My Evi is---Too Big...
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My Evi is---Too Big?

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My boyfriend bought me an Evi since he loves (and is so successful with) his prostate massager. However, I'm having trouble with this little mama...! I've used plenty of lube, but no matter how hard I try, push, manuever---the handle isnt close enough to touch my clitoral area, much less nestle against it! It's fingers widths away--like the "neck" of the handle is too long. Or is my vaginal canal too short? I've had a hysterectomy, but that shouldn't shorten my canal.....Does the Evi come in sizes?
Is there anything I can do to fix this, other than smushing it down in place--which negates the whole "hands-free" concept? I tried to bend the neck slightly to ensure some contact, but it just goes back into it's preformed shape. So, what to do? Am I deformed? Have other women written with this problem? It's hard to imagine a one-size-fits-all for this product!
I would appreciate any comments or suggestions you can offer.....

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Your canal should move it back and forth as your vagina contracts as it is getting pleasured, maybe as you feel the sensations it will pull the Evi in further and get your clit some contact? Are you excited, like fully excited ready to go, before you put it in? More excitement=lengthening of the canal

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Have no idea but will see what the Aneros lady rep has to say, she maybe able to get some answers from someone there. Attention @Anerosx2 Are you able to help with this question above?

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My wife said the same thing....its too big for her. She had a hysterectomy also and her only birth was done by c-section. She still has a tight fit and not streched out by child birth. My lady also has very strong kagels muscles so maybe there isn't enough room in there for the Evi. She hasn't used it at all since the first couple of tries. Perhaps they need a smaller model for the more petite vaginas. ,

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My wife also said the same thing, it's too big.

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Help them out.

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Sorry but the main part of my comment did not post. Come on our friends at Aneros help the ladies out. Instinctively it makes sense to me that one size wouldn't fit all ladies. Our prostate massages come in different sizes and shapes because we different and have different preferences.

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Different sizes for the ladies...I'll drink to that. (Of course I will drink to most anything)

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Hello. I too have felt the arm of Evi was a bit too small. Like in males with Aneros I'm sure one size doesn't fit all. Being aroused helps. You may change your position too. I found that was a help. In regard to vaginal size that has not been an issue for me. When I visit my physician he still uses a pediatric speculum-this after four children. Perhaps using more lube or a different type may help?

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I do think that the main problem with Evi would be a similar problem that probably existed with males when there was only one model to be had. I mean why come out with different shapes and sizes if it was one size fits all. Thus I feel over time Aneros should (and probably will) make more Evi like devices in various sizes and probably shapes. I find Evi a little frustrating but not too big...she nestles right in...i just with the part that is supposed to contact the clit reached my clit. No space between me and the arm...the arm is just about a half inch too short. I can even see how if it were a tad longer it would stimulate my clit, because when i kegel it rocks back and forth with me as it is intended to do...

So I said all that to say, for some women yes maybe it is to big, but for some it isnt, and for some there needs to be a few adjustments.

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Two EVI threads at once - what are the chances?

I was wondering when and if the "redesign" of the EVI ever actually came out? I remember reading some press releases about it last fall, but have seen nothing further (not even on this site!).

And if it did actually come out, has anyone seen them side by side? Would love to hear some comparisons or see some photos of what changed.


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Yes~ @Anerosx2 please make a smaller EVI!!!My lady friend is petite and has a tiny vagina. The EVI hardly fits inside and once snug, the arm couldn't touch the clitoris, contracted or not. Please make a smaller size bulb and a more angled arm for smaller women and those with more developed wall muscles. Thank you!

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@support @CT - Just wanted to make sure you folks are aware of this thread. A re-designed EVI would make sense based on the mostly negative feedback I've read here in the forum in different threads. As would multiple different models. Make sure you have a fairly large group of beta testers to get feedback from.

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I just wanted to throw this in, if ever female beta testers are needed...count me in!!!!

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I was the original Evi girl. Changes have been recommended, but as all women are as different as all men-I think that has been overlooked. Also, many women want instant satisfaction as in battery operated. Evi isn't immediate. But, along with High Island Health and Aneros, it's also made in the same medical grade material.
I suppose we shall see her future. I do understand that over time there are other testers. She has taken a definite sideline.

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My wife tried leaving it in for an hour or so, but had to remove it because it made her cry (from pain).

It's very disappointing to tell her how I like mine, but hers is unbearable, and there's only one size.

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I'm not big. In fact, very much on the smaller side. However, I would not say I have ever had physical pain from Evi. If I didn't have enough lubrication- yes it would be an uncomfortable insertion. I would also say that doing kegel type exercises over a long period of time to get to an orgasm with Evi would be something most women would need to work up to with time.
@Badger maybe if she posted herself what type of problems she experienced then others could offer advice or help. I find for some odd reason, that men post for their wives or significant others. Or even if she'd feel more comfortable with a PM or email.

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@nurselady I'm sorry, but she won't even discuss it with me. She didn't like before she even got it; even before she tried it in her mind was made up. I talked her into trying it for a few hours around the house, and it ended badly. So bad, that she hasn't even used any of her other devices since. In fact, I don't think she's masturbated since; I can't get her to even take some "alone time" to "relax".

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All hail the reviving of the Evi discussion!

I once again hope we can gather enough information from your experiences so as to produce some kind of Aneros FAQ for female (just as we have for males), thus encourage more women to be adventurous and try it to its full potential and hopefully push Aneros to develop further.

@Badger It does't seem much like an Evi issue to me. And then her comments, as interesting as they may be otherwise, won't be very indicative of Evi's qualities. Still you might want to share and may get some insights from our female friends here. I hope things get better.

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@Badger I'm being particularly nosey here, but do you and your wife have a normal intimate relationship? I only ask because I'm not certain that Evi is the issue. As a nurse, there could be many reasons for sexual issues. Some may be past trauma, hormones, time management, etc., your comment about her being non-sexual made me wonder.
@Canucan I have given tips and info as to usage much like Brian Mayfield does with new products. However, once upon a time in a far off land it seemed to make it partially onto the site for Evi. I've been away for sometime and things have been moved around or deleted from areas. I'm totally out of the link for where that information went.

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Too bad you can't find it anymore!

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@nurselady at this time, she's taking college classes for her BA and working part-time. A few years ago, she had that ablation thing done in her uterus, due to a large polyp. And she's somewhere in either peri-menopause or full-blown menopause; once in a while, she feels hot, then cold, then hot, but she doesn't break out in a sweat. Oh, and she's 48, by the way.

Everything, it seems, that I've tried, that's supposed to work on women fail miserably with her; she's a Grand Master Skeptic. For example, I read nearly 30 years ago that if you breathe deeply, almost hyperventilate, at the Point of No Return, that it will greatly increase the intensity of your orgasm. She still insists that it's bunk, even though I found it to be true, and do it every time. I feel like I'm at or very near the bottom of her To-Do list; I'm being pushed back to less than once a week now, due to her scheduling (early morning classes 50 miles away, working mornings and evenings when not studying or in class).

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@Badger I'm a little late to this discussion but I have to admit there is a lot going on not only with your scheduling, but also with her mindset. Now scheduling can be worked out, but until her mindset is are fighting an uphill battle. Was she the same way when you met her? the fact that she wont even discuss the whole evi thing with you says volumes communication is everything. How is communication for the two of you outside of that discussion? I do admire your strength in all of this by the way.

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@Badger kuddos to you for hanging in there. Scheduling can be huge. I'm the same age as your wife. I too worked a full time job, graduated with a second degree this spring. Have a family. Became a Nana. The granddaughter has had numerous problems and lives with me. I work a part time job. Volunteer. And the list goes on...

She's worn out and maybe some actual scheduling time for sex is needed. Share with her your needs maybe that will help.

I'm wondering if she's much like me in regards to being a giving person. Maybe she's not a taker, but wants to please you?

How much longer until graduation? Btw, I love that she's going back to school. It's absolutely a different life after graduation. Free time will be your friend. Keep being supportive, communicate and don't forget to make time for both of you.

It does sound like she has some menopausal issues going on too. Encourage her to follow up with her physician. Maybe mention it at her checkup if not before then. (For some women, there's meds that can help,) there is no reason to go through horrible hot flashes. The "cold flashes" you mentioned are a mild form of hot flashes. Sounds weird, but true. A woman can shiver, break out in goosebumps, teeth chatter, etc. it's not fun!

I'm glad she has you on her side. Hope this helps-if even for some female insight. 🙂

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Hang in there @Badger. My wife is a full time student right now, 39, and going through peri-menopause. We manage to make time for intimacy. I just have to be patient with her and communicate. If you can get her to talk to you about it, I believe that you could eventually work things out.

On a related note, a ceiling fan with remote control in the bedroom is a great help with the hot flashes at night. 🙂

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@devajones when we were dating, she was horny as hell (up to, but no sex until after marriage), but after marriage, she would let it slide for up to six weeks at a time. I don't know where or when it started, but she is now a very cynical person; she believes that all you people here area bunch of lying perverts. We can talk about many things, but she doesn't want to talk about sex.

@nurselady she generally is a giving person to everyone but me, it seems. If everything is just so, she may allow me to have sex, but no foreplay, which at my age (53), means it's going to be a grueling, 2 1/2 hour, humping marathon, where all the fun was gone about 2 hours ago.

She hopes to graduate next spring; she's had a lot on her plate, with all three daughters home this summer, taking three or so summer classes, and her mother died unexpectedly last month. She's been there for everyone but me. A neighbor said that she needed some 'me time', but I was thinking that's all I've been getting, I want, nay, NEED is some "we time".

Regarding her physician, she won't say anything about her lack of drive at her annual checkups. But she really doesn't have the severe hot/cold flashes; she feels cold, she covers up, then a little while later, feels too warm, so she throws the covers off. That's as bad as it gets for her.

@married2mywife, she just doesn't want to communicate about anything sexual; she never wants to schedule sex, because it's not romantic. She almost always begs off at night because she's too tired, but is too tired first thing in the morning, and won't get up/wake up until it's too late to do anything. I am a very patient, and faithful person but, quite frankly, am getting too put-out and fed-up with all this, but I cannot see my life without her.

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@Badger I'm sorry. I'm not certain I have an answer for you. I've heard similar stories from others. It would be great if she were able to be supportive and communicate. I guarantee you I'm not a pervert. If your wife met me she'd probably like me. I'm not one to be open about my sexuality in public. People here show support. Which is what I'd hope for you in your marriage.
You do have sex. Other men are in a totally sexless marriage. I know some who have to beg for a hand job and report no intercourse for years.
We all make choices to our happiness. Life is too short. Your wife seems to have a lot on her plate. I would recommend a frank conversation with her. It's easy to sweep things under the table and begin a new pattern of "normal." Grief and loss are shown in weird ways that we cannot always predict.

If this is okay with you, leave it alone and accept your new "normal." Otherwise, stir the dust which may be unsettling and talk, or recommend counseling.

I find it odd how many stories have been shared with me in recent years about sex and communication becoming huge battlegrounds. I have met men that are wonderful, and are great family men and providers. I'm sure they love their spouse. But, the spouse has created such a barrier. They obviously are staying in their marriage, but look for options. Maybe Aneros is your glue to a "fix."

Thanks for sharing.

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@nurselady, I'm sure if she didn't know you were you, she'd probably get along fine; sometimes I think just because I bring something up, she dismisses it as suspect.

I would like a frank conversation, but she's gone most of the time, and when she's home, she's studying and not to be disturbed. When I start for the shower, she immediately goes to bed, because it takes me over 40 minutes to perform my SSS's. So by the time I get to bed, she's asleep. We also have our oldest daughter living at home, still trying to find work after graduating at the top of her meteorology program (they want people with 'green screen' time for TV, and paid internships are being filled by people with MS degrees, due to the gov't hiring freeze which just started to open up. She couldn't go for a master's degree, because she didn't know any professors in the universities with meteorology programs who would vouch for her so she could attend. So she's underfoot.

It does get depressing at times being at or near the bottom of her priorities list; I'm probably just above coochie grooming, but because I really love a smooth mound, I may be below that, too.

Due to my back surgery, and corresponding nerve damage, I get very little sensations with my Aneros' anymore, but they do seem to help keep muscle spasms at bay. So Aneros isn't much of a glue for any kind of fix.

But thanks for your advice and concern.

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I am sorry, i don't want to be unpleasant... But this conversation as just no link with Evi being to big.
Could you open a new conversation please? Because this one is becoming less and less informational about the subject.

This said, I am very sorry for what is happening to you.

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I've pretty much said all I can.

Apologies for another hijack, but ever since this new layout, I can't seem to put quotes into a post, nor start a new thread, or even edit my post. Where do I go for info on that? Like I said, I'd start a new thread on how to do it, but I can't seem to figure out how it's done these days.

I now return to your regularly-scheduled forum topic.

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