• Pleased that progress is resumed

    For the last few weeks sessions have been quite low key and I seemed to have reached a bit of a plateau, if you define progress as an upward journey. I was beginning to get a bit despondent, wondering whether I ought to get another…

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  • Steady progress

    An incredible session this afternoon! with enough will I managed two days ago to resist for a day and then looked forward to my reward just before bed. I felt a bit jaded and rather tired and it did cross my mind to leave the…

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  • )Quick( actually steady progress

    Humility should have warned me not to use the above title because the next session was not nearly so productive. Some one said in a blog that it is often two steps forward and one back! Tonight I tried out a new more comfortable douche…

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  • Quick progress

    Quick progress. I am a novice,or newbie as you call them, of just three weeks.I bought a Helix Syn and used that for half a dozen sessions. I must state here that if it had not been for the Aneros web site with its Wiki…

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