• 11/27/18

    Last night I had my first twinkle with the mgx. I started early at 7:30. I was at the computer sitting side saddle minding my own business when I felt the twinkle of an orgasm tingle start. It came out of no where starting deep…

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  • 11/25/18

    Woke up at 5:30 again, felt empty. I went and got the helix to start the day. I know I should give a day between sessions but woke up several times with a screaming hard boner. God I need to get laid but know it…

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  • Start of new chapter

    This is going to be the documentation of a new chapter in my sexuality. How I got here can be found in this thread on the forum. https://community.aneros.com/community/forum/general-discussion/156753-i-got-to-get-me-one-of-these I got time today to try out my new pleasure tools. I have purchased both the helix…

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