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A very important ingredient in the rewiring journey: Removing the 'Arousal Resistor'

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You may still know from my last thread, that I lost my Super-O capabilities due to very bad habbits (basically jerking off for years without having a single aneros or a-less session due to depressions) where I basically "unrewired" (is this even a word? 😀 ) myself. I promised you, that I will use my re-rewiring journey as a chance, to study the rewiring process in much finer detail. And today I think that I can give you some results. A very crucial information in the rewiring process.

I'll give it the name 'Arousal Resistor' because it's a perfect analogy in our case. But what exactly is a 'Resistor'? A resistor is an electrical component, that is used to limit the current in an electrical circuit.

In my rewiring journey I felt great pleasure, but something was hindering me from turning this pleasure into even more pleasure and ultimately into full blown orgasms. Then I found an automatism, an involuntary set of events that constrict the amount of pleasure I was able to feel. Almost as my body was shouting at me whenever my pleasure was peaking: "Stop, stop, stop! Too much pleasure! It will be too intense for me if it grows even further! Abort!"

I call this automatism "Arousal Resistor" for a very simple reason: Because it limits the arousal, to prevent an overload of the system (the body) that is not used to the higher amount of perceived pleasure. This automatism consists of a single and very basic function: Involuntary contractions right on the "peak" of pleasure, right at the tipping point where the pleasure would grow into Super-O territory. The goal of that automatism: Holding the intensity of the perceived pleasure at bay or even decrease it.

But what excatly is the 'Arousal Resistor' and how to remove it? Well, for this we have to have a little experiment first. Turns out, the 'Arousal Resistor' is not only hindering us in our rewiring journey but it also plays an enormous part in traditional (penile) masturbation.

1. How to find the 'Arousal Resistor'?

1.1 Masturbate like you would usually do. (without an inserted aneros massager of course!)
1.2.This time though, watch out for pleasure waves.
1.3. Feel the pleasure waves and observe, how your PC-muscles and abdomen muscles are reacting to them. You will feel them slightly (or moderately, the strenght of the resistor is different for different people) contraction, holding the pleasure at bay or even reducing it. These involuntary contractions that accompany the pleasure waves, this automatism, is called 'Arousal Resistor'

2. How to remove the 'Arousal Resistor'?

2.1 Once you feel the pleasure waves occuring, make a deliberate attempt to relax your PC-muscles and your abdomen muscles to block their involuntary movements.
2.2 It seems very hard to block these involuntaries. The best way to overcome this is to imagine how your pleasure is washing all over your body, starting from your penis while you try relax as much as you can. You don't have to block ALL of these contractions, but the more the better. Just try your best.
2.3. This way you will be able to block the 'Arousal Resistor' more often than not. Quite difficult at first but easier the more you do it. In the end you will feel your pleasure growing as you continue to stroke your penis while it's ultimately washing all over your whole body - then you will know that you did everythig right to block and ultimately removed the 'Arousal Resistor'.

Note: Don't worry if it's still hard to block these involuntaries. It gets easier each time you try.


But how to adopt this knowledge in your rewiring process? As I said before, sadly these fine movements of the 'Arousal Resistor' are also at work in an aneros or even a-less session. Next time when you have an aneros session, keep an eye on your pleasure levels. Once you come closer to a pleasure wave, watch out for involuntary contractions of the 'Arousal Resistor'.

Don't get me wrong though: Involuntaries are good and desireable. But I found that there are two kinds of involuntaries:

The 'Arousal Resistor' involuntaries: These are "bad" (I don't like to put things in good/bad labels but I will do it in this example because of the lack of better words) involuntaries that limits the amount of pleasure that is sent into your body.

The "Aneros" involuntaries: Also known as the contractions that cause the "autofuck" sensations that pull you closer to Super-O territory. These are very much desireable.

You will be able to distinguish between these two kinds of involuntaries in no time as they feel quite different.

Once you feel the resistor involuntaries occuring, try your best to relax these muscles (the PC-muscles and abdomen muscles) and try to relax into the pleasure. It helps to imagine the pleasure as a warm red velvet of flowing energy, that is first washing/flowing into your under- and then into your upper abdomen and even thorax.


Well, that's pretty much it. These are the things I found so far and I think they could be quite crucial in ones rewiring journey. 'Removing the Arousal Resistor' is basically a way to stop your body resisting so it will accept a bigger and more intense amount of pleasure.

I hope my findings were helpful and I wish you all the best in your rewiring endeavours. 🙂

Kind regards,



This topic was modified 3 years ago by DarkOrb

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Posted by: @darkorb

I lost my Super-O capabilities

Not just health issues. There is definitely a use it or lose caveat to the journey. 3-4 weeks off and I think some guys would notice a difference.


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Posted by: @helghast
Posted by: @darkorb

I lost my Super-O capabilities

Not just health issues. There is definitely a use it or lose caveat to the journey. 3-4 weeks off and I think some guys would notice a difference.


I'd say a little of both, but mostly health issues/habits. Severe anxiety will pretty much negate any possibility of Super-Os, either from loss of libido or disinterest in general, or just having the bad stuff occupy your mind all the time and removing the ability to fully focus on the sensations in session. I think that's the kind of de-wiring we're talking about. 

A 3-4 weeks breaks to me only means a couple of sessions needed to get back to the level you were, but for someone still in the beginning stages, I agree that plateauing is probably possible from having too few sessions or too much time between them. 


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Yes mate,the old muscle nuclei memory would soon kick in. But there’d still be a difference even after a short break. We should never forget the re-wiring part of the journey is all software updates to our procreation operating system. Take away the updates,we’ll reset to factory default setting which is cock in pussy,kid out of pussy,extinction avoided ;). 


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To me it's more like learning to speak a different language or maybe playing an instrument (please, no "skin flute" joke here, hehe), you can get a little rusty but it will come back. Once you have it, you have it. Default setting is not knowing how to play the guitar, but I don't think you can "unlearn" everything even if you don't know a whole lot to begin with. But if you practice only once every month, progression won't come very easily. I do agree that longer breaks will take more time to "recover" from, but I still believe that actual de-wiring (not being able to get back to where you were after a reasonable amount of time) will not happen by just not having sessions for a while. 

Now I think "factory default" thousands of years ago was Super-O from normal reproductive sex, for both men and women, this might be more complex than we might think at first glance. 


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I don't think that the rewiring journey is comparable to a learnable skill like drawing, playing an instrument, riding a bike etc. though. While f.e. playing piano has clear instructions and exercises that can set anybody on the right path straight away as long as they continue to build the muscle memory, the aneros path is much more trial and error. 

Compared to learning an instrument, the aneros journey is much more foggy, unclear and with many question marks along the way. Something that worked great yesterday, can be a waste of time tomorrow. The progress can be fleeting and even a few months of absence of aneros sessions will be enough to forget, how you've reached the Super-O state. Use it or lose it. Yes, mental health issues like anxiety will let you defocus on the subtle sensations or lose interest in aneros sessions altogether ultimately hindering your process, but bad habbits and a long time of not having an aneros session is also an overlooked factor in a dewiring process.

I also wouldn't compare the aneros journey to a learnable skill but to any other techniques that induce an altered state of mind:

Meditation: If you meditate regularly, you will be able to reach the jhana-state much much easier and almost reliably. But if you stop meditating for 2 weeks, you will practically start from zero.

Lucid Dreaming: The more you practice lucid dreaming techniques, the more lucid dreams you'll get. But if you stop, even for just one week, not only the lucid dreaming count but also the dream memory will tank and you will start practically at zero.

ASMR: A very fleeting form of an altered state of mind. Today you will feel incredible tingles all over your body, but tomorrow and the next few months there can be absolutely nothing.

I think 2 years! of ordinary wanking (without having any aneros session at all) is enough, to dewire even the most rewired individual. The mental health issues (depression and anxiety) were not the cause of the dewiring process. The main culprit was one side effect of them: bad habbits. Well, in my case you can't even call it 'bad habbits' anymore as I practically turned my back completely from aneros or a-less sessions. I think you won't dewire as fast or not at all when you have a refresh session every few weeks (I think that's the point you were trying to get across) but in my case, I didn't have one single session in 2 years (104 weeks!). And I think its only understandable, that people dewire in this enormous amount of time. Heck, even a sophisticated piano player would struggle big time after not playing for 2 years at all. I hope you got my point. 🙂

PS: No offense meant, but let us move this conversation over there:


I would prefer that we only discuss the 'Arousal Resistor' in this thread. 🙂


This post was modified 3 years ago 2 times by DarkOrb

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From a rookie perspective, the mental aspect is complicated. For me it's not as simple as mind over matter. Nor is it as easy as dismissal of negativity. 

I'm not a stranger to self-examination. The reality is that I can't possibly know every single thing there is to know about myself. Willingness is not a problem for me. Yet it sure seems like I should be further than I am with just over two years in. I have no physical ailments that could be obstacles.  Affirmations & self-talk only go so far. So I keep trying to remember that this is possible. It might end up being a case of having it sneak up on me, who knows, shrugs.

I'd agree that there is a baseline of effort required & that I won't get results by a monthly practice. Daily could be too much too for that matter. Finding that middle ground is where it's at I think. So I don't go more than a week without a session with the device. I used to schedule a session every five days.  Then considered that it was becoming regimental so extended it to a 7-10day range to where I could let it speak to me more about when to have a session.  Not quite listening for the whisper, but close.

A-less is different & I don't feel very qualified to speak about it. I make the effort daily. Sometimes more than once. Nip-stim helps.

Trying not to overthink & being an observer is a funky balancing act. Relax & let it happen is more at the forefront now.  All that aside, this topic is a great thing for me to keep in mind as I make my way around. Now, back to the lab, Glandrake has more experiments to conduct, heh heh.

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@zentai I know it will come back,and come back fast,it’s akin to actual muscle building memory. I could quit the gym for months,lose muscle mass. But when I start training again,I’ll rebuild the muscle faster than it took to build the first time around,I just believe that like the body returning the pretrained state,so would the wiring. However,I would concede that a restarted journey would yield faster results than the first time around. And there will always be complexities around the journey,that is 100%!


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2 short Aless sessions per day isn’t bad. I used to that. They were a max of 30 mins. Usually 15-20. In fact a lot of the time,the 2nd session was better! 


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Posted by: @darkorb

PS: No offense meant [...]

None taken, I'll think this over and add any insight to the other thread. Sorry for the hijack ! 

As for the Resistor, I find it true that there are "good invols" and "bad invols" and the way you explain it makes sense. Differentiating between the two and knowing when and how to intervene, that's the tricky part. 

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Hey @darkorb,

You may be on to something - thy for sharing your insight! At the moment I have mixed thoughts about this and have to ponder to make sense of it. Hopefully this thread isn't dead when I return. 😀

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Didn't get to add to the other thread, I went on some kind of wild goose chase because some aspects of your experience runs almost opposite to mine. Just wanted to say that we all experience things differently and if you feel like you de-wired because of lack of sessions for a long while, it's quite possible that it's exactly what happened, and I did not mean to imply you were wrong about this, I just love to argue with @Helghast hehe. 

With that out of the way, about the Arousal Resistor, I shared with some guys before that I though the fabled "leg shakes" that everyone wants to experience after watching some videos online, were sometimes parasitic contractions and that sometimes, I just didn't want them. They're just another "bad" involuntary during some sessions, while during others, they can enhance things. So I understand where you're coming from, even if we're talking about different contractions in different regions of the body, your interpretation seems to be quite solid. 

Posted by: @darkorb

You will be able to distinguish between these two kinds of involuntaries in no time as they feel quite different.

That's the part that I think will cause the greatest amount of interrogations. Do you think this can fit with the "Do nothing" approach ? Technically if we follow this method, all invols are good and should not be tempered with, but if we try to get past the Arousal Resistor, then we must separate the parasitic invols and block those, while letting the "good" invols build up and flow. Can you elaborate on how they "feel different"? Do you think a lot of users run into this phenomenon, or just some of us? 


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Posted by: @zentai

I just love to argue with @Helghast hehe.

Huh…ain’t that the damn truth lol 🙂

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I think everyone has their own resistors installed in different places, but I like the concept. One I discovered in myself recently was allowing the front half of my body to take part. That the pleasure doesn't only travel up from below, but also down from above, and sometimes in front, not only behind. Fishing the unexamined depths of decades-old wiring continues to surprise me.
