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A bigger picture journey... Scares, thrills, questions, decisions... What a mess!

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I keep finding this "zone" and then forgetting the essential mindstate... so here are links to some of the best indicators:

"Zoneros" :
"Facilitators to progress" :

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Well, as soon as I nail it, I will have to refine the description of what is "the zone" for me and how to reach it... as it seems to be the master key and it seems to differ from others' description.

Analogy hints : dizzyness, vasovagal episode, hypnagogic state, alcohol induced disinihibition, falling backwards, unplugging some part of the mind that consequently plugs you fully to another, tuning in...

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I LOVE reading your musings. Not only are they full of wisdom, humor, and intriguing ideas. They give an insight into the mindfulness of your thought processes.

Keep 'em coming, pal!


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Thanks, it is very much appreciated. 🙂

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I tried today in the chat to explain how the concept of worship now comes into play in my constantly renewed view of the world and, in this particular case, human behavior.

My understanding isn't even at early draft stage. So for now clearing just a few basic conception or misconception is the maximum I can do publicly.

Let's say we could see common human actions as performing rituals with the unconscious goal of worshipping male or female universal principles (or divinities).

I think this specific quote seems pretty good :
"Worship is communion with your own inner spiritual ideal."
Gary Joseph - Society for Sacred Sexuality

Another hint : slutiness may be seen as one sort (among many) of worship/celebration of the divine feminine.

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Appreciate your willingness to open yourself up so that we can join the progression of your journey. I enjoy your thought process and because I'm so new to all of this, appreciate and find inspiration to take back to my own experience/session/a-less practice. Keep the thoughts and ideas coming!

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I now feel confident fully resuming my journey after a long pause.

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Waking up the mess for even more (doesn't some order in the middle of chaos sound like even more chaos ?).

Tell me what you guys and girls think :
(Interview of Danielle Crittenden)

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Interesting and informative! The video supports what I have suspected for quite sometime. This would explain some (but not all) of the dis- connect between men and women (in the US), in regard to marriage and dating relationships, etc. IMO
Feminism has a bit to do with some (not all)
US men allowing themselves to be emmasculated by their women. Most allow themselves to be manipulated, because of their fear of not getting any sex.

Once their wife or SO realizes this fear... Hahaha! Hell comes to Frog Town. It is a sad day when I man is afraid to ask his woman for sex. It is a weak man that allows and makes excuses for his wife or SO denying him (if she is legitimately physically and mentally able) Mind you, I'm referencing men that are holding up their end of their relationship.

Excellent post. It's quite thought provoking. Feminism has created quite a few bullocks. Then again, a closed mouth don't get fed. Even more so if a vagina is involved.

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Ok, i'm here basically copy-pasting somebody else's comment. But i don't want to risk losing the link or having the author delete it someday (like AneRico did with his). In short : it's great.

After reading many discussions on the rituals and hoops people jump through to have a SuperO, I thought I would give my two cents. My prior posts (the ones I originated) describe in detail my SuperO experience. From the responses I get I conclude that I've reached a very high high level (hate to call it a 'level' but the word will have to suffice) so maybe I can help others in their journey.

My technique falls in the do nothing category but with very important mindset. In the beginning of the journey my sessions were mainly about inducing the involuntaries. I would focus on holding contractions until they took off on their own. Also, I would savor them and subconsciously hold them there even if it was a very slight hold. Here in lies the impediment to moving forward. If you focus on inducing the involuntaries and subsequently hold them then you are in essence controlling them. You must 'rewire' your mindset to the constant release of contractions. If you are in the midst of a contraction your goal should be to get it to release. It is a contradiction since the contraction feels so damn good.

Main point- the SuperO lies in the release of the contraction. It is only in the non-contraction state that the full body energy can build to a SuperO. When the involuntaries let go and release, you should be able to feel the full body energy gather. Eventually, your higher chakras will send energy to the aneros instead of the aneros sending energy up.

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This link was posted somewhere in the advanced subject "automatic tantra". But this convo is so full of information it doesn't stand a single chance shining there. So here it is for the less advanced users. Give it a read :

Male control of ejaculation

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I start to think the PC muscle's main role is NOT to contract (if that's a role).

I suspect there is a proprioception subject of need for feedback and feedback possible either from blood-flow / energy-flow or muscle tension. Without feedback you have no idea what you do and what you feel. Switching from tension-based-feedback to other methods frees a lot of things.

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Came across this article about a week ago and was thinking about posting, then saw hakuna1's thread, "Biggest Obstacle" and knew I had to.

Many of us, including me, long envied women their supposed ability to have endless strings of toe-curling orgasms. But take heart! The grass is not always greener on the other side! The following account of a woman experiencing a mini-O is extremely eye opening. The way she describes it, she could just as well be one of us Super-O searchers: she feels sensation, pleasure. . . and doubt.

P.S.: If you think you're having an orgasm you very well probably are. Relax, and enjoy it, and next time the wave might be bigger.


Thank you.
This should be the first thing to read for every beginner or striving aneroser... Well, even more than that, for every men and women. People have ideas so far from reality.

When I read the name of this thread, I almost thought something like "this kind of refers to my problem" :DThank you very much for posting this, gregor, this really encourages me 🙂

Thank you!

@hakuna you don't have a problem, only chose to think of it that way. You are evolving (living), it is neither fast and an immediate release nor static, familiar and safe... just accept it.

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Envy is missing the point of existence, big time.

Be good to yourself, please stop at that realisation, take a deep breath... and thus you can pass on torturing yourself with the wild rationalizations (in which nonsense only fights with wrong under the guidance of envy).

Breath !

There is no such thing as missing the pleasure you want. You are only able to want what you can get. Missing it, then, is just a matter of not letting go enough.

Yeah, men, women, people, nothing is equal. But why care? Life is a but a dream. And who's dream? Yours. So relax and enjoy.

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In order to help @hakuna1 solve the riddle, I'd like to point all that is "wrong" in the title already.

" Biggest obstacle: Envy for the oh-so-special female orgasm = huge pressure "

- "Biggest obstacle" : negative line of thought. There is no obstacle. This comes naturally from positive thinking. Be open, cool and enjoy the sweetness. Thinking in terms of obstacle IS CREATING the obstacle. In other words : too tensed in the mind. Also too goal oriented. You have no control on this. Embrace your powerlessness.

- "envy" : I already mentionned it. It is pointless on so many levels it is worth a big joyous laugh. It is like having a telescope at your side at dinner, never tasting your food and drooling at what people might have on another planet all while being certain you'll never know if they exist, what they have, whether they like it or not and if the taste would be good for you... All the while, your meal is cooling. All pleasure you want is within your reach. It only happens in the mind anyway. The mind can't even want more than it can get. Envy is merely a mirror mind trick on yourself, deep down it is only absurd. You'll never get what the other gets or only in one case : when the other is you. Absurd... But... When sharing pleasure with your loved partner in a mutualy synchronous orgasm you might both enjoy one single fused orgasm. The case might seem a bit extreme, but to some extent and at lower levels, this is what intercourse is about all the time. So in short, envy is either absurd because there is no object or blind and pointless because you already do get what you envy.

- "the oh-so-special" : there is no such thing. Creating mythical beasts is only insuring you never get it. What we are talking is basic living processes. Once you stop focusing on genital pleasure only, you realise life is orgasmic. There is nothing special to it. It is just a more intense case of the enjoyment of breathing, shivering, yawning, laughing, heart pumping, relaxing. All of which you do everyday. Just savour it. It is already there. When you don't enjoy it, it just means you are not available, you want something else or need something else... Well, if you want something else, why complain? You always get the sum of what you want. Just accept it. And if you need something else, don't try and mess up with the priorities. All things in due time. Better accept it.

- "Female orgasm" : either means something you shouldn't want or nothing at all. A female orgasm is the orgasm of a female, not yours. Wanting it to be yours is nothing about the orgasm but all about you not wanting to be yourself. The only sane way to look at it, is wanting your female partner to get an orgasm. Or you refer to the type of orgasm females do get. Well there is no such thing. Deep down all orgasms are the same and on the surface all orgasms are different. A woman can get dozens of different kind of orgasms and so can men. Woman can also get only one or two of them or even none and so can men. Not two females have the same. What we might sometimes refer as the female orgasm is the branch of relaxed orgasms as opposed to the tensed orgasm we associate with male. Well, neither is 100% relaxed or 100% tensed and both can be had by men and women. They are not as fully separated as they are supposed to be. They just have different dynamic and to be true, in pure form, they work in cycle and transform into each-other. Men and women are just the two sides of a coin named humanity. Which side you see depends on where you stand but there is only one coin. Otherwise women would only breed daughters and men breed boys. There is no such thing. You are human. Relax and enjoy human orgasm.

- "huge pressure" : don't even mention it... ever ! How do you expect to relax by only unknowkedging the pressure you artificially put on yourself (and for no good reason as I hope you realised by now)? This smells too much tension, miles away. If you indeed feel pressure you should look for the source somewhere else (society or whatever). And you should start looking at ways to not let the pressure affect you. Be relaxed and let pressure sources press in empty air.

- Also "biggest", "oh-so-special", "huge" : don't you realise how tensed this superlatives make you. Better think cool, small, sweet, enjoyable. How do you expect to relax with so many big words in your mind? Keep the superlatives for later description of your pleasure. Don't burden yourself with them beforehand. Too much preconceptions. Too much aggression on yourself. The mind leads. Fill the mind with negatives, and obstacles, you get negatives and obstacles. Add some superlatives to it, you get even bigger negatives and bigger obstacles.

So, here comes the usual piece of advice :
(weight every one of these words)

Relax, welcome, savour and enjoy.

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Relaxing into passive "core breathing" :

[2014-12-13 12:45:42] Canacan: ‹@thestig› here is a much better idea :
[2014-12-13 12:47:45] Canacan: ‹@thestig› go to bed early (without aneros) oh and why not with a traditionalO... Then, in the morning, wake one and a half hour before your usual alarm
[2014-12-13 12:49:26] Canacan: ‹@thestig› prepare all before you go to bed so you can lube and insert your aneros at this early hour without need to get up or totally wake
[2014-12-13 12:50:53] Canacan: ‹@thestig› stay in this half wake half sleep state... Keep relaxed don't ever tense or move (even a finger) and pay attention to the details of your sensations
[2014-12-13 12:51:30] thestig: I have noticed that in the morning it works better
[2014-12-13 12:51:43] Canacan: ‹@thestig› the good thing is, after a good night's sleep this wont make you sleep and you will get ton of energy for the day
[2014-12-13 12:52:48] thestig: ok should i finish off with a traditional o or not?
[2014-12-13 12:52:57] twlltin: never
[2014-12-13 12:53:29] twlltin: You don't want to make a mental link between the two
[2014-12-13 12:53:38] Canacan: ‹@thestig› but i have to warn you here: old men are at an advantage. When retired they can go to bed and wake at time they desire, they are physically more relaxed and have less on their mind
[2014-12-13 12:54:09] Canacan: ‹@thestig› don't ejaculate after a session... Better do it before if needed
[2014-12-13 12:54:23] thestig: ok
[2014-12-13 12:54:54] Canacan: ‹@thestig› did you get it all?
[2014-12-13 12:56:12] thestig: Another thing ive noticed is that when i dont finish off after a session with an ejaculation I feel more enerjetic afterwards, fully charged up !
[2014-12-13 12:56:42] twlltin: That's normal
[2014-12-13 12:56:49] Canacan: ‹@thestig› the key is "relax"... You have no idea how much more relaxed you can be... Nor how many areas need more relax (that includes the head and the mind... "Ultimate goals" is no relax at all)
[2014-12-13 12:56:52] twlltin: and greatly desired
[2014-12-13 12:56:57] thestig: but ive always been told that its better to 'clean the pipes'
[2014-12-13 12:57:17] twlltin: ‹@thestig› maybe once a week
[2014-12-13 12:57:37] Canacan: ‹@thestig› clean them another time
[2014-12-13 12:58:06] thestig: Ill give it a try
[2014-12-13 12:58:40] Canacan: ‹@thestig› to me a tradional before the session helps relax... But maybe not for others
[2014-12-13 12:58:58] thestig: so morning, half asleep, relaxing, breathing and so on
[2014-12-13 12:59:09] thestig: ..and no cleaning the pipes for now
[2014-12-13 12:59:49] thestig: I find that after an ejyculation my prostate isnt very reactive
[2014-12-13 13:00:06] Canacan: ‹@thestig› dont overdo the breathing... You dont know how to breath yet... Lets say: passively deep and focused (sorry i know it doesnt help much)
[2014-12-13 13:00:35] twlltin: And cleaning the pipes doesn't involve a bottle brush. 😉
[2014-12-13 13:00:49] thestig: deep breathing and focus on sensations?
[2014-12-13 13:00:57] thestig: haha
[2014-12-13 13:01:20] Canacan: ‹@thestig› clean what you feel needs cleaning... Just dont do it after session (wait a day)
[2014-12-13 13:01:36] Canacan: ‹@twlltin› lol
[2014-12-13 13:02:40] thestig: Ill save it for my girlfriend then.
[2014-12-13 13:02:44] thestig: 🙂
[2014-12-13 13:02:58] twlltin: ‹@thestig› That would be a very good idea.
[2014-12-13 13:04:03] Canacan: ‹@thestig› deep breathing only if you know how to do it passively and it is not strong breathing (too strong will not let you sense details)... In the end "focused breathing but still passive breathing" is a good description, though it makes little sense
[2014-12-13 13:05:21] Canacan: ‹@thestig› how so much better and considerate that is (saving it for her)... Think of it this way: you are subtly changing both your sex lives... Love will be a lot of help to you
[2014-12-13 13:05:24] twlltin: ‹@thestig› Your Aneros training will probably (no guarantees) let you last longer with your girlfriend. She may even get concerned that you haven't "come".
[2014-12-13 13:05:36] thestig: i dont breath too deeply, ive found that a relaxed type of breathing works better
[2014-12-13 13:06:13] twlltin: ‹@thestig› it's not the volume of breath, but how you breathe... Have you heard of diaphragmatic (belly) breathing?
[2014-12-13 13:06:31] Canacan: ‹@twlltin› good remark
[2014-12-13 13:06:45] thestig: yes. breathing into the lower stomach
[2014-12-13 13:08:16] thestig: ok. many thanks for the advice guys. much appreciated. Ill work on what yove said and let you know next time.
[2014-12-13 13:08:37] thestig: have to go to work
[2014-12-13 13:09:03] thestig: wish you all a great week end
[2014-12-13 13:09:17] fuzzyface: ‹@thestig› Cya!
[2014-12-13 13:09:38] Canacan: when you found an orgasmic breathing, you can't help but call it deep... But people easily get it wrong... Maybe its more deep as "deep in you core and harmonizing your whole body" than deep as "strong with lots of air" (thats hyperventilating)
[2014-12-13 13:10:00] Canacan: ‹@thestig› bye
[2014-12-13 13:11:11] Canacan: ‹@fuzzyface› hows your journey?
[2014-12-13 13:13:02] fuzzyface: At this point i haven't done much. One 'sort' of session where woke up early and couldn't sleep. I was a bit frustrated with general stuff going on at the time so I think i was a bit impatient so I didn't get much from it and called it off
[2014-12-13 13:16:19] fuzzyface: It was but an hour long if that
[2014-12-13 13:16:54] fuzzyface: But that was when I was working 12-17 hour days. So i was just wore our in general, now I am getting more sleep, and once my body adjusts to this new schedule I'll give it another go
[2014-12-13 13:18:16] Canacan: ‹@fuzzyface› so you brought the aneros on board ?
[2014-12-13 13:18:42] fuzzyface: Yes
[2014-12-13 13:20:58] fuzzyface: It was mentioned earlier that someone felt I ought to post a topic on the aneros forum linking to the most recent blog post about communication, what do you guys think about that?
[2014-12-13 13:23:56] twlltin: I'd not object.
[2014-12-13 13:24:33] fuzzyface: I guess i'll just sort of introduce the topic in a way and then end the post with a link
[2014-12-13 13:25:26] Canacan: ‹@fuzzyface› the link is okay but maybe try and create a discussion around it... No just a bare link
[2014-12-13 13:26:42] fuzzyface: ‹@Canacan› Agreed, i don't think a blatant link drop would work as well. Like you just mentioned I think getting or encouraging some sort of discussion stemming from it would likely be best
[2014-12-13 13:27:37] Canacan: Oh god... I just put my helix... Didnt remember it could awake my body that much
[2014-12-13 13:28:02] fuzzyface: lol
[2014-12-13 13:28:54] Canacan: Now i contracted my abs (breathing not entirely free because of typing) so it receded
[2014-12-13 13:29:34] fuzzyface: Ah, i suspect you will soon leave to a session then lol
[2014-12-13 13:30:06] Canacan: ‹@fuzzyface› here is how i do it: i have a discussion that is mostly a light aneros blog, whenever there is something i want to link i do it there
[2014-12-13 13:30:42] fuzzyface: Makes sense
[2014-12-13 13:31:43] Canacan: Thread is mainly documenting my journey... And a good way for people to interact with it... Though i regret they often don't discuss much some subjects i raise
[2014-12-13 13:34:00] Canacan: ‹@fuzzyface› lol i don't have much time for a complete session... And sometimes i like spending my session time on chat... If nobody objects... Can be educational (for me or others) and might leave a trace if some sessions (live blogging) very valuable afterwards
[2014-12-13 13:35:03] Canacan: funny i realise i tense while writing... Must work on breathing and relaxing as i type
[2014-12-13 13:36:07] Canacan: i think what got me on such a fast and deep start was discussion with thestig
[2014-12-13 13:36:49] fuzzyface: Interesting. for myself i think i woudl find talking to almost be distracting for me
[2014-12-13 13:37:08] Canacan: i had to concentrate and picture things to be able to give him my best pointers
[2014-12-13 13:37:36] fuzzyface: AH ok, i can see what you mean there
[2014-12-13 13:37:41] Canacan: i probably did some great breathing just try and describe it
[2014-12-13 13:37:49] Canacan: and now is the result
[2014-12-13 13:38:08] Canacan: "core breathing" makes the body sing deep songs
[2014-12-13 13:38:33] Canacan: ‹@fuzzyface› depends what you talk about
[2014-12-13 13:38:58] Canacan: ‹@fuzzyface› but i agree at some point you just lose it lol
[2014-12-13 13:41:14] Canacan: Oh bother! I have to go in 20min... Feels like this would have been sublime
[2014-12-13 13:41:45] Canacan: i must remember the feeling... This "core breathing" is huge
[2014-12-13 13:43:50] fuzzyface: Heh, i am taking note of the manner you have talked about for breathing for myself
[2014-12-13 13:42:28] Canacan: Just trying to document some of it:
[2014-12-13 13:44:06] Canacan: seems that relaxing the pelvic floor releases a surge of mild energy (but kind of strong... Lets call it slow surging). This energy expresses through some kind of passive whole body breathing
[2014-12-13 13:44:51] Canacan: I unlock the ass... Then the whole body starts breathing on me
[2014-12-13 13:45:05] Canacan: like every cell is breathing
[2014-12-13 13:45:59] fuzzyface: hmmm
[2014-12-13 13:46:36] Canacan: Though improper the word rape is coming to me... I am not controlling my breath... The breath is breathing my body
[2014-12-13 13:47:03] Canacan: "I am being breathed"
[2014-12-13 13:47:16] Canacan: If that makes any sense
[2014-12-13 13:48:05] Canacan: I even feel it in my arms (biceps mostly)
[2014-12-13 13:48:27] twlltin: "a passenger in your own body"?
[2014-12-13 13:48:54] Canacan: I have to keep relaxing... Pelvic floor, sphincters and all keep locking it inside
[2014-12-13 13:50:29] Canacan: Not easy feeling, analysing, typing and relaxing at the same time lol lol lol
[2014-12-13 13:51:28] fuzzyface: Heh yeah i don't doubt it, and you know that you have to end in a certain time too
[2014-12-13 13:51:42] Canacan: Sorry it makes more sense from an energetic point of view 😉
[2014-12-13 13:52:26] Canacan: Shit really must stop now... Was building a navel chakra orgasm
[2014-12-13 13:53:25] Canacan: Damn sweet energy all around
[2014-12-13 13:54:09] Canacan: maybe the shorttime frame helped afterall
[2014-12-13 13:55:02] fuzzyface: I'm sure the thougth will linger till you can revisit it
[2014-12-13 13:55:56] Canacan: not sure
[2014-12-13 13:56:18] Canacan: its nothing wholy new
[2014-12-13 13:56:51] Canacan: log out

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I finally bought a copy of Zaneblue's book... a.k.a. Marrena Lindeberg's Orgasmic Diet.

Fun thing is I don't even plan on following the diet. But I had to read it. And though most of the info is online anyway I wanted it all available in a conveniant form.

I started reading it, and I go from epiphany to epiphany. So many things get confirmed or explained by what I read, everything is making more and more sense. I'll try and include the explanations next time I talk of any of this. Pretty much all the basics of anerosing are confirmed by biochemistry (even the unwanted side effects).

This is originally aimed at women, specially the anorgasmic ones, but If you haven't figured out women are humans just like men it's time you do. I think it is a definite must read for everybody.

...And wait... I didn't even try the libido increasing and multiple orgasms side effects of the diet, yet. LOL


Amazon Kindle:

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Partnered sex, partnered not-sex and social life :
(Part 1 of 2)

[2015-01-29 11:26:27] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› ultimately sex is about positive energy exchange , IMO .
[2015-01-29 11:27:12] Pspotsquirter: The ebb and flow of energy.
[2015-01-29 11:27:39] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› partnered sex yes... But sex in general is just life force IMO
[2015-01-29 11:28:48] Pspotsquirter: I was referring to partnered sex. I've been able to orgasm from my GF's orgasm.
[2015-01-29 11:31:48] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› i think i shared a deep orgasm too... But it was so deep and light I didnt fully realize it... Mainly noticed the after effect and deep satisfaction in my body
[2015-01-29 11:32:24] Pspotsquirter: I have found the shaking and thrusting of the Super O serves a purpose during partnered sex. (lol)
[2015-01-29 11:33:17] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› everything serves a purpose... Be relaxed and nature does its thing (wink)
[2015-01-29 11:33:43] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› excellent on the shared O
[2015-01-29 11:33:48] Canacan: I find the mind is the biggest obstacle
[2015-01-29 11:34:22] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› quite true. But the kind can be silenced .
[2015-01-29 11:35:04] Canacan: To me there is nothing surprising to the energy and orgasms being shared... The contrary in fact would be extremely surprising
[2015-01-29 11:35:56] Canacan: How stupid people can be to believe by putting two energy sources together there would be no interaction? (lol)
[2015-01-29 11:36:19] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› (lol)
[2015-01-29 11:37:40] Obidobi: i sooo want to experience partnered sex, been neglecting efforts to meet people =[.
[2015-01-29 11:37:51] Obidobi: almost 23 years old
[2015-01-29 11:38:08] Pspotsquirter: The Aneros has shown me a deeper loevel of balance and peace
[2015-01-29 11:39:21] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Obidobi› don't become desocialized as a result of your Anerosing .
[2015-01-29 11:39:21] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› and balance and peace help your orgasmic life too... Its all cycles... Nature...
[2015-01-29 11:39:42] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› really?... Time to kick yourself
[2015-01-29 11:40:19] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› there is way less orgasmic energy without the energy of others
[2015-01-29 11:40:34] Pspotsquirter: The orgasm is like life, it must be experienced and savoured.
[2015-01-29 11:40:37] Canacan: Why do you think some people have orgies?
[2015-01-29 11:40:57] Pspotsquirter: A wise Sifu said something to that extent.
[2015-01-29 11:42:16] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Obidobi› an actual person could enhance your journey .
[2015-01-29 11:42:18] Obidobi: living situation, no work, lots of anxiety. i keep making excuses. like i don't deserve it
[2015-01-29 11:42:23] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› or was it the other way around? ... Orgasm is life force ... Life is orgasmic ... Its all the same ... Savour it, you will get back a lot
[2015-01-29 11:42:50] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› we are no shrink... Just pointing the obvious
[2015-01-29 11:43:32] Obidobi: yeah just venting i guess
[2015-01-29 11:44:13] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› why "could"? Will definitely enlighten your path and journey
[2015-01-29 11:44:19] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Obidobi› no worries ! Maybe you should use this time to try and silence your mind.
[2015-01-29 11:44:52] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› it would depend on the person .
[2015-01-29 11:46:17] Obidobi: ‹@Pspotsquirter› haha i know what you mean but that's a good line for politely telling someone to shut up. 😛
[2015-01-29 11:46:22] Pspotsquirter: Some claim they have no problem with a man stimulating his bum. But it tends to be a different story in the boudoir .
[2015-01-29 11:46:29] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› you dont need a lover... You need to be relaxed among people... And enjoy the boiling exchange of social life... No need to make it intense... Just dont REFRAIN natural interaction from occuring... You dont live alone in a mountain do you?
[2015-01-29 11:46:48] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Obidobi› I was not telling you to shut up.
[2015-01-29 11:47:02] Obidobi: ‹@Pspotsquirter› i know i just like the word play
[2015-01-29 11:47:11] Pspotsquirter: Everyone needs to vent.
[2015-01-29 11:48:00] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› well i keep saying "will enlighten"... But the thing is, people sometimes close their eyes on the knowledge that as been uncovered right in front of their nose
[2015-01-29 11:48:39] Obidobi: nah i live in the suburbs, going to school this semester too. hoping i'll meet someone there.
[2015-01-29 11:48:55] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› how can they close their eyes once they see the beauty of the knowledge
[2015-01-29 11:50:07] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Obidobi› I hear the women in the PNW are hirsute .
[2015-01-29 11:50:38] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› there is no hoping... Dont refrain from interaction and you'll meat plenty of people... Its just a blocade thing... Mamals want friends... And friends want to mate
[2015-01-29 11:51:18] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› more wise words !
[2015-01-29 11:51:58] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Obidobi› when I was your age I was mating quite bit.
[2015-01-29 11:52:06] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› hey the knowledge sometimes goes against their preconceptions and hurts their insecurities... People dont see it beautiful in that case
[2015-01-29 11:52:48] taran: User entered the chat room.
[2015-01-29 11:53:03] Pspotsquirter: ‹@taran› hello
[2015-01-29 11:53:14] taran: ‹@Pspotsquirter› hi
[2015-01-29 11:53:31] Pspotsquirter: ‹@taran› how goes your GF'S hunt?
[2015-01-29 11:53:53] Pspotsquirter: GF' hunt
[2015-01-29 11:54:10] Canacan: ‹@taran› hello pinky
[2015-01-29 11:54:49] Obidobi: ‹@Canacan› think i need to stop over thinking it and let myself relax around people. anxious thoughts suuuuuck.
[2015-01-29 11:54:53] taran: ‹@Pspotsquirter› I've been preoccupied with work
[2015-01-29 11:55:17] taran: ‹@Pspotsquirter› been working the last 18 days straight
[2015-01-29 11:55:20] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› most are too afraid to step out of their box. They fear the freedom and extremely space outside of the box.
[2015-01-29 11:55:36] taran: ‹@Obidobi› hey
[2015-01-29 11:55:40] Obidobi: hey
[2015-01-29 11:55:50] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› it's in your DNA, it's in your hormones and biological clock... Just as well as others your age... Just stop thinking, be clean and healthy, and it will all happen by itself...
[2015-01-29 11:56:20] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Obidobi› he's telling the truth.
[2015-01-29 11:57:32] Pspotsquirter: 18 days with no off days ?
[2015-01-29 11:57:35] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› dont blame them... You had the box reapped in pieces for you before... They dont... Seems easy when you already enlarged your vision once
[2015-01-29 11:58:32] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› its much harder to let go when you still have a nice box you can hold on to
[2015-01-29 11:58:35] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› true. I was not blaming them . I just remember that time in my life .
[2015-01-29 11:59:23] taran: ‹@Pspotsquirter› my last day off was January 16
[2015-01-29 11:59:56] Pspotsquirter: ‹@taran› when do you get an off day?
[2015-01-29 12:00:19] taran: *january 11
[2015-01-29 12:00:32] taran: february 5
[2015-01-29 12:00:58] taran: I work 2 different jobs
[2015-01-29 12:01:22] Canacan: Ok I try to link a few great articles from Gary Joseph...
[2015-01-29 12:01:30] Pspotsquirter: ‹@taran› ah.I see.
[2015-01-29 12:02:13] Canacan: 5 - "Sacred Union : The Big 'O' -- you have NOOOO idea !!!"
[2015-01-29 12:02:42] Pspotsquirter: ‹@Canacan› have you spoken wit Qaws recently ?
[2015-01-29 12:04:05] Canacan:
[2015-01-29 12:04:24] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› no i dont... Why?
[2015-01-29 12:05:22] Canacan: 6 - "Sexual Enlightenment : 24/7 Cosmic Orgasm: you know you've arrived"
[2015-01-29 12:05:34] Pspotsquirter: I was wondering . I haven't seen him on in a while.
[2015-01-29 12:06:02] Canacan:
[2015-01-29 12:06:33] Obidobi: been weeks for me too, can vaguely remember our last convo
[2015-01-29 12:07:05] Obidobi: something about nipple stim (lol)
[2015-01-29 12:07:16] Canacan: Really... Rumel was great at harvesting links and pointing to whatever was needed for me
[2015-01-29 12:08:00] Canacan: ‹@Pspotsquirter› ‹@Obidobi› i have been away... Cant say
[2015-01-29 12:08:46] Obidobi: yeesh think it was in november
[2015-01-29 12:09:56] Pspotsquirter: The energy exercises
[2015-01-29 12:10:13] Canacan: ‹@taran› jobs are great... The energy exchange is there just as in anything not solo... Even we right now are exchanging informational energy
[2015-01-29 12:11:41] Canacan: ‹@taran› in comparison, a bunch of people in an openspace office is nearly a gang bang LOL
[2015-01-29 12:12:20] taran: (lol)
[2015-01-29 12:12:34] Pspotsquirter: Time to catch some zzzzzzz . You all take care!
[2015-01-29 12:12:50] Pspotsquirter: User
left the chat room.
[2015-01-29 12:14:29] Canacan: Barriers between sexual and non sexual intercourse are almost non existant... Except that we need to maintain the illusion they exist for the sake of social life... But you dont need to confuse common descency with moral blocade... Dont internalise the social rules, just apply them... Knowing they are no more than that
[2015-01-29 12:15:23] Canacan: I know... Easier said than done... (Lol)
[2015-01-29 12:17:19] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› ‹@taran› what do you guys think?
[2015-01-29 12:18:01] Obidobi: i think the illusion creates a barrier for me
[2015-01-29 12:18:21] Obidobi: mind goes blank whenever i talk to someone new
[2015-01-29 12:18:24] Obidobi: always like
[2015-01-29 12:18:34] Obidobi: "omg what do i say to not *** this up!" (lol)
[2015-01-29 12:18:41] taran: I'm kind of similar
[2015-01-29 12:18:46] Canacan: As long as you relax, living among people is sexually enjoyable... Even without "having sex" with them
[2015-01-29 12:18:50] taran: (lol)
[2015-01-29 12:19:08] taran: ‹@Canacan› interesting
[2015-01-29 12:19:33] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› well why not fucck it up indeed... And joyfully
[2015-01-29 12:20:23] Canacan: ‹@taran› well i have been saying that for half an hour at least... Maybe not very clear, sorry (wink)
[2015-01-29 12:20:53] Obidobi: living inside a comfy box is pretty accurate for me
[2015-01-29 12:21:04] Obidobi: big family
[2015-01-29 12:21:39] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› if you make a box beautiful and welcoming enough... Someone may like to join in
[2015-01-29 12:24:41] Canacan: I am trying to break the box for you (lol) ... What it if what I said is true and there is no "sexual or non-sexual" but only a continuum of shades of grey?... You only choose as some level of intimacy to suddenly start considering it as sexual... And that creates a huge jump
[2015-01-29 12:24:57] Canacan: Who is into maths?

(End part 1 of 2)

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(Part 2 of 2)

[2015-01-29 12:24:57] Canacan: Who is into maths?
[2015-01-29 12:25:31] Obidobi: i'm pretty rusty on anything past basic
[2015-01-29 12:25:42] taran: ‹@Canacan› I am somewhat
[2015-01-29 12:25:59] Canacan: Okay will be enough i guess
[2015-01-29 12:26:49] Canacan: Consider there is line of factual intimacy and sexual energy (more or less the same)
[2015-01-29 12:27:22] Canacan: It goes from 0% to 100%
[2015-01-29 12:27:41] Canacan: 0% being you are dead
[2015-01-29 12:28:28] Canacan: 100% being you explode in orgasmic bliss and spread in the universe in a new big bang
[2015-01-29 12:29:31] Canacan: This is the real "sexual" line... The line of what is actually hapenning in the universe and in your body
[2015-01-29 12:29:47] Canacan: Now there is a second line
[2015-01-29 12:30:18] Canacan: It goes from 0% to 100% too
[2015-01-29 12:31:27] Canacan: It is your line of what "you consider as sexual" and "sexual energy you aknowledge" (which again is more or less the same)
[2015-01-29 12:32:40] Canacan: 0% being "it's not sexual"
[2015-01-29 12:33:36] Canacan: 100% being "i am having sex, oh god!"
[2015-01-29 12:34:14] taran: I'm at around 45% right now
[2015-01-29 12:34:29] whatawildride: User entered the chat room.
[2015-01-29 12:34:55] Obidobi: so one line is objective and the other is subjective?
[2015-01-29 12:35:04] Canacan: This is the percieved "sexual" line... Your personnal aknowlegement of what is in the first line in fact
[2015-01-29 12:35:12] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› Exactly
[2015-01-29 12:35:59] Canacan: Now lets see what happens when it all starts moving... Just like it always does in life
[2015-01-29 12:37:21] Canacan: you of course dont start at zero on the "real" line... Because you are neither dead nor unborn
[2015-01-29 12:37:52] Canacan: So lets say you are home, alone, at lets say 20%
[2015-01-29 12:38:26] Canacan: The "aknowledge" line then marks 0%
[2015-01-29 12:39:35] Canacan: And this creates tension in you already... Because your body feels energy but you repress it because you want to think of it as zero
[2015-01-29 12:39:54] Canacan: Then a friend calls you
[2015-01-29 12:42:09] Canacan: "Real" suddenly jumps to 30%... And you kind of hesitate on the "aknowledge"... Before you pick up you wonder: is it a love interesest (100% sexual) or my banker (0%)?
[2015-01-29 12:44:44] Canacan: But it is neither, it's a friend (you make the math in your head, i wont be having sex with my friend but my friend may introduce me to a sex partner... So it is neither 0% nor 100% nor even 50% because i wont have 50% sex with my friend... And you got a headache already)
[2015-01-29 12:45:36] Canacan: Now, lucky you, the friend invites you to join at a small party
[2015-01-29 12:47:13] Canacan: To go there you first get out in the street... It is a pleasant summer breeze friday night, people are easygoing... Your "real" line is at 35% already
[2015-01-29 12:48:21] Canacan: But you keep thinking of it as 0% with an option on turning 100% some time soon if you are lucky
[2015-01-29 12:49:15] taran: User left the chat room.
[2015-01-29 12:49:18] Canacan: You see, the number keeps moving on the first line... And the second keeps not moving but dreaming of jumps
[2015-01-29 12:49:50] Obidobi: that makes a lot of sense now that i think about it
[2015-01-29 12:50:08] Obidobi: stems back to grade school supressing boners (lol)
[2015-01-29 12:50:16] Canacan: What will happen when you start talking to a girl you think atractive?... You will be in panic
[2015-01-29 12:52:25] Canacan: Now the exact moment when you will have to decide "ok, this now as turned sexual" will be both very crucial to you and brutal to you... All while, in reality you would have only gone from 61% to 62%
[2015-01-29 12:54:17] Canacan: The thing is, at 61% you are already very excited and could very well be experimenting lower kind of mini Orgasms already... But trying real hard to convince yourself "this is not sexual... I must not think of it as sexual... Not break the social barrier"
[2015-01-29 12:54:45] Canacan: Well, the barrier was not social here... It was within you
[2015-01-29 12:55:22] Canacan: A bit of bad luck and you might go wet before you say hello
[2015-01-29 12:55:33] Canacan: Why so?
[2015-01-29 12:56:18] Canacan: Because this mismatch between line one and two produces tension
[2015-01-29 12:56:56] Canacan: You try hard to make line two stick to the rules you gave yourself
[2015-01-29 12:57:46] Canacan: Rule 1: it is either sexual (sexy GF) or non sexual (banker), there should be nothing in between
[2015-01-29 12:59:24] Canacan: Rule 2: if somebody is not engaging me on sexual field I should not force it on that person... And even thinking of it is some kind of improper behaviour
[2015-01-29 12:59:51] Canacan: And so on... (The list goes differently for everyone)
[2015-01-29 13:01:04] Obidobi: it's scary how accurate that is for me
[2015-01-29 13:01:33] Canacan: So you refuse to aknoledge your level of intensity, we call arousal. And the more the arousal rises, the more refusing it is asking energy from you
[2015-01-29 13:02:02] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› it is accurate for everybody... We just vary on our levels of reaction
[2015-01-29 13:02:33] Canacan: ... Vary on our sensitivity... Weaknesses... Personnal rules
[2015-01-29 13:03:51] Canacan: So when the arousal rises you TENSE to keep your aknowlegement at what you think is "reasonable" level
[2015-01-29 13:04:31] Canacan: 100% sure could not be reasonable for someone you just shake hand with...
[2015-01-29 13:05:01] Canacan: But in fact neither is 0%
[2015-01-29 13:06:10] Obidobi: that binary interpretation of either being on or off is hard to pull out of
[2015-01-29 13:07:05] Canacan: It is easy to handle and stay cool when you are below a certain level... But as real energys build around you and within you... It becomes hard and the tension you build becomes OVERtension... I call it Horny
[2015-01-29 13:08:09] Canacan: And tension, as you should learn with aneros, is a deep orgasm killer and an ejaculatory orgasm builder
[2015-01-29 13:09:58] Canacan: To be more precise it is not an ejaculatory orgasm builder... It is an ejaculatory reflex builder... You can as well entirely miss on the orgasm part
[2015-01-29 13:10:46] Canacan: Be relaxed and everything is easy and orgasmic... Be tensed and everything becomes complicated and easily unpleasant
[2015-01-29 13:11:23] Canacan: The problem with these two lines, is they are supposed to describe the same thing
[2015-01-29 13:12:56] Canacan: One is from the point of view of the body, the other from the point of view of the mind
[2015-01-29 13:14:04] Canacan: Slowly adapting to a rise in energy and tension is not that difficult... But adapting to a sudden jump from 0 to 100 or whatever is impossible mission
[2015-01-29 13:15:19] Canacan: And at the same time you expect your social behavior and energy exchange skills to adapt the 180 degree flip flap?
[2015-01-29 13:15:38] Canacan: How can you end anything but not in panic?
[2015-01-29 13:16:07] Canacan: Do you start getting the point?
[2015-01-29 13:16:47] Obidobi: yeah it's clicking for me
[2015-01-29 13:18:11] Obidobi: that panic mode is too real for me. trying to act cool in front of people, too worried to relax
[2015-01-29 13:18:32] Obidobi: anticipation before a conversation then BAM brick wall
[2015-01-29 13:18:40] Canacan: Time to face it: you are having energy exchanges with everybody all the time... It is just your jugement call when and what to call sex or not... In reality it makes very little difference... So why not enjoy it all the time?
[2015-01-29 13:19:46] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› did you have a dryO already with aneros
[2015-01-29 13:20:47] Obidobi: ummm
[2015-01-29 13:21:33] Obidobi: the kind where it feels like
[2015-01-29 13:22:04] Obidobi: every breath i take feels soooooo good
[2015-01-29 13:22:24] Obidobi: at the height of each breath the urge to moan it out is so strong
[2015-01-29 13:22:51] Obidobi: is a dry O something like cumming without actually ejaculating?
[2015-01-29 13:22:56] Obidobi: not sure about the terminology
[2015-01-29 13:23:28] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› well this might be fore another debate
[2015-01-29 13:24:16] Canacan: I was refering to the relaxed one... Which you seem to be describing... So i'd say its okay, you had it
[2015-01-29 13:25:39] Obidobi: those are few and far between lately, lot's of tension in my sessions recently
[2015-01-29 13:26:03] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› this orgasm you described is arousal + energy spreading + release of satisafaction hormones
[2015-01-29 13:26:36] Canacan: See, arousal and orgasm are not different... They are almost one and the same thing
[2015-01-29 13:29:51] Canacan: In my story before... The first line could as well refer to orgasm... When you shoke hand with that gorgous girl, if you did not tense you should indeed have experimented an orgasm just as with many other things in life... But it is not a 100% orgasm that would reap the galaxy appart... Just a very mild orgasm
[2015-01-29 13:30:19] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› see, ejaculating is not an orgasm
[2015-01-29 13:30:39] Canacan: Orgasm is the other you described
[2015-01-29 13:31:58] Canacan: What happens in reality when you have an ejaculatory orgasm, is there is an orgasm hidden behind the ejaculatory reflex, you usually fail to see it because of the fireworks show
[2015-01-29 13:33:37] Obidobi: makes sense. had these strange turn of events while masturbating. starts off normal with attention towards the penis then slowly builds up into my prostate.
[2015-01-29 13:34:00] Canacan: The things is the ejaculatory reflex also triggers the prolactin hormone which is the arousal killer... And boom you are back to square one (unless the hormonal balance is more mixed... Happens sometimes)
[2015-01-29 13:34:30] Obidobi: gets to the point where i'm not trying to ejaculate but to feel it pumping away inside.
[2015-01-29 13:35:12] Obidobi: yeah the mixed ones are the best
[2015-01-29 13:35:15] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› orgasms are not in the prostate... They are related to the parasympathic nervous system... Which (just like the hormonla system) as no definite target: its everywhere
[2015-01-29 13:36:15] Obidobi: like those people who get paralyzed below the waste and move their sensitive spot to like their thumb and nose?
[2015-01-29 13:36:15] Canacan: You can orgasm with your finger, your lips, your stomac... Almost any body part
[2015-01-29 13:37:01] Canacan: Orgasms are whole body triggered and can whole body spread
[2015-01-29 13:38:05] Canacan: Just remember my thing with the two lines... It is a jugement call what is sexual and what is not, what is orgasm and what is not... There is no jump... Only you decide to make that jump
[2015-01-29 13:39:37] Obidobi: that's some good food for thought man
[2015-01-29 13:39:41] Canacan: And the jugement call has a messenger: the reward hormone, which is also an arousal hormone, its name is Dopamine
[2015-01-29 13:40:48] Canacan: See it is like in placebo effect: the reward is also the booster
[2015-01-29 13:42:19] Canacan: Think you had an orgasm and be content with it... Boom you get an arousal boost... Aka an orgasmic boost... And up you go... But wait, was it really an orgasm firsthand?... Doesnt matter at all
[2015-01-29 13:43:09] Canacan: The reward and the booster are one and the same
[2015-01-29 13:43:47] Canacan: Wait for the boost and be unsatisfied... It never comes... Dont wait and be satisfied... Relax... And you are there
[2015-01-29 13:44:08] Obidobi: was it really an orgasm? lemme get some affirmation from others so i can feel like i did it "right"
[2015-01-29 13:44:45] Canacan: This is how arousal life force works... in what you call sex and in what you dont call sex
[2015-01-29 13:46:13] Canacan: And it wants to work all the time... Only you try to inhibit it and refuse to be satisfied... Because for exemple you expected more... Or expected different
[2015-01-29 13:46:53] Canacan: Pleasure and exchange is there all the time... Just savour it... Life is good
[2015-01-29 13:47:57] Obidobi: relates to that human quality of focusing on the negatives while forgetting about the positive stuff.
[2015-01-29 13:48:19] Obidobi: people always say the world is getting worse when objectively the quality of living goes up
[2015-01-29 13:48:51] Obidobi: it's like, i'm having this awesome experience but i want MORE
[2015-01-29 13:49:06] Canacan: I have just been your mental sex friend... Nothing corny or nasty or "sexual"... I hope you enjoyed (lol)
[2015-01-29 13:49:41] Obidobi: it's been a pleasure man
[2015-01-29 13:50:33] Obidobi: thanks for taking the time to educate me (lol)
[2015-01-29 13:50:44] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› joking ... But you get the point... Stop seeing it black and white and it will be much easier on you
[2015-01-29 13:51:09] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› i have pleasure thinking and explaing and exchanging
[2015-01-29 13:52:44] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› well on all these subjects like "quality of living" reality is much more complex than getting better or worse... Jugement calls like always... But you sure are right: enjoying is better
[2015-01-29 13:54:05] Obidobi: ‹@Canacan› that's true. can't speak for everyone.
[2015-01-29 13:54:21] Canacan: ‹@Obidobi› talking and exchanging helps me organize my thoughts and make sense of my intuitions... So thank you too

(End part 2 of 2)

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I keep writing like I know it all... But of course it is not the case. It is just in order to try and make it all logical. I'm mainly giving myself a free pass, so as to help me think outside the box... The reality is all I say is mostly theories in progress.

Feel free to comment, criticize or ask.

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This link was posted somewhere in the advanced subject "automatic tantra". But this convo is so full of information it doesn't stand a single chance shining there. So here it is for the less advanced users. Give it a read :

Male control of ejaculation

Interesting article @canacan. I don't know the Lamazz technique but I've been intuitively massaging my abdomen for some time and smiling at it inwardly. I do this while belly breathing and feeling my breath filling my belly. I get the most interesting good sensations doing this. The pleasure seems to follow my attention to my abdomen. Maybe I'll look into Lamazz for male birthing 🙂

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I am glad you found interest in the article. I found it pretty well thought and made.
I don't think the method matters, nor that the article was about it. I even had totally forgoten its mention.

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I read most of this book and found it interesting. It talks many of the known methods to multiple orgasms and also criticizes them based on the writers experience.

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During chat @anlcomplsv suggested I read the following page.

No idea what it is worth. More on that when I find time to read it.

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I was MMO about 25 years prior to my Aneros use. In my experience , breathing has nothing to do with it. When I started the process , I would masturbate almost to the point of ejaculation and stop . I would do this anywhere from 2-4 hours. Then I would ejaculate . After about a week, I was able to masturbate past the point of ejaculation. Meaning I was able to masturbate to orgasm without ejaculating. I still have that ability.
I have had up to 15 orgasms while doing this . I can do this during sex with my GF.

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Too bad I have to respond to this message after @Pspotsquirter was... banned.

Not going into the reasons for this (I know them not). But he will be missed. He had some of the most advanced experience with this all, a very spot on instinct, an all too rare thrive for balance and he was at times very fun. Well, thanks god, he still is and has all that... only we don't get to enjoy it anymore.

Now, regarding his last comment here, it is hard to answer by either agreeing or disagreeing. To some, this comment will be helpful, to others misleading or meh...

All in all, as we need to breath to be alive and need to be alive to orgasm it would be extremely easy to argue against his assertion. An other one argument is that, breathing is one of the actions that involves the most of the whole body, making it a great tool to put the body in tune, in harmony. This is exactly why, yoga, martial arts, musical training, calligraphy and such put such an emphasis on it.

Where I agree though, is controlled breathing (sometimes referred to as "concious breathing", though it might as well mean the opposite) is indeed counterproductive to me. Focusing too much on the breathing can prevent me from letting my body breath freely... What I call "being breathed".

And in the end, the orgasm is in the neural and hormonal system, not the lungs.

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I liked @Pspotsquirter, even if at times we disagreed at times, he seemed knowledgeable about all this.

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@inhope Honnest and independant people will have to disagree sometimes. Agreeing all the time is not a good sign to me... Even between friends or people estimating each-other.

On some subjects Psopt was so far ahead, most of us could not be sure wether he was right or wrong. I'll always take every expert (be it a self labeled one) points in the balance... Especially if they differ from mine.

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@inhope Honnest and independant people will have to disagree sometimes. Agreeing all the time is not a good sign to me... Even between friends or people estimating each-other.

On some subjects Psopt was so far ahead, most of us could not be sure wether he was right or wrong. I'll always take every expert (be it a self labeled one) points in the balance... Especially if they differ from mine.

the only thing i disagreed on with him was that he thoughts the wiki was not useful, for me it unlocked this whole experience, without i would be lost, more lost than i could even fathom. His thoughts/philosophies though were really insightful and interesting. I hope he returns in some form.

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Re-quoting myself, putting the dots together as things become clearer months later.

The basics : fear, pain, sadness ... Shy away from it implies shy from pleasure, shy from life.
dauntless mind, dauntless heart and dauntless body climb the ladder of pleasure in full acceptance of the state of fear

Mind fears mortality. Heart fears loss. Body fears destruction.

Easier to refuse pleasure than to aknowledge and accept our dying state.

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