• Aless and more

    Ok, lots more changes experiences in the last week or so. I have reached some kind of new level with my Aneros at this point. The orgasms…the portion that involves involuntary muscle twitching/spasming, I can now get at any time and even simulate. I can…

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  • update on experiences

    Hi everyone. Just an update on my experiences this week, and my current…routine. I experiemented a bit this week as I have not been hitting the highs I did at first. It still feels quite good, but I only get short orgasms or quiverings, that…

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  • Working again

    Havn't used mine for about a week after getting a cold and finding out, it just doesn't work very well when your sick lol. I was a bit worried it was newitice actually )something new being more pleasurable etc until you get used to it(….because…

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  • First blog

    I experimented today with something different. I started with a normal session, that lasted for about an hour. I started off with muscle contractions only while watching a video which gets me aroused. After 10-15 minutes, I started mild thrusts, which then built up to…

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