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Aless, getting the rest of the way?

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Recently I've been able to generate really subtle aless pleasure waves if I hold a very light contraction but it is so fleeting. Is there a key to progressing this feeling to the next level or is it much like the rest of the journey and down to practice/arousal/...? 

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Have you tried just doing what you do in a regular session? I know thats the simplest answer. I find the aless sensations are less focused, and more encompassing. Then of course theres the mental, , same thing again. I can change to any device in my mind in an instant and the sensations will change as if I really physically did it. Thats where I think it was Crimson Wolf's method really helps. It is true you can fool your body, with your mind. 

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@tbob, thanks for the reply! I'll have to give that a shot. Typically my sessions with a device include contractions but during these aless whisperings of pleasure any attempt to enhance with a contraction simply chases the pleasure away. I can make it come right back though which is encouraging. I'll have to focus on the mind component and see where that leads.

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Posted by: @tbob

Have you tried just doing what you do in a regular session?

Sounds simple, but come to think of if, great reply, because that's what I do!  I bear down, I wrap my innermost insides around a "device", I increase abdominal pressure, I lose myself in whatever feelings are there.  @tbob, do you have a link to the method you mentioned?  Good luck, @reddog152, and it is a Aneros milestone in the wiki to be able to grow pleasure outside of an Aneros session, so, so far so good.

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@helical, I'm finding that it's a complimentary development too. The feeling that I can now generate on demand can be harvested during Aneros sessions to spark the magic.

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@helical The Crimsonwolf Method: PreWiring and the Confident Boomerang

You have to get past his opening statement, and keep reading till he explains his method, although I am not in total agreementwith all he has to say.I can say anyone who reads it will come away having learned something.  This was one of the first things I read, probably why I am a 75% do nothinger. 

This what you get when you copy it as a link.,The%20Crimsonwolf%20Method%3A%20PreWiring%20and%20the%20Confident%20Boomerang,-Subscribe%20for%20new

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@tbob, thanks for the resource! I'll have to read it a few more times and internalize it. His focus is definitely on relaxation and I have recently implemented the use of a float spa that has helped a lot. Body temperature high salinity water and total darkness for 1 hour. Floating weightless deprived of much external stimuli. It has taken me a few sessions to just surrender and relax and this surrender and relaxation has carried over into my sessions. I still have work to do in the relaxation department but I think my recent progress has been accelerated.

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These helped my journey so much. Almost identical feelings as Aless and makes you learn about all the muscles down there and feelings. Headphones in and lay down.. enjoy.

Also cut out ejaculation. I will get 0 Aless within 2 days of ejaculation. But will build after that.

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I'll give them a shot !

It's funny how this channel and others on YT equate HFO with meditation states, and we can also say that Aless and meditation are similar... Everything is connected. 

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With A-less,the gentle pc contraction with a gentle sphincter control and gentle anchored tension,there a balance/pivot point where the opposing forces meet and bounce off each other as invols. Like everything you must be aroused and being doing the work with an empty mind.

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Had sort of a breakthrough tonight. Was at work by myself at the time and engaged the muscles to start some aless. Got farther than I ever have before outside the context of a session. The voyeuristic turn-on got me again since we have a security camera in the shop and I imagined someone viewing in real time as I slipped close to a Super-O. Intense P-waves, maybe even a Mini-O developed before I shut it down.

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Posted by: @reddog152

@tbob, thanks for the resource! I'll have to read it a few more times and internalize it. His focus is definitely on relaxation and I have recently implemented the use of a float spa that has helped a lot. Body temperature high salinity water and total darkness for 1 hour. Floating weightless deprived of much external stimuli. It has taken me a few sessions to just surrender and relax and this surrender and relaxation has carried over into my sessions. I still have work to do in the relaxation department but I think my recent progress has been accelerated.

I have a float spa in the area and definitely want to give it a go! Thanks for the reminder friend!! 🙂


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When everything lines up properly, I can physically feel my fantasy being acted out on my body. Just this week I had my legs lift off the bed and slowly bring my knees to my chest, and instead of being stroked like a dick , it felt like a dildo was being beamed in and out of my ass., I can imagine any aneros that I own, and change it with a thought, and the sensations change with it seamlessly. 

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