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A question on hip replacement surgery and the Aneros

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Hi guys,

I have been away from the Aneros and this community for a good ten weeks. I broke my right hip through a totally unexpected yet freakish fall at a friend's dinner party on Friday January 6. Hip replacement surgery followed on Sunday January 8. Rehab at a center occurred afterward. I was finally released for continued recovery at my apartment last Friday on St Patrick's Day. The surgeon two weeks ago during a checkup released from most of my hip precautions. I use right now a walker or a cane. The surgeon and other people expect me to make a complete recovery.

I literally threw myself into rehab with all its exercises and hard work. However at night I was directed to sleep on my back because of doctor's order. Hence I woke up nearly once an hour to go to the bathroom. To cope with boredom and tedium, I began masturbating like never I had in many years. I enjoyed stimulating my nipples too. Masturbation and playing with my nipples at night were only some of the consolations I had during those long weeks.

My question however is does recovering from hip surgery bar me from using my whole cadre of Aneros devices ever again? I would be heartbroken if it did. BTW, hip replacement surgery and rehab has not impaired my Aless in the least!



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@BigGlansDC I was getting worried; I hadn't seen your posts in quite a while. Now I know the story. I'm glad you seem to be recovering nicely. Just a thought, but if your body is working "normally" in all other respects, I don't see why you can't resume some Aneros sessions. I'm sure you will be able to pace them so as not to interfere with your good recovery. Good luck and God bless!

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@BigGlansDC welcome back my friend! You have been missed. The forum will continue to benefit from your wisdom.

We only have one life and good health is crucial. Is this question best asked to your doctor? I don't know how fragile a hip replacement is and how easy it it to damage it but I would not take a chance and end up paying a price worst than you already have. Just my 2-cents worth.

Do take care my friend.

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I wish to thank both @goldenboy and @GGringo for their considered replies to my question. I would appreciate other replies as well.

I did ask the orthopedic surgeon at the hospital examining me on March 2. He hadn't heard of the Aneros, so I gave him the Aneros website to look at.

At this point, I will put off using Aneros for some weeks.

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I've had both my hips replaced in the last three years...both surgeries were successful with no complications. Oddly though after the 1st surgery, I was experiencing deep rectal discomfort which after seeing my gastro specialist, he diagnosed as levator ani syndrome, a pelvic muscular disorder. Thinking it could be related to my recent surgery I went to see my hip replacement surgeon...he said it had nothing to do with the surgical procedure...but shared with me that he had occassional bouts with levator ani syndrome due to stress in his work. He told me I should investigate massage of these muscle tissues to see if I could break up the muscle knot/tension that was causing the pain. It was from this suggestion that I purchased my 1st Aneros MGX. I had no problems using the MGX about 4 weeks after my initial surgery and similarly after the 2nd surgery. Everyone is different so my experience may be different from your situation, but I was back riding again regularly after 4-6 weeks or so. I hope this helps...good luck BG. To this day I believe Aneros helped me get over the levator ani pain completely.

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@Jaxsun Thanks for your positive suggestions to @BigGlansDC! It should be a great encouragement to him as I know he also is eager to resume his regular Aneros sessions!

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Hi guys,

Since posting my question on hip replacement surgery over a month ago, I have come a long way in my recovery. I am much stronger now and have greater stamina for long walks although I have a while yet to go as to a complete recovery.

However, I had my very first Aneros session in 2017. It was a trial run with MGX, Helix Classic, and Maximus. It was an hour long session and felt real good. I hope to have my next session on Monday! 🙂

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Hi guys,

Since posting my question on hip replacement surgery over a month ago, I have come a long way in my recovery. I am much stronger now and have greater stamina for long walks although I have a while yet to go as to a complete recovery.

However, I had my very first Aneros session in 2017. It was a trial run with MGX, Helix Classic, and Maximus. It was an hour long session and felt real good. I hope to have my next session on Monday! 🙂

Glad you are better. In relation to the surgery, did it have any effect on your experiences?

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@digitalbeachbum, the surgery certainly had a positive effect on my nightly sexual experiences during those long nine weeks in that rehab center!

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