Aneros article on W...
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Aneros article on Wikipedia

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Would anyone or any of the experts or even the Aneros company be willing to "doctor up" and expand this article on Wikipedia? It's my understanding that anyone can write on there. Maybe someone could put the term Super O on there or other Aneros related terms and have separate articles on each model of the Aneros.

B Mayfield
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Would anyone or any of the experts or even the Aneros company be willing to "doctor up" and expand this article on Wikipedia? It's my understanding that anyone can write on there. Maybe someone could put the term Super O on there or other Aneros related terms and have separate articles on each model of the Aneros.


"Doctor up"? Probably not a good idea. The truth is that the original entry for the Aneros was far more expansive. Sometime after it was created however, it was flagged by Wikipedia. For the last several years the folks at Wikipedia have been bemoaning the infommercial type entries that have crept into this open source on line encyclopedia with increasing regularity. Consequently they have been going through trying to identify the more commercial entries for the public.

Sadly, the original Aneros entry was so identified. Talk about painting with a broad, it was just plain silly! So if I had to guess I would say that they're probably going to keep this simple for now.

BF Mayfield

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Well what I meant was to expand the article. Maybe "doctor up" wasn't the correct description. There is another Aneros article however that needs expansion on the Xtube Sex Wiki.

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