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Aneros, Arousal Abstinence/Semen Retention

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Teeder - that is fantastic!

However, it just goes to show that everyone's dry orgasms are different - my whole body would be vibrating as if it were a VERY large a deep-pitched tuning fork - I don't think I could hide it with a smile - but I know exactly what you mean when you say you were smiling to yourself. I find myself doing the same even for memories of dry orgasms.

Whoops - the vibrations have started again from just thinking about it. I think I should go now, or give away the plot! I love this ejaculatory abstinence thing. I have never been so horny in my life.

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OMG! I have been trying this abstinence thing for 4 days now. It seemed to work, last night I was scheduled for a aneros session but due to commitments the next day I re-framed from inserting. I did however listen to the new "Leak" audio file and I could not help it my body took of on a session by itself without the aneros. It was almost as good as with miss helix inserted.
This has never happened before. WOW....
This morrning my nuts are on fire I so want to blow my load but are trying not to.
I am 40 and I would have to say have ejaculated on average every second day since puberty but since getting the aneros this has not changed until now.
Trying to obstain for ejaculation is now 10 times harder than before I owned a aneros.
Hope I can resist another few days at least but I dont know its real hard. (no pun intended)

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Trying to obstain for ejaculation is now 10 times harder than before I owned a aneros.

While the short term temptation to resume old masturbation habits may seem daunting, it does get easier to adjust to longer periods of ejaculatory abstinence. Especially in light of the benefits one acquires.

1.) Increased arousal level
2.) More stable psychological and physiological energy
3.) More interest in sensual pursuits
4.) More intensity in enjoyment of life

Hope I can resist another few days at least but I dont know its real hard.

I am quite confident that you can apply your mind to harnessing your sexual energy into a synergistic paradigm incorporating your Aneros massagers, just as your username implies.

braveneworld - Welcome to your Brave New World Good Vibes to You !

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I second that Rumel

Braveneworld - well done on the non-ejaculatory front - I have found all of the 4 benefits that Rumel lists, and currently my anerosless sessions are better than with the aneros. Partly I think that this is down to not having the time for the aneros at the moment, whereas the anerosless session can happen spontaneously, even with my partner - fantastic! I am not sure he knew what to make of it - lol "intrigued" is the word that he used.

I recognised the "balls on fire" statement that you made. In a way, that is incredibly horny in its own right - there is a positive feedback loop here, so that the hornier you get the hornier it makes you.

Have you ever read "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Chia and Arava (sorry to mention it AGAIN) - if not give it a whirl, because it gives some good hints about how to control your horniness so that you can build your sexual energy even higher. I have found it useful in matters of blue ball syndrome, circulating excess sexual energy, and the value and place of internal ejaculations.

Good luck

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@braveneworld - That's awesome! I was just like you three or four years back when I first tried ejaculation abstinence. I'm glad you've opted to try this. Do yourself a favor and try to wait a week or two before ejaculating. It will get easier, and your arousal will be quite intense for the Aneros sessions. Think of it as an experiment.

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I got to 18 days before succumbing to temptation. I'm going to try again as it was very beneficial.

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hmmm got to this morning! Guess I will start again..... :-)) Miss eupho arrived yesterday and she did not warm up to me as good as I had hoped last night and this morning. She moves well but is not as intense as miss helix. Mind you miss helix was not at her best either so maybe another night... Thats how it goes.Got frustrated in the end and had to give in. I will keep trying.

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I have found there is an interplay between on the one hand, being horny, and on the other being sexually frustrated. HORNY is good - the helix and the eupho (SNAP!) are fantastic, and anerosless is also fantastic. FRUSTRATED is bad, and not much happens - I assume because I cannot relax enough. How we transform frustration into yet more horniness is a good question.

Taoists say that you should redirect excess sexual energy - which goes back to the techniques in Chia's book.

Love_is says (in my view, probably rightly) that after a certain number of days, the non-ejaculatory route becomes easier.

Braveneworld, I guess you reached the point at which frustration out ways horniness, as I often have. I too have had some dud sessions with my aneros in this phase. I am still trying to work out the best route myself. The day before yesterday I came (wet ejaculation) for the first time in 6 days, but in many respects if I hadn't I might have found things a lot easier from now on. I am now back in the ultra-horny phase, but once again the frustration is now also beginning to rise once more. These techniques are all about building arousal, but avoiding the negative effects - frustration, blue ball syndrome etc. There is so much to learn, but it is certainly fun trying to work it all out. I guess I should reread the chapters in the book about keeping control of your sexual energy, rather than it controlling you?

Good luck - I have enjoyed hearing about your and other posters' experiences, which seem to echo mine. I won't forget "my nuts are on fire" in a hurry - lol

Thanks for that.

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@hapticbear... Yes on the 12-hour urge. I vividly remember that urge springing from my deep sub-conscious when trying to ensure that I'd 'rung the bell' for each of our planned pregnancies. The emotions accompanying those ejaculations were markedly more profound than the more loving emotions I experience when sex is a mutually desired activity. How much of it was consciously driven and how much was 'pure animal' is hard to say.
Years ago I had the pleasure of working alongside a marvelous Saudi gent (with four wives) who casually remarked that it was good to separate wives physically so as to, "have them not all fall into the same psychological mindset." This thread helps me to understand more about what he most probably meant.

I like Rumel's observation:"...Did our ancient male ancestors practice ejaculatory control? If so why would that be? I think they did... but not consciously. The males opportunity for copulation was largely influenced by the receptivity of the female. Her receptivity was influenced by her menstrual cycle. Her menstrual cycle (along with other female members of the tribe) may have been synchronized to the Lunar cycle...."

Further, in a tribal or Harem-like environment there might have been mutual synchrony: -- --

That factor might have caused males to structure their own social and tribal support activities (scouting, hunting, building etc.) around some subdivision of the lunar cycle. Consciously dividing the lunar cycle into quarters was convenient. And, perhaps we've evolved over the last 10,000 years into beings that gravitate into a 'reset' every eight to ten days. A cycle that could enhance compatibility with a 28-day cycle yet include the desire to mate with fertile females who weren't in synchrony.

-- --

OTOH, a creator may have given man a seven-day week (complete with Sabbath) and a 28-day lunar calendar for his mate(s).

I tend to think that the seven-day week was a natural attempt to divide the lunar cycle into four rather equal periods of time that were easily identifiable by horny males.

ah, the French with their ten-day week ! 🙂

enjoy... rook

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"...Did our ancient male ancestors practice ejaculatory control? If so why would that be? I think they did... but not consciously. The males opportunity for copulation was largely influenced by the receptivity of the female. Her receptivity was influenced by her menstrual cycle. Her menstrual cycle (along with other female members of the tribe) may have been synchronized to the Lunar cycle...."

I find the above an interesting statement, but have been confused, but delighted, by evidence to the contrary presented in the book I am now reading. I mention it here as "food for thought" and would encourage others to take a look, if indeed they haven't read it already.

The book is called "Sex at Dawn - a Prehistory of Modern Sex", which you can download free - just need to Google it. There is a lot of discussion about ourselves, our ancestors, modern day tribes, and bonobo chimps, with whom we are more genetically closely related than any other species (not the same as chimpanzees, by the way). One thing that is often discussed in the book is that humans and bonobos share many characteristics, that include continual sexual receptivity, the non-advertisement (or concealment) of ovulation, and the a tendency towards simultaneous multiple sexual relationships.

To our modern "civilised" ears the last sounds intrinsically wrong, but there is a strong case that monogamy is not at all our natural state. They argue that sharing partners on a regular ongoing basis, encouraged intra-group cohesion and sharing of food, shelter and water.

Not advertising ovulations (as with chimpanzees, where the entire rear end of the female swells and reddens) means that no human or bonobo male would normally know when the peak of fertility would be in a female. Multiple partners means that in a "natural" state, there is no way of knowing who the father was. Having multiple partners encourages not only group cohesion, and sharing of food, but also includes the shared rearing of children. They argue the basic unit for humans, is the community, and not the family.

Males and females are more or less continually sexually receptive, and there is little in the way of a break in this, not even when the female has passed her ovulatory peak.

There were plenty of implications that come from this, including:

  • Males could have sex with each other, as well as with females - and still do in many modern tribal communities. Something like 47% of Males in the US felt they were bisexual (Kinsey) - and these are only those who admitted it.
  • Females would lactate for 5 or 6 years with a baby/young child, since there was no alternative feed, and this is a natural birth control. All this time, she could be having sexual relations with other men, and there would be no sexual cycle, and no fear of pregnancy.
  • Communities where monogamy is not practised, encourage its members to respect the autonomy of other people and their decisions, which means that jealousy would be relatively rare, and ironically would be chastised by other members of the community.

So what role did/does non-ejaculation have in these communities? Difficult to say. But it is likely that people would have been more in touch with their sexuality in these relatively angst free times, and non-ejaculation as with Taoists, would have been seen as a way of enhancing the experience, and possibly as a route to a more spiritual dimension, as some of us do today.

Aliens looking down on this planet would see continual sexual receptivity is a hall mark of what it is to be human (and a bonobo chimp - our closest relative). This feature (along with concealed ovulation, and simultaneous multiple sexual relationships), does not occur in any other species. It did not evolve perversely to frustrate human individuals, since this frustration would be counter-productive. It seems to have evolved for very specific reasons that gave us an advantage over other species, where group cohesion and sharing of food and sex is not a major feature.

Like I said - food for thought.

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I'd offer that Bonobos might be more advanced than we.

IIRC an article in National Geographic discussed how male Bonobos use sign language to inform a female of which position to assume for sex. Remarkable how they do that without the benefit of cell phones for Sexting! 😉

No clue what the refractory might be for a Bonobo. Perhaps though they have mastered MMO techniques. 🙂

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LOL - Rook - well they would be more advanced than us if they DON'T mess around with mobile phones/cell phones all the time.

I assume the refractory period is quite short for bonobos, given that they almost have sex to say hello.

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OK Guys, I'm going to try and steer this thread back toward the intended topic - temporal abstinence and Aneros usage, altering ones choice of ejaculatory frequency times in order to enhance arousal level.

While the Bonobo's social behavior with regard to sexuality may offer clues to our (human beings) own evolutionary behaviors. The Bonobo's use of sexual intercourse as a form of "greeting" may be similar to the human gesture of hugging, it may be, for the Bonobo males, this "greeting" is a non-ejaculatory event as well. So maybe they too are practicing some temporal abstinence.

In any event, there is substantial anecdotal and some scientific evidence to suggest that ejaculation frequency does have a significant affect on a male's arousal level. This evidence does not imply you should avoid coitus or self-stimulation to the level of dry-orgasms, it merely indicates your overall arousal level will be improved by not ejaculating too frequently.

For those newbies who think they can force a Super-O to occur by trying harder, going longer or having more frequent Anerosessions, you are just fooling yourself into a frustrating loop. I solidly agree with 'BF Mayfield's early observation that a high arousal level is essential to getting to a Super-O and temporal abstinence is one tool for increasing your arousal level. I also agree with his statement "Of course there's only one way to know for sure how it will work for you.....experiment. (I have found it helpful myself)."
Good Vibes to You !

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I made it 8 days and it wasn't my balls that were on fire, it was my ass.

I need to sit on a mountian top and think deep thoughts just to keep up. You guys are amazing.


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I have only read your first post at this time, and will read the many more informative posts in due time. I did want to quickly say that you have answered several questions I have had all at once in that first post. So, thank you. You are always a gift bring such wonderful information in a clear and captivating manner. Thanks for all the work you do to make all of us as informed as we can be. You hard work, if viewed and applied, can be beneficial to all of us.

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In a few more days I'll be at a months time of abstinence. And I find it helpful, and oddly enough I don't seem to have strong urges to masturbate, or my willpower is strong. Or perhaps my body is not as sexually charged as it once was when I was younger. Either way, here's something I've noticed...

For most of this past year I've been ejaculating about once a week. As this is what seemed helpful, and in a lot of cases I couldn't control myself to do otherwise. But once I started this most recent long round of abstinence, I realized I was wrong. After I got past the week and half point I started to notice that I had stronger more pleasurable Aneros sessions, and less desire to masturbate. So I guess I'm going to keep doing this until I have some reason to ejaculate, or something amazing happens during my Aneros sessions.

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Congratulations @Loveis You have done well to go that long. I am still trying up to day 3 again 🙂
Day three and I have been having p-waves all day waiting for when I go to bed and my session will start and then in the morning when I get out of bed if it does not go on all morning. Just depends on when I have to getup.
Whats different on day three than from day two. Day two is just p-waves, day three is p-waves and heart racing all day and intensifying the closer I get to my session.
Since getting into aneros (or is that the other way around) I have not got past 3.5 days of abstinence.
To get to a month is going to be real tough!
Well done.
You know your gagging for it when you get all exited inside your body when you just doing the dishes...

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Guys, I've revived this thread because I think it is germane to 'BigOluver's challenge thread (related to Alex Vartman's 21 Day Challenge) to avoid ejaculation. As the men in that thread and this thread have found, Avoiding ejaculation for a period of time does increase one's overall arousal factor and for some, who have made it through the that 7-10 day period, a new found sense of energy and well being. The question you may now be asking yourself is "How can I maintain this new level of vitality/arousal?" The simple answer is you can maintain it by no longer ejaculating but for most of us that isn't an option we want to adopt. Ejaculations are natural, probably systemically beneficial and feel great. Men in relationships may have partners who take satisfaction in seeing/feeling their man have these ejaculatory orgasms so they should continue to share these with their partners, just less frequently. Men with out partners really have the greatest flexibility here, you can choose to ejaculate with or without a partner as mood suits. Whether you are in a partnership or not, this fact remains, once you ejaculate, you have hit your reset button and will then have to go through the arousal/hormone cycle anew. For young men, this may be more difficult, but for older men, this may actually be a welcome re-enervation period. Since you've already gone through it, you know it is not so bad and the next cycle through will be easier, as will each subsequent cycle, but what about trying to actually maintain that arousal level indefinitely? It may be possible to maintain that vitality/arousal at a high level indefinitely by avoiding ejaculations altogether. Regular use of your Aneros massagers and periodic prostate milking will enable you to avoid the hormonal crash induced by ejaculations without sacrificing the healthful benefits of "cleaning the pipes". Regular milking (once every 7-10 days) will take the edge off the urge to ejaculate without tripping the reset button so you're still functioning at high arousal energy levels. Such a regime moves you closer to Taoist practices of semen retention to preserve 'Chi' energy as well. Good Vibes to You !

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@Rumel - Thanks for the update.

I still use temporary ejaculatory abstinence, and consider it an integral part of my multi-orgasmic practices, alongside my aneros models (of course), and aneros-less experiences - particularly light nipple stimulation.

I now go from between 7 to 14 days without ejaculating (I am 51 years old). An interesting point is that sex after having avoided ejaculation, is FILLED with multi-orgasmic experiences. I almost feel the need to apologise sometimes, lest my partner thinks I am a bit of a freak, or that I am enjoying it just a little too much!

Aneros-less experiences from just recalling the feeling, are becoming increasingly common.

I still enjoy masturbation every-so-often, but I rarely ejaculate these days. I have multiple orgasms from these sessions too, and since my many dry orgasms have the capacity to be far more intense than a wet orgasm, I do not hanker after the latter quite so much any more. I think that qualifies these dry orgasms as "Super-Os" although I don't used that term very often.

On the downside - I sometimes feel a large psychological, and energy dip after ejaculating, though not always - going from so HIGH to so LOW, is a bit of a shock to the system. This is a small price to pay however.

I also don't find it at all satisfying any more to have "quick sex" or that where "dashing to the finishing line" is the primary objective. I never loved it before, but I was more tolerant of it. I have wondered whether I am leaving many people behind in my sexual exploration, and whether this limits the opportunities for fulfilling sex? However, I am committed to this path, and if that IS the case, then so be it.

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A great deal of what you have expressed here applies to me too. I suspect this is something to do with slowing down as we age and I am so grateful for that. Sex in all its varied forms is so much more enjoyable after the age of fifty if you give it the chance and take the time to relax and enjoy it.

Good on you Brother!

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@Pommie - yes, I am sure that some of this is down to getting older.

I am glad I am not alone in my feelings about this.

Thanks, and all the best


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For me, there is a type of refractory period but not as strong or long lasting as after an ejaculation. I think you could consder it a peaceful easing of the pressure for immediate release but it is distinctly not the hormonal sea change triggered by ejaculation. Sensual/sexual interest, arousal & desire are not deeply affected and I am still interested in soon resuming any sensual play I may have been engaged with prior to the milking. However, for me, after milking it is nearly impossible for me to have an ejaculatory orgasm and it takes a great deal more penile stimulation to even get an erection. I've read that some men can still easily get an erection and that their stamina is increased allowing them to stay engaged in intercourse for longer periods of time but that's not me. With regard to Aneros use, I don't think it affects your ability to re-engage your massager for pleasurable purposes.
I don't understand why most dry-O's do not trigger the same hormonal changes (prolactin release) which ejaculatory orgasms do given that both orgasms induce similar involuntary spasms. I would speculate it has something to do with sensory feedback of semen flow down the urethra in combination with the prostate spasms, if there is no flow then perhaps no signal is sent back up to the brain to release the prolactin and shut down the orgasmic spasms. In milking, you are not causing the prostate to go into orgasmic spasms, just the opposite, you are getting it relaxed enough to open the ejaculatory ducts and allow the flow of prostate fluid out and thus releasing fluid pressure. Now, since there was no spasming to begin with, the sensory feedback from flow down the urethra goes to the brain and the brain says since no spasming was occuring there is no need to release prolactin and shut down a non-existant orgasm. Hence, little or no refractory period but a distinct loss of fluid pressure in the prostate making an ejaculation a more difficult possibility until the fluid pressure is again built up. Just my theory anyway.
Good Vibes to You !

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I'm still trying to figure this balance out. So far, I find that my prostate is way more sensitive and responsive the 24 hours after I have ejaculated than before having ejaculated. It's like it's switched on during ejaculation, and is more receptive to pleasure. I've gone a week without ejaculating, and things kind of "die down" to the point where I have to work to bring them back up. But otherwise, for science, it's not possible for me to go longer because my wife won't let me. And the only time I can go THAT long is when she is on her period. Otherwise, she ruins the science experiment every time.

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One more question about weekly milking-does it help to edge prior to the milking?

I mentioned in a previous post in this thread, "Non-ejaculatory, masturbation sessions will increase one's arousal levels for future sessions." Repeated edging not only ramps up your arousal, it also stimulates the production of testosterone and stimulates the prostate into preparing for ejaculation (often called "loading" the prostate). This "loading" has to do with the prostate engorging with blood due to arousal, enervating the muscle fibers in preparation for their forceful contraction spasms during ejaculation. I suspect this also primes the seminal vesicles & ampulla as well. IMHO, yes, it helps to edge prior to milking as you are going to get the both the prostate and seminal vesicles involved in releasing their fluids.The drawback here is that you may be tempted to take your edging past the PONR into an ejaculation or your edging may be sufficiently stimulating that when you begin your prostate massage you also trigger an ejaculation, thus defeating the purpose of the milking. Edge, yes, but use restraint, the idea is to drain the prostate without inducing orgasmic spasms.
Good Vibes to You !

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An interesting point is that sex after having avoided ejaculation, is FILLED with multi-orgasmic experiences. I almost feel the need to apologise sometimes, lest my partner thinks I am a bit of a freak, or that I am enjoying it just a little too much!

Man did I laugh at that!
I can perfectly imagine the scene... Comical!

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Thanks again rumel for guiding me along!

Like Linum, I also experieced an awkward side effect.

Recently, I too felt the need to apologize to my wife. I reacted in such a way during sex that she looked at me with amazement, concern, unease, jealousy, etc. She knows of my aneros sessions and I have had them with her at times. However, I think she was worried that I was going to have a heart attack!

Obviously there are many factors involved here......Any advice rumel?

Is anyone else experiencing this? I don't know if it is the obstaining from ejaculation period, or the ability to "let eveything go" (thanks to aneros use), or a combination of things.

I dooo know, that this practice is working! I just don't know yet how to convince my wife not to be scared!

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Recently, I too felt the need to apologize to my wife. I reacted in such a way during sex that she looked at me with amazement, concern, unease, jealousy, etc. She knows of my aneros sessions and I have had them with her at times. However, I think she was worried that I was going to have a heart attack!
Obviously there are many factors involved here......Any advice rumel?"

First bit of advice I will offer is...ENJOY IT! You have come to know the power of your arousal and its ability to take you to higher levels of sensual experience. Isn't this one of the outcomes you desired when starting your Aneros journey?

Second bit of advice, tell your wife you would not be experiencing these sensations and feelings were it not for her love, support, affection and caring during lovemaking. The emotional bond betwixt you two will enhance any interaction, this can not be understated. Assure her that intensive sexual excitement is naturally healthy and your body would never generate sensations to harm itself so there is no reason to fear.

Third bit of advice, congratulate yourself (ego pat on the back) for learning to "Just Let Go !" so your body took control and your ego just watched (the reverse just doesn't work well). Also congratulate yourself for understanding there are, indeed, many factors involved with this rewiring journey, you've come a long way in a short time, good for you! Good Vibes to You !

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Thank you very much for taking the time to respond!!

As always, you have invaluable advice and it is greatly appreciated!

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