?
[18:42:23] Buster: Do you think it is because your prostate has become swolen?
[18:42:23] hlaser99: Sounds like you were contracting the Aneros into the sweet spot of your prostate . . .
[18:42:34] Buster: In a good way, of course.
[18:42:53] plforino: I am still finding my way.
[18:43:09] rumel: plforino, it is a massager after all, you should feel it.
[18:43:27] Buster: Was this "poking me" feeling pleasurable at all?
[18:43:33] hlaser99: Involuntary contraction, when your prostate is stimulated...
[18:44:18] plforino: It feels good, pleasure, other time just nothing not pleasure not anything.
[18:44:41] hlaser99: Sounds normal!
[18:44:53] plforino: Poking, not sure, it was a few nights ago.
[18:44:55] Buster: You are DEFINITLY on the right path then.
[18:45:05]"> hi plforino, finding your way is exactly correct
[18:45:25] hlaser99: My highest contact is when I Orgasm, of course!
[18:45:31] rumel: Try to consciously remember what you are doing when the pleasure is upon you and duplicate the conditions.
[18:45:53] hlaser99: Ditto!
[18:48:41] Buster: Hey Phil, how have your sessions been going?
[18:49:10] PhilS: I enjoy them a lot, probably do them too long.
[18:49:25] Buster: How long?
[18:49:59] PhilS: 3 - 5 hours
[18:50:09] hlaser99: Wow!
[18:50:16] Buster: Wow, mor power to you.
[18:50:31] PhilS: Once i got sooo close and then it all played out
[18:50:38] hlaser99: Don't you get sore???
[18:50:40] Buster: If your body can handle, I don't see anything wrong with that. Does anybody else?
[18:50:40] PhilS: it was great though
[18:50:46] PhilS: no, never sore
[18:51:03] PhilS: No one told me I should get sore. Hee hee
[18:51:13] Buster: "played out"?
[18:51:45] PhilS: Yeah, it just slowly quit
[18:52:05] PhilS: I could not "grow" it any more
[18:52:21] Buster: That is probably is all your body could handle at the time.
[18:52:33] hlaser99: I usually quit after an hour or so, if I am not scoring and "O", but if I am having dry orgasms, I'll go on forever!
[18:52:35] PhilS: Could be
[18:53:17] PhilS: I have involuntary contractions almost all the time it is in
[18:53:35] hlaser99: Great!
[18:53:36] Buster: That is a good sign of progress.
[18:53:37] rumel: I rarely have that large block of time to spend, but when the pleasure ends I usually know the session is over.
[18:53:53] hlaser99: You are on the correct path, then!
[18:53:59] PhilS: I am such a pervert. The pleasure never ends
[18:54:17]"> 🙂
[18:54:24] PhilS: I just get tired after awhile
[18:54:25] rumel: Enjoy the pleasure as long as it lasts.
[18:54:32] Buster: :laugh: :laugh:
[18:54:45] hlaser99: We are ALL a little perverted here! You are in good company!
[18:54:57] PhilS: I like to use it sitting up
[18:56:38] hlaser99: or down . . . or sideways???
[18:56:59] plforino: Got knocked off using IE. Back with Firefox.
[18:57:19] PhilS: WB
[18:57:29] hlaser99: The Fox is good!
[18:58:09] plforino: Thanks, don't want to interup. Question on Lube.
[18:58:16] rumel: Fire good too!
[18:58:27] hlaser99: LOL!
[18:58:30] PhilS: go ahead plforino
[18:58:37] Buster: Lube. That is the questions of the hour.
[18:58:44] hlaser99: mmmmmmmmmm!
[19:00:17] plforino: MGX seemed to get hung up. Tried using syringe to input 5 cc of KY liquid. Did not seems to help. Is more that 5 cc (1 tsp
[19:01:41] Buster: It is not "warming" KY is it plforino?
[19:01:55] rumel: What do you mean by "hung up"? 5 cc's should be adequate internally.
[19:02:07] plforino: The forum commented to insert frozen beeswax. Is there two areas to lube? Deeper and also close to the anus? No not warmin
[19:03:01] rumel: You MGX should be lubed as well, and NO on the FROZEN BEESWAX!
[19:03:04] plforino: Hung up - seemed to not be sliding, other words discomfort near the anus
[19:03:05] Buster: I seldom use more than 1 tsp when I do inject lube.
[19:03:14] hlaser99: I use Boy Butter H2O for silicone toys and Albolene on Aneros' . . . usually no pre-lubes . . .
[19:03:14] hlaser99: I use Boy Butter H2O for silicone toys and Albolene on Aneros' . . . usually no pre-lubes . . .
[19:04:39] Buster: Never heard of freezing beeswax.
[19:04:44] rumel: The beeswax is a component of the 'Natural Jelly' recipe that I use.
[19:05:00] plforino: So Albolene is applied only to the Aneros. Where is Albolene purchased, typical Walgreen?
[19:05:14] rumel: and I only need to apply it to the Aneros for insertion.
[19:05:37] Buster: I have seen Albolene in any number of drug stores. Check the ladies makeup area.
[19:06:14] hlaser99: Yes, at any drug store in the women's cosmetics isle, also used as make-up remover, but used by porn industry for years...
[19:06:25] Buster: So Rumel, you do not pre-lube inside either?
[19:06:54] Buster: So they will either think you are a cross dresser or a porn star?!
[19:07:09] rumel: I only prlube for 'Progasm' use nowadays.
[19:07:18] plforino: Usually there are several versions of products. Is there only one version of Albolene?
[19:07:39] Buster: I defer to Laser on this one.
[19:07:41] PhilS: Going to have to leave. I will read the transcript later. Bye
[19:07:46] hlaser99: Can use any version...
[19:07:54] Buster: Bye Phil.
[19:08:04] hlaser99: bye PhilS!
[19:08:06] rumel: Have a good day Phils
[19:08:14]"> thanks Phils for joining
[19:08:17] plforino: By PhilS
[19:08:26] PhilS: Enjoyed "hanging out" with you guys
[19:08:50] hlaser99: Cum again!
[19:08:59] hlaser99: LOL!
[19:09:14] rumel: and again and again 😉
[19:09:16] hlaser99: Sorry, couldn't resist!
[19:09:19] plforino: again and again
[19:09:40] Buster: Laser, the question is at you........only one version of Abolene?
[19:10:34] hlaser99: I saw another with verry little difference . . . used both and ALL are ok to use!
[19:10:50] plforino: thanks, will give it a try
[19:10:55] hlaser99: Very slick and lasts long time!
[19:11:06] rumel: OK to use???
[19:11:08] Buster: Hey Rumel, I wanted to tell you that I bent back that K-Tab on my Progasm.
[19:11:29] plforino: got to run. Pretty cool chat room. thank much
[19:11:30] hlaser99: $11 for a big tub too!
[19:11:49]"> thanks for joining plforino, see you at the next one
[19:11:52] hlaser99: Me too!
[19:11:58] Buster: bye plforino.
[19:12:15] rumel: Buster - how do you like the mod?
[19:12:22] hlaser99: bye plforino!
[19:12:45] Buster: You know, so far so good. I really think that it allows the Progasm to move a bit more.
[19:12:46] rumel: Bye plforino thanks for asking Q's.
[19:13:20] hlaser99: easier to sit on!
[19:13:20] rumel: B - yes I've found the same thing true.
[19:13:38] rumel: H - agree there too.
[19:13:44] Buster: That sucker is so big that there is normally not much movement and it seems as though both of those tabs kept it too much in
[19:13:52] Buster:
[19:13:58] rumel: Yup
[19:14:43] Buster: I still prefer my Maximus to the Progasm and I think it is because of the movement.
[19:14:59] Buster: Hi daweasel and anon.
[19:15:00]"> hi daweasel, welcome to the chat event
[19:15:12] hlaser99: Hi anonymous!
[19:15:25] rumel: B - The Maximus will probably be my next purchase.
[19:15:36] anonymous: umm.. hello
[19:15:43] daweasel: Thanks
[19:15:49] anonymous: kinda found myself here by accident
[19:15:52] hlaser99: Hi daweasel!
[19:16:04] Buster: I think that the Maximus needs to have a bigger audience. I really like it.
[19:16:04]"> hi anonymous, welcome to the event!
[19:16:06] rumel: Hi anonymous & daweasel
[19:16:17] hlaser99: More intros???
[19:16:30] anonymous: looking for something for my boyfriend
[19:16:32] daweasel: Hellow all
[19:16:36]"> daweasel, can you tell us your age, location, and experience with the Aneros?
[19:16:47] Buster: You have found the right place anon.
[19:16:52] anonymous: and found that something was afoot here
[19:16:59] rumel: Yes introduce youself and ask some questions, we are here to help.
[19:18:24] Buster: If you don't want to introduce yourself, just fire away.
[19:19:13] anonymous: no expereience w/ aneros but have tinkered w/ anal play myself
[19:19:51] anonymous: bf has never done any backdoor activities though
[19:20:11] hlaser99: anonymous, you need some ideas for your man???
[19:20:20] hlaser99: a gift???
[19:20:54] Buster: Sounds like you should be here to purchase for yourself and your boyfriend will want one for himself.
[19:21:07] anonymous: well a girlfriend was telling me how fantastic prostate playing was
[19:21:20] anonymous: that her guy was totally into it and it doesnt hurt?
[19:21:25] rumel: You could check out the 'Peridise' model for yourself!
[19:21:47] Buster: Hurt? Maybe if a doctor is involved (Rumel) but no, not painful.
[19:21:57] rumel: It's a unisex model.
[19:22:06] anonymous: yes i saw that. very intriguing. i am contemplating getting that first
[19:22:10] Buster: Yes, the Peridise models are designed for both.
[19:22:36] hlaser99: I always recommend the MXG for a first model???
[19:22:50] hlaser99: For a male...
[19:22:57] rumel: The Peridise what also be a good introductory model for the BF.
[19:22:58] anonymous: is that like a good beginner model? actually, though my bf said he would leave it up to me
[19:22:59] Buster: If you get a pair of Peridise's, you can use one and him the other. Perfect.
[19:22:59] pgs6395: Can anyone talk to the success rate. i have just started out, but not being as successful as i would like?
[19:23:07] anonymous: so i was thinking that the progasm looked like fun!!
[19:23:29] Buster: Hi pgs6395. How long have you been at it.
[19:23:42] pgs6395: about 3 weeks
[19:23:52] rumel: I do not recommend the Progasm for beginners.
[19:23:55] Buster: anon- don't go with the Progasm.
[19:24:09] Buster: He will need to work into that model.
[19:24:21] hlaser99: Too big for a beginner!
[19:24:54] Buster: pgs - stick around for a minute and let us get through the Christmas list for anon.
[19:28:18] anonymous: oh, rumel. that's no fun. i want to go all in
[19:28:23] hlaser99: Works for me . . .
[19:28:53] hlaser99: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
[19:28:58] Buster: Take 'er slow, and you shouldn't have any issues.
[19:29:00] anonymous: ithink its fasciniating that guys have this secret
[19:29:08] rumel: Anon - 🙂 thats for you two to negotiate.
[19:29:26] daweasel: Sorry, I was away fron my the monitor. I'm 53, m, and enoyed two good sessions with my Helix.
[19:29:28] anonymous: with us, its all out there. pretty much every inch of us explored
[19:29:36] Buster: anon, we have often talked about the fact that this should be shouted from the hilltops and taught in school.
[19:29:52] rumel: Nice.
[19:29:54] hlaser99: Good for you!
[19:29:55] anonymous: now its the guys' turn
[19:30:36] Buster: Who's next?
[19:30:42] anonymous: well we'll see how it goes. i dont think i can wait until christmas though..
[19:30:47] rumel: It can be a shared growth experience.
[19:30:53] pgs6395: I would love any advice
[19:31:09] Buster: Tell about your sessions pgs
[19:31:44] pgs6395: Pretty slow. Been doing the breathing and relaxing
[19:32:00] anonymous: so i will get a peridise and which gspot stimulator should i get? and can i REALLY expect him to have an explosive orgasm??
[19:32:03] hlaser99: good start!
[19:32:26] pgs6395: I had always had great luck with my wife in the past with fingers. this on m own hasn't done much
[19:32:30] Buster: anon - I recomment the MGX
[19:32:32] pgs6395: some odd twitching though
[19:32:53] hlaser99: me too!
[19:33:06] hlaser99: Who's first!
[19:33:12] pgs6395: but nothing i would call incredible.
[19:33:22] anonymous: girls exaggerate sometimes, and then i read some of the testimonials and it sounds just like my friend described
[19:33:31] Buster: pgs, whenyou say good luck with your wife, how did it make you feel different then that it does not now.
[19:34:04] pgs6395: well, first i should say that i am starting out cold with this
[19:34:12] pgs6395: which might make the difference
[19:34:30] Buster: Cold?
[19:34:38] anonymous: pgs- my ex used to use his fingers in me but then when we broke up i had to switch to mechanical means
[19:34:47] pgs6395: on my own it seems like it isn't hitting the right spot
[19:34:47] anonymous: and it was never the same
[19:34:58] rumel: pgs6395 - I just sent you an introductory PM with some tips to help you get started.
[19:35:14] pgs6395: very kind of you. thanks
[19:35:22] skeeter_g: Hi All!!
[19:35:27] anonymous: i think you just kinda get used to one kind of stimulation and have to re-teach your body
[19:35:31] skeeter_g: How is it going?
[19:35:31] Buster: Hey Skeets
[19:35:39] pgs6395: it had sounded from someof the testimonials that it can take time.
[19:35:42] anonymous: hi!
[19:35:42] rumel: Hi skeeter
[19:35:50] hlaser99: Hey Skeeter!
[19:36:32] rumel: Yes awakening the prostate to the Aneros can take a variable amount of time.
[19:36:36] skeeter_g: I was hoping to be online a bit sooner
[19:36:37] Buster: pgs, if you ever check my blog, you will see that it was quite some time for me. Not as long as with others though.
[19:36:55] hlaser99: Takes some time, but some are luckier than others!
[19:37:00] Buster: Did you oversleep Skeets?
[19:37:33] skeeter_g: Nope did not over sleep.
[19:38:05] hlaser99: This is very true! "i think you just kinda get used to one kind of stimulation and have to re-teach your body"
[19:38:05] skeeter_g: :glare:
[19:38:50] rumel: It is a continuing evolution of learning.
[19:39:08] hlaser99: Indeed!
[19:39:35] anonymous: ooh i like that. it really is. it kinda sucks to have to start fresh everytime you get a new significant other, though
[19:40:13] anonymous: there's so much to explore on the landscape of our bodies
[19:40:39] hlaser99: And lawns to mow! LOL!
[19:40:39] rumel: Anon- with Misress Aneros you will never feel rejected.
[19:40:47] anonymous: nooks and crannies. behind the ears, behind the knees, the frenulum, the perineum etc etc
[19:41:29] hlaser99: Yes, Indeed! ANON!
[19:41:34] pgs6395: I was thinking that perhaps i went too small
[19:42:17] hlaser99: Configuration is more important than size, to me . . .
[19:42:23] anonymous: so i'm over the moon about the male g-spot. never knew about that one. very sneaky you guys are- hiding it away like that!!
[19:42:33] rumel: pgs - "It ain't the's the motion..."
[19:42:51] pgs6395: OK. I can see that.
[19:43:00] hlaser99: It IS well hidden!
[19:43:08] pgs6395: by the way rumel. thanks for the material. it is interesting
[19:43:09] skeeter_g: Hey guys did the stainless Peridise come up earler.. support any news... sorry if I missed any news. :happy:
[19:43:23] hlaser99: great song, Rum!
[19:43:41] hlaser99: NOt yet...
[19:43:42] rumel: anon - many men are unaware of the potential there, you can have fun teaching them!
[19:44:21] rumel: skeeter - no news yet.
[19:44:23] hlaser99: You can be his Guru . . . LOL!
[19:44:23] pgs6395: thanks gang. i am having too much chat trouble
[19:44:44] skeeter_g: ok. thanks rumel
[19:44:54] hlaser99: Using FoxFire?
[19:45:12] hlaser99: Firefox...
[19:45:44] skeeter_g: lol hlaser.
[19:46:13] anonymous: rumel- it sure sounds like it. so we just slide it in and then have sex? can i be on top?
[19:46:55] hlaser99: Probably best, so it doesn't slip out!
[19:47:42] rumel: anon - Yes you can be on top, just make sure his butt is slightly elevated to avoid pressure on the handle if using
[19:48:02] hlaser99: But, he needs solo sessions devoted to prostate orgasms for a while!
[19:48:02] rumel: a conventional model other than the Peridise.
[19:48:10] anonymous: so use a pillow and then i can play rodeo? =)
[19:48:21]"> hi skeeter_g, welcome, i had to step away for a few minutes
[19:48:39] skeeter_g: hi support!
[19:48:42] rumel: anon - Yes that should work.
[19:49:36] hlaser99: Cowgirl!
[19:49:45] skeeter_g: better late than never support 😉
[19:49:49]"> to answer your question about the stainless steel prototype, no big news to report this month i'm afraid
[19:50:10]"> we are still in the prototyping phase with a few metalworks facilities
[19:50:36]"> you will definitely be the first to know when we'll have something ready
[19:50:53] skeeter_g: thanks!!
[19:51:19]"> also everyone, i forgot to mention about the 20% discount code
[19:51:25] anonymous: yee haw. you guys are a real hoot. thx for your help. how can i let you guys know how it goes?
[19:51:33] skeeter_g: my bum is waiting support...
[19:51:33]"> as a thanks to all of the community members
[19:52:14] rumel: anon - Please report to us in the General Discussion Forum
[19:52:15]"> the coupon code is
[19:52:45] hlaser99: Got it!
[19:52:47]"> ha skeeter_g, i hope the regular peridise models will get you by until the stainless steel ones are ready
[19:52:54] anonymous: Yes sir!! Anon reporting
[19:53:01] anonymous: ill have to come up with acuter name
[19:53:26] skeeter_g: I have them but I could always give one to a friend!! 😉
[19:53:33] hlaser99: CowGirl!
[19:53:45]"> remember, the original peridise itself literally took 5 years to develop. when the stainless steel one is ready,
[19:53:50]"> it will be awesome
[19:54:09] skeeter_g: Yes I agree support!!!
[19:54:10] anonymous: ooh good one. look for me, hlaser!
[19:54:36] hlaser99: It's the slickness and extra weight I look forward to!!!
[19:54:41] skeeter_g: I could use a new Progasm.. I have worn out 2 already!! :happy:
[19:55:10] skeeter_g: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
[19:55:18] hlaser99: OK!
[19:55:22] anonymous: wow skeeter you have all of them? which one is your favorite??
[19:55:31] rumel: skeeter - is it the size of a Peridise now? 🙂
[19:55:45] skeeter_g: at the moment the Progasm...
[19:55:49] anonymous: lol!
[19:56:13] skeeter_g: almost.. rumel... :tongue:
[19:56:31] hlaser99: I have them ALL too, but my favorite changes with time...
[19:56:43] skeeter_g: I have a great session this am... and that is now why I was late... :happy:
[19:56:52] anonymous: well the gentlemen here were all trying to persuade me agains the progasm for my bf
[19:56:58]"> 🙂
[19:57:03] rumel: skeeter - I'll bet the St.Stl. Peridise will outlive you.
[19:57:32] skeeter_g: lol rumel
[19:57:43] skeeter_g: shoud for sure rumel.
[19:58:04] rumel: anon - the Progasm is mostly for advanced users experienced with anal play.
[19:58:08] hlaser99: Steel is very slick and fast!
[19:58:25]"> skeeter I am curious to know how you "wore out" two progasms. that is *some* talent you have 🙂
[19:58:28] skeeter_g: anom. I use ALL the Aneros.
[19:58:56] skeeter_g: The Progasm is just on todays menu ! 🙂
[19:59:27] rumel: Don't you just love the variety!
[19:59:31] anonymous: support how long is the coupon good for?
[19:59:36] skeeter_g: I decide to change the design to fit my needs support.
[19:59:45] anonymous: maybe i'll pick up a couple of differnt ones
[19:59:46] skeeter_g: hahaha
[19:59:54]"> it's good through 12/24
[20:00:01] anonymous: and work towards "advanced user experienced w/ anal play"
[20:00:13]"> haha, i see skeeter_g
[20:00:17] skeeter_g: I'm actually good. The second is fine. :laugh:
[20:00:22] anonymous: i just cant' take my eyes off the progasm. its just so pretty
[20:00:32] rumel: anon - there you go girl!
[20:00:47]"> well everyone, we've again come to the end of the chat event
[20:01:08] skeeter_g: My second one is blue anon
[20:01:15] skeeter_g: it is pretty!!
[20:01:23]"> i'd like to thank all of you all for joining again. hlaser, skeeter_g, rumel (and the departed Buster)
[20:01:40] rumel: skeeter - sorry to hear it's sad.
[20:01:41]"> we always greatly appreciate you guys making the time to participate and help out the new users
[20:01:45] hlaser99: Dearlyt departed...
[20:01:58]"> haha
[20:02:04] hlaser99: Dearly...
[20:02:07] skeeter_g: Thank You Support.. sorry for being so late.... 🙁
[20:02:11]"> funny hlaser
[20:02:34]"> skeeter, no worries at all 🙂
[20:02:34] hlaser99: I'm a chameleon!
[20:03:02] rumel: Buster left without so much as a hug...
[20:03:04]"> so we will see on the next event in January. The chat room will be open next weekend
[20:03:08] skeeter_g: thanks support...
[20:03:26] hlaser99: Bye ALL!
[20:03:32] rumel: H - I thought you were an anole.
[20:03:50] skeeter_g: see all you wonderful guys!!
[20:03:58] hlaser99: ???
[20:04:16]"> thanks again everyone, have a nice holiday season. if only we could give everyone Super-Os as stocking stuffers...
[20:04:20] anonymous: thanks, guys. i can't wait to get started!! have fun with your toys! i know i will!!
[20:04:22] daweasel: Bye all
[20:04:39] skeeter_g: have fun anon!!
[20:04:42] hlaser99: bye ALL!
[20:04:45] rumel: H- an anole is a small lizard that can change colors that is native to florida.
[20:05:15] hlaser99: Cool! Mr. Lizard . . .
[20:05:19] rumel: Bye anonymous, have fun.
[20:05:32]"> bye everyone!

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Sorry I had to leave so abruptly yesterday during our chat. It was a good one as usual. Hopefully people were able to get some help from it.

Till next time, consider yourselves all hugged my brothers (and Anon)

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Oh man!
I totally spaced about the chat yesterday! 🙁

Love is Peace

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To Support:

I missed the chat also. It's the holiday season - December is by far the busiest month of the year for me.

I wanted to ask about research. Do any MRI's of the brain on Aneros Super Orgasm exist? Would it be projected to be different from the brain on traditional orgasm (those images do exist on the internet).

What current Aneros research is being conducted by HIH? This subject comes up in the forum from time to time.


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Hi J4,

To this point we have not done any studies on the Super-O. An MRI of a user having a Super-O would be an interesting place to start (though it might be difficult for a subjec to stay still during the MRI 😀 ) Our current research is focused on the health benefits of prostate massage. Researching on the Aneros side will definitely come in the future. For now we are fully loaded on the health side.
Aneros Support

To Support:

I missed the chat also. It's the holiday season - December is by far the busiest month of the year for me.

I wanted to ask about research. Do any MRI's of the brain on Aneros Super Orgasm exist? Would it be projected to be different from the brain on traditional orgasm (those images do exist on the internet).

What current Aneros research is being conducted by HIH? This subject comes up in the forum from time to time.


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